Seminary Campaign Launched Here 0 .11 •11■1 111. 0 4 11=1N)11 ■ 11•11•1111.04111111• ■ 411111..01111 ■ 11.1•1111.01 ■ 0•11 ■ 0 ewry On tile Air 1 This Week's Radio and Television Programs Detroit's participation in the nationwide capital-endowment drive of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America was launched last week at a meeting at the home of the Samuel Hamburgers in Birm- ingham. The seminary's vice-chancellor, Dr. Max Arzt, (second from right) was guest speaker at -the reception. With him (from left) are Al Borman, Detroit chairman, Louis Berry, his co-chairman, and Samuel Hamburger. A $1,000,000 goal has been set for Detroit. LETTER BOX HEAR OUR VOICE Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday. Station: WCAR. Feature: "The Grand Music Hall of Israel," the recorded perform- ance of this touring company from Israel which is still playing for audiences around the U.S., will be heard and commented on by Can- tor Harold Orbach. * * HIGHLIGHTS Time: 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Station: Channel 2. Feature: "The Rabbi's View of Today's Crisis." Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple Israel and Rabbi Irwin Groner of Cong. Shaarey Zedek will talk with Allen Dryfuss of the New Detroit Committee about the purpose, perspective and ac- complishments of the committee. * * * COMMUNITY CURRENTS Time: 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Station: WJBK. Feature: An interview with Mrs. Ann G. Wolfe, program consultant in the National Affairs Department of the American Jewish Commit- tee. Mrs. Wolfe, who has been in the field of social work for more than 20 years, will discuss a study in which she has participated, "The Shortchanged Child of Sub- urbia." Editor, The Jewish News: are all racists" is a welcome ad- My article, you say, "indicts the dition to a regrettable generaliza- entire Jewish people of racism." tion. The editor of an important Nowhere in the article do I do university newpaper should under- anything of the sort. If you took stand that a scholar's commend- the trouble to read the line, "They able resort to Christological litera- all are racists" in its intended ture must also be rooted in Jewish context, you would have noted that knowledge, whether or not such it was intended to apply to a a student is a Jew or a non-Jew. sharply circumscribed group of The tragedy, which was implied in people. I would no more accuse our original rejection of a denigra- the entire Jewish people of racism tion of Jewish principles is that than I would accuse them of so many of our young Jews who thievery or wife-beating. Yet, as imitate usage of a New Testa- * * * you yourself have noted, there are ment phrase know so very little ETERNAL LIGHT Jews who are racists, in fact, a about Jewish principles and ideals Time: 10:30 p.m. Sunday. great many. This is a problem that are imbedded in the Old Testa- Station: WWJ. that will not be overcome by angry ment and the accumulated com- Feature: "Beyond the Red Sea," denunciations of anyone who is so mentaries upon it. When a youth impertinent as to point that fact generalizes and accuses his fam- Mark Van Doren, professor emer- out. ily that "They are all racists," he itus of Columbia University and The article, you charge, "deni- invites belief in an error that the Maurice Samuel, author and lec- turer, will discuss the mystique grates Jewish principles." After entire community is racist. of the miracle of the parting of reading that line, I was forced to the waters and the many adorn- ask myself if you had actually ments to the biblical story. read my column. If calling atten- Ex-Nazi Gets Life; * * tion to the divergence between a One Defendant III LUBAVITCH JEWISH HOUR man's professed principles and his Time: 8 a.m. Sunday. actions is denigration of the prin- So Trial Suspended Station: WKNR. FRANKFURT (JTA)—The trial ciples, you are using a different Feature: Rabbi Yitshak Kagan dictionary than I. By your defini- of Adolf Beckerle, Nazi minister in tion, Moses reacting to the Golden Sofia, Bulgaria, during World War will speak on "The Flintstone of Calf, and Luther reacting to cor- ; II, was suspended because the de- Judaism." Devotional Hasidic ruption in his church would have ! fendant is sick and in the hospital. melodies will be featured. Beckerle was charged with been the greatest denigrators of participation in the mass deporta- Bill to End Poland's their respective traditions. I fail to see why saying the tions of Bulgarian Jews. Also de- Favored Nation Status guests were "soggy with abundant ferred was the testimony of West WASHINGTON (JTA) — Sen. food and sacramental wine" con- German Chancellor Kurt Georg Thomas J. Dodd, Connecticut Dem- Kiesinger, who was called as a de- stitutes a "shocking accusation."1 You may quarrel with my choice ! fense witness. Kiesinger, who ocrat, introduced a Senate resolu- of adjective, but I maintain that was an army officer at the time, is tion that would suspend the "most anyone who does not feel :a bit alleged to have had contacts with favored nation "treatment for Com- soggy after an enormous meal and Beckerle. Whether the trial will munist Poland. He told the Senate a couple glasses of wine is a bet-1 resume or a new trial will be that Poland had recently reversed ter man than I. I, at least, will ordered depends on the length of a trend toward liberalization and is admit to having felt "soggy." Cer- Beckere's illness. According to now "engaged in virulently anti- tainly no one was drunk, I didn't German procedure, if there is Semitic propaganda reminiscent of mean to imply that anyone was more than a 10-day gap in the pro- the worst of Hitler and Stalin." The resolution 'was co-sponsored drunk, and no one but you has ceedings, the trial must begin by Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, Con- anew. interpreted things that way. A sentence of life imprisonment necticut Democrat, and Sen. Ernest As for your indictment of my using a "Christological quotation," was imposed in Cologne on Kurt F. Hollings, South Carolina Demo- I think any Jew might become a Wiese, a former SS officer charged crat. It would suspend the prefern- better Jew by reading the New with participation in the wartime tial treatment now accorded Po- Testament. It is a work of great shooting of 177 Jewish men, women land "so long as the Polish govern- wisdom, and can be read without and children in the Grodno ghetto ment continues its present cam- running any risk of conversion. To in occupied Poland, between 1941 paign against Polish intellectuals imply that a Jew is somehow less and 1943. The trial opened last and students and religious institu- worthy because he uses a "Christo- March 11. Another defendant and tions and the Jewish minority in logical quotation" is sheer petty former SS officer, Heinz Errelis, Poland, and so long as it continues narrowmindedness. 55, of Bochum, was acquitted for to conduct itself as a total satellite I fail, you say, "to take into lack of proof. He had been sen- of Moscow in the sphere of foreign account an historic Jewish adher- tenced in 196'7 to 6 1/2 years' im- policy." Sen. Dodd said that "since the ence to just rights of all peoples." prisonment at hard labor but the But that, sir, was precisely what sentence was never carried out be- conditions on which 'most favored nation' treatment for Poland were the article was about. I do not cause of procedural appeals. predicated no longer exist, I be- understand how you could read lieve it makes sense to let the Po- "Yet that tradition (of being per- Life of African Student lish people know that we strongly secuted) had made little impres- disapprove of the drift back to sion on the Seder guests," and at Hebrew University Stalinist rule." "Prosperity has rendered a pro- Saved in Kidney Surgery fessed tradition empty and mean- JERUSALEM—The life of John Thornberry's Liberalism ingless," and then accuse me of In its review of the record of ignoring history. Because I called 0. Nwankwo, a 29-year-old medi- attention to the fact that others cal student from Nigeria studying Judge ,Homer Thornberry, who was were ignoring "an historic Jewish at the Hebrew University-Had as- named by President Johnson to adherence to just rights," I failed sah Medical School in Jerusalem, succeed Justice Abe Fortas, News- to take that history into account. has been saved by a kindney trans- week states: plant operation at the Hadassah- Your perverse logic baffles me. "As a young Austin City (Tex.) STEPHEN H. WILDSTROM University Hospital. councilman, he blocked a water Nwankwo is one of more than license for a subdivision that Managing Editor University of Michigan Daily 50 students from approximately 15 barred Jews." * * * developing countries in Africa and Editor's Note: The post "soggy" Asia who are taking a six-year Women are a race by themselves addendum to the charge of "They course at the medical school. —SaW)ath 62 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 12, 1968-33 , 'LBJ's Mideast Man' Newsweek last week stated: "President Johnson has instructed his new ambassador to the United Nations, George Ball, to make a negotiated settlement in the Middle East his primary task. LBJ be- lieves that the Vietnam situation is now manageable, but fears that a second round of the Arab-Israeli war might well present the U. S. with an even more dangerous problem of possible military inter- vention." For Unique Tasteful Entertainment JOE ODDO ORCHESTRA NOW ALSO AVAILABLE FOR 851-1594 SATURDAY EVENINGS YOUR COUNTR NEEDS YOUR H Invest in U.S. SAVINGS BONDS. FREEDOM SHARES martin j.u.reil photographer 3419787 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS No Affair Too Large or Too Small CREATIONS BY CELL CELL AND BEN STOCKER 15212 W. 7 MILE C-94 - " Eis orsi P\O-- KENDS of S-1-„FF IA. ofp dg..eSS ■ 2 Q s )0PiS4.1e3tift., 40MA sms. ys OFF Spsh t.e. \Ale +4 1/4., 6 VEA SUNDA le - k• 4- LINCOLN SHOPPING C an Gmonliidd Betwoon 10% M Rd. l 1 Mk ad.* 345-4383