THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronic/e commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member Nmerican Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Associ.-tion. Published eieri. Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co. 17100 West Seven Mlle Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235. CE 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign $5. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 16th day of Adar. 5728. the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion. Exodus 30:11-34:35. Prophetical portion, I Kings 18:1 - 39. Candle lighting, Friday, March 15, 6:20 p.m. VOL. LII. No. 26 Page Four March 15, 1%8 Jewry's Response to Those Who Menace Israel Gamal Abdel Nasser is back in harness. In his speech to the workers in the Helwan industrial center near Cairo he again let loose with threats on Israel, swearing to liberate the Holy Land from Israel "inch by inch." While Dr. Gunnar Jarring was searching for means of getting Arabs and Israelis to begin peace discussions, the Egyptian dicta- tor's reply was in, the form of renewed threats. Thus, the suspected is fact: the road to peace is strewn with obstacles, and the dif- ficulties in securing a face-to-face confronta- tion are so great that all prospects in the Middle East are for a continued state of war. Syrians do not even wish to respond to any of Dr. Jarring's appeals. and Hussein goes the Nasser way in an antagonism that makes the Middle East's battleground suf- fused with dangers, threats and with so much terrorism that peace-loving people live in a state of horror. These are facts well known to Israel. they are becoming more evident daily to all who wish for an end to conflicts, and for Jews everywhere the existing conditions represent an unending challenge not to be too com- placent and to be prepared for many even- tualities in the issues affecting Israel's future. It may well be that the June war was only a beginning, that other military con- flicts may develop at almost any time and that Israel may be in greater need of sup- port now than ever before. It may well be that Israel. faced with the necessity of pre- paring the nation's defense, may be com- pelled to reduce its educational and health programs, that the settlement of newcomers may entail greater difficulties than ever and that the country's progressive forces may be styled in their activities in building a demo- cratic highly advanced state. This is where Israel's kinsmen come in. Unless American and other Jewries provide the means of retaining Israel's economic and cultural projects, there will be great trouble ahead. Israel may not be able to continue both the defensive obligations as well as the constructive tasks of nation-building. It is well that this should be remembered as we approach the formal opening of the current Allied Jewish Campaign which has been linked with another appeal for the Is- rael Emergency Fund. The former provides for many Israeli needs and for the upkeep of all local agencies as well as support for a number of national causes. The emergency fund is an extra gift to assure the continua- tion of Israel's normal functions. Without that extra fund. difficulties will mount, anfl unless we give as generously as we responded last June we will be contributing to Israel's difficulties. In the interest of peace, in order to as- su•e that all threats to Israel's existence will be defied with courage and dignity, the cur- rent drive must match the success of last year. That's our current collective communal Dr. Sheldon Blank's 'Prophetic Faith in Isaiah' in Paperback Prof. Sheldon H. Blank of Ilebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion has set out to find meaning in Isaiah. His "Prophetic Faith in Isaiah," published by Harper in 1958, emerged as one of the classics dealing with interpretive literature on the Bible:The reprinting of this volume by Wayne State University Press as a paperback enriches popular book shelves and makes available an important work anew, now procurable by a larger reading public. Dr. Blank explains Isaiah the Prophet and the Book. the First obligation. The Allied Jewish Campaigns represent Isaiah and the Isaiah of legend. The first Isaiah is depicted as the this community's chief objective in the part- unforgettable. as the prophet of doom, who knew nothing of a chosen nership with our Israeli kinsmen for the people. It was the later Isaiah who "called Israel God's chosen servant," whd spoke of salvation and renewal of hopes. upbuilding and defense of their embattled Looking at the two Isaiahs together, after study of Chapter 7 state. But this is not the only obligation in the drive. Upon its success hinges the retention of all of our local educational. social service and recreational movements and numerous national causes. Therefore the duty that devolves upon us to make the drive we are about to ini- tiate is immense and can not be shirked. It calls for total involvement of our com- munity and all of us must act in response to it with the greatest generosity. Anything and related portions, Dr. Blank wrote: "It was the function of the historical Isaiah to instill in king and people fear, to create unease, to disturb the complacent. It was the function of the Isaiah of legend to relieve the troubled mind, to allay fear, to inspire confidence. The meaning of hope, the evolvement out of the teachings of Isaiah of religion of hope, the messianic ideal and the mission of Israel are among the factors in Isaiah evaluated in this reprinted volume. Regarding Israel's mission. Prof. Blank states that "the glowing core of the idea is the thought of the Second Isaiah that Israel is God's chosen people of prophets, destined to serve as a light to the nations, that his salvation may reach to the ends of the earth." less than total participation in the campaign Then there is the Trito - Isaiah who "reflected the exuberance of will be a cruel disregard of the most humane the Second Isaiah together with the earlier prophet's understanding of needs of our time. this sort of faith. He, too, linked faith and salvation: 'He who puts his faith in me will possess the land and inherit my holy mountain.' And, to the Isaiah of the apocalypse, the faith which is a leaning on God was especially dear." There is this added explanation by Dr. Blank: "Trito-Isaiah' is issues. Highly qualified students of the is- only a convenient way of referring to chapters 56 to 66 of -Isaiah. sues — Dr. Raphael Patai, Dr. Nasrollah S. Probably no single prophet composed them, and if one man did his Fatemi, Dr. Emil Lengyel and Joel Car- name was certainly not Trito-Isaiah. The name is an invention and the michael — will review and evaluate them implication of single authorship misleading. And yet the compositions and will share their knowledge with the which make up these 11 chapters do to some extent justify the desig- nation. They have some things in common and share a certain mood. participants in the 1968 discussion series. And one thing that they have in common is that they clearly show the The Midrasha discussions have already influence of the Second Isaiah." Vital Role of M idrasha Institute When the Midrasha Institute was in- troduced here 12 years ago by the United Hebrew Schools, sponsor of the Midrasha College of Jewish Studies. Israel was in danger and world Jewry faced the task of defending the Jewish State's very right to existence. On the American front especially, there was an urgent need to explain historical facts, to prepare the Jews in our community with an awareness of what was transpiring• in order that whatever libels might be leveled at Jews should be counteracted knowledge- ably. Today we are confronted with a similar situation. There are rash statements about Zionism, and the ugly charge of double al- legiance again is heard in many quarters. Jewry's right to settlement in the Holy Land is challenged. Many of those who were ad- mirers of Israel while the struggle was in progress against the Nasser-Hussein Clique last May now have become antagonists. Besides, there are claims of Moslem rights to all of Palestine, including the Jewish settle- ments for which Jews have paid with ex- orbitant sums and which they have held at the cost of much blood, and the uninformed easily fall prey to the contention that Jews should be branded the strangers in their own homeland. It is vitally important. therefore, that the facts should become known, that those who can be mobilized in whatever campaign may necessarily have to be formed in Israel's defense should be acquainted with the role of the Arabs. the nationalistic conflicts in the Middle East. the possibility of establish- ing amity between Israel and the Arab states. The current Midrasha Institute which will com mence next 'Thursday, will- deal witlf created a precedent for frank reviews of Jewish issues. The approaching series is es- pecially vital in our time. We can look to it to provide enlightenment on problems that have become part of a great crisis in an important area in the world. A wider understanding of the facts related to these issues can avert a Middle East war that could easily develop into a world con- flict. What we do here to reach understand- ing might well spread elsewhere in the in- terest of peace. Prof. Blank asserts that "the Isaiahs move between these poles: surrender and effort, receiving and giving, supine expec- tancy and earned repose." Reviewing the historical Isaiah's ad- monition to his people: "Give the weary rest; this is the security for you," he explains the three poles: "Near the one pole is the Isaiah of legend who 'believes.' He is the Isaiah to reassure an Ahaz or a Hezekiah: Jerusalem is safe beneath the sheltering wings, and trusting God is virtue. Near, too, stands Isaiah the messianist, whose savior king is divinely given and endowed. In Trito-Isaiah, in passages where Israel plays a passive role in the unfolding of God's purpose, that role, too, involves only a sitting, a resting, a waiting." Dr. Blank declares that it is the first, the historical Isaiah, who sums up in the meaningful verse, the 15th of chapter 30: "Although he lays great store by 'quietness and confidence,' in first place he puts a man's 'return:' Dr. William Haber retires from the dean- By returning and rest you can be saved, ship of the University of Michigan College In quietness and confidence lies your strength. Haber's Retirement of Literature, Science and the Arts after many years of services to the university and the State of Michigan that are of such great value that they can not be measured in mere words. As dean he guided his department Tinto unchallenged leadership among American universities. As head of the department of economics he became the advisers of Presi- dents and governors in planning the pro- gressive new trends in government services. The Jewish community is fortunate that "Man makes the first step." While "Prophetic Faith in Isaiah" is a valuable work for Prof. Blank's student and for theological experts, its style is popular and the volume is as appealing for laymen as it is for advanced scholars. Spero's 'God in All Seasons' Rabbi Shibert Spero of Cleveland has compiled an impressive series of sermons on the Jewish festivals in a book appropriately titled "God in All Seasons." Published by Shengold (45 W. 45th NY36), the 20 essays in this volume describe extensively, with historical references and numerous talmudic and other background material, the holy days and feasts of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hanuka, Purim, Pesah and his retirement will provide him with extra Shavuot. time to continue his labors for ORT, in Making it an up-to-date work, two of the essays are devoted to support of Israel and for the advancement Israel's Yom Ha-Atzmaut of Jewry's cultural projects. Whatever he ,. With emphasis on the traditional and on the rich Jewish heritage, may do, he carries with him the blessings Rabbi Spero's evaluations serve effectively in explaining the festiyals - to make it fully understandable by( young and old. '' " 1 ' these • •ettan • appreeietive• TOMS snnfity.