Greeting From Their Ancestors to the Children of Israel BY PAUL ELDRIDGE Out of the dust of our bosoms Out of the anguish of our yearning You are the blossoms You are our children. You la-ugh as we laughed With full-throated joy, You, sing as we sang Watching our long-coated sheep Asleep in the milk of the moon Or wielding our scythes Lightning snapping the gold of the car You dance as we danced ' Arms locked in arms Feet and hearts beating wildly together. Yogi are our children— ( : You speak the tongue we spoke For love: a brook tumbling over rocks Scented with myrrh and sweetened with honey; For prophecy: an ocean burnished with sunset And swollen and scourged by the winds; For war: arrows of quivering steel And trumpets of thunderous brass. You are our children— Ours your straight limbs Ours your bronzed faces Ours- your eyes sharp as the eagle's watching watching his prey And gentle as the doe's which never -met hunter. You are our children— Proud with the knowledge of truth Gracious with the comfort of strength Extending the hand in greeting of peace To men of good will, Unsheathing the sword Tempered in the furnace of justice And honed on the stones of anger To tyrants and men of ill blood. You are our children— Out of the dust of our bosoms Out of the anguish of our yearning You are the blossoms. Bloom on forever! Cowles and UPI Publish an Impressive 'Israel Special' 24—Friday, May 10, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS NPD Victory Cited as Reason to Sign Anti-Genocide Pact, Says Sir Janner LONDON (JTA) — Britain's speedy ratification of the United Nations' anti-genocide convention was urged in the House of Com- mons by Sir Barnett Janner and other Laborite MPs today "in view of the shocking rise of neo-Nazism in Germany and the fact that Hu- man Rights Year is in effect." Sir Barnett raised the question last week during a session on this week's agenda. He asked the House leader, Fred Peart, if he would "reconsider introducing as speed- ily as possible, legislation so that we can accede to the convention on genocide." Peart said "I am afraid it will not be on next week's business, but I know your strong feelings on this point and I will bear it in mind." The Board of Deputies of British Jews said that it viewed "with the gravest concern, the continued progress and success of the Na- tional Democratic Party in the elections in Baden-Wurttemberg." The NPD polled nearly 10 per cent of the popular vote in the state eection. The board noted that it had "repeatedly conveyed to the Federal German Government its view that firm action was essential to curtail the dangerous influences of the NPD." * S * A "20th Anniversary Special" en- flict between religion and secular- pectations can the world have for titled "Israel," issued by Cowles ism; the Herculean task of admin- peace in the Middle East? Bonn Supports Israel Education Corportation in coopera- istrating the once-divided city of The vividly illustrations in color but Wants Ties With lion with United Press Internation- Jerusalem—all come under careful and black-and-white photographs, al, contains a vast amount of data scrutiny in this unique Special on in Israel Special reveals the heart Arabs, Says Kiesinger about Israel and an impressive an- Israel. of a nation. Through its pages read- BONN (JTA) — West German alysis of the Jewish State's current Israel's Arab neighbors now ers will understand why the Israeli Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger position. numbering 100,000,000—also speak taxi driver, shop owner, student, said in an interview that he was Russia's role in the Mediterran- out in answer to such pressing farmer, politican and scholar stand prepared to support Israel's inter- ean, the Arab attitudes, religion questions as: Can the Arab army ready to pick up their rifles and ests but hoped that the Arab states and politics, the social aspects re- ever hope to win back Sinai and defend their country at a moment's would resume diplomatic relations lated to the varying forces that the West Bank by force? What ex- notice. with Bonn in the not-too-distant make up Israel's population—these future. and many other aspects of Israel's Ambassador Asher Ben Nathan life and progress are covered in Anti-Jewish Abuse Is Reported Near Miami of Israel wrote in an article pub- this work. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Hollywood, Fla. The incidents have lished in the Hamburg newspaper to TheJewish News) Beautifully illustrated, this HOLLYWOOD, Fla.—A rash of occurred in South Broward County Projects to Aid Poor "Die Welt" that the people of Is- large sized work issued in maga- anti-Semitic abuse, ranging from which included this and several in Ghettos Told in - rael were watching with deep con- zine form contains interviews outspoken refusals to rent to cern the rise of neo-Nazi elements Jews other resort cities just north of with David Ben-Gurion, Levi En- to garbage dumped on the lawn St. Louis, New York of M i ami. in West Germany. However, he ex- kol, Moshe Day- an, Abba Eban Accorling to the Shofar, "Chil- a local rabbi, was reported in the SAN FRANCISCO (JTA)—The pressed satisfaction with the way and others. The Israel Social is Hollywood Shofar, publication of dreg in South Broward passing a Jewish Community Centers Associ- official German - Israel relations aptly describes as "a profile of the Jewish Welfare Federation of local junior high school on the way ation of St. Louis is engaged in had developed in the three years prosperity." from Hebrew school must daily nine projects as part of communal since both countries agreed to ex- Artists, educators, army offi- run a gauntlet of abuse, both ver- efforts to eliminate the causes of change ambassadors. bal and physical." cials, scholars, city administrators, We izm a n n Letters Diplomatic relations have made urban riots, the biennial conven- the Israeli-born sabra, and his old- to Be Published in FAI The paper noted further that iton of the National Jewish Wel- possible a continuing dialogue be- er immigrant parents frankly dis- when local elderly Jews asked to fare Board was told here. William tween the two countries, he said, (Direct JTA Teletype Wire cuss the trials and triumphs of to The Jewish News) inspect a model apartment in a Kahn, executive director of the but he added that this does not their nation. Life on a collective LONDON --- The first volume of building being erected for senior St. Louis association, reported on mean there is complete agreement settlement; the problem of the exil- the letters of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, citizens at Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, the projects at a panel on the ef- on all matters at all times. ed Arab refugees; the differences the first president of Israel, will be they were told by the renting agent fects of inner-city riots on Jewish between the uneducated .dark- published in English by the Oxford that "We have been instructed that Community Centers. Rusk Tells Congress skinned "Oriental Jews" and the in- University Press here and in a these apartments are not be shown Adult JCC members are tutoring Phantom Jets Withheld tellectual European Jews; the con- Hebrew edition by the Mossad Bia- or rented to persons of the Hebrew Negroes lacking high school train- lak, in Israel. Meyer W e i s g a I, faith." ing in elementary English and to 'Limit' M. E. ArMs president of the Weizmann Insti- The paper also reported that a mathematics. As a result, he re- WASHINGTON (JTA) — Secre- Extend Permission tute of Science in Rehovot, told the local rabbi "frequently finds gar- ported, a number of the Negroes tary of State Dean Rusk, testifying to Israeli Lawyers Jewish Telegraphic Agency the bage on his lawn, has epithets have found jobs and, in some cases, before the House Foreign Affairs volume is scheduled to appear shouted at him or his children better-paying jobs than they had Committee, told Congressmen that for West Bank Cases first next autumn. There will be 20 vol- from passing c a r s or has eggs when they started the training. the United States has not sold F-4 JERUSALEM — (JTA) --- The umes in all, containing 20,000 let- thrown. at his own car during the Six Negro adult trainees have Phantom jets to Israel because this military governor of the Judaea ters with annotations and footnotes. night." "These incidents didn't been placed in the association's country is trying to limit the flow and Samaria regions extended in- Weisgal said. happen in Poland or Russia—they programs of day care, group work of arms to the Middle East. definitely the permission for Is- _ Weisgal took Rep._ Leonard _Farbstein, New sick here on his happened in Broward C o u n t y, and health and education. This raeli lawyers to appear in West way from Israel to Brazil on busi- Fla.," the Shofar said. effort is part of a one-year train- York Democrat, asked Rusk to ex- Bank courts. The military govern Hess for the Weizmann Institute. ing program for persons who have plain why the United States had meet had planned to rescind the is i Attorney Gives Brandeis His condition s mproved, but he completed high school. The goal not agreed to sell Israel the Phan- permission but the failure of Arab lawyers to end their strike made has called off his trip on the ad- a cg.2. 500 000 Grant is to employ them when staff va- toms when the Soviet Union has s cancies occur. The trainees attendupplied the Arabs with the latest Its extension necessary, the Jew- vice of his doctor. WALTHAM, Mass.—The founder special classes at the local junior so -r histicated aircraft. ish Telegraphic Agency learned. of the Wien International Scholar- college district. Walt W. Rostow, White House The Arab lawyers, who have re- DeGaulle Sends Shazar ship Program at Brandeis Univer- adviser on international security, fused to practice under Israeli oc- In anodier project, high school informed Rep. John J. Rhodes of sity marked the 10th anniversary Anniversary Greetings cupation recently received large seniors who are JCC members -I Arizona, chairman of the Republi- of the program's inception by .an- PARIS (JTA) —President de sums of money from the Amman serve as volunteer aides in set- can Policy Committee, that Presi- nouncing a $2,500,000 gift to ex- bar to finance their strike. accord- Gaulle has sent a congratulatory panel its activities. tlement houses in the ghetto, dent Johnson had moved no closer ing to military government sources. telegram to President Shazar on Lawrence A. Wien, an attorney with a JCC staff worker partici- to approval of the sale of the Phan- This causes unnecessary hardships the occasion of Israel's 20th anni- of New York City and chairman of pating. A series of inter-cultural tom plane to Israel than he had versary, it was disclosed here. Gen. activities between the JCC and been last January when he met for the local Arab population which: the Brandeis hoard of trustees, must engage Israeli lawyers who• , de Gaulle's telegram extended "ut- thus brought to $7,000,000 t h e the inner city settlement 'lapses Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in for the most part are unfamiliar . most sincere wishes to President amount of money he has earmark- have involved use of some JCC Texas. Rep. Rhodes had urged the ! with the language and with Jor- Shazar and the Israeli people." building facilities by ghetto. res- President to correct the altered Rabbi Jacob Kaplan of ed for the program, the largest danian law under which '-the West privately financed foreign scholar- idents, visits to JCC camp power balance in the Middle East France declared at an Irsael in Bank courts function. grounds and participation with by sale of "fighter aircraft of a dependence Day celebration here ship program in the United States. With the new gift, Brandeis JCC child members in programs, quality to enable the Israeli armed Monday night that "despite the will be able to admit a minimum of as well as home and home ac- forces to compete with those of Eshkol, Mapai Differ French policies of today, we Jews tivities by sports teams from the their neighbors, and other military of France stand side by side with 100 Wien scholars each academic JCC and the settlement. houses. equipment." Over Setup of Cabinet Israel." The grand rabbi asked year, with emphasis being placed In New York a project to pro- on recruiting students from the Meanwhile, 44 members of the French Jewry to increase its help Post to Handle Aliya newly-emerging nations. At present vide decent housing for residents House joined in co-sporsoring a to the Jewish state. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire The celebration, at the Palais de there are 56 Wien students in resi- of Harlem's ghetto is under way proposed House resolution urging to The Jewish News) under the Supervision of a volun- the Administration to sell the TEL AVIV—A disagreement de- Chaillot, was attended by 3,000. An dence at Brandeis. teer board of seven Negroes and Phantom aircraft to Israel to pre- veloped Wednesday between Prime overflow crowd of 2,000 milled seven Jews with a Reform rabbi serve the military power balance. Protest Moves to Eliminate about outside, unable to get seats. Minister Eshkol and the Mapai serving as the 15th member and Additional members of both par- faction in the new United Labor i Among those present were Israel White Merchants From mediator. ties are adding their names daily Party over the establishment of a Ambassador Walter Eytan and Dr. Washington Ghetto Areas The project got under way with to the list. new cabinet ministry to handle the Nahum Goldmann, president of the WASHINGTON (JTA) — Re- the start of rehabilitation of two problems of immigrant absor9tion. World Zionist Organization. sponding to indications that - the grimy tenements on East 117th A special committee of former British Tories Seeking District of Columbia government Street in Manhattan. They are the to Mapai members, who comprised , Cleveland Council Gives has succumbed to "black power" first of 29 buildings slated for re- r Amend Anti-Bias Bill the largest group in the three-way demands that white merchants — habilitation in a nine-block area LONDON (JTA) — An amend- merger that created the Labor $5,000 to King Fund Jewish and non-Jewish — cease " P - rty, favors the proposed cabinet CLEVELAND (JTA)—The Fed- trading in Negro neiliborhoods, from 116 th Street to 125th Street meat to Britain's race relations eration Advisory Council of the the local unit of the Bnai Brith between Lexington and Park Ave. bill that would broaden its scope ,'. Eshkol, however, would pre eration by banning discrimination on rles. Jewish Community Fed- i_ ' to place absorption under the League has ap- grounds of religion, race and sex aegis of the ministry of labor, eration has contributed $5,000 to pealed to Mayor Walter E. Wash- as well as color, was introduced the Martin Luther King Jr. Me- headed by Yigal Allon. ington to avoid "a segregationist A r r gentina Rally Links in Parliament by Quinton Hogg, The prime minister argued that mortal Action Fund. pattern" in D.C. business life. Alvin opposition spokesman on home af- Israel creation of a Ministry of Absor,p- The contribution is one of sev- J. Steinberg, chairman of the ex- Fight • zn , U. S. Netrro - in fairs. tion would lead to demands for eral by the Jewish community here ecutive committee, D.C.-Maryland BUENOS AIRES (JTA)—"Is- The amendament, one of several more portfolios from the religious to the King Fund created for in- Regional. ADL Board, also ap- rael's fight for existence and the party and Gahal, the Liberal-Herut ner city .action projects following pealed to the mayor to form an struggle of Negroes for dignity designed to broaden and strengthen alignment, which are members of an appeal by Mayor Carl B. Stokes. advisory group that would include and equality are one and the same the measure, would afford pro- the coalition government. In any The council is an informal as- synagogue and human rights battle—the fight of Abel against tection to Jews and other racial minorities. event, absorption would be re- sociation of private foundations. Its groups as well as Negro economic Cain," a leader of Argentine British Jewry, on the whole, has moved from the Jewish Agency, check was presented to Walter development organizations, Gov- Jewry declared here at a mass supported the bill on principle which now has the responsibility. Beach, co-chairman of the King ernment officials, church organ- rally paying tribute to the Six even though in its present form The latter would continue to han- Fund, by Morton L. Mandel, chair- izations, citizens associations and Million and the Warsaw Ghetto it is limited to discrimination on dle immigration. - =.,: man of the coungil., .: .. others. fighters of 1943. grounds of color. - - • : • ,