Gloria Gutoy's Troth to San foal Smith Told Friday, April 5, 1968-37 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS activities in Society Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baeill of Gardner Ave., Oak Park, were recently honored on their 40th wedding anniversary at Oak Manor by their chil- dren, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Baeill, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gottleib and Mr. and Mrs. David Weiner of Redondo Beach, Calif. Out-of-town guests who attended were the Beck family of Montreal and the Rosen and Forman families of Cleveland. The family of James Sobel will honor him on his 80th birthday with a kidush after Sabbath services today at Cong. Bnai Moshe. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. 1 M S 11 )111 OR • OS 11 a a a a *III GREEN-8 CENTER ONLY! )111 THE NEW a a a it • *uiiello Greenfield - 8 Mile Rd. Sun. 12 to 5 p.m. Suburban • I I I SUNDAY ONLY! a a Bazaar, Antique, Art Show Slated Adas Shalom Sisterhood will hold a bazaar, antique and art show 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday in the social hall. It will be open to the public, announced Mrs. Joseph Katchke, president. MISS GLORIA GUTOV Program Vice President Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gutov of Carl Litchtenstein said there will be stitchery booths for gifts, a Leemour Dr., Southfield, an- flounced at a recent cocktail party e engagement of their daughter' i Gloria Jean to Sanford Louis Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- jamin Smith of Parkside Ave. Miss Gutov attends Wayne State Poland's Treatment University. Mr. Smith attends of Jews Is Protested Macomb Community College. A Dec. 15 wedding is planned. Editor. The Jewish News, I would like to appeal to the readers of The Jewish News to ex- press their feelings to our Con- gressmen and Senators regarding the harsh and beastly treatment Orchestra and Entertainment of the Jews, so-called "Zionists," by the Polish government; treat- ments that remind us of the ghast- ly Hitler Holocaust perpetrated against the . . . Jews in Poland. Jewish teachers. students and of- J. J. CLARKE STUDIO fice holders are fired from their Portraiture of Distinction For Your Weddings schools and positions under false Formals - Candids - Direct Color and slanderous accusations. They 3223 W McNichols are accused of relishing treedom Nr. Muirland of thought and of democracy. Moreover, they are not even given Call 341-4141 the opportunity of emigrating to other countries. After - the decimation of 6,000,- PRESENTS 000 Jews, including 1,000.000 chil- dren, we cannot and must not tol- erate these ghastly atrocities. Let us protest to the Polish Em- bassy in Washington and appeal to our President and Representatives that methods of Hitlerism are a matter of the past, and let our BIG BAND OR SMALL COMBOS Representatives intercede on our UN 3-8982 UN 3-5730 behalf to the Polish government. AARON A. KUTNICK 18039 Woodingham Classified Ads Get Quick Results LETTER BOX Larry Freedman 647-2367 Hal Gordon mum JAL Wino. dialbilta. Sal.012 OF NORTH PARK TOWERS Is pleased to announce that the following have joined our expert staff of hair dressers Dennis • Lynn Marie • Ricki For Appointment 358-1730 11 selection of attic treasures and white elephants and bargains from a sisterhood's book and gift shop. log "Apron Park" will feature a vari- ety of aprons, and paintings will be shown by Harry Weinsaft, art curator at Kingsley Inn. Collections of art, china and jewelry will be exhibited by well-known antique dealers. Sandwiches, snacks, cake and coffee will be served throughout the day at "Cafe Nosherie." Tickets will be available at the door. Sisterhood women serving on a the bazaar committee are Mes- dames William Zimmerman, Theo- 01 dore Thomas, Nathan Starman, Abe Cherrin, Robert Dunsky, Her- shel Blitz, Baruch Ulyrch and Harry Markovitz. The sisterhood will hold its elec- tion of officers during the bazaar a 1 to 3 p.m: in the foyer of the social hall. Mrs. Dan Shapiro, nominating committee chairman, Xi will officiate. a a a a a a a a a Sunday Only! Yesterday 70 . BLOCH ROSE POST and AUXILIARY will hold a combined a Sunday Only! I I Exactly a JWV a a a a Famous Label ! Imported Cotton Pthit a IIIIIIIIMIN!•4111110111MMONOMINIIIMV a U I a a I a a a a I a a a a a a a a installation of officers 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Oak Park Community Center. Burt Chassin will be in- stalled as post commander, and for the auxiliary: Gerry Feldman, president; Miriam Lawrence and Betty Katzman, vice presidents; Lottie Harris, treasurer and Rose Wagner, secretary. Installation 0 will be followed by a social hour and refreshments. For informa- tion call Gerry Feldman, 398-8955. •11 * * X a a a a I a a X a a I a a a a U a a JWV Com-mander Hits Prisoners' Mistreatment WASHINGTON — In an appeal for immediate action, National Commander Samuel Samuels of the Jewish War Veterans con- demned the Communists in North Vietnam and the Viet Cong for their refusal to abide by the basic tenets of fair treatment and hu- manity in dealing with prisoners of war as set forth in the Geneva Accords. Pointing out that the North Viet- namese. and Viet Cong rave re- fused to allow the International Red Cross any access to Ameri- can prisoners of war, National Commander Samuels, in a state- ment released at JWV national headquarters in Washington, D.C., vigorously protested the blanket of inhuman silence cast over the fate of American servicemen believed captive behind the Communist lines in Vietnam. 111 a a a a a a a a N N a a N a N -4. N N a a N a a a a a a N To Audition at Center N for 'Barefoot in Park' N Open • auditions for Center The- ater's next production, "Barefoot in the Park" will be held 2 p.m. Sunday and 8 p.m. Monday at the Jewish Center. This comedy will be directed by Dean Erskine. N U.S. Attorney LAWRENCE GU- BOW again heads the Louis Stone Memorial Foundation which per- petuates the memory of the chil- dren-loving druggist who died Jan. 7, 1953. Supported by many prominent citizens including the Jewish War Veterans, the Founda- tion for the 15th consecutive year took more than 1,000 underpriv- ileged children to the recent Shrine Circus. a a a a a a U N X N N N N a a Sunday 12 to a p.m. so" sow a a a a a a a I $ assault asasoi