now Allied Jewish Campaign Dollar Will Be Allocated Detailed Analysis on Page 9 Poland's Anti-Zionist Campaign: Renewal of Anti-Semitism and Mah Yohfis Humiliation Editorial Page 4 - VOL. LI I I, No. 2 Analysis of Tragic Arab Trends HEIKWISH E A Weekly Review Perpetuating 'the Lie' and Asocial Tactics of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle 27 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit — VE 8-9364 — March 29, 1968 Commerktary Page 2 $7.00 Per Year, This Issue 20c Israel-Reaffirms Right to Retain Measure to Assure Its Sovereignty UNITED NATIONS (JTA) The United Nations was on notice Monday that Israel would retain its right to undertake all measures it deemed necessary to preserve its sovereignty and security despite Sunday night's action by the Security Council con- demning Israel's raid on Jordan territory last Thursday to wipe out : the guerrilla bases from which terrorist attacks had been mount- ed against Israel territory. Oit In a dramatic statement to the Council Sunday night after its adoption of the resolution, Ambassador Yosef Tekoah, head of the Israel delegation, told the Council that the only solution to the Middle East situation was peace but that as long as a state of war continued, Israel would abide by its obligations under the cease fire agreement. He pointed out, however, that the cease fire was a reciprocal agreement and required full reciprocity from the Arab states. He noted statements by Arab spokesmen to the Council that they would not seek to stem the terrorist raids and declared that if the Arabs engaged in military activity or terror, Israel had a right and duty to defend itself. Tekoah reminded the Council that the intent of the resolution referred to both the Israel-and the Jordan complaints although the original draft and statements made during the debate suggested that the Council was dealing only with the Jordanian com- plaint. He drew attention to statements by the Jordanian representative that Jordan would persist in warfare, terrorism and sabotage. Israel, he said, asked nothing of its neighbors but to be left in peace. Jordan's attitude would determine whether Israel would have to fight again or whether issues would be resolved at the negotiating table. An Israeli truck convoy shown on its return from the attack on the El Fatah terrorists' base in the Karameh village in Jordan. The Israel envoy told the Security Council bluntly that Israel could not ac- cept the condemnation contained in the resolution. The Charter of the United Na- tions, he reminded the Council, gave Israel the right of self-defense. The resolution adopted by the Council described the Thursday operation as of "a large-scale carefully planned nature" and condemned it as a "flagrant violation" of the United Nations Charter and of cease fire resolutions. It deplored "all violent incidents in violation of the cease fire" and warned that "such actions of military reprisal and other grave violations of the cease fire cannot be tolerated and that the Security Council would have to consider further and more effective steps as en- visaged in the charter to insure against repetition of such acts"—a reference to sanctions. The resolution further called on Israel "to desist from acts or activi- ties in contravention" of the Council's Nov. 22 resolution. The resolution adopted by the Council was a modified form of a bitter anti- Israel draft proposed by India, Pakistan and Senegal. It was declared acceptable by the United States and Great Britain after inclusion of a condemnation of all "violations of the cease fire." The resolution did not, however, rebuke Jordan by name for permitting these "violent incidents" nor did it call on the Arab state to take action to prevent them. The original draft resolution had made no reference to the cease fire viola- tions which preceded the Israeli action of last Thursday and had regarded the Israeli action without the background of extenuating circumstances. Ambassa- dor Arthur J. Goldberg, head of the American delegation, fought long and hard to secure inclusion in the draft of a reference to the other violations of the cease- (Continued on Page 5) Rabbinical Assembly Votes to Suspend Compulsory Draft for Chaplaincies; Chaplains' Association Rejects Contentions of 'Selective Conscientious Objection' (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) -4 41.- I .__ KIAMESHA LAKE, N.Y.—The Conservative movement of Judaism voted Tues. y to suspend the compulsory draft for the military chaplaincy of newly ordained abbis. The action, taken at the 68th annual convention of the Rabbinical Assembly, called for the cooperation of all Jewish theological seminaries and rabbinical organi- zations to evolve a new voluntary system which will increase the number of spiritual advisers to men in the armed forces. The resolution, submitted by Rabbi Ralph Simon of Chicago, vice president of the Assembly, instructed the organization "to seek in cooperation with the semi- naries, rabbinical organizations and the National Jewish Welfare Board, which ad- ministers the chaplaincy program, to develop supplementary resources for serving our military personnel." This would include the employment of civilian chaplains "on a full-tithe or part-time basis." Rabbi Max J. Routtenberg of Rockville Center, Long Island, chairman of the committee on chaplaincy, whose report formed the basis of the discussion and vote, explained: "For a number of years there has been growing dissatisfaction in rabbini- cal circles with the compulsory draft of chaplains. There were many inequities growing out of the draft system climaxed by a request of the' graduating class of the Jewish Theological Seminary. of America that the draft system be dropped and be replaced by a voluntary system." Summarizing the action regarding chaplaincy, Rabbi Routtenberg stated: "The fbur-hour debate in the Assembly revealed the growing crisis of conscience among both seminarians and rabbis arising out of the Vietnam War. Nevertheless, it was the overwhelming sentiment of the body that the needs of the men in service for moral and spiritual guidance must be met. The reports of the special committee summoned the seminarians to respond to this call for service on a voluntary basis." (Continued on Page 3) NEW YORK (JTA)—The executive committee of the Association of Jewish Chaplains of the Armed Forces was disclosed today to have taken a stand of strong opposition to refusal by any rabbi to serve as a military chaplain in the Vietnam war on grOunds of "selective conscientious objection.'.' That stand was revealed by Rabbi Bertram W. Korn, a Naval Reserve chaplain and association president, in a letter to "present or future" colleagues. Rabbi Korn said the statement was sent to association members, to presidents of the cooperating Jewish seminaries, to heads of their student groups, and to presi- dents of rabbinic organizations. Rabbi Korn declared, in his letter, that the association had been informed that "at some of the seminaries and in some of the national rabbinic organizations, there are those who feel that a rabbi who is opposed to our present military involvement in Vietnam should refuse to serve as a military chaplain on the ground of 'selective conscientious objection.' " He added that the Jewish military chaplains, attending a recent meeting of the executive committee and representing all three branches of Judaism, had agreed that because many soldiers might be fighting in Vietnam for a cause which they either did not understand or opposed, the military chaplain was particularly needed. Asserting that the chaplains at the meeting constituted a group which, "mili- tarily, knows whereof it speaks," he reported also that they had agreed that "any clergyman who uses 'selective conscientious objection' as a reason for avoiding service as a military chaplain does not understand the essential nature of the military chaplaincy, which is that the military chaplain's task is to give spiritual solace and religious guidance to troubled human beings, not to act as a special pleader for any particular ideology or course of political action."