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He pointed out that the administrative staffs were packed with Arabs, that a Jew could not get an assignment in this UN agency, that the purpose of the UNRWA staffs was mainly political and primarily to assist in undermining Israel's status. The United Nations must be fully aware of what has happened, how the refugees' numbers were padded, the schemes that were engineered to give the impression that there are a million and a half refugees, when in reality that number is very small; whereas the number of Arab refugees is even smaller than the number of Jews who were driven out of their homes in Moslem countries after being deprived of all their possessions, having been forced to migrate to Israel penniless, literally with their shirts on their backs as the only articles they were able to retain from all their means. In 1959, Dr. Walter Pinner wrote a book in which he presented the facts about the great lie called the Palestine refugee problem. He presented the facts to the UN secretary general, Dag Ham- marskjold. Perhaps some good results might have come from that revelation. The first UNRWA di- rector, Henry R. Labouisse, could have been counted upon to set the record straight and to resort to pragmatic programinc in behalf of the former Palestinians who could b have been restored fully to honorable existence instead of being used as pawns in the Arabs' aims to Destroy Israel. But Hammarskjold died soon thereafter, Labouisse was succeeded first by John H. Davis and now by Lawrence Michelmore, both of whom are antagon- istic to Israel and serve as media in continuing the lies related to the refugees' conditions. For 17 years, Dr. Pinner continued his studies of the refugee issues, and he has just published a supplementary study which he has entitled "The Legend of the Arab Refugees." Emerging from this study, which has been published in Tel Aviv by the Economic and Social Research Institute, is exactly this revealing fact: that the Arab refugee matter is a legend! This revealing 70-page brochure should have worldwide distribution, and it is especially vital that Jews themselves should be aware of the actualities in a situation that has caused so many people to point accusing fingers at Israel as if the "rahamanin bnai rahamanim"—the merciful sons of a merciful people"—suddenly have resorted to brutalities and have practiced against Arabs what they have them- selves suffered from many antagonists, mainly Christians, and certainly also Mohammedans, as history will prove. "The Legend of the Arab Refugees" has the added merit of containing a foreword by another distinguished student of Israeli affairs, Itzhak Kanev (MA), chairman of the social research institute and director of the health insurance institution of the Labor Federation. Kanev's article is a summary. Let us view the facts with him: When UNRWA first was set up in 194g. an Arab refugee was defined as "a person who in May 1948 had been living in Palestine for at least two years, who, in consequence of the 1948 conflict, had lost his home and means of livelihood and who still is in need." But this has been thoroughly abused because in the course of the years of padding the refugee records, practically all of the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip and of West Jordan areas were included in the relief rolls of UNRWA and became eligible for UN support. In the early years of UNRWA activities the negative aspects of UNRWA activities were stated frankly. In the 1956 57 report there is this indica- tion: "Few deaths are recorded and few ration cards amended to account for death and other causes of ineligibility." In the 1954-55 report there is this admission: "The lack of cooperation from the government in the past and the active opposition of the refugees for several years made it impossible to operate in Jordan any system for several years to determine the bona fides of ration recipients and. to delete from the ration rolls the names of persons not entitled to relief." In the same report, there is this comment: "Entry into Syria has been arbi- trarily refused to certain officials of the Agency, and others have been ordered to leave virtually without notice." The earlier UNRWA staffs may be absolved from blame on the basis of this comment by Dr. Pinner: "One of the most fantastic features of the work of UNRWA from the very beginning has been that it had to work not only on the figures provided by the countries which received the refugees, but that it had little or no control - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS over the appointment of local staff to carry out its work." Major in importance in Dr. Pinner's revealing presentation of the actual facts is his expose of the way in which the refugee figures were padded, multiplied, given credence as if a vast army of (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) Arabs actually was expelled from Israel by the reborn Jewish State. STORM SIGNALS: Leaders of Jewish organizations are perturbed The number of figures for refugees given by over the growing number of Arab students in this country who are be- UNRWA in 1966 was 1,317,749, and Dr. Pinner coming more and more active in professional propaganda against Israel charges that this number "is based on a mis- in hostile talks against American Jewry. representation of the number of genuine refugees The propaganda—which is often directed against the United States by three of the host countries—Syria, Jordan and Government as well for helping Israel—is now on the increase. There Egypt in the Gaza Strip." He shows that the actual number of refugees is more of it than in any previous year. Many of the young Arabs en- tered the United States as exchange students on American scholarships in 1966 was 367,000—Gaza Strip 155,000, Jordan and fellowships. They make it a major objective to try to infect the 15,000, Lebanon 75,000, Syria 22,000 and that campuses with hatred against Israel and against all those in this coun- the UNRWA figure therefore is higher than the try who support Israel. Their number is sufficiently large to reach uni- true figure by 950,000. versities even in small towns, where there are no Jewish students to The difference is accounted for, in Dr. Pinner/ take issue with their views and where they meet with no opposition. study, which neither the UN officials nor the Admitted to this country for the purpose of studying various sub- UNRWA staffs have been able to disprove, as jects, they address students and faculty audiences in an effort to in- follows: There were 117,000 unrecorded deaths, doctrinate them with anti-Jewish hostility for which they are trained 109,000 ex-refugees were resettled in 1948, 225,000 ex-refugees became self-supporting between 1948 in their native lands. Their line of propaganda is being emulated now and 1956 (85,000 in Syria, 65,000 in Lebanon, 80,000 by Arab students in Latin American countries and is provoking a fee' ing of restlessness among the Jews there. in Jordan); 15,000 really are frontier villagers in All this points to the fact that penetration of the American coi. Jordan and 484,000 are self-appointed refugees— they are the pre-1948 residents of West Jordan and tinent by well-trained Arab agitators has become an integral part ot - in the Gaza Strip who were registered as refugees. the Arab propaganda machine directed from Egypt, Syria and Iraq. Is it any wonder that Dr. Pinner, in his im- The American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League of portant book which has thus far fallen on deaf Bnai Brith are following the provocative activities of the Arab stu- dents and have come to the conclusion that effective action must be ears, charges: "It is the greatest misrepresentation ever per- taken to check the infiltration of Arab propaganda into American uni- versities. petrated under the banner of the United Nations." * * * Itzhak Kanev, in his excellent commentary on these facts, makes his own observation in which he ACTION IN U.S.: The Anti-Defamation League estimates that calls attention anew to the injustices that were per- there are more than 7,000 Arab students in American educational in- petrated in Moslem countries. He states: stitutions. They are organized in a central body with more than 100 "The most surprising thing is that whenever chapters functioning on college campuses. Their annual budget is over the question of refugees is discussed, only Arab $100,000, most of which goes for publication of propaganda literature. refugees are considered, with complete disregard of They publish a magazine, The Arab Journal, which can be found in Jewish refugees from Arab countries whose num- every library and institute of higher learning. ber is far from negligible: From Algiers, 12,387 Their central body—known as the Organization of Arab Students Tunisia, 42,630; Lebanon and Syria, 8,400; Libya, 31,671; Morocco, 234,942; Egypt, 36,680; Iraq, —makes no secret of its cooperation with the Palestine Liberation Or- 123,925; Yemen, 46,439; for a total of 537,074. ganization, which directed terrorist activities aganst Israel. They are And what must be taken into account is that the instructed to cooperate with "natural" anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist greater majority of these people 'escaped from groups in this country and to report regularly to headquarters of their the sword,' from persecutions and mortal danger organization on the activities of Jewish groups. in the Arab countries, and who arrived in Israel Their plans this year are to intensify their activities on the cam- robbed of all their possessions. But the difference lies in the fact that Israel considered it her duty puses, to seek speaking assignments at meetings of various organiza- to care for the refugees, to absorb them into the tions, to appear as guests on radio and television programs, to organize productive life of the country, while the Arab new chapters in colleges and universities, and to influence the Amer- countries have turned their genuine refugees into ican press through press conferences and letters to the editor. Their tools of propaganda, keeping them in dire poverty outstanding chapter in 1967—"Chapter of the Year"—was the one in Pittsburgh. It was honored by the Organization of Arab Students for and want like beggars dependent on charity and including in its activities seven public lectures, three movies, four sentenced to a life of forced idleness." press conferences and three television interviews for Arab spokesmen. A point made by Kanev in his prefatory essay is vital. He states: The Arab League Information Center in the United States, a propa- "Those who strive wholeheartedly towards a ganda agency, assured a recent convention of Arab students, held at solution of the Arab refugee problem are bound University of Colorado, of funds for their activities "wherever pos- to recognize that in reality no major refugee prob- sible" for the purpose of "enlightening American public opinion about lem exists. Instead, an exchange of population has the threats and dangers of Zionist policies and about the evil role some taken place, and this phenomenon is not limited to Jewish organizations in the United States play in this regard." the Israeli-Arab war but has happened in many The American Arab Society is now planning to raise $3,000,000 parts of the world, where major flights of refugees have occurred in our time and where constructive to establish a center for Arabic studies at Houston Baptist College, ways of absorbing them have been found in far which was established five years ago and has 900 students. American "interested companies" will finance the college by contributions, the less time. secretary of the Society announced. Dr. William Hinton, president of Finland was forced to absorb 400,000 refugees the college, said that the center "will exert great influence and could from Carelia; West Germany has rehabilitated be a turning point in reshaping American foreign policy toward the within her borders 6,250,000 refugees from Poland, Arab states." Hungary, Czechoslovakia and East Germany. Mil- lions of citizens were exchanged between India and Pakistan, and lastly, has not Sudan expelled 250,000 statistics." lie revealed the truth regarding the refugee myths and Christians to the neighboring African countries? charged: "UNRWA's statistics do not originate from its small "If the situation will be seen in this light, the International Staff of less than 120 members. The registration of persons as refugees rests with the Local Staff, about 10,000 strong, whole problem will have found a natural solution. Against the 367,000 remaining genuine Arab which is composed of genuine or 'appointed' refugees whose loyalties are to their Host—or Home Countries." refugees who left Israel (of their own free will) in 1948, Israel has absorbed more than half a mil- It is clear from the facts presented by Dr. Pinner that there has lion Jewish refugees from Arab countries who were been built up—deliberately—a case against Israel based on falsified expelled by force. refugee statistics, and UNRWA, and therefore the UN itself, are "What is more, for humanitarian reasons Israel responsible for the lie perpetrated and imposed as a fact upon is prepared to assist in the matter with her knowl- mankind. edge and experience acquired in this sphere, for Dr. Pinner does not state it, because that's not part of his thesis, the absorption of the uprooted and their return to productive work. In this region there are seven- but the major responsibility for the upkeep of the so-called million or more refugees rests upon the United States. Most of the money teen countries under Arab rule, some of them huge came from our tax dollars, and American taxpayers have good cause in size and rich in natural resources, but only to protest the misappropriations that are adding to a problem for the sparsely populated. Had the Arab rulers a spark of human relationship towards their own brethren, Middle East, Israel and also the United States. If it were not for the they could easily have settled people uprooted as exaggerated refugee problem, perhaps even the Russian influence in the Middle East, which has become a major challenge to the U.S far back in 1948." would be delimited. Dr. Pinner incorporated in his text two letters Dr. Pinner's valuable document thoroughly dissects all the he had written to the late Dr. Hammarskjold and in them he told bluntly of the misrepresentations UNRWA reports, it exposes the biased attitude of the last two by UNRWA officials and the failure of the Arab UNRWA commissioner generals (first known as UNRWA directors), potentates to provide adequate means of solving and his direct accusations must receive a more adequate reply from the refugee problem they had themselves created. the responsible authorities. Dr. Pinner wrote to the UN secretary- There is little, of course, to be expected from an Arab-USSR general, who died shortly thereafter in a tragic bloc in the UN—as was indicated by the resolution demanding Israel's plane accident: "In your own report in 1958, withdrawal from the unified city of Jerusalem. Only the United you expressed the view that resettlement of the States and Canada had the courage to abstain from voting on that refugees should greatly assist the development unanimously adopted resolution (13-0) in the UN Security Council. of the Arab countries. You wrote this when Therefore the challenge to an international lie must come from the you had no reason to disbelieve in UNRWA's American taxpayers. 'Between You and Me' —