THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 26—Friday, June 21, 1968 Broomfield Attacks State Dept. at Rally Earlier Deadline, for July 5 Issue Protesting Polish, Govt. AntimSentitism On account of the Fourth "We must never give up. We nam. In the latter case, "the ad- of July, all copy for the issue On Sunday afternoon, when Jew- ish families in Detroit were cele- must make the Iron Curtain re- ministration argues we are seek- of July 5 must reach us brating Father's Day, some 250 gimes realize it's too expensive to ing to help an oppressed people. earlier than usual. persons gathered at the Jewish continue this cold, bloodless geno- By the logic expressed there, we Deadlines for the issue of should intervene with Poland. Center to express their solidarity cide. July 5 will be at noon Friday, "We are a super power. We "Second, we must keep alive the with their beleaguered brethren in claim to possess certain principles. June 28. behind the Iron hope of Jews Poland, It is consistent with the United "You are safe and secure in this , Curtain . . . The answer is in your States position to express concern Visit not too frequently the country," said Monroe Sheinberg, 1 hands." for the plight of Polish Jews." house of your friend, lest he tire Broomfield called the "anti- national director of the Jewish War One way of starting, he said, of you and hate you.—S'abbath 31 Veterans, "but that is all the more Zionist" charges of the Polish would be to emphasize in all trade gathered for you government "ridiculous in light negotiations with Eastern Euro- reason why you should react . . . PRESENTS by The issue is so basic, it cries out of the fact that a great many pean countries that "we're dead of those Jews who remain in serious about the treatment of for the empathy of Jews through- Poland are elderly and ill — minorities . . . And we can start out the world." shared the speaker's hardly the sort that incites revo- by re-evaluating our policy of arms Sheinberg elion. The Faithful City. City of Truth. platform with Congressman Wil- lutions." Most have assimilated sales to the Middle East. City of Righteousness. Royal Diadem. "It is ironic," said Broom- liam S. Broomfield, who coupled into the Communist way of life. Crown of Beauty. The Joy of the field, "that this has occurred on his attack on the Polish govern- "It is absurd . . . but distress- Whole Earth. Tender, rhapsodic, pas- the 25th anniversary of the War- ment with a protest against the ing," he said. sionate and mystical are the endear- BIG BAND OR SMALL COMBOS U.S. State Department's attitude ments lavished by Israel's prophets This oppression practiced against saw Ghetto Uprising . . There and poets upon what is perhaps the that "the problems of the Jews in some 30,000 Jews out of a total is no reason why we should per- UN 3-8982 UN 3-5730 .best loved, most yearned for, most dis- mit ourselves to be remembered Poland are none of our business." population of 30,000,000, is "a sym- puted, most dreamed of and most Broomfield has joined with sev- bolic segment of the larger effort in the same way that we are prayed for city in all of history, an old eral other Congressmen in intro- to resist the tide of enlightenment remembered from World War old city that was already old when A BEAUTIFUL ducing a resolution asking that and change sweeping across Eur- II." David made it his capital some three This apathy to which Broom- Congress express its condemnation ope," said Broomfield. thousand years ago. of the Polish Communist regime What can the United States do? field was referring was picked up for its oppression of Jewry. "If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem," sang "History and conscience dictate in the comments by Lawrence AND the Psalmist, "let my right hand for- Petitions distributed at the that we must do what we can to Gubow, president of the Jewish get its cunning. Let my tongue cleave rally were signed and sent to help," said Broomfield. The apathy Community Council. "Are we going FURNITURE CLEANING to the roof of my mouth if I remember Congressmen urging them to of the State Department is "sadly to go home and be apathetic and Satisfaction guaranteed — thee not ; if I set not Jerusalem above back the resolution and to put reminiscent of another time—the forget what we've heard today?" Mothproofing free. Wall- my chiefest joy." pressure on the Johnson admin- same rationalizing we saw in he asked. to-wall carpet cleaning. "When any man loses any right istration for action on the ques- World War II." he descendents of the Psalmist did Five cents a square foot, tion. Other petition forms are remember. For two thousand years The administration's ratiQuale, in the world, it's a blow to free- available at the offices of the he continued, is that interference dom throughout the world. We minimum $1 5. they remembered. With a passion that Jewish Community Council, 163 in the internal affairs of Poland must let our brethren know we never waned and that time in fact in- 542-4735 Madison, which sponsored the would create a precedent. How- stand behind them. Don't let this tensified, with a faithfulness without parallel, beyond reason and beyond be- rally. Also on the program was ever, we have intervened in other situation be met by silence." lief, they remembered Jerusalem. At Cantor Louis Klein of Cong. countries, he said, notably Viet- coss ■ maimmimmilmlwaiff—e. every wedding, they remembered. At Bnai Moshe, who sang several YOUR FAVORITE STORE WANTS _ _ every festival. At every festivity.. Like • • • selections.' YOUR CAT TO BE THEIR GUEST an incandescent thread the memory of Sheinberg recounted the series Israel's ancient capital runs through our 44" tans • of anti-Semitic actions that have litura, through our literature, through KITTY, P.O. Box 4107, been sanctioned by the Polish gov- our lives. Clinton, Iowa 52732 ernment in the past three months Here are 3 KITTY SALMON for CATS "0 thou afflicted, tossed with tempest and stressed the role that the Jew labels.* Send Coupon that I will ex- and not comforted, behold I will set FOR CATS change at my grocer's for 2 FREE plays as scapegoat in a Commu- _-• thy stones in fair colors," promised cans of KITTY SALMON for CATS. Albert Einstein Lodge saw Leo nist power play. Isaiah, "and lay thy foundations with "In the past few weeks," said Rosenfeld installed as president sapphires. I will make thy pinnacles of Name Sheinberg, "more than 1,000 Polish at the recent installation dinner- rubies and thy gates of gems. And all Address dance. Other Jews have risked statelessness to thy borders of precious stones. And Zip State City_ ,officers include great shall be the peace of thy children." apply for exit visas to leave the *This coupon valid only if accompanied by KITTY SALMON for JN CATS labels or a pencil tracing (on paper) of the KITTY imprint Mich. CI Leslie Weissen- • country , . In the background is 0 ailing of ot: e P.O . Dep t. prohi bi ts N lid can on thealca < o t precious stones but peace will be berg, Marcus o m afam ily . a ray of hope: Israel." n lids. L i mit: O ne ref und c oup on tom met o the Holy City's finest ornament. Now, '1!' • Last and Nor- Sheinberg, who recently joined more than ever before, it is important man Adelsberg, other national Jewish leaders to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem." vice presidents: picketing the Polish Embassy in Martin Segal EXPECTING OUT OF TOWN GUESTS Washington, said that for the first hat prompted Billy Rose to present treasurer; Mark time, the Polish League of Vet- FOR A WEDDING OR A BAR MITZVA? his great sculpture collection to the Webber, Max erans and the Jewish War Vet- National Museum of Israel in Jeru- Drew and Jack erans have issued a joint statement salem? "I decided to give it to Israel," Goldman, secre- decrying Polish anti-Semitism. he reasoned, "because it is hungrier taries; Oscar Rosenfeld "Veterans comprise one of the three for culture than any other country in Is Conveniently Located at the world." Isn't that a good reason? great lobbies in the United States," Bakalar, chaplain; Meyer Silber- said Sheinberg. "There are 90,000,- berg, warden; and Louis Kay, 20500 JAMES COUZENS 000 of them. And they are united Gaurdian. Trustees installed were f course your family is hungry for Mile & Greenfield—Across from NortmeanA t (8 Leo Beals, J. Bender, Walter Cy- culture, too. But comes dinner time, on Israel and on the Jews." Call 342-3000 For the Finest Accurnmodah• - they're hungry for other things as well. Try Our Barber Shop Sheinberg quoted a high Soviet kiert, Morton Epstein, Al Mon- Comes dinner time, they're sure to Dine at the SCOTCH & SIRLOIN RESTAURANT official as having "said we would droe, Ira Machlowitz, Henry Pos- appreciate a colorful culinary work Airport Limousine Service Available give up the fight for Soviet Jews. laniec, Irving Ross, David Men- of art like this delson, Louis Levitan, Henry Up- I say he's dead wrong. CHILI MEXICALI * fal, Abraham Wolk and .Sol Stein- bruck. 1 /2 cup Planters Oil Miriam Field_ Hal Gordon MUSIC CARPET C — SALMON Activities W Cranbrook House Motel O 2 cups finely chopped onions 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 1 /2 pounds ground beef chuck 1 can (1-pound) Italian plum tomatoes 2 /3 cup chopped Planters Cocktail Peanuts 3 tablespoons tomato paste 2-3 tablespoons chili powder 1 tbsp. salt • 1 tsp. cumin seeds 1/4 teaspoon hot pepper sauce 2 /3 cup Planters Cocktail Peanuts 1/4 cup chopped parsley Hot cooked rice EileenWinkler Engaged to David Tannenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sake of Shrewsbury Rd. announce the en- gagement of their daughter Gail Reva to Howard Stanley Niskar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nis- kar of Greenfield Rd., Southfield. An Aug. 5 wedding is planned. * 0 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chayet of Moritz Ave., Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Helen Sue Ring to Joel M. Bodzin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Bodzin of Parklawn Ave., Oak Park. An Aug. 29 wedding is planned. Measure Planters Oil into large pan. Add onion and garlic; sauté until tender. Add ground beef and brown lightly. Stir in tomatoes, 2A cup chopped Planters Cock- tail Peanuts, tomato paste, chili powder, salt, cumin seed and hot pepper sauce. Simmer until sauce is thick, about 30 to 35 minutes. Stir in 2/3 cup coarsely chopped Planters Cocktail Peanuts and chopped parsley. Serve over hot cooked rice . . . to eight or ten cultivated beefeaters. hopped beef and fried onions to C "cure" a cold? It may surprise you to know that this is just what the doc- tors ordered—the doctors, it must hastily be added, in eighth century Padua, Italy.. I don't know how their patients fared but your family will feast happily and, I hope, healthily on intriguingly seasoned fare like this Mexican Chili. So eat and enjoy! 8rigag ernents PGASP Is Planning Old-Fashioned Picnic . MISS EILEEN WINKLER Dr. and Mrs. Adolph A. Winkler of Cranbrook Dr., - at a family brunch, announced the engage- ment of their daughter Eileen Sharon to David Tannenbaum, son MANNA ABOUT TOWN of Mrs. Helen Tannenbaum of IS A STANDARD BRANDS EXCLUSIVE Greenlawn Ave. and the late Mr. EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE Aaron M. Tannenbaum. BRIGHT YOUNG HOMEMAKER The bride-to-be is a graduate of Wayne State University. Her fiance In a city where there are no attended Michigan State and Wayne vegetaKes,, the wise, man should State universities. A , Nov. 10 wed- ding is planned. not live—Eiubin 55 PGASP (Post Graduate Adas Shalom Presents) will start off a series of summer activities with an old-fashioned picnic at Belle Isle Sunday. Girls are asked to bring a box lunch to be auctioned off. There will be canoeing and bicycling. Picnickers will meet at noon in front of Adas Shalom Synagogue for rides and instructions. Single people age 21 to 35 are invited. An. alternate activity will .be held in case of rain. ***** *******************************************4 GET THE BEST PAY LESS! lb. SPRKlise4EillaFRESH DAILY CUT UP CHICKEN BREASTS or LEGS lb. FRESH WHITE FISH 394 59 69` 1 JUMBO SIZE sCURED SCHMALTZ HERRING • Each 39C r!i!'. BEST 15 KOSHER HOT DOGS 1 BO7 25c * * STREIT'S THIN MATZO * CANADA DRY DIET or REGULAR POP . . 7i: 9 MA COHEN'S LOX . CLOVERLEAF GRATED WHITE TUNA . 5 t:; 99 Above Specials Good June 21 thru June 27 REISMAN'S P K OTIII T EFi t l Y MARKET 13400 W. 7 MILE RD., Cor. Snowden FREE DELIVERY DJ 1 -4 52 5 AMPLE PARKING k*************************************** ********* \