• . . THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 1 Member American Association of Enlish—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial j Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235. VIC 8- 1E1364, Subscription VI a year. Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 13th day of lyar, 5728, the - following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuehal portion, Levit. 16:1-20:27. Prophetical portion, Amos 6:7-15. Candle lighting, Friday, May 10, 7:22 p.m. VOL. LIII. No. 8 Page Four May 10, 1968 momisoset Significant JPS 80th Anniversary Eighty years is not a long time in the history of a community or of a cultural group. It is an especially short span for a Jewish undertaking when it is measured as part of the milennia of creative cultural en- lightenment. Nevertheless, in the' instance of the Jewish Publication - Society of America, its 80th anniversary is a most significant oc- casion for celebration by American Jewry. It must be remembered that 80 years ago American Jewry was very small in num- bers—less than 500,000. The U. S. Jewish community did not possess the unity that was needed to assure the continuity of our spiri- tual-cultural aims through the publication of books written by members of the young community of American Jews. We may not have unity even in our own time, but to- day we have an amalgamated American Jewry with very few among us who are not ∎ ative-born or sons of native-born Jews. The oreign-born element was more predominant years ago, and there were more languages in use by Jews to contend with—German, Spanish, Ladino, Yiddish, Polish, Russian, as well as English. Nevertheless, even with a Babel of langu- ages, the beginning of a publicly-sponsored publication society that emerged into great success, having started with small beginnings in 1888, attested to a commendable interest. There were efforts twice before that year— in 1845 and 1873—to create such a publi- cation society among the Jews of America. Those efforts failed completely. But on June 3, 1888, a great undertaking was marked by a success that is so impressive that the Jew- ish Publication Society of our day is an out- standing element of progress in American Jewish history. The 80th JPS anniversary is an occasion for celebration by all American Jews. The anniversary denotes advancement culturally and an earnest desire on the part of a dedicate.d element in our midst to encourage creative literary efforts and to perpetuate the legacies of the past through the classics JPS produces. Many obstacles were over- come in the emergence of JPS and its 80- 'ear history. It will be in the best interests of our people in this country, and of Jews in other English-speaking countries who are benefiting from JPS's. labors, to assure an increased interest in the publication society. to increase, its membership and in all ways to establish the type of cooperation that is vital to the existence of so important a communal agency. By giving JPS the un- interrupted support it needs. all of us will be partners in a significant 80th anniversary. Lessons of the Human Rights - Year Major significance attaches to the observ- ance of 1968 as International Human Rights Year, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. It marks the transforming of the worldwide human society into a universal, unit interested in advancing the needs of all peoples, of erasing injustices, of reducing poverty to a degree of eventually removing it entirely frOin the international sphere, thereby giving the underprivileged the rights which have hitherto limited their role as wholesome members of society. The challenging occurrences that stern from the struggles for civil rights, the hatreds inat had emerged and which must be elimi- nated as speedily as possible, the assassina- tion of Negro leader Dr. Martin. Luther King Jr. which served to draw ever widening atten- tion to the social problems that affect bAmeri- can society—these factors have caused the International Human Rights Year to gain greater significance in our own midst. The problems that motivated the UN Declaration of Human Rights are the prob- lems of all mankind. They are our prob- lems. On the occasion of International Human Rights Year, the director general of UNESCO, Rene Maheu, issued a statement in Paris, asserting in part: "Vast numbers of peoples, differing greatly in their origins, traditions, religion, philosophy, culture, historical development and economic systems have attained inde- pendence, entered on the political scene and are now sharing in the elaboration of the moral code and law of our time. The 1948 Declaration is in accord with this fundamental transformation which it foreshadowed .. . "In a world where vast areas are still in the grip of hunger, and where more than seven hundred million illiterates are totally unable to make contact with the world of ideas through the written word, there are many people for whom the provisions of the Universal Declaration are still nothing more than promises. But the tremendous resources of science and technology now make it possi- ble for those promises to be fulfilled. Pbverty, hunger and ignorance are no longer in- evitable. It is our duty to overcome them by making education, science and culture available to all, as the essential prerequisite for the progress of society and the full development of the human personality. #.0104 0141),, - •••4i; • % 1111.1111•11111111111111111111111MAINI1111111111111MINIffa !=A-'■ 145 Dramatic Lodz Ghetto Poem Depicts Hope Amidst Tragedy .A.,dramatic poem, which was recited in the Litzsmannstadt Lodz Ghetto in 1943, at a banquet of Jews who we'e in the concentration camp readied for extermination by the Nazis, has been published by Bloch in its Yiddish text, with its English trnslation. It is the now historic "Ghetto Factory 76" by Rachmil Bryks. This discovered manuscript is now in the Warsaw Jewish Historical Institute Archives. Litzmannstadt is the name that was given to Lodz after its occu- pation by the Germans in World War II, in memory of the German General Litzmann who died in World War I. The Factory 76 is a clesig,- nation for one of the ghetto plants, each of which was numbered. . The poem is descriptive, dealing with all aspects of ghetto life, recounting the hunger, the quest for food: enumerating rumors that spell hope of survival and the desire for vengeance, as in this stanza: Shovel comes out, Shovel goes in, Buckets' mouths swallow up. Buckets pass from hand to hand. Cauldron swallows, Cauldron digests— Sack after sack, Cooking, seething,--steaming Eyes glower with envy and hatred And hearts thirst for revenge. The entire poem is an expression of despair, a definition of ap- proaching death, because— If one faints there is nothing to revive him. The pharmacies are out of medicine, For they 11;::ve no alcohol, • No medicine, no bread, No exit—dead. Yet there is a view to the future. with an outlook for retribution. Pointing to the manner in which the Nazis "swallow liquor, gulp down alcohol," the poet cries out: Fancy dishes—gorging them-selves And carrying on harlotry. His hands, stretching out, Curl into fists: "Our blood Our sweat 0, will they pay . . . nay it back yet !" Illustrations by Raphael Soyer add to the dramatic impressions of "Ghetto Factory 76" and depict pictorially the horrors, the martyrdom, the agonies of the Holocaust. This poem has been set to music by William Gunther, as a cantata. It is, thus, a dramatic narrative, a _poetic outcry against tyranny, a play that can enacted and emphasized by song as an indication that amidst tragedy there was hope. ."It is here that UNESCO is making its contribution • to the work being done by the UnitedNations. . "Even those of UNESCO's activities.which are not explicitly -concerned with promoting respect for human rights in general or putting particular rights into effect, do nevertheless help to create the material, intellectual, moral and cultural conditions that are needed if rights, once accepted as principles, are to become living realities for all mankind." How well and how effectively these ob- Servations apply to us! And what a lesson these admonitions bring to us, as a reminder as well as a .rebuke, that if the principles thus enunciated had been applied and en- forced in our society the tragedies of April 1968 could have been averted, the riotous humiliations of 1966 and 1967 in Watts. Newark, Detroit and other cities might have been prevented. A declaration in itself is. not sufficient. There must be realization of the needs. ap- preciation of the - basic human principles. dedication to the nation's lawful principles, by all elements. There must be honest and and honorable dialogue to bring peoples to- gether, and there must be admission of wrong's that existed and must be erased from the statute books and from the minds of men. A Community Forum currently being introduced by 'an interfaith council with the cooperation of the Jewish Commu- of Detroit provides a project "Israel and American Jewry" is a valuable study guid in our own city for efforts to emphasize program and . action" issued by the Union of American Hebrew the human values in American life and to .-Congregations. Commencing with a background analysis by Dr. Max Nussbaum on assure the perpetuation of the most sacred ideals in. man's aspirations. It is one of the "Israel and the Jewish People—Origins in Palestine," this brochure ways of giving substance to the interna- of 117 pages has the merit of being timely. containing basic data , regarding the June war. incorporating valuable essays that analyze \ tional code introduced by the U.N. the situation in the Middle East covering the entire 20-year period of The basic principles of this land are not Israel's history. bankrupt. They can be preserved. They The position of the United States as analyzed by President Johnson must be guaranteed for. all. The Interna- on July 19 is included in the significant declarations. • / tional Human Rights Year is merely another Relating to "contrasts," the editors included an important'\ brief statement by Prof. Henry Steele Commager who refers to occasion to serve as a reminder of sacred Israel's nationalism as "humane, civilized, benign." obligations to men of all faiths, all races, Participants in this study guide include Rabbi Richard G. Hirsch, to strengthen America's role in the context of the initial principle of the Declaration Albert Vorspan, Marvin Braiterman, Roy and Alice Eckart and Rabbi Brickner. of Independence that all men are created Balfour Dealing with issues related to the Russian involvement, the refugee ( equal. The idea is accepted in truth by all. question, the newly acquired Israeli territory and the Arab-Israel) It must be observed by all. Honest adher- conflictS at the UN, this compilation is especially valuable as a'=\ ence to this ideal. elimination of hypocritical discussion of the debate that has been rampant over indifference subversion of it, will make us partners in among Christians over Israel's fate. In its totality, it is most valuable, the fulfillment of the glorious principles grouping of ideas aimed at clarifying the problems that affect the'\ of the Declaration of Human Rights. . Middle East. ActiOn Action buide for Israel and U,