Weekly Religious Quiz What Is the basis for observing the Yahrzeit, the anniversary of the death of one's parents? Some attempt to find the basis of this custom in the Talmudic passage (Kidushin 31b) which states that as much as it is re- quired to honor one's father and mother during their lifetimes, so is it a requirement to honor them after they have passed away. Ob- serving the Yahrzeit is thus a means of honoring one's parents after they have passed on. Maimo- nides in his commentary of the Tractate Abot (otherwise known as the Ethics of the Fathers) is quoted as saying "The one who loves doesn't forget and the one who forgets does not love." Re- membering one's parents every year on the anniversary of their death would be a means of ex- pressing our love in the sense that we demonstrate the fact that we indeed have not forgotten them — remembering even the regrettable day of their demise. The Talmud (Berakot 58b) states that the de- ceased is not forgotten until twelve months have passed and from that time he begins to be forgotten. This opinion is based on a passage in the Book of Psalms which says: "I am forgotten as a dead man out of the heart; I am become like a perishable vessel" (Psalms 31:13). Some commentaries translate the latter phrase to be a "lost vessel." On this basis the Halahic principle of the Talmud is recalled which states that after twelve months have passed the owner of a lost article may be considered to have renounced his ownership for all in- tents and purposes. Remembering one's parent by observing the anni- versary of his death, is thus a means demonstrating that even though twelve months have passed from the death or from the last an- niversary, he has indeed not been forgotten. What do the different names mean which are assigned to this date? Our popular colloquial term is "Yahrzeit," which means "a year's time." The reason for this name is obvious and requires no explana- tion. In older sources this date was called "Yom Hamisah" which means the day of death." What is interesting is the more recent term used by people in Israel, "Yom Haskavah." This could technically mean the "day of lying down," or in a more sophisticated translation the "day of rest." Some trace this to the attempt of the Talmud (Baba Batra 116a) to see the ex- pression of "rest" in reference to one's death as a symbol of honor and distinction. There is a verse in the Bible (I Kings 11:21) which speaks of David as having been placed at rest while Joab is re- ferred to simply as having died. * * * Why is it a custom to announce the exact time of the New Moon on the Sabbath before its appear- ance? Basically, this is in commemora- tion of the practice of Beth Din in Jerusalem in the days of the Tem- ple of old when a messenger would be sent from the Rabbinical Court to the people to announce the ap- pearance of the new moon which had been witnessed by two spe- cially designated witness. The Rab- binic tradition considers this a means of expressing the ideal that man is the master of time and that, therefore, the Rabbinic Court, the agent of man in the form of the community, has the responsibility of declaring the coming of the new month. Some commentaries con- sider it important to know the ex- act time of the appearance of the new moon in order to ascertain when the prayers of sanctification for the new moon are to be recited. According to one opinion in the Oak The monarch oak, the patriarch of the trees, Shoots rising up, and spreads by slow degree: Three centuries he grows, and three he stays Supreme in state; and in three more decays. Dryden. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) Jewish Code of Law (Shulhan Arukh, Orah Hayyim 426:'2), it is forbidden to offer the sanctifica- tion prayer until seven days have passed since the moon's first ap- pearance. It has been suggested that knowing the time of the ap- pearance of the new moon is a key to the establishment of the exact time of the beginning of a season. It was considered a virtu- ous act to reckon the time periods of the various seasons so as to come to realize the great Provi- dence of the Almighty in directing the affairs of the Universe and, at the same time, making it pos- sible for mortal man to discover the great formulae involved. * * • Why does the text of prayer offered for a sick person ask . . Friday, May 10, 1968-21 Eilat-Ashdod Pipeline to Be Started Soon for a recovery to be sent to him from Heaven? Basically, man realizes that only God in Heaven can lend His heal- ing grace to the afflicted. Thus, man expresses his utter helpless- ness in pleading for a recovery to be sent from Heaven. Furthermore, some have said that the heaven represents a sense of peace and harmony between two conflicting elements—i.e., fire and water. The human body may be said to be diseased when its elements are out of balance and not in. harmony with each other. The prayer for the ill thus asks the Almighty to re- store the balance and harmony be- tween the elements of the human body just as He balances the op- posing elements in the skies to bring peace into the Heavens. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) TEL AVIV — Construction is ex- pected to begin soon on an oil pipe- line from Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba to the port of Ashdod on the Mediterranean, according to Ta- hal, Israel's water planning com- pany. Construction costs are esti- mated at $113,000,000. Tahal revealed it had completed a survey for the 42-inch pipeline which will shorten the oil route from points east of Suez to Euro- pean ports by some 12,500 miles. Previously, with the Suez Canal closed, ships transporting oil from the Red Sea to European ports were required to round the African continent via the Cape of Good Hope, a journey of close to 22,000 miles. With the new pipeline, row- ever, the trip can be cut down to about 9,500 miles. In its first stage of construc- tion, estimated at an invested cost of $60,000,000, the pipeline would be able to carry 20,00,000 tons of oil per year. However, when the accessories are in- stalled, including pressure equip- ment and a pumping station, the trans-Negev pipeline will be able to pump three times as much to the Mediterranean port. According to Tahal, the opening of the Suez Canal, if and when that occurs, would not preclude the usage of the new pipeline since the canal is considered too narrow and shallow for big oil tankers. . 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