T firM Aik VIP' You hove probably heard about our remodeling effort — or maybe even been in the store to witness the tumult. What began as a simple change- over has become a complete up- heaval of major proportions. Well, right about now the once friendly PRINCETON STAFF, the stock crew, the carpenters, the architect and builder have suc- ceeded in grating on the nerves of everyone else involved. We are certain that many of you home- owners are painfully familiar with builder-client relationships. SO—YOU'VE GOTTA HELP US ! You can help by purchasing our bargains, thereby making room for our carpenters (trained in the neat department of your favorite supermarket) who will then con- veniently work with dispatch, so that we can hove the store beau- tifully ready for you in time for the holidays. What holiday? You pick one . . . Passover? . . . Rash Hoshana? . . . Hanuka? . . . We are going to help you help us by offering bargains which are almost too good to true — and the next thing Police Auctions. to — be to SOME EXAMPLES OF GIVE-AWAY ROOM MAKERS Values from $50 to $75 one price Sizes 36 to 46 '24 WINTER OUTERWEAR to $45 one price Sizes 36 to 46 $ 12 JEANS Values $5 to $10 one price el Sizes 29 to 38 41G pr. $ la? ITALIAN WOOL KNITS Long Sleeves one price $ Shirt Value $20 to $35 1 0 BETTER PANTS Values $20 to $30 one price Sizes 32 to 42 $1 0 SUITS Values $90 to $120 one price $45 Sizes 39 to 46 Reg. - Shorts - Long „' RINCETON Nob, For Men & Boys 6 to 60 7 Mile at Evergreen— Acres of Free Parking KE 3-4310 ZELDA'S BACK! sides have to meet to arrange a the Knesset Tuesday that exports ment. We hope tthis race settleh from the occupied West Bank to is Jordan totaled about $11,500,000 GOOD ! ecretariat members as expressing when?". between last June's war and the I relief the Arabs would be ready Eban Says Formula Can Be Found end of January. She's busy, too ! ! o meet Israelis in face-to-face if Arabs Want to Talk Peace He said this trade has provided Typing, filing, etc. . . . i alks under UN auspices. JERUSALEM (JTA) — Foreign a livelihood and employment for West Bank residents and has given Minister Abba S. Eban said Tues- A note to correspondents issued them an opportunity to visit their y the UN press department day night that if the Arabs were families in Jordan. really willing to negotiate a peace Save Time and Expense with a ' noted a UN spokesman: "Opinions Of the total exports, about $10,- Simple and Economical Dictating bout the Middle East mission of settlement, a formula could be 300,000 was in agricultural System. mbassador attribu ted to found. In a speech summing up a foreign affairs debate in the Knes- produce. members of the Secretariat' in a eport published on 2 March 1968 set, Eban said it was Israel's aim are completely groundless.' Dr. to limit the Arab options to two: Systems Consultant WHEN YOU ._9/ic A COCKTAIL Jarring conferred with heads of maintenance of the present cease- • the big powers and with Ambassa- fire agreements or their conver- • STENOCORD DICTATION sion into peace treaties. dor Yosef Tekoah of Israel. SYSTEMS The foreign minister said Israel The UN envoy was understood would be satisfied with nothing • s: ss S VE 6-6100 VE 6-6101 ....1(0 11.1.3S • l'ETIVO, to have received approval here of less than a contractual peace his reported intention to invite agreement which would include the Israel and the Arab states to send practical steps for its implementa delegations to his Cyprus head- tion. He said that this will con- quarters and it was understood that tinue to be Israel's stand when on his return to Nicosia, which talks are resumed with Ambassa- will be early in the week, he will dor Gunnar V. Jarring, the United act in this direction. It was Nations special envoy in the Mid- IMMEDIATE stressed, however, that his dis- dle East. DELIVERY patch of invitations did not neces- Eban referred to the speech at sarily involve any prior commit- Helwan Sunday by President ment to acceptance or agreement Nasser of Egypt threatening re- Harry Abram on procedures. newal of the war to reclaim the Larry stern NO FALSE PROMISES — JUST GOOD DEALS territories occupied by Israel after The Israel government spokes- the June war and said that Israel "WE SELL BECAUSE OF OUR REPUTATION" man denied reports that members had noted the threats and would of the cabinet had reservations on draw its conclusions. He said Foreign Minister Abba S. Eban's President Nasser's "unmitigated statement last week that Israel belligerency" threatened the door 12555 GRAND RIVER near Meyers would agree to participation of to peace that was Israel's only Ambassador Jarring in Arab-Israel chance of leaving behind it the BR 2-2470 CHEVROLET peace talks. The snokesman de- nightmare of the situation that TE 4-4440 LI 8-4119 clared that Eban's statement prevailed last June. "fully conforms" to the policy pre- viously approved by the cabinet. WHAT TO DO . HARVEY GOODMAN 68s See LARRY & HARRY Prime Minister Levi Eshkol snake at length Sunday on Israel's desire for peace negotiations when he addressed a luncheon of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States who had been holding a conference here. -He asserted Israel's readiness to meet the Arabs and told the veterans: "We are making efforts to increase Israel's deterrent capacity. We have learned that when the chins are down, Israel alone must defend herself." Fshkol Says Israel Ready to Forget Past, Make 'True, Honorable Peace' BIRGAFFGAFFA, Sinai (JTA) —Prime Minister Levi Eshkol paid it surprise visit on Feb. 29 to Israeli armored troops in the Sinai, accompanied by the chief of staff Maj. Gen. Chaim Bar-I.ev. Speaking at the former Egyptian officers' club at which President Nasser, only last May, challenged the then Israel chief of staff, Gen. Rabin to "come," Eshkol declared. "we are ready to forget the past and ready to meet for a I true and honorable peace." The prime minister and Gen. Bar-Lev arrived at this outpost by Values $60 to $80 helicopter in a driving sandstorm one price $40 but reviewed a guard of honor Sizes 36 to 42 nevertheless. Eshkol remarked to Reg.—Shorts—Long the troops, "my impression is that we are feeling rather strong here." He chose the occasion to deny em- ALTERATIONS AT COST ' ohatically rumors that Israel had No lay-a•wctys reversed her stand on direct peace All Sales Final talks with the Arabs. "We shall not go back to Lausanne and we shall Of course we're buldging with not agree to prolonged mediation NEW SPRING OUT- handsome by telephone or through mediation FITS for Junior—Mr. Joe College committees. We sand firm on direct —and Dad. talks," he said. Eshkol's reference Our pride is exceeded by our to Lausanne was to an abortive UN is Our enthusiasm enthusiasm. sponsored armistice conference exceeded by our selections. that took place there in 1949. Israel Open a personal PRINCETON was confronted then with a "corn- charge—or use your Security or mittee" representing all of the Bankard. Michigan Arab states which sat in a separ- ate room and refused to have any contact with the Israelis. The con- ference failed, but Israel reached . armistice agreements later that year at direct talks with the Arabs. 4110 JERUSALEM (JTA) — Defense Minister Moshe Dayan reported in • imes report had also quoted UN STUDENT VESTED SUITS kA THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS " Friday, March 8, 1968-9 JOE MAY CHEVROLET WINTER OUTERWEAR $25 Reaches $11.5 Million (Continued from Page 1) D ear Customer: Values W. Bank Trade to Jordan rat. Agreement to Talk With Israel enied in Jerusalem, United Nations VIPA Eshkol's statement, though made to the Israeli troops. was obviously addressed to the Arabs, the United : Nations and all others concerned. "We do not want to think in terms of the victors and the defeated," he said. "But there is no escaping ,the fact that after every war both AT BORENSTEIN'S GIANT CLEARANCE RECORD SALE Regular Up to $5.00 Value C 12 Inch L .P.'s ea CHOOSE FROM: • CANTOR MALAVSKY & FAMILY CHOIR • • CANTOR DAVID KUSEVITSKY • • YOSELE ROSENBLATT PHIL FOSTER COMEDY AT GROSSINGERS • ZEWIL KWARTIN MOLLY PICON • CHASSIDIC DANCES • JEWISH HOLIDAY IN SONG Hanuka - Passover - Purim • SIROTA • FIDDLER ON THE ROOF • • MARTHA SCHLAMME • SHOSHANA DAMARI BEN BONUE • EDDIE CANTOR with BELLA HERSKOWITZ • • • FRADRICH LIPSHITS • LEO FULD MORT FREEMAN BARTON BROS. COMICS Regular $5.00 12 in. L.P.'s — Mono and Stereo • JERUSALEM OF GOLD $1 95 SONGS OF THE SIX-DAY WAR • THE HOLY WAR SONGS—JUNE '67 Now Only Each 1NOMENTEGIMINEEIM Purim is Thursday, March 14th. At Borenstein's you will find a complete line of costume accessories - crowns - masks - beards - etc. for children. BORENSTEIN'S BOOK and MUSIC STORE 13535 W. 7 Mile at Schaefer DI 1-0569 or DI 1-3268 Open Saturday Night, All Day Sunday