Eshkol-Dayan-Eban Controversy Rages on UN's Resolution mit. The committee is known in direction or control of a foreign terpretation of the United Na- greater danger from the radical government so as to create the re- New York as the Palestine Arab JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Labor tions Security Council's Nov. 22, Arab states than was Iran. quisite agency relationship neces- Delegation. Its New York repre- Party faction in the Knesset took sentatives are Issa Nakhleh and 1967 resolution on the Middle Warnke said the State Department sary to require registration." Steps Tuesday to plug a "leak" Omar Azzouni, both attorneys. East. The Cabinet took pains to had recommended and approved that was the cause of a political Arab-American businessmen in controversy in Israel last week. note that it regards the term the Iranian transaction. Los Angeles are spreading a story The group drafted a rule binding "secure and recognized boun- On the issue of U.S. jet sales its members to secrecy on any daries" called for by that re- to Jordan, Warnke said that Israel that Sirhan Sirhan, alleged assas- subject that its chairman might solution. to mean borders agreed Prime Minister Levi. Eshkol had sin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, classify as secret. The move fol- • to by the countries of the area been consulted and had acquiesced was "a secret agent 'paid by the lowed a "leak to the press of off- within the framework of a peace in the Administration's decision to Zionists' to blacken the name of the-record remarks by Defense ,agreement and that no other in- sell arms to Jordan. Warnke said the Arab world," it was reported Minister Moshe Dayan at a party terpretation was admissible as the Israeli government found -U.S. here today by the Washington caucus. Gen. Dayan had report- far as Israel is concerned. arms sales to Jordan preferable Post. "TOPS edly urged the government to re- In a related development, the Eban, at a press conference in to Soviet arms sales to the Hus- ject the UN Security Council's Arab Higher Committee for Pales- U Nov. 22 Middle East resolution Tel Aviv Friday, anticipated the sein regime. THEM ALL" tine, in Beirut, has instructed its because, as he interpreted it, the Cabinet stand when he declared Defense Department officials New York office to offer "all pos- resolution called for Israel's un- that "there is no international au- later explained that the defense III FOR YOUR BEST DEAL II conditional withdrawal to the thority that can give the Nov. 22 establishment has no objection to sible assistance" to Sirhan. The SEE US _ U boundries that existed before last resolution an interpretation which selling Phantoms to Israel but committee's spokesman form e r • Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj June's Six-Day War. The accuracy demands Israel's retreat to the that President Johnson has failed Amin el-Husseini, who visited Ber- of the attribution was not disputed June 4 1967 borders." to ask the State Department to lin during World War II and col- x 1 in the debate that followed. But Eshkol, in a radio speech Mon- issue the necessary export 1i- laborated with Hitler, said it had the government, obviously embar- 20811 W. 8 Mile Rd, 0 day • night, • outlined the govern- censeS. They said that Johnson is instructed its New York represen- g I( rassed, issued a cabinet statement ment's Between Southfield & official policy on the ques- apparently unconvinced that Is- tatives to legally defend Sirhan as 1 .r Telegraph Sunday rejecting the alleged Dayan tion of the West Bank territories. rael really needs the Phantoms at far as United States law will per- MI U interpretation of the resolution and "2 Minutes from II He said . that Israel, would insist on re-stating its own which is that the Jordan River as Israel's "secu- this-time. MI Northland" NI The Department of Justice THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS the resolution provided a basis rity border" with Jordan but added Friday, June 28,1968-21 -* iiiilliiiMiliEli* said that it will remain alert to for peace talks. that the Government made a dis- operations of the Organization Prime Minister Eshkol said in tinction between a "security bor- of Arab students while the in- a radio address Friday, for- der" and a "political border." In- vestigation of Sirhan Sirhan eign policy statements Were the formed sources later. took this to and all ramifications of the prerogative of the Prime Minister mean that while Israel might OFF ON ENTIRE STO CK OF Robert F. Kennedy •assassination and the Foreign Minister only. agree to return part of the West is continuing. This disclosure Foreign Minister Eban was re- Bank to Jordan, it would never F U RNISHINGS was made by J. Walter Yeagley, portedly seeking a cabinet ruling allow Jordanian military forces Assistant Attorney-General, in a barring such a policy. west of the Jordan River. • DRESS and SPORT SHIRTS letter to Rep. Joel T. Broyhill, Gen. Dayan also was quoted * * * V i r g i n i a Republican. Broy- • TURTLENECKS GALORE TEL AVIV (JTA) — Israeli as having told the Laborites that hill had asked-the department to the Arabs saw the Nov. 22 reso- forces killed 16 Arab marauders • SUMMER SUITS and investigate Arab extremist ac- ltttion as an opportunity to force in two widely separated clashes tivities in this country and pos- JACKETS Itrael from all occupied lands smashing what was apparently an sible Communist links with them. art* that It would have been bet- attempt by saboteurs and terror- ter to have made a quick settle- ists to penetrate deep into Israel The department said that on the ment with them. The Foreign - territory. One Israeli soldier was basis of information so far avail- Ministry took sharp issue with killed and another was injured in able to thegovernment, "it does Gen. Dayan's reported interpre- Expert Alterations on Ladies', Men's and one of the encounters, a military not appear that the Organization tation of the resolution. A Minis- spokesman reported Tuesday. He of Arab Students has incurred, an Children's Clothing. Reasonable Prices. try spokesman said, in reply to said the clash was the fiercest in obligation to register under the questions, that no international weeks. Meanwhile, Gen Moshe Foreign Agents Registration Act forum had ever interpreted it Dayan, Israel's Defense Minister, at this time. While the organiza- CLOTHIERS & that way nor had its sponsors, CLEANERS tion does receive some funds from and Gen. Chaim Bar-Lev, Chief which included Britain and the officials of foreign governments, of Staff of the armed forces tour- Phone: 398-9188 22141 COOLIDGE United States. But Gen. Dayan's ed settlements in the Beisan and the amount is not sufficient to war- Op en: Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. 9-7; Thurs., Fri. 9-9 reported remarks have already rant a conclusion that it is acting Jordan Valleys and assured the had political repercussions. They population that Jordan would not within the United States at the • were the subject of heated dis- be safe if attacks on Jewish set- cussion at a meeting in Tel Aviv tlements continue to be waged Wednesday of the Labor Party from her territory. secretariat. An Israeli soldier was injured In Tel Aviv the political com- mittee, of Mapam, the leftist labor slightly Saturday morning and party, denounced Gen. Dayan's seven others suffered slight in- alleged interpretation of the Nov. juries Friday night, all in mining 22 resolution as foreclosing peace incidents. The latter occurred a talks with the Arabs. Mapam's south of the Dead Sea when reasoning was that since Israel command car struck an anti- accepts the resolution but does not vehicle mine. On Saturday morn- accept withdrawal prior to a ing, a halftrack struck a mine peace treat y, Gen. Dayan's south of Tirat Zvi in the Beisan "presentation of the Security Valley. A 13-year-old Arab boy Council's resolution as a demand was killed in East Jerusalem when to withdraw to the June 4, 1967 an explosive device he picked up borders undermines the govern- detonated in his hand. * * * ment's struggle and sabotages efforts to explain Israel's position." Senators Criticize Selling Phantoms To Iran Not Israel Eban told the Knesset that WASHINGTON (JTA) — T h e Israel has never raised any ter- ritorial questions with Ambassa- Johnson Administration has come dor Gunnar V. Jarring, the under fire from some members of United Nations special peace the Senate Foreign Relations Com- envoy to the Middle East, but mittee for selling Phantom jet asked only that he arrange meet- fighter-bombers to Iran but refus- ings between Israel and the ing to sell them to Israel. Sen. Arabs in which all pertinent is- John J. Sparkman Alabama Dem- sues would be discussed. In ocrat, pointed out at a Senate reply to questions, Eban -denied hearing with Department of De- specifically that the so-called fense witnesses present that Iran Allon plan for the West Bank was sold Phantoms even though had been submitted to Dr. Jar- the Shah recently signed a $150 ring. The Allon plan would million agreenaent to buy Soviet divide the West Bank into an arms and is receiving Russian Israeli security zone facing Jor- technical assistance. Sen. Stuart dan and an Arab enclave in the Symington, Missouri Democrat, who formerly served as Air Force mountainous hinterland. So, when you Fiesta in Mexico, On another matter, Eban re- Secretary, said that Israel is in far greater danger than Iran yet Do It With Air France Mexican Holidays ported that the Deputy Foreign the Executive Department refuses Swift Boeings depart from Kennedy Airport every Monday, Minister of Japan had expressed Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday of each week for dissatisfaction with Japanese firms to sell Israel the same Phantoms suggested Fun and Sun in Mexico! that have yielded to the Arab boy- provided to Iran. He decisi on to Air France, the world's largest network, offers 4 to 15 days cott of Israel. Eban did not say that an Administration escorted and independent tours to Mexico, at all price levels. whether the Japanese government keep the Shah "happy" may have intends to take any steps against been influenced by the oil com- See Your Travel Agent or Call Air France. Travelth Nue those firms. Involved are several panies with investments in Iran. Paul C. Warnke, Assistant Sec- (313) 961-1755 Japanese industries, mainly in the electronics field, which have ref- retary of Defense for International ct, votre service used to do business with Israel Security Affairs, said that the de- at the request of the Arab boycott cision was taken to sell Phantoms to Iran on easy credit terms to office in Beirut. THE WORLD'S LARGEST NETWORK The coalition Cabinet issued help Iran defend herself against Iraq and Syria. The Sena- an official statement reaffirming Egypt, Israel's previously declared in- tors insisted that Israel was in far 4( ...iiicoacoas* SLATKIN'S DEXTER CHEVROLET • KE 4-1400 ii li LAST WEEK OF SALE! 20% RADOM TAILORS Yes, the same Excellent service, the same fine Continental and Kosher Cuisine that you find on our flights to Israel... you'll discover on our flights to Mexico I. AIR FRANCE