Prospects. of Peace Series Starts'With Patai Discussing Islam "The Rise of Islam" will be dis- cussed by Dr. Raphael Patai, di- rector of research for the Theodor Herzl Institute, at the introductory session of the Midrasha Institute, 8:15 p.m. Thursday, in the Esther Berman Building, United Hebrew Schools. Theme of the 12th annual insti- tute, called the Mina and Theo- dore Bargman Memorial Lectures. is "Prospects of Peace in the Mid- dle East: What Can We Learn From the Past?" Patai, anthropologist, folklorist, biblical scholar and editor of a number of important serial and He is author of more than two periodic publications, lived for 15 dozen books, among them "Sex a Family in the Bible and the years in Jerusalem where he was and Middle East"; "Israel Between director of the Palestine Institute East and West"; "The Kingdom of of Folklore and Ethnology and Jordan"; "Golden River to Golden taught at the Hebrew University. Road"; "Society, Culture and Since 1948, Dr. Patai has served Change in the Middle East"; "He- as visiting professor of anthro- brew Myths" (with Robert pology at Princeton University, Graves); and "Women in the Mod- Columbia, the University of Penn- ern World." sylvania, Ohio State, New York Succeeding lectures in the four- University and Dropsie College. part series will take place on At present he is visiting professor Wednesday evenings. A social hour of anthropology at Fairleigh Dick- with refreshments will follow the inson University. talk and discussion period. , The forestry and landscaping [division of the Detroit Department I of Parks and Recreation each year repairs and paints more than 30,- 000 pieces of park and playground equipment. Detroit has 54 parks compris- ing 3,775 acres under the juris- diction of the Detroit Department of Parks and Recreation, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 15, 1968-33 ROMANTIC AFFAIRS BEGIN WITH JOCELYN AND HER GYPSIES Weddings,Parties, Dances Raphael Patai's 'Hebrew Goddess' Maintains Polytheistic, Feminine Ideas Existed in Jewry 474-7638 DR. RAPHAEL PATAI PHOTOGRAPHY CARSON ZELTZER Dr. Raphael Patai, noted scholar ulation was left to local religious, Shekhina-Matronit .. ." He con- cludes with the assertion: "In and editor of Herzl Press, contends leadership." 547-4805 strictly human terms, all the WEDDINGS — BAR MITZVAS in his newest work, "The Hebrew At this point Dr. Patai asserts, SPECIAL OCCASIONS changing forms of the deity, the Goddess," that "the Biblical God- interestingly, that while there attribution to him of sexual qual- concept ... the patriarchal society were sharp divisions between ities and functions, the early ven- gave rise to a religion centered Hasidim and Mitnagdim —their FOR COLOR CANDIDS eration of goddesses, their trans- around a single, universal deity opponents—"at no point during (Direct JTA Teletype Wire formation into female divine at- AND MOVIES whose will was 'embodied in the the great struggle did any Ha- to The Jewish News) tributes and manifestations, and Law" but that "among the simple sidic or Mitnagdic leader go so LONDON—Three Soviet Jewish their resuscitation at a time people, old popular religious tra- far as to cast a doubt upon the mathematicians are among the when they seemed dead and ditions were too strong to be easily PHOTOGRAPHY Judaism of the opposing group. seven holders of the Lenin Prize buried for over a millenium—all overcome." Similar furcations have occurred 358-3199 who joined 92 of their collegues in this served the one primal . and repeatedly in Judaism . . . but Thus, in his present thesis, pub- signing a protest to the government permanent purpose, succinctly without ever splitting Jews into lished by Ktav Publishing House against the confinement of a fellow expressed first in the Bible and rival, discrete groups." (120 E. Broadway, NY2), Dr. Patai mathematician of Jewish descent then repeated in numerous elab- HOWARD TRIEST states that in a general sense A linguistic factor is emphasized to a mental institution, it was orations down to the present "there can be no doubt that down by Patai. Biblical names of God, COLOR MOVIES learned here Wednesday. day: to safeguard human survi- through the very end of the He- Yahweh and Elohim, are mascu- BRIDES — BAR MITZVAS The man committed by Soviet brew monarchy the worship of old line, and no efforts have been val through any and every re- ligious law, concept, idea and.' autl. orities is Aleksandr Yesenin- TreasurecT ai l lios; 47onmtA. Forever Canaanite gods was an integral made in biblical and Talmudic part of the religion of the He- times "to counteract the popular endeavor." Volpin, who was active in the pro- To illustrate his thesis, Dr. Pa- test movement of Soviet intellec - brews" and that "the worship of image of a masculine God." Yet goddesses played a much more im- he draws upon comparative reli- tai's book is devoted to study of tuals. Although of a Jewish family. portant role in this popular re- pion which teaches "need for yet worship of the Goddess Asherah, he is not generally known as a ligion than that of gods." His con- another symbol: that of the divine Astarte-Anath. the Cherubim, the Jew. The Jews who joined in denounc- elusion is that "goddesses are woman who appears in many Shekhina, Lilith, the Kabalistic end his orchestra ubiquitous." different forms throughout the Tetrad. Matronit—the goddess of ing Yesenin-Volpin's confinement R . Plus Drawing upon the Freudian world." The question is posed Kabala, and the Sabbath—Virgin. "without preliminary examination and without consent of his rela- whether Astarte, Asherah and Bride, Queen and Goddess. Thus, The High Tide theory that the goddess "repro- other goddesses were Hebrew god- the symbolic and the feminine are tives' . are Israel M. Gelfrand Var. sorts that stage in the early de- Adult and Teen Music desses or foreign abominations as researched to indicate the influ- dim Arnold and Yuli Manin. velopment of the human indi- For All Occasions they were labeled by the proph- ence of goddesses in various vidual in which the mother ap- "If you are afraid of loneliness, KE 7-4755 pears to the child as the all- ets. Dr. Patai states that "the He- trends of thoughts and in certain don't marry." —Anton Chekhov brew goddess succeeded in sur- eras. The Sabbath aspect, for ex- powerful source of both gratifi- cation and deprivation," Dr. viving" even after the death of ample, indicates that "for the Jew the "spirit of idolatry" in the reared in the great mystical tradi- Patai states: "The goddess is a mother figure whose qualities days of Nehemiah, that while her tion of his faith, the Sabbath was role was "minor and restricted" a day whose pleasures, both physi- are universal because they stem it is to be surmised that in the cal and spiritual, amply compen- from unconscious fantasies corn- mon to all peoples from time 13th Century "Kabbalism invested sated him for the drabness, nar- immemorial, and which have Judaism with a new vitality" and rowness and frequent sorrowful. their primary source in the in- the goddess emerged "as a dis- ness of the weekdays. With the exclusive Kosher Caterers at Cong. B'nai David fantile mind. The child in its tinct female deity," since "the new Sabbath, a queenly visitor entered jealousy of the father repudiates mythology of the Kabbala . . . even the humblest abode, which, due to her presence, was trans- his role in procreation, wishes to knows evil goddesses in addition In the hall, hotel or synagogue of your choice. formed into a royal palace, with deny that the mother is a sexual to the good ones." Thus. Dr. Patai reaches the the table set, the candles burning being, preferring to think of her 24350 Southfield Road as pure and virginal—hence the conclusion that "the feminine and the wine waiting . . ." virginity of the goddess image. numina (divine spirits) in one Dr. Patai draws upon the late When the child learns 'the truth,' period or another played a Dr. Edwin Goodenough's magnum Your Host: BOB ROSENBERG its wish that the mother should role in the history of Hebrew opus ("Jewish Symbols in the be a virgin is frustrated, and it and Jewish religion." He states Greco-Roman Period") but he crit- then unconsciously regards her that "those who believed in the icizes Goodenough's conclusions. goddesses saw no incompatibility disputing guilt of gross idolatry as a harlot—hence the goddess is not only a virgin but a harlot. between the sway they held over in the eminent Christian scholar's Moreover, in very early fantasy certain areas of human life and application of the idolatry view- life the frustrated nursling wants certain departments of nature, and point. Patai also contends that to devour the mother's breast, the rule Yahweh exercised over Goodenough's belief that the artist imagines that he actually is de- others: in the polytheistic view of in the Dura synagogue portrayed stroying the mother, and, pro- the divine, gods may compete with. Moses the Redeemer as having jecting his own hostility upon her, and occasionally conspire against, died and reborn to new life fears that she will devour him— one another, but they never cast was far-fetched "because we have a doubt on one another's existence. no evidence that the Dura mu- hence the bloodthirsty character shared by the ancient Near East- And as to those who believe in ralist was familiar with the gabled ern virginal and wanton love Yahweh only, for them the gods sarcophaguses or that the idea of and goddesses worshiped by others the infantile death and rebirth of goddesses." merely idols, devoid of any While interpreting biblical re - - significance whatsoever except the Moses (a non-Jewish mythologem) ligion as "universal ethical monoe• one baleful ability to lead men was known to him. A much closer comparison would be between the theism, cast in a ritual-legal form." . from the path of righteous- shape of the ark of bulrushes and Dr. Patai claims in his current astray (Including the NEW SPRING LINE of) ness,T . that of the Temple shown twice on study that "there were among the he religious truth of the ex- * SUITS * TOPCOATS biblical Hebrews other religious istence of a once harmonizing, the same wall. In fact, the ark of * PANTS * RAINCOATS trends, powerful in their attraction once discordant goddess side by bulrushes is painted unmistakably in the shape of a miniature * ALL FURNISHINGS * SPORTCOATS for the common people and their side - de with a one and only and Temple." * TUXEDOS S. FORMAL ACCESSORIES leaders alike, in which the worship omnipotent God was triumph- of goddesses played as important - More than 30 plates illustrate the antly manifested in what can be a role as it did anywhere else on called the Kabalistic break- text and add to the descriptive comparable stages of religious de- de- through," Dr. Patai asserts. He value of this interesting work of velopment." maintains that "the religion of research. Large Selection of Turtleneck Shirts Unlike the unity of all believers the Hebrews and the Jews was in Catholicism, Dr. Patai points never without at least a hint of EXPERT ALTERATIONS ON LADIES, MENS Question: I am now deferred in out, there was a lack of unity in the feminine in its God-concept." AND CHILDRENS CLOTHING. REASONABLE Class II-S as a college student. If Judaism, except in the brief per-, He adds that in the Middle Ages I enlist in the National Guard PRICES. iod "when the Great Sanhedrin ex- "there was nothing unusual in what, if anything, will happen to ercised central authority in Jeru- resorting to the symbolism of Soviet Scientists Protest Confining of Fellow Jew SANDY FRIEDMAN Hy Pritz CATERING 358-1540 To Make Room For New Spring Merchandise STOREWIDE SALE 20% OFF ENTIRE STOCK ALTERATION FREE my student deferment? salem," and therefore "to this day, coitus in its speaking of certain Answer: When your local board Jewish doctrine and practice, al- cosmic and divine events." He receives evidence that you have though derived from one ultimate does not see anything "offensive" completed such enlistment, you will source, the Bible, differed from or "fantastic" in "the sexual place to place, because, lacking a I imagery . of the, union 'between be reclassified from Class 11-S to coordinating and sanctifyirig,Apilaq,d, cormitm .Alass 1-D (member of a Reserve tral authority, their precise form-', God the King and his consort the I component). RADOM TAILORS 22141 Coolidge, just S. of 9 Mile CLOTHIERS & CLEAN ERS 398-9188