Red Tape Delays Freedland-Heller Rites to Arab Assistance Are Planned for July . . .-; Denied by Eshkol - JERUSALEM (JTA) — Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and the labor ministry have rejected charges by Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem that bureaucratic obstruction in government offices there was de- laying urgently needed assistance in housing and employment for East Jeruslaem residents. Eshkol spoke in reply to two agenda motions by opposition party members—V. Shemtov of Mapam and S. • Z. Abramov of Gahal (Herut-Liberal alignment)—which repeated Mayor Kollek's criticism and suggested the establishment of a special body for Jerusalem affairs. Their suggestion was referred to the Knesset committee on internal affairs which will report back to the house. Eshkol enumerated government activities for the bene- fit of East Jerusalem residents such as improved health, education and welfare services, the improve- ment of trade and providing jobs. He said that Mayor Kollek, as a member of the government office in Jeruslaem, could have voiced his complaints directly. Kollek told the interior affairs committee that jobs promised "dozens of times" by Labor Min- ister Yigal Allon to unemployed Arab intellectuals have not ma- terialized. He said further that compensation promised six months ago had not yet been paid to East Jerusalemites who were evicted from the Western Wall area where many buildings were demolished after the June war to make room for a plaza. The ministry declared that East Jerusalem, as part of Israel; was being dealt with in exactly the same way as affairs in other parts of the country are handled. It noted that many measures to East Jerusalem residents have been dopted since last June including the payment of social security. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Former Detroiter Helps Build Toy for Johnsons Midrasha Institute Starts March 21; Discussion Leader s Listed for Series Israeli artist Jack Brightman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bright- man, 21600 Kipling, Oak Park, was responsible for construction of a miniature ark which was presented to President Johnson by Israel's Prime Minister Levi Eshkol on his visit to the United States. Brightman is the 'brother-in-law of Chayym Zeldis, whose book of poetry, "Seek Heaven," will be published by Reconstructionist Press. Both Brightman and Zeldis are former members of Detroit Habonim, as is Manias Brightman, sister of Zeldis and wife of Bright. man. They have been in Israel since 1949. The miniature ark, which later was given to the infant grandson of President Johnson, was de- signed by architect Frank Meis- ler of Jaffa, known for his dolls MISS CAROL FREEDLAND of distinguished character. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Freedland Brightman was in char g e of the of Rutland Dr., Southfield, an- model in the Jaffa studio, where nounce the engagement of their he is employed. daughter Carol Lynne to Robert Four craftsmen worked on the Sheldon Heller, son of Mr. and ark, which had to be designed and Mrs. -Ben Heller of Arlington Dr., built in five days because of the Southfield. Eshkols' early departure for the A July wedding is planned. United States. It was designed along the lines of a Phoenician vessel. From be- low deck, the animals can be seen looking out. There are many more animals on board, as well as a bird The CASS TECHNICAL HIGH tower of arches like those seen in SCHOOL SYMPHONY BAND has the old city of Jaffa. Noah looks been invited to play the feature part Yemenite and part Hasid. concert at the Music Educators Na- • • • tional Convention in Seattle March Jacob and the Angel 16. At 8:30 p.m. today the band , CHAYYM ZELDIS will present a patrons' concert in From By his Book "Seek Haven" pub- the high school auditorium. lished by Reconstruetionist Press Julius Harwood, chairman of the 12th annual Midrasha Institute. an- nounces that the year's series of four discussion sessions will com- mence March 21, with an address Business I I Brevities CHARLOTTE'S, Nine Mile Rd at Coolidge, is repeating a sensa tional handbag sale today, Satur day and Monday. Thousands of handbags including Tano, Contin- ental, Milch, Triangle and Caprice are being sold at literally "give- away" prices. The most elegant new styles in the latest spring colors are included in this huge sale. Charlotte's Knit Shop features the largest stock and variety of fine imported yarns in the entire area. • • • Louis Surowitz, president of SURWIN'S of Northland and East- land announces the appointment of Allen F. Greenfield to the position of general merchandising manager Brevities • • • ! Friday, March 8, 1968-33 on "The Rise of Islam" by Dr. Raphael Patel, editor of Herzl Press. Thereafter the sessions will be on Wednesdays. The theme of this year's insti- tute will be "Prospects of Peace in the Middle East—What Can We Learn From the Past?" The institute planning commit- tee includes Lawrence W. Crohn, Jack Malamud, Irving Pokempner, Jay Rosenshine, Mrs. Carl Schiller, Philip Slomovitz and Julian Tobias. Discussion leaders for the series were announced by Harwood. They include Mr. and Mrs. Robert Al- pern, Mrs. Henry Berris, Mrs. Sadie Espar, Abba Friedman, Al- an, Gelfond, Mrs. Nathan ' Getz, Gordon Ginsberg, Mrs. Harry I.. Jackson, Mrs. Samuel Linden, Mrs. Daniel Mandelbaum, Milton Marlyn, Frank Rosenbaum, Louis Rozenzweig, Donald Schiller, Ed- win Shifrin and Mrs. Milton Weiss. HOWARD TRIEST COLOR MOVIES BRIDES — BAR MITZVAS Treasure Those Moments Call 542-7874 Forever FOR THE BEST IN MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT SAM _SMOKER And His Orchestra DI 1-1609 Dissolution begins With the heart (Or the soul) Jacob wrestled with The angel And• found his bones Whole. Dissolution begins With the mind (Or brain) Jacob wrestled with The angel And found himself Awake a g g ain The clown prince of the piano,' 1 FOR COLOR CANDIDS VICTOR BORGE, who comes to AND MOVIES Masonic Auditorium 8:20 p.m., April 6, has been honored by Congress on two separate occa- sions. In 1960 he was honored for ALLEN F. -GREENFIELD PHOTOGRAPHY his humanitarian efforts and in 358 3199 of the Surwin's stores. Greenfield 1963 he was honored from the floor graduated from Wayne State Uni- of the Senate by Abraham Ribi- versity with a BS degree in re- coff, who paid tribute to Victor for I For the HY Spot tailing. Greenfield is affiliated his role as a good-will Ambassador Of Your Affair with Alpha Kappa Psi, professional To the sur- St es. t of ft he U Unite n it a business fraternity and is a mem- Music by d prise of everyone, Borge re f use ber of Cong Shaarey Zedek. Mr. Education in 'Melting Pot' to accept his honor in the august Goldmann to Decide and Mrs. Greenfield reside at I Senate Chambers but instead, ar of Israel Aired at Parley 29520 Rutland N., Southfield. And His Orchestra rived at the Capitol with a great HARRIMAN, N.Y. (JTA) — nine foot grand piano, which he in' May Whether to • • (Hy Utchenlk) American and Israeli efforts to ceremoniously Retain Zionist Post • Distinctive Ceremonies SPITZER'S Hebrew Book and placed on the steps Specialty! integrate people of diverse c ul - , of the Senate and then proceeded JERUSALEM (JTA) — Dr. Na- Gift Center has a new supply of tures were compared and analyzed to give his audience of United 342-9424 Goldmann has advised Prime Israeli seder plates in 25 different at the fifth annual conference of States Senators, Congressmen and hum styles, brought back from Israel the American Histadrut Cultural Capitol staffers a sample of the Minister Levi Eshkol that he by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spitzer. not think of resigning from Exchange Institute at A r den performances that have delighted would the presidency of the World Jewish Other items include candlesticks. House. audiences all over the globe. Congress or the Memorial Founda- candy dishes, bagel trays, bottle Dr. Judd L. Teller, conference • • • tion for Jewish Culture which he' openers, book ends, Israeli kidush director, described the seminar as The "First Lady" of silent mo-, heads, but that he has not yet de- cups and linen Sabbath table- an attempt to pool the experience tion pictures LILLIAN GISH will cided whether he will continue as cloths. All items for Purim are of the two nations in how best to reappear Sunday at Henry Ford. head of the World Zionist Organ- . in stock. educate groups from diverse cul- ' Museum in one of film producer ization. tures with dissimilar or no educa- D. W. Griffith's This information was contained money-making tional background. in a statement issued by the Jew- marvels, "Way Down East." Dr. Chaim Adler of the Hebrew • • • ish Agency in Dr. Goldmann's be- University. a visiting . professor, BNAI DAVID MEN'S CLUB wil The HEMOPHILIA FOUNDA-; half in order to "clarify" reports told the 90 participants in the ses- TION, Detroit Chapter, announces on his recent talks with the prime . be joined by the sisterhood to cele- sion that he was critical of the the opening of its new head- minister. The newspaper, Maariv, brate Purim 8:30 p.m. Thursday Max Schrut centralization of administrative quarters at 14755 Grand River. For I reported last week that Eshkol had at the synagogue. Nancy Jean For Good Photographs power in many Israeli institutions additional information, and volun- asked Dr. Goldmann if he thought Israel will sing, accompanied by and Prompt Service but he warned of "separatism" teers to help on the upcoming he could continue to carry the bur- Norman Berman. Refreshments Call Me at which could develop from giving drive in late April, call 357:2225. I den of leadership of the WZO in' will be served. Friends are wel- parents too much control of school • • • addition to the several other inter- come. systems. RICHARD G. CHOSID and national Jewish organizations that Detroit has 5,856 acres of parks, He pointed out that "modern so- SHELDON B. KRAUSE, former he heads. Weddings — Bar Marva' ciety faces the deep dilemma of at- vice-president of American Sav- According to Monday's state- playgrounds, boulevards and mis- We Come to Your Horn* With Samples tempting to integrate at the ex- ings and Loan Association, an- ment from the Jewish Agency. cellaneous open space under the pense 'of the quality of education nounce their association for the Prime Minister Eshkol at no time jurisdiction of the Detroit De- , TY 5-8805 UN 44845 or face mounting social unrest in general practice of law under the suggested that Dr. Goldmann re- partment of Parks and Recreation. view of the unjust and unjustifiable firm name of Chosid and Krause sign from his other positions but INNINNINNIONNINNIThINNIOStW•••••••K lack of such integration." asked him to undertake the re- at 111 E. Nine Mile, Ferndale. • • • newal of the Zionist movement by There is still time to enter the making its primary task the pro- U.S. Lifts Curbs 7th annual QUEEN OF THE motion of immigration from West- WHILE PAMPERING YOUR FURNITURE on All M.E. Travel KITCHEN contest and win one of ern countries. Dr. Goldmann promised to let WASHINGTON—The State De- 10 electrical appliances, including Eshkol know by May if he decides a deluxe range. Deadline for en- partment announced Feb. 28 that all restrictions had been lifted tries is midnight March 15. Spon- to retain the WZO presidency. He on Americans traveling to MID. sored by Detroit Edison, the con- also asked the prime minister if 8 GAUGE test is open to women who are he could suggest a fitting candidate trles in the Middle East. GLASS-CLEAR Robert McCloskey, a depart- employed full-time and who live to succeed him in that post which would make his decision much within the boundaries of the com- ment spokesman, said the trav- • Lowest Prices el ban imposed after the Six- pany's Southeastern Michigan serv- easier, the Jewish Agency state- Day War had been entirely lifted ice area. Entries must include ment said. • Custom- Fit with the ending of restrictions name, address, telephone number Perfection and place of employment, and on travel to Syria. • Zippers To arrive at perfection, a man • • Separate Cushion Covers Previous restrictions were should be sent to local Edison of- lifted on travel to Israel, Ku- fices or directly to the company's should have very sincere friends or • • Guaranteed Workmanship PHONE NOW inveterate enemies: because he Electric Living Division, 2000 Sec- wait, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, • Free Estimate would be made sensible of his gbod 2 Tunisia, Lebanon, Algeria, Li- ond, Detroit 48226. HOUSE OF EDWARDS or ill conduct either by the cen- bya, the Sudan, Iraq, Jordan, He who bath many friends, hath sures of the one, or the admoni- 9 • 7650 RUSSELL Yemen and the United Arab Re- Lions of the other.—Diogenes. none,—Aristotle. . • . public. SANDY FRIEDMAN - 1 Hy Herman • I Men's Clubs BLAIR STUDIO PLASTIC COVERS! Beautify ' EDWARD'S I 873-3545 I