— THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Lawrence Gubow Nominated to Head 32—Friday, March 22, 1968 Detroit Jewish Community Council Feinberg Manuscripts and Autographs Danny Raskin's LISTENING Lawrence Gubow, U.S. attorney for Eastern Michigan and chair- man of the Jewish Community Council community relations com- mittee, has been nominated for the presidency of the council. He would suceed Dr. Samuel Krohn, who steps down after three years as president. Nominees -for council office and the executive committee were an- nounced at a Jewish Community Council delegate assembly March 14. For the first time, a woman's name has been placed on the bal- lot. Mrs. Samuel Linden was nomi- nated as a vice president, along with Avern L. Cohn and George M. Zeltzer. Edwin Shifrin was named for secretary and Hubert J. Sidlow, treasurer. Nominated for a three-year term on the executive committee were Robert Alpern, Mandell Berman, Harold Berry, Morris Brandwine, Rabbi Irwin Groner, Mrs. Jerome Grossman, Sidney Guyer, Rabbi Mordecai Halpern, Dr. Shmarya Kleinman, Morris Lieberman, Bernard Panush, Irving Pokemp- ner, David I. Rosin, Rabbi A. Irv- ing Schnipper, Mrs. Leonard Sims and Irving Steinman. Mrs. Albert Rosenblum was nominated for a two-year term and Erwin Bunin and Harley Selling to one-year terms on the executive committee. Sidney M. Shevitz, chairman of the nominating committee, made the announcement and said that names for office can still be sub- mitted by petition until 5 p.m. April 3 at the office of the Jewish Community Council. Petition forms are available there. Delegates adopted a resolu- tion supporting the Jewish Pub- lication Society and encouraging membership in the society which publishes works of Judaica. Hu- bert Sidlow, chairman of the in- ternal relations committee, of- fered the services of Community Council leaders to speak to member organizations interested in the work of JPS. Guest speaker at the assembly, I. L. Kenen, editor of the Near East Report, presented a political outline of Middle Eastern affairs for the past 20 years. He said this election year in the U.S. is a cru- cial one for Israel and her friends here must express their sentiments to candidates for office. President Johnson has much support from American Jewry because of his friendly policy toward Israel, said Kenen, who added that he doubts Mr. Johnson would risk that sup- port by a change in policy. port O S T JACK BIGELMAN, commander of the Detroit Police Reserves at Livernois Station, precinct 10, says that a new class in reserves will be started in April. . . Complete training program for recruits be- tween ages 29 and 45 consists of every phase of police operations, including first aid. . . . Also use of fire arms, desk training, com- munications, scout car, etc. . . . Applications, which can be made at any p r e c i n c t, are cleared through the FBI. . One of the biggest factors in the police re- serves is combating lack of com- munication between police and the man on the street. . . . Average citizens have no knowledge or un- derstanding of police work, there- fore respect is lacking, mainly among juveniles. . . . Jack feels that parents who join will be more capable of explaining police work. . Call Jack either at the sta- tion or at home, DI 2-2206. It's Jerry TYPO ERRATA Kurtis, not Kutris, as wrongly typed in last week's column on CKLW-TV's Safari to Las Vegas. ONE DAY RECENTLY, Larry Crantz noticed an old car parked near his on a parking lot. . . . It probably ran on love and coaxing, says Larry, but it sported two brand-new snow tires. . . . On one tire was written in white chalk, "To Ruth with love, Bill," . . . and on the other was written, "Happy Birthday, Bill. Love, Ruth." READER WHO GIVES name but prefers anonymity sends in these gems of wisdom . . . "Humility disappears as soon as you talk about it" . . . and "Our only quar- rel with an inferiority complex is that the people who need one never have it." ANNE RENEE KRUGER. 21'a- year-old daughter of Carol and David Kruger, was staying with grandma Ida Wolfe in Southfield on a Saturday. . . . Anne asked for a pencil and paper so she could write, and her grandmother said, "Annie, you shouldn't write on Shabbos." . .. "But grandma," replied Anne, "I don't want to write on Shabbos, I want to write on paper." STYLE SHOW BY North Park Towers Barbers is slated for some time in May in the high-rise pent- house. . . . Interested gents in- elude Craig Smith, Jack and Shelly Abramson, Harold S a r k o and Meyer Fishman, to name just a few. . . . Promises to be quite a show. . . . One of the biggest fea- tures will be the shop's new wrinkle-removing process . . . to say nothing about actually growing hair. COMMUNITY SCENE . . . a woman wearing a hat that'll never go out of style . . . it'll just look ridiculous year after year. . . . The elderly lady telling Merle Barak- man of WKBD-TV (Ch. 50) that she thought the United Nations was a good thing, "but it's a pity they have so many foreigners in it!" CLASS REUNIONS REVIEW ... Oak Park High '58, May 11, at Hillcrest Country Club. . . . Con- tact Barbara (Pelavin) Eskin, 549-1014, or Norman Gussin, 547- 1031. . . . Northern High Jan. '33, May 8, at Raleigh House. . . . Call Edith (Shook) Shevitz, UN 3-4760 or Margaret (Salitar) Kaner, UN 3-1558. . . . Central High June '48, June 5, at Hillcrest. . • Phone Ann (Lesnick) Carron, KE 5-8159 ' . if. no answer,. DI 1-3700 , DOM II The editor sees a "desperate" Hussein who possibly would break from Egypt's President Nasser; a Soviet Union which suffered a bit- ter defeat in the Six-Day War but wants to "keep the pot boiling" in the Middle East; and a Nasser who does not enjoy the unquestioned popularity he once had among his people. Go on Sale in New York on April 2-3 More than 700 valuable items An impressive volume, "The from the collection of autographs Library of Charles E. Feinberg," and manuscripts from the library has been published as a guide for of Charles E. Feinberg will go on the hundreds of buyers who are sale April 2 at Parke-Bernet Gal- expected at the auction from all leries, 980 Madison, New York. over the country. The sale, which will continue for two days, in the form of a public VICTOR BORGE, who performs auction, will be conducted by at Masonic Auditorium 8:20 p.m. prominent New York auctioneers. April 6, arrived in America in 1940 Included in the collection are without a word of English and, works by James Joyce, Israel what he terms "embarrassingly Zangwill, Abraham Lincoln, Oscar low finances." Today he is one of Wilde, Daniel Webster, John the most highly paid and success- Quincy Adams, Ralph Waldo ful performers of all time. Emerson, James Fennimore Postmaster Edward L. Baker Cooper, James Madison, Theodore announced that after April 6 any Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt solicitations placed in the mail and scores of others. which resemble bills must bear a conspicuous warning that they are not invoices or statements of account. The postmaster said the new martin j.u_zeil regulations aimed at deceptive photographer solicitations, implement an amend- 341- 9787 ment to the Federal Revenue and Salary Act of 1967, and require that each solicitation carry the Max Schrut following notice: For Good Photographs and Prompt Service "This is a solicitation for the with Call Me at order of goods and/or services and not a bill, invoice, or state- ment of account due. You are Formerly The Montegos under no obligation to make any Weddings — Bar Mitzvas Music for the Young payments on account of this We Come to Your Home of All Ages offer unless you accept this With Samples FOR BOOKINGS CALL.: offer." UN 4-6845 TY 5.8805 353-7749 — TE 2-9193 The regulations also require that the warning be printed in type no smaller than 12-point in size, and that in no case shall it be less con- spicuous than the boldest type used to print other words on the solicita- REGISTER YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS AT THE BEAUTIFUL tion. Baker said the department's general counsel, Timothy J. May, expects the amendment to "dry LI 8-1825 14380 W. 8 MILE, OAK PARK up" a scheme which has defrauded thousands of mail patrons each Ideally Located 1/4 Mile from Northland year. One of the largest groups Hi-fi, Restaurant and All Other Modern Conveniences victimized by these solicitations $10 PER DAY SINGLE SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES are the businesses and other or- Ben Halpern, co-owner ganizations listed in the classified Airport Transportation Available sections, or Yellow Pages of tele- phone directories. May said that "Millions of solici- tations which resemble IBM-type billing cards or invoices for legiti- mate directories are mailed to firms according to their classifi- cation in the Yellow Pages. Over- worked or careless office workers are tricked into remitting the $60 to $85 fee thinking it requires a IN THE HALL, HOTEL OR SYNAGOGUE bill which must be paid." New Postal Rules: Mail Solicitations Must State Aims Make Your Parfy Swing BLAIR STUDIO THE PUPPETS HAVING A WEDDING or BAR MITZVA! EMBASSY MOTEL ROSENBERG'S KOSHER CATERING OF YOUR CHOICE .. . The forestry and landscaping division of the Detroit Department of Parks and Recreation last year pruned 29,232 street and park trees. BY HENRY LEONARD also exclusive Kosher caterers at Cong. Bnai David Services Available For Your Convenience • Social Consultants • Invitations & Accessories • Floral & Creative Decorations • Cakes for all occasions 1 24350 Southfield Rd. 358-1540 Your Host: Bob Rosenberg f7.1./e SALE *Ss HOP TO OUR PRE EASTER-PASSOVER SALE 1 1 - ONE WEEK ONLY March 22 - March 30 OUR ENTIRE STOCK 3 % OFF STYLESul UNLIMITED (formerly Antonys Apparel) 107 Townsend, Birmingham, Mich. Security 642-9492 Michigan Bankard e•• ■■ •Ise°•• ■ ••-,