On the First Anniversary American Jewry's Friendship Remains Most Desired Weapon for Impregnability By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ TEL AVIV — June 4 --- Within 24 hours, any- thing can happen in this part of the world. At this writing, there is anxiety and a certain amount of tension. Tomorrow will mark the first anniver- sary of the commencement of the three-hour oper- ation that completely demolished Egypt's air force and commenced a Six-Day War that restored to Israel the only remaining wall of the Holy Temple within a reconstituted unification of the City of Peace — Jerusalem. It was a war that for the first time assured for Israel security for the settlements in the Galil and eliminated an Egyptian threat from Sinai and the Gaza Strip. But shooting has not ended, there were some 40 exchanges of firing from Jordan on the Israeli Bet Shaan area and especially serious is the refusal of Arabs to have a direct exchange with Israelis. Therefore, out of the anger that motivates Arab resentment, anything could happen in retali- ation for the defeats Israel imposed upon Egypt, Jordan and Syria. In these few days, between this writing and the presentation of these views in the current Jewish News issue, there will be lots of speculating in newspapers throughout the world. The events , of June 1967 will be reviewed, analyzed, . studied, applied to existing conditions one year after the total rejection by Israel of all of the accumulated threats the Jewish State was to be destroyed and its people annihilated. Taking these concerns by the world's media of communication into account, it is necessary to reassert what Israeli military have said and what Moshe Dayan has emphasized-: that Israel can tackle her enemies, singly, one by one or all of them together. Even without the planes that have been paid for but not delivered by France, or those promised by the U.S. and not made available thus far, Israel can overcome existing threats. But Israelis are not blind to reality and they know that the threats that continue to mount are not idle boasts, that what may well be viewed again as an unfriendly world gives Israel's enemies courage to gather. new strength and that it is not excluded that a major operation can present a newly-Menac- ing situation not to be overlooked now and cer- tainly. to be treated with all seriousness in the future.' - On the first anniversary of the June 1967 war Israel is worried about Russia's role and the_ supply of arms by the USSR to Egypt and Syria; the Israelis are upset by the hesitancy that marks U.S. fulfillment of a pledge to provide them with a few vitally needed planes; there is real distress over the changed attitude among non-Jews whO have not taken into consideration the unending dangers to Israeli's existence and now are more concerned with an effort to enforce advice for IS- raelis to be "magnanimous" than with the practical needs to assure for Israel the security that was acquired during the war of a year ago. - • In Israel, therefore, there is one hope: reten- Uon and solidification of the - one imperishable partnership — that with the Jewish people. Never before has the plea for extension of the bond of friendship with American Jewry been expressed with so much earnestness. And if there is a sense of confidence in the future it stems from the faith Israel has in the kinsmen in America. TO THE EDITOR: • Walter Laqueur's "The Middle East Is Potentially More Dangerous Than -Vietnam," May 5, makes chilling reading. Unless a number of attitudes change appreciably there seems little hope for a peaceful solution in this area; .another conflict may be the Biblical. 'Armageddon, not just for the Middle East but for the world. ' However, there is a solution if we keep in mind the following points: 1) When Theodor Herzl "invented" the concept of a Judensta at in 1896, he: immediately realized that the viability of such a nation would be precarious in , the extreme if it were injected into an Arab world. Herzl, many feel, preferred the 1903 offer of the British Govern- ment for settling a Jewish state in East -Africa, -but he was strongly opposed by _the. Zionists. - - 2). When the unspeakable annihilation of the Jews occurred under Hitler, it is not unreasonable to assume that the vast' majority of European Jews who escaped . would, - if they had been offered the choice, have preferred to settle. in the New World, particularly the United States, than in what was even then (1946-47) a turbulent Palestine. . 3) There are in Israel -today some 2,600,000 Jews. This tiny number—less, than the population of Iowa—is, as is painfully obvious, compromising relations ..between the United States and - a Muslim world of almost 500,000,000— who, it might be noted, have 62.2 'per cent of the 'world's petroleum resources in -the - Middle East alone. Moreover, because of US. prolIsrael sentiment--let us not forget that almost half of the 13,000,000 Jews in the world today are U.S. citizens—our. foreign policy has also been • so pressured that a vacuum has been created and we have enabled the Soviets for the first time to establish them- ::selves along the eastern Mediterranean. . It is suggested, therefore, -that the United States—and, one hopes, our friends in Canada and Latin America— agree to - solve once and for all this frightfully threatening condition by offering to admit as citizens all the present inhabitants of Israel. The city of Jerusalem would be made - into an international city - (as proposed by- the U.N, General Assembly in 1947), open to all as a self7governing enclaVe under United Nations' aegis, and with a diameter —289 square miles in - the U.N. proposal—to give it validity. The rest of the state of Israel would be returned to those whose families and forebears have lived there continuously for several thousand years. The Jews who eletted to remain would, of course, be accommodated in Jordan, - Syria and Egypt as are the over 200,000 Arabs today who stayed on in Israel. - Would not this proposal, - difficult though -• its imple- mentation would be, provide . a glorious haven for the ever- threatened Israelis (in • 1966, immigration was only 1,000 more than emigration!), permanent release for the dangerously frustrated Arabs and peace to an anxious world? . _ G. E. KIDDER SATETH. New York. It is because of this great hope that is rooted in faith that the current _ (27th) World Zionist Congress, which is to open in Jerusalem on Sunday morning, carries with it so much significance: There is no doubt that the WZCongress' chief concern will be with aliyah: there is the general recogni- tion that Israel most urgently needs new settlers, and the close to 600 delegates from some 60 countries will make an effort to encourage the Settlement of Jews from many lands in Israel. Out of the Congress, also, will come the call for unity in support of Israel by Jews in free lands so that whatever threats may emerge will be defied by a united people. There is an unusual note in the preparatory stages for the WZCongress. David Ben-Gurion, who boycotted the sessions of the 26th WZCongree, al- though he no longer considers himself a member of the Zionist Movement, has asked to be accepted "as an invited guest." No one has even accepted his assertion that he is no longer an affiliate Zionist: hasn't he served as chairman of the World Zionist Executive? But his desire to attend the WZCongress sessions seem to indicate that he has something to say. And what he aims to state un- doubtedly has a lot to do with aliya — with an extended migration of Jews to Israel; with a solidi- fication of Israel-Diaspora friendships and perhaps also with means to be utilized for assurance of greater aid to Israel by Israel's kinsmen. In any event, the new -Ben-Gurion attitude augurs much for the 27th WZCongress and perhaps a new era for Zionism which is regaining a large measure of popularity and acceptance as an instill- ment for Israel's reconstruction and security. It is the series of misrepresentations that total up into a mass of - misapprehensions amounting to shocking ignorance that must cause the reader to marvel at the naivete _of a man part of whose name is "Kidder," causing us to wonder, whether it was written in- the form of a "kidder." But one can't "kid" about such matters. There is absolute misconception of the Uganda scheme in the first note; in the second the writer of the latter fails to indicate that only the closed- door policy imposed . by Britain prevented . Jews from settling in Palestine; in the third note . there is a lack of knowledge of history since the facts are that Arabs did not occupy the Holy Land for thousands of years — not even for many hundreds — and fails to indicate that the great Ara-b, con- tribution to Palestine was to turn "the land of milk and honey" into a wasteland; the Kidding letter-writer gives credence to an undesirable power- struggle in the Middle East. His basic misstatement is that Jews did not have or do not have an -historic role that bonds them to the Land of Israel, making them insepar- able from the land, therefore immovable from it. Because this type of letter can be written and has been published in spite of its nonsense by a great newspaper, Israelis have new concerns. They seek understanding, not delusions. To assure practication appreciation of what is happening here, Israel needs friends. The hope here still rests on men like President Johnson, in whom Israelis affirm great confidence; but primarily in the Jew- ish people and especially in the Jews of America. If American Jews stand by Israel, Israelis feel more impregnable by the partnership with their fellow-Jews than by anything else other than their . An Attitude of Antagonism Which Must • Be Fought Anew Israel's position on the international arena has experienced many transformations. There have been periods during which the non-Jewish world showed great sympathy for the Jewish State. That was true -immediately after the State was reborn, in 1948. Shortly thereafter, the old enmities — de- veloping from sin'at olam I'ani olam — the eternal hatred for the eternal people — contributed towards growing suspicions, hatreds, misrepresentations that failed to provide even a modicum of encour- agement to Israel from non-Jews. Whatever the reason, only a small measure of friendship was in evidence, and Jews alone were the great reservoir of aid to embattled Israel. This was true also in May and June of last year. When Israel was in danger of total destruc- tion, there were sympathetic tones. Very soon after Israel's June triumph the friendly attitude seemed to -vanish. Some of the attitudes were so puzzling, some so devastating, that there even developed a defeatist school that believes that Israel is doomed to destruction and that the very progressive little nation must resign its existence. The most puzzling of all published statements took the form of a letter published in the New York Times on May 26, which proposed that total abandonment of Israel by Jews. Ordinarily such nonsence would not be dignified with attention. But the NYTimes gave it notoriety in its Magazine Section. Why? Has the world . gone mad? At any rate, here is the full text of that letter: Tekoah Reports to Thant on 'Revival of Hitlerite Practices' in Arab Lands UNITED NATIONS (JTA)—Dis- crimination and persecution of Jews is continuing in the Arab states, especially in Syria, Egypt and Iraq, Israel Ambassador Yosef Tekoah reported in a letter to Sec- retary General U Thant made pub- lic here Monday. "Recent reports," declared Te- koah, "indicate that a particularly serious aggravation has occurred in the situation of the Jewish com- munity of Iraq." Noting that after Israel attained its independence in 1948, some 120,- 000 Iraqi Jews had fled to Israel, Tekoah stated that "the Jews who remained in Iraq have been sub- jected to ever greater restrictions and deprivations. These have as- sumed alarmingly grave propor- tions since the hostilities of June 1967. The Iraqi government has passed laws denying Jews their civil liberties, their freedom of movement, and the possibility of employment. The Jews of Iraq are under constant fear for their lives. The Iraqi authorities, and particu- larly the secret police, threaten them even with murder." According:to Tekoah, the Iraqi actions are the first since the Nazi anti-Jewish laws during the Hitler regime in which "the oppression Of Jews has been for- mally promulgated" through legislation. Tekoah Cited specific actions taken against the Iraqi Jews in- cluding - a - legislative provision which orders "all government and private offices and businesses not to pay out any sums 'due to the Jews' but to notify the minister instead." The only exception to this con- fiscatory rule, according_ to Te- koah, is one exempting salaries up to 100 dinars ($180) per month which is approximately the salary now paid in Iraq to a beginning clerk "and does not suffice to sup- port a family." Tekoah noted in his letter that "the Nazi-like persecution of the Jews of Iraq constitutes a wanton violation by the Iraqi government of the charter of the United Na- tions, of fundamental human rights and of resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and the Security Council." Tekoah stated that "an end must be put to this revival of Hitlerite practices which requires immedi- ate international attention." In accordance with Tekoah's request, the letter was circulated as an official document to - all members-- of the United Nations including the 15 that are mem- bers of the Seeurity Connell. determined will to live. If an auto with an Israel license plate were to reach Amman, it is anyone's guess what the fate of driver and passengers would be. But anywhere in Israel it is com- mon to see autos and trucks with license plates On vehicles owned by Arabs from Gaza, the West Bank. It is the freedom of move- ment .ArabS have within Israel. One wonders: . could that help build up espionage against Israel? Or—can it create friendship for Israel? Regardless, the contrast is in evidence. There is also the contrast be- tween peoples and generations. In Israel the modernity is certain. Among the Arabs, especially on Shavuot, it was again evident that the tools of the time of Ruth and Moab still are in use. Arabs still work the land with sickle. Israeli- Arabs have learned: that's why there is the belief that they are anxious to a perpetuated peace. Arabs outside Israel have so much to learn—and they can learn it from Israel. Perhaps, as the He- brew saying goes, what the com- mon sense (seikhel) does not ac- complish, time (ha-zman) will. Perhaps time will bring sense to Israel's enemies—and peace when sense arrives. 56 Friday, June 7, 1968 — Adnan Pachachi, permanent rep- sentative of Iraq to the UN, claimed in a letter to Thant Tues- day that Tekoah's charges were "completely false" and without "a chred of evidence to support them." The Iraqi representative asserted in his letter that "Jews in Iraq enjoy complete equality with other citizens." He said the March 1968 laws were "designed to protect the interests of loyal Jewish citizens of Iraq" and was "directed against the attempts of some of those who have already voluntarily renounc- ed their citizenship to flout and circumvent the laws of the coun- try." Pachachi said that 100 dinars equals $280 and is the basic month- ly salary of senior government officials with 20 years of service. He said that 100 dinars in Iraq has many times the purchasing power of its equivalent in dollars. Meanwhile, t h e movement of Jews from Egypt has come to a standstill after "many hundreds" were permitted to leave the country in the months following Six-Day War, Gaynor I. Jacob- son, executive vice-president of the United Hias Service, re- ported. Speaking at a conference of country directors of the interna- tional Jewish migration agency and leaders of afencies concerned with refugees and m i g r ant s, Jacob- son said thot there were still an estimated 200 Jews in prison in Egypt. He expressed the hope that they would be released and per- mitted to rejoin their families. The United Hias executive said that most of the Jews of Poland were anxious to be reunited with their families in overseas coun- tries. "We trust that necessary measures will be taken by the governments concerned to facili- tate such family reunion," he de- clared. He noted that many Jews in various countries in Eastern Europe and the Middle East faced a "distressing and pre- carious situation" and said that United Hias faced "serious chal- lenges" in meeting resettlement service needs in the coming months. Barbara M. Watson, acting ad- ministrator of the State Depart- ment's Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs, told the three- day workshop conference that the 1965 immigration law, which takes effect July 1, "removes the last vestiges of racial discrimination in U.S. immigration and fosters family reunion." She said that under the new law there had been a 60 per cent in- crease in immigration from East- ern Europe, mainly for family re- union. The figure would have been "considerably higher," she said, "except for difficulties encountered in obtaining passports and exit permits in many Eastern Euro- pean countries." Harry M. Friedman, assistant secretary and comptroller of United Hias, warned the confer- ence that the agency's 1968 budget of $2,375,000 "might - well be ex- ceeded." B-C Wants to Address World Zionist Congress (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) TEL AVIV Jewish Agency ' Chairman Aryeh Pincus was re- ported Tuesday to have approved a request by former- Prime ter DaVid' Beh-Gurion 'to address the World Zionist_ Congress that opens here next week. Ben-Gurion. is neither' a member of the Jewish Agency executive' nor a delegate to the congress. It is believed that he will reiterate his formula for a drastic reorgan- ization of the Zionist movement as a means of furthering immigration and improving the immigrant ab- sorption process. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS