Challenging Emanations from Jerusalem Confront World Jewry on Many Problems (Continued from Page 1) sible educator and an authority taste and/or knowledge of Jewish proferred classes, lends courage in its composition said: "Over Semitism, by wars, crisis, trage on social studies. As part of his affairs and historic principles than to the efforts to establish proper my dead body will you change dies and the Holocaust. Those who report was attached 6--reprint of classes at universities. But the it . . ." He lives—and the changes settled in Israel because they were a special article that appeared in all the racists who are condemned enrollment of less than 30 students were made. in his outburst of self-hatred. moved by the ancient hope, by the University of Michigan Daily in such an earnest effort sponsored * * Prophecy, enthused by the posi- on May 1, 1967, signed by a Jewish The sociologist who introduced by. the United Hebrew Schools of Comedy can be parodied, humor student, Stephen Wildstrom. It tive aims of the movement for us to this shocking piece of bigotry Detroit in cooperation with the the realization of the historic was entitled "Every One of Them accompanied it with the text of the Jewish Theological Seminary is in often turns to satire—and there dream of Zion's redemption, were is a Racist." This article, which atrocious article we have just itself a distressing factor; and the abuse can assume a form of arro- the minority. came to us belatedly, reads: quoted and with comments that revelation that there are 5,000 gance. One of the impressive It was the second night of Passover. won't be to the liking of some Jewish students in Ann Arbor—we addresses at the Congress was the Now youth is demonstrating. The company had just completed the There was rejoicing at the WZCon- ritual feast—the Seder—when I discov- people, especially the rabbi and believe many less than 3,000 in- one by Shimon Peres who reviewed ered how deep lie the roots of the sick- the Hillel director referred to; dicated their Jewish heritage—adds Jewish achievements and com- gress that young people from ness of contemporary American society. mented on the literary accomplish- Argentina, France, England and Passover is the Jewish festival of but they are facts that are neces- to the distress over this issue. ments of men like Bernard Mala- freedom, a vicarious observance of the sary for an understanding of vital Injection of this issue in the other countries assumed to set up flight of Israel from slavery in Egypt mud, Isaac Bashevis Singer and barricades and to defend them in to freedom in the Promised Land. The issues that are being beclouded discussion of the events at the others. The following day one of of the traditional home service by dreams that emanate from WZCongress is not irrelevant to Zion rather than in Paris or Brus body begins "We were slaves unto Pharoah the young orators selected Peres sels or New York or Ann Arbor. in Egypt." Yet a 4,000 year- struggle to planning sessions like those in the entire problem. It is part of for attack and advised him to go that freedom had lost its mean- Jerusalem but which may not be the distress because it involves Now those who were at the Con- retain ing to the well-fed company at that to his study and read the students, because it relates to the back gress and were distressed by the table just as American history has lost pragmatic. - books he referred to. its significance to this nation's pros- * * * leanings of students to the neo- youths' tactics are entertaining the perous white citizens. Perhaps the attitudes of the left that has become anti-Zionist. hopes that they represented more AFTER DINNER — the guests soggy his comments on conditions It has something to do with our young, who are themselves in a than themselves but mass move- with abundant food and sacramental at In the U-M Bet Midrash, the head conversation turned from the quandary, are best explained by ment which may truly lead to the wine—the condition of the world to the state of of that Midrasha in Ann Arbor, hopes and prayers that out of larger scale settlement of West- the nation to the "schwarze problem." Joseph D. Ben-Dak, the coordi- what had taken place in Jerusalem comments by the - youths made in Schwarze is a Yiddi,sh word meaning interviews after the Congress. Her ern Jews in Israel. But if youths' black, but in Amerida, it has acquired nator and instructor in Jewish —the revolt of the youth against are two of them: those they charged with incompe- new meaning. Jews have never needed demonstrations should prove to resort to the word "nigger"; history (his associate instructors tence — will come to good tidings, "Linda Derber: I don't think we fiasco, failing to bring results, schwarze has sufficed. in Hebrew and Talmud are gained anything new.. It was the indicating that the "rebellion" While celebrating their own hard-won Samuel Raz and Lawrence Davis), genuine Aliyah, greater resort to .the esteemed guests spouted the positive in the Zionist program same old story, over and over was merely another quest for freedom. the enslaved cant of racism. Jewish wrote as follows: again . . 0 * * power, then the privileges that tradition stresses the vicarious experi- "There are about 5,000 Jewish stu- "Rafi Caplan: The trouble is that ence of history "lest we forget" a his- were accorded them will have tory Linked with this effort is the of millenia of persecution and re- dents at the University of Michigan. been wasted. pression. Yet that tradition had made The atmosphere on the university hope for an end to party political we got everything we wanted. We campus has been in recent years any- only had to ask for something to little impression on the Seder guests. * * THE SEDER was held in a neighbor- thing but conducive to Jewish educa- maneuvers. The manner in which get it, except for a room. of . our tion of any sort. The rising protest Mapai delegates together with the The role played by youth at the hood euphemistically called "racially movements like Voice-SDS, and the like, own, and translators of our own. Predominantly white five years Congress here must be considered mixed." ago. it has rapidly become predomi- tremendously affected the Jewish stu- Confederation that is overwhelm- But, otherwise, we had no com- It would not be an exaggeration ingly Hadassah leaned towards with great seriousness because of nantly black as the white fled to the dents. Yet the people at the Seder to state that from the active Jewish party interests was appalling. plaints to warrant our mounting its many implications. They were suburbs. were the very people who had stayed students ("active" defined very broadly) fine young men and women who, as the complexion of their neighbor- at the Ann Arbor campus, that most Youth revolted against it. Many the barricades." Is youth in conflict or confusion? changed, a fact which made their belong to these organizations, normally delegates were furious about it. as they themselves stated, did not hood deep-rooted racism all the more dis- make their leadership, demonstrate lit- * * * tle or interest in Judaism and bear resort to the methods of those who couraging Now there is the aspiration to end and frightening. anti-Zionist, anti-Israel attitudes. In shut themselves into a building in At one point of the discussion about fact, a salient number in this leader- the party system that dominates The death of Dr. Morton Rob- "What is it that the schwarzes want ship demonstrate hatred for anything a great movement. Will Rosius Ann Arbor to attain their goals, and bins of Boston, two days after the what do they hope to gain by loot- connected directly with Jewish contents or who rioted at the Sorbonne in ing and burning?" someone noted that and symbols (see attached article, writ- Pincus do something about that? Congress, was a sad aftermath the window was open and suggested ten by a Jewish junior in the local Paris and in New York at Colum- that Pincus tried to explain -failure to the world sessions. He was a it be closed for fear that the black campus newspaper). This hatred is bia. neighbors might overhear. The guests usually rapped with an "ideology" of to find a successor to Nahum distinguished physician, a noted realized that their comments were infra-nationalism, "revolutionism" and They were a more peaceful lot. highly offensive but would themselves Goldmann because there was no figure in his day in American But they did say at the outset, as have been gravely offended had they many other extraneous overtones. time "at the last minute" and military affairs (he was a Colonel) been "Certainly, openly accused of racism. the important factors I don't they were quoted again and again: know whether the concern over the that bring upon this picture are not selection of a head of the World and at one time was viewed as one "If you don't grant our demands open window was motivated more by relevant to the University of Michigan Zionist Organization was handed of the outstanding candidates for of the surrounding blacks—a fear alone. We know too little about the we'll demonstrate. If you do, of fear that now permeates the white commu- significant factors that we can manip- over to the Actions Committee. the presidency of the Zionist Or- of course we'll demonstrate." On nity—or by sensitivity for the neigh- ulate to some extent over all campuses That's a lot of buncombe! Gold- ganization of America. He was a inghso. least the former mo- in the USA. However, at Michigan, occasions they actually took over tovrast'i ofne els Hillel became over the last 3-4 years mann was being pushed out by pleasant companion" at many con- hon e st . control of sessions. Pincus grant- A WHILE LATER, someone con- the most declining students' center on Mapai, at the direction of Golda ventions . and several WZCon- this campus; thus the first-order task demned the police forces of American ed them a great deal, including cities for allowing looting to continue should be to reorient it adequately and Meir, and that settled it. Other gresses. Blessed be this memory. 19 of the 100 memberships on the unchecked and suggested that looters make it- more attractive for those of parties sought a successor: their 0 * the Jewish students that are poten- be shot on sight. No one flinched when World Zionist Actions Committee. it was mentioned that the religion tially in need of identity, that we be- role was hopeless. There were many syrriposia re- This was a revolutionary act and which they so energetically professed lieve is positive. While the underlying Perhaps the territorial roof lated to the Congress. In one a supreme value on respect for fact is the same for almost all Hillel one would hope that Pincus' readi- placed centers, it is important to note that organizations in Zionism will pro- human life. Under the Law of Moses, ness to grant the boys and girls crime against property requires only a some of the other religious centers, vide a solution to such a state of article on "Zionism Needs Faith," a member of the Jewish Agency that the offender make restitution for again not only at Michigan, have dem- -everything even though on one any loss incurred while a crime against onstrated a change in their methods, affairs. It is doubtful: first there information department, Zvi . Zin- occasion he accused them of "im- a person calls for penalties ranging the goal being the attraction of a must emerge a popular dethand ger, posing the question whether ostracism to death. Prosperity has greater number of participants. Thus; proper public behavior." If they from rendered a professed tradition empty dances and folk-singing, movies, etc., for an end to partisanship. "Zionism can exist without ideol- produce results, if they can inte- and meaningless. are part and parcel of all religious ogy," tells of having met a * * * person at that table is proud centers. Clergymen do their best to be grate in their so-called "World to Every call himself a liberal. Every one of identifed as "progressive" in the pro- journalist frorri Newark and he told Union of Jewish Students" the tens them_ Nahum Goldmann is not very of the question he put to him and supported the civil rights while test movement and induce activities the like the Anti-Vietnam Campaign in civil rights movement concerned (hundreds) of thousands of Ameri- with voting, desegregation and their respective institutions, minimizing popular in Israel. He has been an the answer he received: can Jewish Students (they admitted itself even open housing. Everyone of them the religious contents • to a negligible I met a journalist from Newark. of their program, or to literally object for severe attacks for a they had no affiliation with Jewish strongly opposes the Vietnam war. part one of them was shocked and zero. variety of reasons. In his major I put the following to him : Some students in North America), then Every saddened by the death of the Rev. Dr. "Given this atmosphere, many of the people say that those Jewish Luther King. Every one of them they will prove the justice of all Martin Jewish "leaders" find it extremely re- Congress addresses he expressed is a racist. businessmen who suffered as a their demands. EVERY ONE OF THEM strongly and warding to join in the "protest" activi- his resentment. He castigated the * result of the " Negro riots will with deep feeling endorses the concept ties associated with any institution— keeping their distance from Hillel. Israeli newspapers in no uncer- immigrate to Israel. What do you of collective guilt when applied to the Every Zionist in his youth was Germans for the massacre of European "In Ann Arbor two factors have been think? His reply was: "Of the six Jewry. None of them is willing to ac- especially conducive to this situation. tain terms. a rebel. The harsh words used cept collective guilt for the shame and The Conservative Community's Rabbi Aryeh Pincus towards the end million Jews in the United States against the present leadership- sorrow of American society. has been extremely involved with the No matter what programs any gov- "progressive", all - American - oriented also came to his defense by re- do you specifically want those Jews authortarian, domineering, dicta- ernment or private agency may foster, circles, and therefore apparently less who are exploiting the Negroes? torial, and some very insulting no matter how much money is spent worried about the declining of Jewish jecting the attitude of the press Do you want selective aliya of this the ghettoes, this insidious, unknow- students' participation in Hillel and in in Israel. terms—may not be different from in ing racism will stand in the the Jewish community's activities. Thus nature?" those that were used by youth of way liberal of true improvement in the quality he could have served as a symbol and There was much justification American society. previous generations against their of Forgive If ever their was a negative source of legitimation for those stu- for these expressions of resent- them, they know not what a dents that would not have so neglected elders. Now we need the proof of they do. approach to the needs, here we Hillel and Jewish-labeled kinds of ac- ment but it is questionable whether * * * ability to create! tivities had he been more moderate in such personalaty issues belonged have it. There is no rebuttal about approach to 'social issues'. (Actu- The challenge to youth is es- Jews who are the victims of . the In view of the demonstrations of his ally the number of such students is on the agenda of a movement pecially great because of the pre- a positive Jewish nature by Jewish very small anyway.) The other factor fighting for its historic role and race terror and . nothing was vailing indifference in Jewish students in Jerusalem this is the is associated with the Hillel director added to qualify the situation by is a very inflexible and uninnova- seeking a way out of parliamentary ranks to Jewish needs and reali- type of articulation that needs to who tive person, has been demonstrating no moraps. Perhaps future Jewish indicating, first, that very few vic- ties and because there is so be studied and evaluated and must sense for inducing activiites in Hillel, parliamentarians will provide a tims of the race pressures remain spending considerable time on ac- much ignorance about Jews and be equated with what has happened and in Negro areas, and that those tivities not at all related to coping with way out of resort to pettiness. their adherence to their traditions in Jerusalem during the WZCon- the obviously more crucial questions. who survived it might indeed financial undoing brought Hillel to * * * in Jewish ranks. make good aliyah material: some gress. The new wisdom (sic!) from His a virtual standstill in alleviating such * * Ann Arbor, indicts the entire problems. The Congress was not without have nowhere else to turn to. But Just as we were leaving for Jewish people of racism, deni- "Today Hillel attracts a significant its humor. During the simultane- the fact is that the fears that have number of "misfits", i.e., Jewish stu- Israel for the WZCongress sessions grates Jewish principles, resorts dents that have little or no social rela- ous tranlations, at a session that crept into American society do this correspondent was presented to such a shocking accusation as tions on campus. But this year it has was conducted in Hebrew, one of create conditions that may lead attracted an important nucleus of with the text of an interesting the one contained in the charge also leadership that is very much interested the Yiddish translators, repeating to emigration. Facts are facts. and revealing analysis of the that seder guests were "soggy in changing the situation. This small after the chairman an introduc- whether or not a Newayk journa attitude of Jewish students at the with abundant food and sacra- nucleus was interested in our classes. tion, said: "The next speaker ist seeks to impose reproaches "The tie of this body of students to University of Michigan who were m e n t a l wine," compresses all upon unfortunate Jews - most of • Zionism and to Israel is extremely will be . . ." and he appended to provided with opportunities for the apparent Jewish knowledge manifest, all but two have been to it with an inflection used when whom are aged and who have at least once, six expressed the specialized Jewish studies by the the author of that articles pos- Israel to settle in Israel and all ex- one is called to the reading of the been driven out of business in established Ann Arbor Bet Midrash ses in a Christological quotation of wish pressed the wish to visit at least once Tora on the Sabbath: "Ya-ahmod!" areas that have become black. year or so. About 90% sponsored by the Midrasha of the "forgive them . . ." and fails to in the coming to Zionist Youth movements, Other incidents would indicate At any rate, at the WZCongress United Hebrew Schools of Detroit take into account an historic belong e.g., through participating in Ramah and the Seminary College of Jew- Jewish adherence to just rights Camps (5 students). In addition, one that there were moments of lighter many such issues found platforms, add that a possible subjective ish studies of the Jewish Theolog- for all peoples. Sure, there are might attraction, given the above feelings vein, some occasioned by the ex- and neo-Nazism, anti-anti-Semitism about Israel ical Seminary of America, in co- some racists among us, and not ence of two and Zionism, was the pres- treme earnestness of many dele- the effects of racism and the new- Israelis who served as operation with the University of all Jews are strict adherents to instructors." gates. At a meeting of the reor- Left were probed. Time alone will Michigan Hillel Foundation. The our basic principles. Ignoring basic The reference to "misfits," the ganization committee, for example provide answers' to many of the report was submitted by a respon- truths about Jews as libertarians, note of comfort in the fact that one proponent of a resolution that problems, that were posed in 48—Friday, June 28, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS there is a renewed interest' in happened to be rather illiterate Jerusalem. •