I 4.1 SanfordSaltsman Takes Nancy Nudell as Bride Women's eitubs Joan Fagin Is Engaged to Robert M. Meisner So to Pm • ■■•■ is. e 12 It • I THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 5, 1968-19 The Sodom Legend 'Sodom, the settlement adjoining the potash works in Israel and that ancient cit y from which Mr. and OAK PARK N'SHEI CHABAD Study Group will meet 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Moshe. Polter, 24251 Kipling, Oak Park. The speaker will be Rabbi Polter. * * * UPPER NORTHWEST N'SHEI CHABAD Study Group will meet 4 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Bernard Jedusalem, 20227 Freeland. The speaker will be Mr. Jerusalem. * * * NORTHWEST N'SHEI CHABAD Study Group will meet 3 p.m. Sat- MISS JOAN FAGIN MRS. SANFORD SALTSMAN urady at the home of Mrs. Maur- ice Stol, 10233 Curtis. The speak- Dr. and Mrs. I. Donald Fagin of At Bnai David Synagogue re- er will be Maurice White. cently, Nancy Pearl Nudell and Huntington Rd., Huntington * * * Sanford Saltsman exchanged wed- Woods, announce the engagement ding vows. Rabbi Haymin Donin of their daughter Joan Alice to and Cantor Hyman Adler offici- Robert Melvyn Meisner, son of ated. - Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Meisner of The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman D. Nudell of Warrington Dr. Pembroke Ave. Miss Fagin attends the Eastern The bridegroom is the son of Michigan University college of Mr. and Mrs. Harry $altsman- of education. Her fiance, a graduate Jeanette Ave., Southfield. of the University of Michigan, at- The bride wore a gown of peau tends the U. of M. Law School. He de soie fashioned in A-line style. is affiliated with Phi Kappa Phi The bodice and elbow length honor society. sleeves were Alencon lace worked in with imported crystals and seed pearls. The detachable flowing train had a matching lace trim. Her shoulder length silk illusion bouffant veil was attached to a WEIL-LEA: Susanne Lea and headpiece with lace petal motifs Ronald A. Weil exchanged wed- adorned with crystals. She carried ding vows recently in Berkeley, a prayer book with orchids, Steph- Calif. The couples parents are anotis, and ivy cascading. Mrs. Ann Lea of Walnut Creek, Linda Nudell was matron of Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe honor and Sheila Slobasky was Weil of Cedarbrook Dr., Birming- maid of honor. Bridesmaids were ham. MRS. SHELDON ESKOW Elaine Saltsman, sister of the * * * bridegroom, Barbara Horowitz, Diane Louise Segal, daughter KOVAN-CROSBY — At Cong. Nadine Miller and Judith Marko- of Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Segal Beth Israel Anshei Emes in Brook- vitz. of Olde Franklin Dr., Farmington, Allan Saltsman was his brother's was married Sunday to Sheldon lyn Heights, N.Y., Margaret Rita best man. Ushers were J. Howard Marvin Eskow, son of Mrs. Max Crosby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nudell, brother of the bride, Steven Bassin of Burgess Rd., and the Henry C. Crosby of Gill, Mass., was married to Richard Walter Zerkel, Dennis King, Terry Preston late Mr. Saul Eskow. and Michael Stacey. Rabbi M. Robert 9vrne and Can- Kovan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cole- Also in the bridal party were tor Harold Orbach officiated the man Kovan of Westmoreland Ave. the bridegroom's grandparents, ceremony that took place in the Rabbi Henry Michelman and Rabbi Robert Bronstein performed the Rev. and Mrs. Lester King. garden of the Segals' home. After a honeymoon in Florida The bride's Empire gown was ceremony. Miss Judy Kovan, sis- and Jamaica, the newlyweds will of silk organdy, appliqued with ter of the groom, was maid of reside in Royal Oak. Alencon lace. The silk illusion veil honor. Following a honeymoon in was chapel length with matching the Virgin Islands, the Kovans Turover Society to Hold lace. She carried a French bou- will reside in New York City. * * * quet. Indoor Picnic Sunday- Norma Rautbort was maid of The Turover Aid Society will SCHKLOVEN - STARR: Sherry honor. Bridesmaids were Lynda Louise Starr was married recently hold its annual picinc noon Sun- Faigin, Mrs. Dennis Brenner, sis- to Michael David Schkloven at the day at its meeting hall, 10310 W. ter of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Raleigh House. Rabbi Jacob Segal seven mile at Griggs. Alec Bear is picnic chairman. Iris Madden of Miami Springs, officiated. The bride is the daugh- Lunch will be ready at noon and Fla. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raad other refreshments and a supper Robert Levy served as best man. of Carol Ave. The bridegroom is will be available later, including Ushers were Michael Segal, bro- the son of Dr. and Mrs. Norman potatoe latkes. ther of the bride, Dennis Brenner, Schkloven of Warrington Dr. Rita All proceeds will go to aid the She Levin, and Harley Ilene Ordin was maid of honor. State of Israel. Schwartz. Joel Schkloven was his brother's After a honeymoon in Mexico, best man. After a Jamaica honey- Omissions, no less than commis- the couple will reside in Troy. moon the couple will reside in sions, are often times branches of Troy. injustice.—Antoninus. * * * Registration Opens, Youth SAMET-ZABEL: Francine Ellen Summer Programs at -ICC The Group Services Division of Zabel and Aaron Israel Samet the Jewish Community Center is were united in marriage recently now taking registration for session at Cong. Bnai David. Rabbi Hayim two (July 30 to Aug. 23) for the Donin and Cantor Hyman Adler following programs: Funtime, a officiated. The bride is the daugh- Your Choice Program on Tuesday and Thurs- ter of Mrs. Max Zabel of Ridge- day for children in Grades 1 and dale St., Oak Park, and the late 2; Summerland, a Mond a y, Mr. Zabel. The bridegroom's pa- Wednesday and Friday activity for rents are Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin youngsters in Grades 3-6; Camp of Samet of Schaefer Hwy. The PHITZEN • SPREADER the Arts, a five-day a week pro- bride's floor-length gown had a GLOBE • YEWS gram to learn and explore the arts cage of net over peau de soie, Northern Grown and Safari '68, a five-day a week and was fashioned with a high travel program both for junior neckline, bell sleeves and trimmed with daisy appliques. A matching high students. Transportation is available for jeweled toque held her shoulder each of these activities and there length veil. Mrs. Jerald I. Zabel 21032 GROESBECK is a limited enrollment for each was matron of honor. Jerald I. 1 Blk. N. of 8 Mile program. For further information, Zabel served his brother as best PR 2-4350 call the Group- Services Division man. The couple will reside in 9 to 9 Dail Oak Park. at DI. 1-4200. n COUTURE-BOUTIQUE CUSTOM DESIGNS LINGERIE - LOUNGEWEAR ACCESSORIES $129 FARM VALLEY GARDENS P I A N 0 S 144 SM 11 MILE & LASHER 353-7640 0 R G A N S 1 I LEY BROS. Detroit • Birmingham • Pontiac TR 3-6800 FE 4-4721 MI 7-1177 Detroit Open Sunday 1-5 p.m. From LONDON, ENGLAND ZAN GILBERT and His ORCHESTRA 1 "Distinctive Styling in Music to your individual Taste" Call UN. 1-3065 SAVE! SAVE! BUY DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTER IMPORTERS AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS 177arriages 10,000 SHRUBS RENT With Purchase Privilege Baldwin Pianos and Organs HARVARD ROW MALL Miss Diane Segal Weds Sheldon Marvin Eskow - Mrs. Lot escaped are not one and the same. The site of ancient Sodom is not agreed upon by scholars. DI. 1-5515 15738 LIVERNOIS • *614' JULY awizto,Aze) Fabulous Savings on Your Summer Clothes! Dresses and Sportswear 1/2 to 11 /2 OFF AND MORE We Must Make Room for New Fall Fashions Arriving Every Day Charge Plates: Marti-K, Security, Bankard Nine Mile & Coolidge Open Thurs. & Fri. to 9