UFK's Assassination Distresses Americans in Israel; Nation That Faces Terror is Horrified by Acts of Terror By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ TEL AVIV — There is no limit to the state of shock was occasioned here by the news first of the re- ported attack on Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and 24 hours thereafter by the news of his passing. At every kiosk, at all news stands, wherever people Poured or stopped for a refreshing drink, the news was passed on with a sense of revulsion. Americans who are visiting here in the many hun- dreds were mourning. The messages of condolence that went forth from here as from all civilized countries echoed throughout the land. For RFK's fellow Americans, these were hours of despondency. Why have the acts of terrorism been so that numerous? President Kennedy- , Senator Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Rabbi Morris Adler! And even the act of assassinating President Kennedy's assassin! The reason for the latest assassination added to the revulsion. In the Land of Israel, which has been free of such acts of terror, the feeling of compassion for the survivors of the assassinations is especially great. Israel is surrounded by nations all of whom have ex- perienced political murders. Only a few days ago there was an attempt on the life of former Lebanese Presi- dent Chamoun. In every Arab country, there has been a political murder or an attempt to murder. Israel lives in such an environment — and in this atmosphere Eretz Israel is an oasis in the midst of terror. Especially because Israel faces and defies terror, its people are especially horrified by such acts. Out of the new tragedy emerged a universal kinship in defense of human values, against the insanity and the depravity of terrorism. From here, whence stem the great ethical teachings of justice and compassion, the message to the Kennedys and to all Americans is one of sincerest sympathies, of great compassion, of prayer for better days and for an end to inhumanities. Israel joined in mourning mixed with prayer that there should be a halt to terror everywhere — and for the Americans who are here, temporarily away from their homes, it is an especially urgent time for prayer for tranquility in a troubled age. (Related Story Page 36) Detroit's Role at Bar-Ilan University Anti-Semitism From Cairo: Arabs' Resort Refugees: The Tragic Imbalance MI:=2 0 I A Weekly Review Editorials Page 4 to the Faked MICHI GAN 'Protocols' f Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle LIII. No. 13 27 June 14, 1968-17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—vE 8-9364--Detroit 48235 Commentary Page 2 $7.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c Israel Govt's .Decision to Establish ..Abtorption Men - istry . Creates Storm JERUSALEM (JTA) News that the Israeli government had decided b establish a ministry of absorption and to assume responsibility for the absorption of immigrants, a responsibility previously held by the Jewish Agency, created a storm here Monday in the 27th World Zionist Congress. The decision was announced by the government after Sunday's cab- inet: meeting. The announcement did not use the qualifying phrase "per- : Inanent absorption" as Zionist leaders had anticipated, thereby giving rise to the belief that the government intended to take over the whole process starting with the arrival of the immigrant. A special meeting was held Monday morning to discuss the implica- gons of the government decision and the Jewish Agency's attitude. Before the meeting began, Aryeh L. Pincus, chairman of the Jewish — FLAG DAY . s 44,40,7.,.., -- r‘relk--.;:,. . "We meet to -celebrate Flag Day because this flag which we honor and under which we serve is the ,.which of our unity, our power, our thought and purpose as a nation. It has no other character than that which we give it from generation to generation.. "The choice is ours. It floats in majestic silence above the hosts that execute those choices whether in peace or war. And yet, though silent, it speaks to us—speaks to us of the past, of the men and women who went before us and of the records they wrote upon it. "We celebrate the day of its birth, and from its birth until now it has witnessed a great history, has floated on high the symbol of great events, of a great plan of life worked out by a great people." —Woodrow Wilson, June 14, 1917 Agency, received a telephone call from Prime Minister Levi Eshkol assuring him that the cabinet decision had been "in principle" and that actual details would remain to be worked out by a joint government- Jewish Agency committee. Pincus reported this statement to the special meeting Monday morning but it did not satisfy a number of those present. Several members of the Jewish Agency expressed themselves in strong terms against converting the agency into "a travel agency." Strong opposition was voiced at the meeting to a separation of the immigration function and primary absorption or the care of the immigrant immediately after his arrival in Israel. The meeting reportedly concluded that the retention of the - function of primary absorption by the agency would be a pre-condition to discussions with the government. The cabinet announcement has stirred speculation about who will get the new portfolio, provided the cabinet decides to establish one, something it has not yet done. A front runner in the speculation over the possible new cabinet post is Labor Minister Yigal Allon. Should Gen. Allon, the 1948 Hagana commander, switch jobs, it is believed that former Rafi leader Yosef Almogi would become minister of labor. There was no comment from Almogi Tuesday other than to say that no one had approached him on the subject. It was reported previously that Almogi was slated to become secretary-general of Histadrut, Israel's labor federation, after the next general elections in which incumbent Aharon Becker may not be a candidate. The cabinet, however, may not create a full minister for the absorption post but establish the title of deputy minister of absorption. In that case, according to some sources, the post would go to Eliav, a member of the Knesset, who was formerly deputy minister of trade and industry. Others said that Eliav would become deputy minister of absorption even if a full minister were appointed. Pincus sounded a note of resignation Wednesday when he said that the Zionist Organization can never sustain a confrontation with the Israel government but can only try to state its case to the best of its ability. Pincus said that it was found "ready ears" in ministers who had been active Zionists for many years. The cabinet and agency issued a joint statement of "explanation" Tuesday which announced the establishment of a committee of three cabinet ministers and three members of the Jewish Agency executive which would begin immediately to deal with "the methods of coordinating their respective activities in these (immigration and absorption) areas and the operational aspects arising out of the government's decision Sunday with respect to immigration and absorption." The announcement was sharply criticized by many congress delegates because it failed to spell out what they wanted—the Jewish Agency's continued responsibility for absorption in its initial stages. Dr. Goldmann said during Wednesday's Congress debate that Israel must decide whether or not it wants and needs the Zionist Organization. "Israel's leaders must do some hard thinking," he said. "World Jewry is far from being in their pocket. Does Israel believe that it alone can hold the Jewish people?" On the other hand, Dr. Goldmann said, "without the moral authority of Israel behind it, the Zionist Organization could fizzle out." Rabbi Max Nussbaum, former president of the Zionist Organization of America, said that the government had left the WZO "the choice of dying out slowly or liquidating itself." In his address to the plenary working session of the Congress Monday. Pincus stressed the need for the Jewish Agency to retain the primary absorption function. Discussing relations between the govern- ment and the Agency, he described a covenant, which formally recognized the special status of the World Zionist Organization and the • Jewish Agency in Israel, not as a formal- -document but as an expression of historic fact and of the true partnership between Israel and the Zionist movement. He told the session that in the one year of its functioning, the joint authority established by the government and agency had made significant progress in many directions. Among them he cited incen- tives for new immigration and absorption by unifying three agency departments. The Jewish Agency chief said there were three guiding principles the agency and Zionist movement must follow: the Zionist movement must shoulder the burden of encouraging and organizing immigration; the government must assume responsibility for the permanent settlement of immigrants, including employ- ment; and finally, there must be no artificial barriers interposed between immigration and absorption. Pincus said that the same body that dealt with the bringing of the immigrant to Israel must also see to his needs in the first stages of absorption — such as the immigrant centers and the Hebrew language courses (Ulpanim). The welfare of the immigrant, he said, required this. • The Congress was expected to make Zionist history Tuesday by accepting non-affiliated Jewish youth organizations into full membership in the Zionist movement. • The recommendation to admit the youth organizations, mainly student groups, was made by the Congress presidium and was virtually certain to be approved by the steering committee. The ease with which the youngsters won recognition. without the fight they had been prepared to wage, has encouraged them to make further demands and to press vigorously for a program that would drastically alter the structure of the World Zionist Organization. The youth groups are represented at the Congress by 11 Jewish students from the United States, Britain, France, Sweden, South Africa and Australia and six Israelis, all of the . World Jewish Students Organization. (Continued on Page 9)