18 Days to Go . 10,000 to Be Solicited.. Human Needs to Be Satisfied Israel's Understandable Resort to Self-Defense Editorial Page 4 -1 0LUME Li l l—No. 5 A great challenge faces Detroit Jewry whose past accom- plishments have elevated our community to the highest rungs of humanitarian considerations for the less fortunate . . . Israel's serious needs, vital causes to be cared for, local agencies to be supported . . . These again are our duties as we near the end of the Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund . . . Nearly 10,000 more prospects are to be seen before the drive closes on May 8 . . . It is this community's duty to make the all-out effort to assure the generous participation of all our kinsmen, so that our duties to our fellow men should be fulfilled in the spirit of compassionate kinship with Jews everywhere. (Detailed Story, Page 6) THE JEWISH NEWS F:2 C.) I '7' A Weekly Review INA I—I A1/4 NJ of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle a ) 27 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit 48235, April 19, 1968 Play Ball . . and Play Fair: American Way Measure of Security Jerusalem Undivided Commentary Page 2 $7.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c ismissal of Yiddish Editor, Increasing Communist Purges Escalate Poles' Jew-Baiting French Double Standard on Arms Sales Deplored LONDON (JTA)—Warnings of a new arms race in the Middle East were sounded by two British newspapers Tuesday. The Times stated, in an editorial on the French agreement to sell 54 Mirage jets to Iraq, that "it is clear a further Middle East arms race is under way." Eric Downton, in a dispatch from Jerusalem to the Daily Tele- graph, said "the grim escalation goes on, aided by the major powers. including Britain and France, who eagerly sell weapons to the Middle East while piously preaching peace." (The JTA reported from Paris Tuesday that Israel had paid the final installment—$20,000,000--on the 50 Mirage supersonic jet fighter bombers it ordered from France two years ago but which were embargoed by the de Gaulle government following last June's Arab-Israel war. The deadline for payment to the Dessault Co., manu- facturers of the warplane, was April 15. Informed circles here noted that Israel, having- discharged its legal gations under the contract, now has gounds to demand that the- planes be delivered. It was further noted that Israel can attack the embargo on her aircraft as biased in light of the French agreement this week to sell 54 Mirages to Iraq.) (The Washington Evening Star commented editorial- ly that if the French-Iraqi deal for the Mirages is carried out, "the United States will be obligated to take another look at Israel's needs lest the Mideast balance of power be dangerously upset.") (The newspaper said "the development could activate (Continued on Page 5) Despite Polish Communist Party chief Wladyslaw Gomulka's attempt to minimize the govern- ment's anti-Jewish -policies by emphasizing the "Zionist" aspect of the venom directed at Jews in Poland, purges continued this week, and dismissals from major posts were marked primarily by removal from public offices of Jews in overwhelming numbers. Dismissal from the editorship of the Yiddishe Folkshtimme of Grzegorz Smolar, an avowed Communist and a militant anti-Zionist, proved_ especially revealing in evidencing the extent of the anti-Semitic _acts of the Polish Communists who are in search of Jewish scapegoats to blame for the student protests that have taken on large proportions throughout Poland. Smolar's paper had gone to great pains to excuse the polish government, printing an anti-Zionist statement of the Cultural-Social Federation of Polish Jews. The new Polish chief of state, Marshal Marian Spychalski, who, as Poland's former decense minister, was believed to have been an admirer of Israel's defense forces and was considered a friend of Israel, thus far has not exerted any efforts to prevent the spread of the anti-Semitic practices by the Polish Communist Party. Spychalski is among the few Polish leaders who did not participate in condemnations of Israel during and after the Six-Day War and did not follow the Soviet Union line of assailing Israel. He was not known to have committed himself when Poland, following the USSR's example, broke diplomatic relations with Israel. But his attitudes on the purges and anti-Semitic acts have not been evidenced. (The offer to permit Polish Jews to emigrate to Israel if they wished, made recently by Gomulka, was "a mere ruse" according to Israel's former minister to Warsaw, Katriel Katz. He told the London Times Tuesday that Jews in Poland don't dare apply for exit visas because "They would be fired immediately from their jobs and would become marked men." Katz, who is recovering in a London hospital from injuries sustained in a plane crash last week, said that "the Gomulka regime, in order to denigrate the student revolt and preserve itself, is once again reviving the old Polish fear of Germany and its traditional anti - Semitism by suggesting that here is an allegiance between West Germany and Zionist agents against (Continued on Page ?? ) Poland.") Spychalski Jewish Community Foundation Grants to Aid Inner-City Children, Sinai Hospital Project Sanctimony Links Atheistic Russia 'With Anti-Israel Judaism Connell' The Jewish Community Foundation of the United Jewish Charities has made grants totaling nearly $70,000 in 10 health, education and welfare projects. - Announcements of the grants was made by Louis Tabashnik, UJC president, and Max J. Zivian, foundation chairman. Heading the list of grants is one to the Higher Education Opportunities Committee for 25 college scholarships for Detroit's inner-city children. The grants will be spread Over a four-year period. In addition, the cooperation of all Jewish Welfare Federation -,agency members in aiding the designated students was pledged to Federal Judge Wade t. McCree Jr., who heads the HEOC project. The HEOC recently received a grant totaling $200,000 from the Rockefeller Foun- dation. Detroit firms and individuals also contribute to the support of the program, which currently is aiding 500 college students. Requests for the grant came through the Jewish Community Council. In the educational field, the Bureau for Careers in Jewish Service of the Council , Of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds received $2,500. The bureau will stimu- late recruitment and training of personnel in the total field of Jewish service includ- ing the rabbinate, administrative and other professional personnel of synagogues, Social service and fund raising, Jewish journalism, education and community rela- tions. The National Foundation for Jewish Culture received $5,850 for its grant-in-aid to a young scholar at the University of Michigan who is doing a historical study on Jews in Detroit between 1850 and 1950. United Hebrew Schools received $9,405 for development of a curriculum in Jewish community civics and for the publication of a • source book for readings in Jewish history suited for high school-age students. The materials would be available for use in schools throughout the metropolitan area. A grant of $25,000 was made to the Jewish Family and Children's Service to use as supplementation for budgets of low-income families to provide better housing. A (Continued on Page 3) WASHINGTON (JTA)—The Soviet Embassy disclosed here that arrangements have been completed by USSR propaganda authorities for a visit to the United States of a "Jewish religious delegation" designated by the Soviet government "in coopera- tion with the American Council for Judaism.," The Council is an anti-Zionist organi- zation. A Soviet diplomat stated that an invitation by the council had been arranged and that it conforms with the policies and objectives of his government. When told that many American Jews regard the Council for Judaism negatively, the Russian official said his government made a distinction between "anti-Zionism" and "anti-Semitism." He indicated that Moscow was fully aware of the anti-Israel policies of the council and found this compatible with the USSR's propaganda aims. The Council for Judaism, a small, highly vocal group, opposed the creation of an independent Israel and propagandized for many years against what it terms "Jewish nationalism." Following the Six-Day War, the ACJ sought to deny charges of anti-Jewish tendencies in Eastern Europe. It was apparent why the Kremlin, stung by the criticism generated by its one- sided anti-Israel stand and increased anti-Jewish policies within the USSR, has decided to send a "Potemkin Village mission" to America. Soviet authorities hope that Council for Judaism sponsorship may confuse the public and appeal to the "New Left." The delegation is scheduled to come in May. Propaganda forums have been arranged by the Council for Judaism in cooperation with the embassy. Each member of the delegation is to be carefully hand picked by Soviet propaganda experts and the secret police before passports are issued. It is expected, of course, that the dele- gation will seek to depict the USSR as a paradise for its Jewish citizens. The Council for Judaism confirmed Tuesday that it had invited Chief Rabbi Yehuda Leib Levin of Moscow to participate in its 25th anniversary conference in (Continued on Page 6) .