Warsaw ur e o Through Poland; Gomuika Defends 'Freedom LI"' till! NIL/ 11111131111.111. ► .71, Meaningful Jewish Living In An American Way WASHINGTON (JTA) — The demonstrated in front of the Polish Another dispatch from Warsaw purge of Jews from Poland's com- Embassy with placards reading, reported the firing of a Jewish munications and film industries "true Socialists are not anti-Sem- electrician from a power plant for has, spread to newspapers in pro- ites," and similar expressions. holding "Zionist" views. The vic- vincial cities, according to reports In Bucharest, an anniversary tim was Szymon Szymoniwcz who from Warsaw received here. In gathering in the Great Synagogue was accused of having become an the capital itself, Jewish editors heard Chief Rabbi Moshe Rosen "agressive Zionist" after return- and non-Jews opposed to the re- extol the heroes of the ghetto fight- ing from a visit to his son in Is- gime's increasingly repressive ing. He made no reference to the rael, according to the newspaper, measures and its continuing anti- present situation in Poland. Gazeta Robotnicaz of Wroclaw. Szymoniwcz was accused of hav- Jewish campaign, have resigned In Washington, Senator Charles from their jobs. H. Percy, Illinois Republican, de- ing brought home a map showing Szymon Jakubowicz, a senior nounced anti-Semitism in Poland Israel's new borders and of having Jewish ,editor of the government and called on his Senate colleagues depicted Israel's "brutal aggres- newspaper, "Z y c i e Warszawy" to "encourage world opinion to , sion" of last June as a "defensive (Warsaw Life), quit his job in pro- protest against such practices."operation." - test against the paper's policies, A Czechoslovakian trade union In Rio de Janeiro the Polish con- particularly its vociferous anti- newspaper has published an ap- sul invalidated the visas of 36 peal by three Czech writers urg- Jews who had been scheduled to Zionist line. Arthur Hajnicz, another Jew who ing Polish leaders "to put an attend the dedication of the Jewish is foreign editor, asked the govern- end to the shameful anti-Semi- pavilion in- Auschwitz, it was re- ment pr es s commissars for a tism threatening to stain the vealed. The consul said only that transfer to a small, intellectual common fight of the Poles and he was following orders. No r magazine. Mrs. Kamila Chylinska, the Jews against Hitler's fas- ign Jewish communities were k.-. a non-Jewish intellectual, and sev- ci s m." resented at the ceremonies. eral other editors have submitted The appeal, by Pavel Kohout, The decision came some weeks resignations. Jan Prochazka and Arnost Lus- after the charge d'affaires of the According to Warsaw sources, tig, was carried by "Prace," The Polish embassy announced that a changes — apparently the removal three said that the "liberation" delegation of 36 Jews belonging to of Jewish staff members—are ex- in Poland in 1956 influenced the the rti-Nazi Fighters Society" pected on two weekly magazines. current liberalization in Czecbo- would n-rticipate in the Aii-chwitz One of them, the satirical journal, sloyakia. The three writers asked ceremony. Jewish commieri::y offi- "Szpilki," has been attacked in the Gomulka regime not to con- cials here said that no surl -i. orga- official quarters for its handling fuse student unrest, the "natural niz - Von evists in Brazil. Obcervers •of "current issues." criticism of the younger genera- said that the Polish diplornt made In the textile city of Lodz, 10 tion, with hostile subversion and the announcement to co"nter re- employes of newspaper or infor- not to drive Polish citizens by not ports from Jewish organi-ations in mation media, were expelled from harsh sanctions to positions that the we,-tern world that Jews were the Communist Party which de- are inherently alien to them." not being invited to the pavilion manded their dismissal from their Dispatches from Warsaw report- ceremony. jobs. Four are Jews and the others ed that the dismissal of the art, The 36 Jews who had prepared are believed to be intellectuals op- literary and production directors ' to depart for Poland awl whose posed to the government's anti- of eight film units was recom- visas were revoked at the last Jewish campaign. mended at a recent Communist moment applied individ-Oly for Nevertheless, Polish Commu- Party meeting at Film Poisti, the , the travel document. All were nist Party chief Wladyslaw Go- state film monopoly. A majority i known to be leftists. mulka claimed in a May Day of those affected by the recom- Groningen, Netherlands has can- speech in Warsaw that Jews in mendation, which is tantamount to celled its plans to hold a "Poland Poland are better off than Poles an order, are Jews, as are a ma Veek" 'n protest against the wave are in the United States. Go- jority of the Poles ousted from No o A n "Israel f P n' i -Semitism. mulka charged that the U.S. dis- Party jobs in the last two months. , Week." which began Thn-siay on criminates against Polish Amer- he Polish-Press Agency (PAP) : The 2Ctl.• anniversary of Tcrael's in- cans, but Jews in Pollard are reported earlier the dismissal from the dependence. is in progr ., —. Tri an- free from any bias. the Communist Party of Aleksan- 1, e Polish Gomulka made his remarks at der Ford; a 60-year-old Jewish no obF-ervance. teeing cancellation of t spokes- a town council a celebration attended by U.S. director who was often called the 1 man said that there was no room Ambassador John Gronouski who father of Polish cinema." Ford lin the Netherlands for Polish cul- with stood among the diplomats of was criticized for events his contacts under prevailing con- was tura' various nations. Gronouski, who Arthur Brauner, a Polish-born film ditions of anti-Semitism in Poland. is of Polish descent, did not walk producer in West Germany who out when the U.S. was attacked. was described by PAP as an ard- Denunciation of the Polish re- ent Zionist. According to "informed Mrs. Johnson Apolauds gime's anti-semitic policies was sources," another Jew and long- . Israeli Soil Conservation voiced in all parts of the world as time film maker, Jerry Bossak, I TEL AVIV (JTA)—Israel's ac- ceremonies marking the 25th an- has been dismissed as head of the ! niversary of the Warsaw Ghetto State Documentary Film Studio in co nn'isl-ments in the field of soil conse ,-- - a tton and rehabilitation uprising continued. From Paris, Warsaw. by Mrs. J...-ndon B. s=ere JTA reported that Gen. Pierre from Reports reaching here Koenig, French hero and former Moscow quoted the newspaper, Johnson in a message addressed to minister of defense, urged the Pravda Ukrainy's announcement Mrs. fired Ben Ami, president of press to give the public full infor- that an important group of the newly created committee for mation on the situation of the Soviet writers had condemned the be., ntrication of Israel. Mrs. Johnson who heads th' Na- Jews in Eastern Europe. He con- Zionism as an anti-Soviet mani- demmed the renewal of anti-Semit- festation. A resolution adopted tioral Committee for the Beautifi- cation of the United States. said ism in Poland. by the Kiev board of the Uk In Teheran, where an interna- raine Writers Union said, "equal in her cabled greeting that "all tional human rights assembly is in ly abhorant to us are the mani the world admires the conservation session, two leading Iranian news- festations of bourgeois nationa- achie• ements in your country papers deplored the existence of lism, great power chauvanism which hr-s turned deserts to bloom anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union and Zionism," the paper said. and usefulness." and Poland "in this day and age." In Rome, some 150 members of THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS an extreme left-wing youth group 6—Friday, May 10, 1968 - A Sound Mind and A Sound Body - PR VIDE YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS WITH THE EST E UCATION - - - REGISTRATION OPEN KINDERGARTEN TI-IRU NINTH GRADE _ ) For Further information Contact: Extra C.Nvi:ular Program Is An Important Part of A Hillel Education - Smaller Classes Assure Individual Attention to Students HILLEL 'DAY SCHOOL 15110 W. 10 Mile, Oak Park 548-8224