28--crIday, May 17, 1968 THE INETROIT JEWISH NEWS Trim Trial Activities Bnai Brith Plants Israel Woodland Arthur C. Schott, president of the Metropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith Council, received a woodland of 2,590 trees planted in his name in the Bnai Brith Martyrs' Forest. Shown displaying the certificate given him at the recent Bnai Brith presidents' brunch are, (from left), Schott, Morris Direnfeld, toastmaster and former council president; Nathan 0. Hurwich, Toronto Bnai Brith and JNF leader, guest speaker; and Max Lieberman, council chairman of the Bnai Brith Martyrs' Forest in Israel. EDDIE JACOBSON CHAPTER will hold a membership meeting noon Wednesday at the home of , Mrs. Morris Sears, 15261 North- field, Oak Park. A "pancake and paper party" will be featured. * * REX CHAPTER will have a bake sale 1-4 p.m. Sunday at the Montgomery Ward Store, 12 Mile- Telegraph Shopping Center. The public is invited. * * ISRAEL CHAPTER will hold a membership - retention smorgas- bord dinner for all paid-up mem- bers 6 p.m. Tuesday at Workmen's Circle Center. Foods representing various countries throughout the world will be served, followed by a games night. * * * BUSINESS AND P R O F E S- SIONAL CHAPTER will hold a night out with President Mrs, Lee Diamond at Uncle John's Tuesday. A business meeting and program will follow. For information, call Hilda Wister, 547-8107. • DR. ELLIOTT SHAPIRO, New York public school administrator, will speak on "The Politics of Pub- lic Education" for the Engineering Society 1 p.m. Saturday at the Rackham Education Memorial building. Exclusive Designs • Amazing Service Invitations by .. • Donna and Sybil BY POPULAR DEMAND ! Now Booking - - ED BURG and His Orchestra Good Music for All Occasions LI 4-9278 Weddings • Bar Mitzvahs • Showers 647-4778 642-6480 Classified Ads Get Quick Results 17540 WYOMING • TEL. 341-1330 • THUR., FRI. TIL 9. LATEST STYLES & SHADES IN * TIKVAH CHAPTER will meet noon Tuesday at Cong. Beth Hil- lel. A lovely luncheon and book review on a current novel will be given by Bruce Schmidt. -Hai and WASHINGTON (JTA) — At a, Cramer of Harrisburg, Pa., an- 25-year Bnai Brith awards will be session exploring ways to involve nounced the selection of building presented. Friends are welcome. Just Received—New Fitted Sparkle Bnai Brith's 21. ''local units in the ! sites in Miami. Los Angeles. St. Turtle Neck Formals in All Colors! urban crisis, the Bnai Brith board 1 Louis, Chicago, Far Rockaway and of governors voted to canvass its ; the Atlantic City-Asbury Park area. EXPERT ALTERATIONS ON LADIES', MEN'S AND 500.000 members to promote sum-1 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. REASONABLE PRICES. mer and apprentice jobs for ghetto BBG, ALA Team Up CLOTHIERS & youth and to help potential Negro; At the recent Bnai Birth Met- small businessmen ..gain financing' to Clear Blue Boxes ropolitan Women's Council installa- CLEANERS and managerial know-how. The combined forces of Bnai tion, new officers who assumed 398-9188 22141 Coolidge, just S. of 9 Mile It also expressed concern over Brith Girls- and Aleph Zadek Aleph office with president Mrs. Gordon MON., TUES., WED., SAT., 9-7; THURS., FRI., 9-9 the growing "atmosphere of law--; (young men) will effect an all-out Fruitman were as follows: _ lessness." and warned that eon- Blue-White Box - clearance Clean-upi Mesdames Allen Weitzman, Irv- ing Isaacs, Joseph Rodman, An- tinuing disregard for law and order Sunday. could further polarize white-Negro More than 50 members of the two drew Berger and Robert Ellis, animosity. I Bnai Brith Youth groups will start vice presidents; Ira Albion, treas- Dr. William A. Wexler, president i•out from Zionist House, Southfield, urer; Selma Cohen, Philip Rubin- of, Bnai Brith, said that "racial' and will clear all Jewish National off and Maynard Kalef, secre- indignities are not going to evapo- Fund Bide-White Boxes which have taries; and Al Stein, junior past rate in riots" and warned that I not been cleared during the regular l president. extremism is likely to be encour-1 clearance period in Southfield. Oak! aged if the national mood is to Park, Huntington Woods and other WSU Hillel Cosponsors stress efforts to suppress riots over ! suburban areas. - Joyce Keller and Alan Sorkow, an Israel Conference, building the kind of society that respective chairmen of the BBG Plans Sunday Outing is our only salvation." The board deplored anti- and AZA councils, in making the The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- Semitism that "is used for an anti- announcement of Sunday's project, tion at Wayne State University, white separatist black philosophy," stated that, "as part of the world's its Student Zionist Organization but said it was sympathetic to largest Jewish service organization,. and the Israeli Student Organiza- Black Power when it is meant "to we of BBYO are proud to make tion are cosponsoring the Israel appeal to the development of our contribution to the development Conference to - be held 4-9 p.m. black dignity of a strong black of the state of Israel in its 20th Tuesday in the Mart Room of Mac- community or of an effective politi- anniversary, by participating in the kenzie Hall. Theme of the confer- JNF program of land reclamation ence is "Opportunities in Israel." cal voice." and the speaker will be Avraham The board accepted the prin- and land development." - Mrs. Frank Silverman is Blue- ; Frank, national director of the ciple of "preferential treatment" in employment opportunities for White over-all chairman, and Mes-1 Israel Aliya Center in New York. Negroes and other disadvantaged dames Abraham Scheuer, Philip , He will deal with all aspects of minorities but coupled it with an Slomovitz, William Levin and jobs, housing and various pro- Carmi Slomovitz are co-chairmen grams for kibutzim volunteers, 5 appeal for prudent action to avoid any excesses that could of the JNF Blue-White Box corn- education, Ulpanim and touring. lead to "reverse discrimination." mittee. Mrs. Levin, who is also - A film on "Americans in Is- The board also voted support of president of the JNF Women's rael" will be * ,shown, programs "for the reconstruction, Auxiliary, will brief the partici- On Sunday at noon. the Bnai rehabilitation or relocation" of pants. Brith Hillel. Foundation will spon- white merchants in ghetto neigh- sor a visit to Greenfield Village. borhoods who have become "fright- Skater to Be Awarded Meeting place will be the entrance ened and confused" and "who have BB Athletic Citation to Henry Ford Museum. suffered and who face the loss of Terry McDermott, Olympic, their businesses. speedskating star, will be awarded Diabetes Group Plans After years of research—all traces of unwanted hair The board voted to sponsor low- the Detroit Bnai Brith Athletic Ci- cost housing developments for tation at the annual sports clay ; Detroit-Area Meeting vanish with the first treatment: Future treatments, elderly persons of limited income 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Southfield High ; The Wayne-Northwest and Oak- plus our prescribed home care, discourage future hair 'and approved construction, fin- School. The event is sponsored by land South units of the Michigan growth . . . and leaves the skin in wonderful condition. anted by federal mortgage loans the Metropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith Diabetes Association will meet 8 of six projects, averaging 150 units Bowling Association. ; p.m. Thursday in the Jewish It is the only proven effective way to remove superfluous each. to begin within the next 12 Tommy Watkins, Jerry Rush Center. hair without needles, discomfort or big expense. months. and Bobby Felts of the Detroit 1 Dr. Burton L. Schmier, a psychi- A Bnai Brith Senior Citizens Lions will be on hand for the af- atrist, will speak on "The Diabetic Housing Committee, headed by Abe fair, and Bruce Martyn, the voice and his Acceptance and Adjust- For Consultation or More Information of the Detroit Red Wings, will be ment to his Condition." John P. Call The master of ceremonies. i Harm, a pediatrician, will show A BEAUTIFUL Action will be provided by Chuck slides of Camp Midicha, the sum- Thompson. Big Ten Trampoline mer camp for diabetic youngsters. Star: Bob Chase/ a first degree 1, For information, call the MDA black beller in a demonstration of office, 342-9333. AND karate; and a display of champion- FURNITURE CLEANING IRVING I. KATZ, executive ship table tennis by Chuck Burns, national senior champion, Sam secretary of Temple Beth El and Satisfaction guaranteed— Vielletts, vice president of the U.S. former president of the Jewish His- Mothproofing free. Wall- Table Tennis Assocition; and torical Society of Michigan, will to-wall carpet cleaning.. Jimmy Rushford president of the participate in the 66th annual meet- Five cents a square foot, Michigan Table Tennis Association. ing of the American Jewish His- 20509 W. 7 MILE RD. minimum $15. Basketballs, provided by the De- torical Society Saturday to Mon- (OR. FIELDING troit Pistons, will be awarded as day, and will attend the dedication 542-4735 of its new building at Brandeis prizes to tho. youngsters. I Bnai Brith Board of Governors to Press Members' Involvement in Urban Crisis FORMAL WEAR FOR RENT and SALE l Brith Women Install Officers DOM TAILORS • Unwanted hair removed forever • Eyebrows • Upper Lip • Cheeks CARPET • Chin • Neck • Arms • Hands • Legs REGISTERED COSMETOLOGIST CENTER -255-1660 CENTER