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June 07, 1968 - Image 22

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1968-06-07

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22—Friday, June 7, 1968


El Fatah ...the Golan Tea and Zion

Katz Still Has a Dream ...

The London papers cleared up


A Seven Arts Feature

tion had only one tea party, Israel
Tea is of course associated with
some confusion. The first time we has required innumerable tea
all Jewish life. Who does not - re-
To my surprise he listed me ization, El Fatah, we thought it re- parties. All the great early Zionists member the Sabbath kettle "on the
A Seven Arts Feature
—Weizmann, Sokolow, Syrkin, Lip-
When Aleph Katz retired some among the major influences in his ferred to Jackie Gleason. Then we sky—were champion tea drinkers. pripichick."
The English and the Jews are
two weeks ago as editor of the
thought maybe El Fatah meant the The only exception was the author
say, I was pleased.
Yiddish division of the Jewish Tele-
fatheads. It's time, we said, the of the Hatikva, Imber, who stuck the great tea drinkers. Dr. Johnson
Now it is my turn to acknowl- fatheads united. According to a
could drink six or seven cups of
graphic Agency, I recalled a speech
to the biblical drinks and some.
tea at one sitting, like any rabbi.
he made at a public reception about edge Aleph's influence on me, not story from London, we were not
times had to be carrlea out with
two years ago on the occasion of as a poet, for I have long aban- altogether wrong. The story says them.
ow mit ion ow ow no
the appearance of his "Quite A doned toying with that art, but as a member of the El Fatah organ-
In those days, if you wanted to ■
Wedding," a book of poetry that a writer of prose for the most pro- ization was interviewed by the
11 A.M. to 4 P.M.
help lay the foundations of the Jew- I
was received with wide acclaim in saic of media. I learned much from British Broadcasting Company.
Aleph, who was my teacher, men-
ish settlement in Palestine, they
Yiddish literary circles.
The day was a cold one. Snow tor and critic. In my early journal- interviewer, "that of late, a number would say to you: "It won't be I
Around . . . and see I
had been falling the entire day, istic days he would spend hours of intellectuals have joined your easy. How much are you willing to I Browse
the Newest Spring Clothing from
sacrifice for it? How many buckets
and by evening the streets were with me passing on his knowledge organiaztion."
the finest makers in the coun-
of tea are you willing to drink to
covered with sleet that made walk- to me. That I am grateful for that
"That's untrue," said the El restore Israel among the nations
The Finest of Selections And
ing an exercise in futility. I had bounty, I need not now repeat. I Fatah member, "all members of
Reasonably Priced!
the and make the desert blossom as I Fine So
Clothes for Over 30 Years •
been laid up that day, as I have only wish I could be as meticulous El Fatah are Palestinians."
the rose?"
I 15200 W. Seven Mile Road •
been too often in recent years, and as he has been about his journal-
So there does seem to be some
3 Blocks East of Greenfield
I called Aleph to tell him I feared istic dedication.
If the Galilee is golden with I Daily to 6:00 p.m. Mon. & Thurs. J.
relationship between El Fatah and
I would not be able to come. He
And now another word.
2 to 9:00 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to
oranges today and the Sharon
El Fathead.
4:00 p.m.
said he was sorry, but as he made
Some years ago, writing about
Speaking about names, we read green with melons, don't forget the
his last-moment plea his voice on one of his books of poetry, I said
in an Israeli paper that the wife of debt to the tea drinkers.
111111•1 1 11111151111111111111EMIIIIIIMMIN
the other end of the telephone somethig like this:
one of the soldiers who took part in
We were three in 1919.
seemed to have a mysterious ring
about it.
One succumbed to the turmoil the capture of Golan Heights
I was to find out what he and passed on to the green pas- recently had twins—a boy and a
meant when he addressed the tures from which there is no re- girl. The boy was named Golan
and the girl, Rama, which means
gathering after an array of Yid- turn.
The third one, Aleph, had a heights in Hebrew. The family
dish literary figures spoke of his dream.
lives in Jerusalem, so you can now
art. Aleph spoke as a poet
stay, in Jerusalem and see Golan
should, or is it like a poet should,
To which I would n o w add:
revealing the literary influences Aleph, a half century later, still Heights.
You can see all kinds of wonder-
in his poetic life, which goes has a dream. And for that I envy
ful things in Israel nowadays —
back close to a half a century. him.
even Coca Cola. The Hebrew daily,
Davar, recently expressed some
displeasure about that.
It appears that while Israelis
KIAMESHA LAKE (JTA)—The ry, to give all of our citizens a fair would like to see American Pops
re-elected president of the Work- chance to share in the general and Moms settling in Israel, they
We call it the "Roman Sojourn." It's our name for a special
men's Circle pledged his organiza- prosperity."
are not so anxious about American
tour during which we try to do for you what you'd do for your-
tion's continued whole-hearted sup-
Later, the chairman of t h e soda pop coming there. They have
self if you had a real home-town knowledge of every major
port of Israel but declared that it American Zionist Council took issue their own "Mitz" which is good
city in Italy.
would remain a non-Zionist organi- with the position on Zionism enun- enough for them. They tell about
zation and explained the reasons ciated by Breslow and accused him one Tel Aviv man who made so
We take care of all the usual traveler-tormenting details
to the 800 delegates attending the gations on the beaning of Zion- much money out of the Mitz soda
about food, lodgings, transportation, tickets, tips. All you do
recent biennial convention of the ism."
is enjoy yourself.
water, he wore diamonds and they
Jewish fraternal labor order.
Rabbi Israel Miller objected to say that while Moses made water
We'll start by jetting you to Munich and give you a day in the
According - to Israel Breslow, Breslow's statement that "Zionists come out of the rocks, this Tel
gorgeous Austrian Alpine country. Then we'll smooth your
"there is a basic difference be- believe that Israel is the home- Aviv man has made a rock come
way through Milan, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Naples, Capri,
tween being supporters of Israel, land of all Jews and that Jews out of water.
Pompeii, and later take you back over the Swiss Alps to
even passionate supporters, as we elsewhere are living in the Galut
Zurich, Stuttgart and Frankfurt.
are, and being Zionists." The Zion- —in the diaspora."
The Jewish State was build on
ists, he said, "believe that Israel
For fifteen days we guide you to the places you want to see,
Rabbi Miller, in a letter to Bres- tea. While the American Revolu-
is the homeland of all Jews, and
help you do what you want to do. And if some morning or
that Jews elsewhere are living in
afternoon you'd like to skip something, that's all right, too.
creative survival of the Jewish
the Galut—in the diaspora. We in people
everywhere." He said that UAHC Board Urges
Fact is, long before your Roman Sojourn is over, you'll tell
the Workmen's Circle say no. For while Zionists were deeply con-
yourself that if you'd known Lufthansa could make seeing
us the United States . . . is our cerned over Israel, "we are simi- Strenuous Effort for Poor
Italy this easy, you would have gone last year.
permanent homeland."
NEW YORK — Answering the
larly concerned with the meaning-
Air fare based on 14.21 day, 15 passenger GIT
But Breslow, who is a vice presi- ful survival of the Jewish people call of its president, Rabbi Muarice
based on each of two people traveling together. Economy Fare from N.Y. C., land arrangement$
dent of the International Ladies —as a people—in all the lands N. Eisendrath, to use the "diplo-
matic, political, financial and mor-
Garment Workers Union, allied the wherein they dwell."
Lufthansa German Airlines, Dept.
al power of American Jewry . .
Workmen's Circle for the first time
410 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022
with Histadrut, Israel's Labor
Gentlemen: Please send me information on your
Federation. "Our failure to do so German Labor Heads and enable every citizen of our
"Roman Sojourn" tour (from $499).
land to walk our streets in security
in the past made little sense to
❑ Have your Tour Expert contact me.
and dignity," the board of trustees
me," he said. "We were supporting Urge Ban on NPD
BONN (JTA)—New voices were of the Union of American Hebrew
Israel but withholding support
from the movement in Israel with raised here in favor of outlawing Congregations voted to endorse the
which we have the most in com- the extreme right-wing National Poor People's Campaign under
way in Washington, D.C.
many as neo-Nazi, which made
In a resolution, the board urged
Breslow said "for the Zionists, surprising gains in the recent elec- a national
commitment to the fight
the Jewish community in the United tions in Baden-Wurttemburg, os- against
States must be a temporary affair tensibly the most liberal of West to encompass such measures as a
—to be abandoned in exodus to German states.
My travel agent Is
guaranteed annual minimum in-
Israel, adding that "for the Zion-
The leadership of the West Ger- come, increased interpersonal con-
ists the goal is immigration to Is- man trade union movement (DGB),
tact between whites and Negroes,
rael . . . Our goal is to improve demanded that the party be banned
and equitable distribution of pub-
and strengthen our society here, because of the recent terrorist acts lic welfare funds, among others.
to make it more truly democratic, by some of its members against
to eliminate prejudices and bigot- the left-wing student center in
Herbert Wehner, minister of
2 El Fatah Leaders
German affairs and deputy chair-
man of the Social Democratic
Face Life in Prison
Party, said at a news confer-
TEL AVIV (JTA) — Two El ence that his party would re-
Fatah leaders convicted of murder quest the Allied powers to out-
during a terrorist sabotage raid law the NPD in Berlin. The
last March were sentenced to life three Western allies—the United
imprisonment by a military tri- States, Britain and France —
bunal in Lydda.
continue to function as occupa-
The two are Kammal Nammer, tion powers in West Berlin.
26, an engineer, who headed the
The First Born
gang, and William Naguib Nassar,
As an inevitable consequence of Arab terrorism along the borders
The first born, according to
22, a chemist, who was his deputy.
The court decided against the Hebrew tradition, receives special
of Israel, HISTADRUT has launched a special drive to provide the
death sentence because both de- privileges and a double share of
kibbutzim and moshavim (cooperative settlements) with urgently
fendants had cooperated with Israel the father's inheritance. But mod-
needed ambulances. EACH AMBULANCE COSTS $5000.00. Par-
authorities in rounding up other ern Israeli law does not recognize
special privileges for the first-
El Fatah members.
tial contributions will be gratefully accepted.
The pair was arrested following born.
an El Fatah raid on the Mekorot
Please make your check payable to HISTADRUT-AMBULANCE
One child gives his father roast
water company's equipment stor-
FUND. Your gift is tax deductible.
age depot at Abu Gosh, near Jeru- pheasants to eat but with such

salem. The Druze watchman was harshness that he will be punished
his father to work turning a mill-•
Both Nammer and Nassar are wheel but with such kindness that
the sons of Jewish mothers who he will be blessed therefor.—Kid-
19161 Schaefer Hwy., Detroit, Mich. 48235
married Arabs.
dushin 31



For $499, Lufthansa
does more than give you
a 15-day Italian tour.

Workmen's Circle `Non-Zionist'

It keeps you from
feeling like a tourist.


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