Purely Commentary The Presidency and Dignity Among Candidates . . . Race Issue and the Quandary of Afflicted Merchants .. . Multiple Devotions By Philip Slomovitz Maurice Zackheim—Scholar, Zionist, Devout Leader Stunning White House News . . . Dignity Among Campaigners .. . Humphrey's Availability 111aurice Zackheim's death removes from the scene of Jewish life one of our community's most scholarly figures, a reognized leader in important movements, a devout Jew whose knowledge was intermingled with dedication to Jewry's great needs. It as not only as a past president of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, the Zionist Organization of Detroit and of the United Hebrew Schools that he figured so highly in Jewish ranks. As a Hebraist and Talmudist, as one who personally became inseparable from Jewish movements, he labored unceasingly for Zionism and was among the pioneers in the ranks of the builders of the foundation of the Jewish State. And he was generous in his giving, personally setting the pace for generosity to Zionist causes, to Allied Jewis'a Campaigns, to the Keten Hayesod, to Hebrew educational projects, to the Jewish National Fund. The Zackheim record is among the richest in Jewish ranks and his name is blessed in the chronicles of our people. * As of 9:30 p.m. last Sunday, it was our deep conviction that LBJ would remain in the White House through 1972. Now we have a new American aura. Those who hope for a "draft" will surely be disillusioned. The battle for leadership is on in earnest. And the man who was so viciously abused less than a week ago has .regained admiration as suddenly as he has foisted the great surprise upon the nation. Now Lyndon B. Johnson is being praised as the great parliamentarian, as the advocate of peace, as the man who stood staunchly by non-partisan policies in foreign affairs under President Eisen- hower. President Johnson again is the kindly man, the Chief of State to be admired and respected. That's the tragedy in political experiences: that a man is so open to abuse while in public office and as a "lame duck" he suddenly regains admiration —as long as he adheres to the wishes of those who would admire. But just let LBJ step on some one's toes and off will go the steam of hate ! a He is like the guy on the baseball diamond who is a hero when he hits home runs and is burn if he should commit one error. And we are not so sure about LBJ's errors: most of the Vietnam tragedy is inherited from three Presidents. The President—remember, he is our President for another nine months !—stood a lot of abuse. to Senator McCarthy, Stevenson-like, acts the gentleman, is scholarly, utilizes the right to criticize and differ. but does not abuse. Richard Nixon acted the statesman the day after President Johnson's announcement that stunned the nation. Bobby Kennedy also was a gentleman on the cruicial day when he believed he was getting nearer to the White House. But in the days when the man with thP curl invoked the name of a former suitor of LBJ's daughter with a reference to Hamilton's asking for A curly-foreheaded Senator's daughter's telephone number, and then sought to drag into his hurr (sic!) the "Birds" of the White House, it was putting politics into the gutter. (Nixon, on Mond spoke of Kennedy's "vicious attacks" on the President). Indeed, what has happened to the American ideas of fair play? And must a husband become a "lame duck" before there is recognition of his ladies' wonderful and dignified behavior while he was in office? The saving grace in the present challenge to America is the availability for the Presidency of It Hubert H. Humphrey. He is an able, a great man who will be a credit to all of us as President. is fortunate for America that he is available- in the present political struggle. hope, but a serious one. If min is At the time we go to press, Humphrey's availability is a mere candidate, it'll provide the relief from the tensions created over the seriousness of filling our nation's a people now afflicted by many sorrows. May major post with a man able to handle the affairs of we see the emergence of an era of peace under the leadership of a tried public servant. Revolutionary Changes in Riot-Torn Areas A problematic aftermath of the tragic events of last summer is the uncertain status of the merchant in riot-torn areas. People who have conducted businesses in those areas for many years have either been uprooted or are faced with the challenge either of confronting antagonism or of abandoning their establishments which had been built with sweat and hard labor over many years. There is real tragedy in this transition for many people, some of whom had aged in the process of conducting their businesses and many who still depend upon them for their livelihood. Yet, there are accusing fingers leveled at them that they had capitalized on the miseries of their clientele, while, in reality, many extended credit, took losses, struggled to retain good will under unsettled conditions, striving to be helpful to their poor customers. . Some very interesting revelations become available in a study made in behalf of the Jewish Community Council by one of its staff members, Leonard Milstone. The research he conducted evaluates the status of riot-afflicted areas—Twelfth Street, Dexter, Linwood—and indicates the number of businesses before and after the July dis- turbances. Only the Grand River area had not been explored. It is important to note that this research task shows "an inability of the merchants to define their role within the ghetto community;" that the merchants are level-headed, hard-working, "make no claim to being social theorists," but "are not sure what the black community wants or demands from them." The sizable number of merchants who returned to the former environments to conduct their businesses again "are frightened by the past and insecure about the future." On this score, however, the question must be posed, in view of the increased sale of guns to people in Detroit and its suburban environs, "who isn't frightened?" The indictment that can be framed against our society is that the fear can well be directed against whites who have incited crime waves as much as against blacks. Milstone's survey merits commendation for its objectivity as well as its thoroughness. His study of the conditions in the three major areas that are afflicted by the problems he faced provides illuminating data and these analyses are worth culling from his lengthy report: "If one views the total over-all picture, it is apparent that the number of Jewish merchants in this ghetto area has been overinflated. I do not wish to minimize the role of the Jewish businessman in the ghetto but the obvious fact is that not every other store was Jewish owned. It is now possible to walk for several blocks on the thorough- fares of this survey without encountering a Jewish merchant, and this situation may have existed prior to the riot. "Over the years the natural attrition plus the hazards of doing business in the ghetto have reduced the number of Jewish merchants. Many businesses which are geared to our community could not function in the new environmental circumstances—kosher butchers, beauty and barber shops, bakeries, bagel factories and delicatessens have. with a few exceptions, disappeared from these neighborhoods. A majority of the new businesses that have emerged are not character- istically associated with Jews—Negro beauty and barber shops, small record shops, and "soul food" restaurants. If one counts every store on our survey streets the total that was Jewish owned prior to the riot was probably not overwhelming, and this number has been dramatically reduced. "It is a fact that most of the Jewish merchants do own the larger and more thriving stores. The large cleaners or. variety stores are usually Jewish owned, while their small competitors are usually Negro owned. We also have not explored the area of store ownership where we may find Negro owned stores being rented from a Jewish landlord. "Many of the Chaldean merchants interviewed related how they had purchased their stores from Jews and how this pattern had developed in the area. We find in the grocery field that as Jewish merchants retired or relocated they were replaced by Chaldeans. It appears from our contacts, that up to this point the Negro businessman has been unable to purchase the more profitable businesses that do exist in the ghetto. "Based upon our survey we find that the Jewish merchants now comprise 9 1/2% of the total number of merchants within the report area. Before the riot, Jewish merchants accounted for 15% of all the busineSses. Both of these percentages are far lower than the per- centages we had always assumed to obtain. These figures show the drastic decline in the number of Jewish merchants apparently caused directly by the riot. It appears that we must alter some of our beliefs pertaining to the role and influence of the Jewish merchant in the ghetto. The Jewish merchant does play a part in the ghetto economy, but not numerically. To some extent this numerical deficiency may be offset by the fact that Jewish merchants operate what seem to be the more stable businesses. "There is some aspect of 'marginality' to the status of the Jewish ghetto merchant. The impression prevails that some, at least, are there because they have no feasible way of getting out without sacrific- ing a business or an investment. Ideally, we might say their : role in the inner city should be one that relates them constructively and help- fully to the neighborhood, and cooperatively to other merchants. Realistically, though, this feeling of 'marginality,' together with their small numerical representation, complicates any discussion of their role. Our thought remains, however, that the idea of organization among the merchants ought to be pursued. The summarized total of Jewish-owned stores in the riot-torn area is represented in the following summary of 39 returnees to their 2—Friday, April 5, 1968 businesses: Groceries, 7; drugstores, 6; restaurants, 4; cleaners, 3; bakeries, 2; hardware stores, 2; printers, 2; tailors, 2; variety, 2; bar, 1; discount store, 1; fish market, 1; furniture store, 1; meat market, 1; shoe store, 1; miscellaneous, 3. In view of the seriousness of the problem, it will be valuable for our community to have the total summary of the retail stores con- tained in the survey The facts as gathered by Milstone are presented in this table: SUMMARY OF RETAIL STORES IN SURVEY Total Number Total Number Jewish Owned of Stores Jewish Owned of Stores After Riot After Riot Before Riot Before Riot Street 20 103 33 154 Dexter 12 188 22 203 Linwood 7 122 23 176 Twelfth 39 413 78 533 TOTAL PERCENTAGE DECLINE OF JEWISH MERCHANTS IN SURVEY AREA FOLLOWING RIOT Number Jewish Number Jewish Owned Stores Owned Stores % Decline After Riot Before Riot 39 20 33 Dexter 45 12 22 Linwood 70 7 23 Twelfth 50 39 78 TOTAL Percentage of Stores Owned Percentage of Stores Owned By Jews After Riot By Jews Before Riot 413 Total Number 533 Total number 39 Jewish Owned 78 Jewish Owned 9.5 Percentage , 15 Percentage While we have the data, we do not have a solution. Extremists in the black community have shouted for possession ob business houses conducted in the midst of their followers' residential areas. Jewish merchants in Detroit, Harlem, Watts, Newark—wherever the Negroes predominate as residents—have offered to sell their businesses. Many cannot afford to sacrifice meager possessions. But some Negroes have inherited the prejudice of shouting "rich as a Jew" when they see a Jewish merchandising mart. Some have been led to believe that the Negroes enriched the Jews. That was the experience an Israeli high official had in Watts a few weeks ago when he was told that trees planted in Israel by American Jews were really Negro-financed. Under such conditions it becomes more difficult to find solution to an aggra- vated problem. But a solution becomes easier to find when facts are known, and the Jewish Community Council provides the necessary data. * * * Universalism . . . Covering All Areas . . . JUnitarianism We know a Detroiter who belongs to a leading Orthodox congrega- tion, to both original local Reform temples, to the oldest Detroit Conservative congregation; who supports Chabad (when he speaks at a public meeting he pronounces it Tchaybed), always has a yarmulke in his pocket and relishes shrimp. His Orthodox affiliation is a continuation of his father's member- ship; he is a good fellow and a cooperative citizen who has befriended all Reform rabbis, and he therefore is equally at home in the Reform synagogues; his grandmother wore a shaytel and he therefore shares the pieties of Chabad. (The single Detroiter thus depicted is presented as a symbol of a larger element. He represents a respected group that adheres to an inconsistency that is not dishonorable but is nevertheless puzzling). This often assumes a common pattern in our communities. Yet, how does it tally with Wilbur J. Cohen's affiliations? Cohen, who has just been named Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare and will be a member of President Johnson's Cabinet, is a career government official who has helped the Social Security Act in 1935, in the Roosevelt administration. He is an outstanding social scientist and he is Jewish, as his name implies. His biographical sketch in the New York Times described that aspect of his being as follows: "His religious background is Jewish, and he is listed in Who's Who in World Jewry. He is also identified with Unitarian Church activities." And that puzzles us. One can be associated with all Jewish move- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ments, even when there are ideological conflicts. That applies to life generally, but the line is always drawn theologically. It all reminds us of the era when Reform and Orthodoxy clashed (and in that clash Conservatism was equated with Orthodoxy). It was a bitter fight and because Reform rabbis then went to churches to deliver sermons in an exchange with Christian ministers, and there was an especially warm friendship between Jews and Uni- tarians, such befriending of non- Jews was branded JUnitarianism. There is a greater tolerance to- day and it could well be defined as an inheritance from a natural, internal toleration of opposition parties in our midst. The religious even tolerate the secularis t. Doesn't he always say: "Yisrael, of al pi she-hata Yisrael hu" — a Jew even if he has sinned remains a Jew! On this score, Dr. Raphael Patai, in his newest book, "The Hebrew Goddess" (published by Ktav) makes the point that while there were sharp divisions between Hasidim and Mitnagdim—their op- ponents—"at no point during the great struggle did any Hasidic or Matnagdic leader go so far as to cast a doubt upon the Judaism of the opposing group. The entire subject is an interest- ing one for parlor discussions and for some punning. We know Jews who belong to all Zionist parties. They are such good joiners and such good sports ! Yet these very people would not openly acclaim themselves as members of both the Democratic and Republican parties. But among the wealthy, both sides are played—it is not done openly, but for social-eco- nomic safety's sake both major parties can point to wealth as aid- ing the two—and both know the gifts are given with tongue in cheek. But JUnitarianism? Th another story. . • • Poland takes Step Back to Middle Ages The Polish reversion' :to the Middle Ages has not abated. All the vile aspects of antiSemitism again are in. evidence. Even the stupid forgeries called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are being utilized in spreading hatred of Israel and Jewry. Polish officials who were never known as Jews suddenly have had their parentage — their grand- parents in some instances — un- earthed, in Nazi fashion, to justify their being dismissed. And as in so many other in. stances, the marriage of Gomulka to a Jewess is claimed as evidence that he is not an anti-Semite, If you need the thief, says a Yiddish proverb, you take him off the gal- lows and it has been all -too - easy to . benefit from Jews' self-hatred! —