Campaign Divisions Register Unprecedented Progress; Woinen's Phonogift Reaches 10,000 Unprecedented responses a n d the Sinai and routed the Egyptian solicitations section will hold its progressive results of the numer- armored divisions in the desert, report meeting noon to 2 p.m. Sun- ous divisions in the current Allied at its annual dinner March 13 at day at the Zionist Cultural Center. Jewish Campaign-Israel Emer- Raleigh House. Chairman George Workers have been asked to turn gency Fund were indicated in the M. Zeltzer reported increases of in their kits at this time, and there reports submitted at the opening 100 per cent marked individual con- will be a telephone follow-up for campaign dinner at the Jewish tributions announced at the meet- those who could not complete their Center on Wednesday • ing. cards. Israeli Consul General Michael The first major campaign re- Many non-Jews, as was experi- Arnon called on members of the port meeting will be at a lun- enced in 1967, are making contri- Mercantile Division during their cheon March 29 at the Fred M. butions to the Israel Emergency meeting March 12 at the Furniture Butzel Memorial Building, when Fund. Club to "remember the achieve- division leaders will report on A repeated gift was received ments of Israel and remember the results of continued solicitations. this week from Dr. I. Z. Silvarman human story." With all fund-raising meetings in behalf of Emmitt Olinger, of "It is with your help that in of divisions completed, the cam- 9541 Brockton. Olinger, a middle- only 20 years Israel has developed paign proceeds with a series of aged semi-skilled factory worker into an important nation, a place report meetings as the campaign who is troubled with emphysema, of refuge," Arnon said. "Now, progresses to its May 8 closing. had given $20 to the Israel Emerg- more planes, more hospitals, more The metropolitan division will ency Fund last year. Last week he schools, more strength are the have its first report, 10 a.m. to 1 contributed $30 through Dr. Silvar- only convincing argument against p.m., Sunday, at the Zionist Cul- man, who doubled the sum in re- attack that the Arabs will recog- tural Center, Southfield. mitting a check for $60 in Olinger's nize. The fate of the next war The Junior Division general name. is being settled now. We (Israel) will see to the planes and arma- ments. You (world Jewry) must see to the hospitals and schools, if Israel is to survive." The Women's Phonogift ended (Continued from Page 1) "Then," he declared, "we will on Tuesday after nearly 800 avert war because we will be peace and of the conditions which volunteers had made more than strong. By doing our part and 10,000 telephone calls to women presently deter it. by you and we combining our "If not for the encouragement contributors. Mrs. Ben Moss- forces, we will have notthing to man, chairman of Phonogift, said given the Arab states by Russia, fear." that the reception to the phone the chances for peace would be Gen. Yoffe had interesting com- calls in the community was out- better," he declared. He pointed ments on the developing relation- to two needs in Israel—prepared- standing and that many women ships between Israel and the Arab called back to increase their ness for any eventuality and the states. gifts after they had thought building of a strong economy, the "We must have cool heads and more about the needs in Israel. raising of the standards of living, the expansion of educational efforts strong nerves," he said. "We can't have peace, but we have security. An increase marked of 20 per cent in by the building of more schools. contributions the annual I don't think that in the near future brunch of laundry and linen driv- Resorting to the Hebrew word the Arab states will have the feel- ers Local 285, held Sunday at the damim, which has the double ing that they can demolish Israel. Furniture Club. Isaac Litwak, meaning of blood and money, the If they don't talk to us, we'll stay president, and Arthur King, vice- hero of the Israel war in the Sinai where we are. The main desire on president, chaired the fund-rais- Desert said there are two ways for the part of the Arabs to get their ing meeting. world Jewry to aid Israel — "by land back is military and none The real estate division and coming to Israel and being with other. Now we are in a position to building trades heard Brig. Gen. us" and by "brothers and friends, solve the refugee problem. Now, in Yeshayahu Gavish, commander of Jews and non-Jews, helping us the occupied areas, Arabs and the forces which swept through build the country economically." Jews are mingling together and Arabs for the first time have free- dom of movement. There is the problem of saboteurs but the Arab population is sick and tired of them and they will be the first to come to terms with us. They'll realize that their dream of destroying Is- rael is only a dream and they'll find a way to line up with us." Gen. Yoffe described how Hus- sein had rushed into battle, against Israel's appeals to re- frain from entering the war, at 10 a.m. on Monday, June 5, when Egypt already was beaten by Israel's air force in the first three hours of fighting, and Syria entered the war 25 hours Mercantile division members heard Ambassador Michael Arnon, later. Hussein's actions, he said, consul general of Israel in New York, speak on the needs of Israel at "gave Israel the opportunity to its March 12 meeting at the Furniture Club. Pictured are (from left) restore the soul (Jerusalem) to Warren D. Greenstone, division co-chairman; Arnon; Benjamin the body (Israel). That was the Frank, co-chairman; and David S. Mondry, executive committee only occasion for jubilation in member. the June war." Mechanical Trades Raises $2,000,000 Mechanical Trades Division raised more than $2,000,000 for the 1968 Allied Jewish Campaign—Israel Emergency Fund at its meeting last week at the Standard City Club after hearing Brig. Gen. Yeshayahu Gavish, 42-year-old hero of the Six-Day War, who it'd his armored divisions in a sweep of the Sinai. Pictured are (from left) Maxwell Jospey, campaign co-chairman; Daniel M. Honigman, dinner chairman; Gen. Gavish; Philip T. Warren, co-chairman, steel section; Kaye G. Frank, division co-chairman; William Avrunin, executive vice-president, Jewish Welfare Federation; and Merle Earns, division co-chairman. Gen. Yoffe Inspires Campaign Kick-Off Event Arnon Addresses Mercantile Division Corps of 800 Women Enrolled in Phonogift Effort Gen. Yoffe's account of the man- remarks, stated that while Wednes- ner in which Israel won- the war day's dinner meeting was the kick- was a revealing declaration. He off function for the drive, the lead- said that the Israelis, who have not ership was fully aware of the been taught to hate the Arabs and already tabulated thousands of con- do not hate them now but wish to tributors whose gifts represent live amicably with them, were an- "impressive results." He explained gered by the threats to destroy the that the advance solicitations are country. He said it was "an accum- the only way of achieving the ulating anger" and when he heard drive's objectives. the signal on June 5 of "Red Car- Deutsch and Jospey, who alter- pet," which meant for him to pro- nated in presiding at the dinner, ceed in battle, it was the begin- took into account the enthusiasm ning of the act of ending the ten- of the volunteer workers as an as- sions, of putting an end to empty surance that new records for talk. He said one of the secrets of generous giving will be set in this Israel's success was that anger be- year's drive. cause "never before did such an Deutsch reviewed the previous angry army get into action." accomplishments, told of current He explained also that two sod- objectives, praised the leadership eties were in conflict, that Israelis of Safran under whose presidency had a sense of identification and of the Federation Allied Jewish that the Egyptians, while their sol- Campaign incomes grew yearly, diers fought well, soon lost it— and introduced the division heads. "because they did not identify Jospey expressed pride in themselves with their people and "this good community which has their state" while Israelis "fought a strong sense of identification not only for Jews in Israel and with world Jewry." He declared their security but also for the idea that "no challenge is too great that was born 20 years ago." for us" and spoke of "the privi- lege of being associated in the Gen. Yoffe won the hearts of great endeavor." his audience not only with his factual declarations but also with Jospey presided over the period his sense of humor. Commencing of reports by division heads. Paul his speech immediately after the Broder, president of Detroit Serv- reports of progress by campaign ice Group, called for reports from divisions, he said, he, too, had a various section heads and progress report: of the capture of 365 in their divisions was announced tanks in the Sinai Desert on June by Warren Greenstone, George 5. And turning to his friend Gen. Zeltzer, Louis Zuckerman, Ben S. L. A. Marshall, who was one Mossman, Albert Colman, Richard of the guests at the dinner, he Kux and Merle Harris. Louis E. Barden reported for the reminded him that the Detroit military expert told hint last metropolitan division and an- July: "You ruined the art of war nouncements of large increases forever." were reported by Michael J. Her- In introducing the general, manoff and Mrs. I. Jerome Hauser the junior and women's divi- Deutsch quoted Yoffe's statement for about himself: "I have the rank of sions, respectively. In his invocation, Rabbi James a brigadier general, hold the com- Gordon prayed for the speedy re- mand of a major general, do the job of a full general—and receive covery and early return to the service of his people of Gen. Moshe the pay of a captain." Dayan, Israel's defense minister, Hyman Safran, Jewish Welfare who was injured in an archaeologi- Federation president, in his opening cal cave-in at Holon that morning. Real Estate Division Spurs Drive Mrs. Ben Mossman, chairman of Phonogift (center), directed a corps of 800 women who made tele- phone calls and picked up contributions for 10 days just prior to the campaign opening on Wednesday. Even the fall of three inches of snow one evening did not deter the volunteers from reaching head- quarters at the Zionist Cultural Center in Southfield to make phone calls in their quest for women's gifts to the Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund. Real esta to and building trades division members held a successful meeting at Raleigh House March 13 with more than 100 workers for the Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund. Pictured are (from left) N. Brewster Broder, division co-chairman; Sidney Kaye, associate chairman; George M. Zeltzer, division chair- man; and Alfred L. Deutsch, campaign chairman. 48—Friday, March 22, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS