Purely Commentary Realities versus Fears in U.S. By Philip Nasser Takes —: Complexes . . Great Editor for a Ride bf0/710VitZ for speedy action in the direction of peaceful coexistence. Perhaps Are We 'a Nation Divided'? "Urban Apartheid" is the warning to America of an im- pending danger in the report of the President's National Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders. Are we a nation divisible? Is the threat of our being split into two societies, white and black, real? Are we about to revise the pledge to the Flag? Will the Civil War be fought anew, on a racial issue? The crisis for America is real and on an immense scale. It threatens the very existence of this Republic, and there is cause to pose the question of the people's status, of the nation's security as an entity. There is cause to turn back the pages of history, to study anew the events of more than a century ago when Abraham Lincoln declared his chief aim to be the preserva- tion of this Union. This was the major aim. The Emancipa- tion Proclamation came thereafter, as a major objective in the preservation principle. The background of the troubles is pragmatically eval- uated in the commission's report. All the proposals are valid. We need to exert all our efforts to eliminate want and secondary citizenship among the oppressed elements of our people. But all efforts must be on a basis of a nation indivisible! Else. we will be turning back the clock, we will be destroy- ing the unity of the nation, we will create a crisis that will place us amidst the backward nations, within medievalism! The next move must be in the direction of national unity! We look to the President to take the lead, to bring us back to amity in our own ranks, to restore the cooperative spirit without which we may be doomed! Muddled Arab Issue: Two to Make a Bargain Israel's major problem, that of confronting the Arabs, is becoming more muddled daily. The new citizens of Israel's enlarged territory are faring better than ever economically. There is a booming business and there is freedom of passage—under a measure of checkups and controls, of course, to prevent spread of terrorism—between Israel and Jordan. Yet peace is remote. So-called "clandestine" sources indicate an earnest desire on the part of many Arabs to come to terms with Israel and to end the tensions. But these are not the on-the-surface and the responsible leaders who are authorized to speak for the masses of Arabs either at the United Nations or at an arranged peace conference. When there is recognition that the approach to peace must be a two-way avenue, that it takes both contending forces to make a bargain, there will be a renewal of hopes for amity. In the interim, there is the uninterrupted threat of Fifth Column dangers to Israel, and under such conditions Israelis must conform to a military status for self-protection. There is no ignoring the basic fact that in considering the status of the Arabs we deal not merely with those who are now part of Israel but who were previously in Egypt and in Jordan, but also with the Israeli Arabs. And while there was frequent talk about the loyalty of the Israeli Arabs it could have been taken with a grain of salt. The Druzes and the Circasians of Syria remained in Israeli terri- tory. They are doing a brisk vegetable and fruit business on the Golan Heights. They and the Bedouins are being trusted as honorable ad- herents to an agreement with Israel for their just share in all of the benefits Israel has to offer while they respect the law and do not condone terrorism. Other non-Jewish groups in Israel refrained from participating in the war with Israel: there wasn't time for many of them to be tested. Before they could have had a chance to act against Israel the enemy whose ranks they might have joined was defeated. But they did have hidden and often frank thoughts. A Hebrew University student, confronted with his choice of loyalties in the event of a war when he was interviewed by this commentator, in Jerusalem, less than a week before the June 5 showdown , said that if there was to be a war he'd be "neutral." He claimed a right to all Israeli benefits, said he was loyal to the state of which he was a citizen, but he af- firmed neutrality. This student was not alone in such an attitude. A typical ex- ample was the expressed attitude of Deputy Mayor Abdul Aziz Zouabi who, in early August, in an interview with a New York Times correspondent, pointed to "the difficult situation" faced by his people—"it was like watching a fight between two of your brothers and trying to decide which was in the right." That's realism in viewing the Arab problem. Yet the Nazareth deputy mayor added: "I'm afraid we are inclined to take our politics rather emotionally. I think most of the people didn't want Israel to lose, but they didn't want the Arab countries to lose either." Under such conditions—and they are understandable—it is sheer folly to speak unequivocably about "Arab loyalty." It doesn't exist and perhaps should not be expected. And such a situation places added emphasis on the need for a firm peace. on the urgency of ending the state of belligerence. If we view any agreement, on any subject. as demanding recognition of a two-way road to peace, then there must be a confrontation. If that can be attained, there will be an early solution to the grave world problem. About the same time as the publication of the interview with Nazareth's deputy mayor, Drew Pearson wrote a column that was very critical of Israel's treatment of its Arab citizens. In a personal note, after some debate on the issue, Pearson expressed these con- tentions to us: "First, the treatment of the Arabs in Israel was brought to my attention by young Israelis. There was nothing unpatriotic in their point of view. They were concerned. "Second, the Jews have got to do more for the Arabs inside Israel than in the past. They have got to do this in order to win over the Arabs outside Israel to coexistence." Criticism should be welcomed and often is valid. But there are conditions to be taken into account which call for cooperation also on the part of the Arabs themselves. On a friendly and cooperative basis all problems can be solved. But they can not be eliminated when there is a state of war and there is fear of a Fifth Column. If the "clandestine" sources were 2—Friday, March II, 1961 we are getting closer to peace. One wouldn't believe it on the basis of Amman-Damascus-Cairo-Moscow propaganda. * Rumors and Lack of Communications If it is true, as is now being claimed, that the lack of communica- tions has contributed to the spread of rumors about an ,--impending hot summer in Detroit and of the possibility of a new rash of riots in the months to come, then the city and state officialsi must be held responsible for failure to act in forcing an end to the newspaper strike. Why did the Mayor wait until this week to call the representa- tives of the publishers and union leaders together to discuss ways of effecting agreements? Why did the clergy permit prolongation of the strike without taking some action? What's wrong with our leadership? Now the newsboys, who have suffered greatly, some of whose families depended upon the few dollars they earned weekly, are threatening a strike. Surely, they must be compensated! Primarily, the community of Detroit must be recompensated- with a resumption of newspaper publishing: if we are again to have an informed community that should strive for amity rather than subsist on rumors. Comfort for Nasser in Look Magazine Interview "Nasser Talks" is the title of the sensational interview in Look magazine, by its editor-in-chief, William Attwood, with President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt. Attwood had interviewed Nasser in 1957 after the Sinai Campaign, and the repetitive questions and answers could well have obviated another quest for Nasserite opinion. As he did 11 years ago, Nasser again would like an acceptance of a status quo ante by Israel. He'd love it if Israel pulled out of the territory over which he dominated prior to June 5. He'd like to return to conditions of 1949 and he knows how helpless Israel would then become. The Look article is most interesting. There is an impression that Nasser would be willing to talk peace. There is even a reverberation of rumors that Nasser was forced into his anti-Israel propaganda prior to June 5. But there is such a lack of realism in the entire approach to Nasser in the Look interview that one wonders what is to be ac- complished by giving Nasser such a wonderful platform, thereby granting him so much comfort at a time when it becomes urgent to get parties together at a peace table and only Israel thus far has told Dr. Gunnar Jarring of a willingness to meet with him for such discussions with the Arab representatives. Nasser said among other things: "Of course, if the Israelis sud- denly decide to recognize the armistice agreement of 1949, we could attend meetings with them on the commission relating to the agree- ment . . (Neutralizing the Sinai) might be one of the things we could discuss after the Israelis pulled back." Clever! And in all the new Arab contentions they ignore, as does Nasser, the fact that Israel accepted a partition agreement which was nullified not because Israel did not plan to adhere to it but because the Arabs waged war on Israel—and all of Israel's gains were as a result of three wars! From all indications, Look's Attwood was taken for a ride by the clever Egyptian dictator. Attwood gave him an opening with the type of question he posed and by ignoring the factual data of an accumulated series of facts related to a combined Arab threat to annihilate Israel. Nasser had a chance again to pose as the great saint of the Middle East. But it didn't take very long for the dictator again to show his colors. On March 3 he again made it known, at a workers' rally in Helwan near Cairo, that the Arabs would liberate all of the areas occupied by Israel. And the Nasser admission that the U. S. and Britain were not associated with Israel, in the Six-Day War, lacked what it needed: an apology. But the State Department does not deal with apologies: its arms soon will be opened wide for an embrace with the dictator and his pals! In spite of the revealed fact that both Hussein and Nasser had planned the trick of attempting to blame Israel's victory on Israel! There is on the record that taped telephone conversation between Amman and Cairo: has it been forgotten? Nasser told Attwood: "There are about 3,400 Jews in Egypt. In June, we arrested about 300 as suspected Israeli agents. Now, there are only 150 still in detention. The others are quite free." The Egyptian dictator has a chance to prove this by releasing those who wish to leave Egypt. Reports of cruelties are yet to be disproved. Nasser has lots to show for his actions to disprove that he has been the warmonger. Now he is again the charmer—while denying (without apologies) that the United States was a party to Israel's military actions in June. The dictator gets some comfort from the Look article. But he has not proven anything other than repetitive claims that could be dated 1956 and 1957. And this is 1968! Purim Quiz By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright 1965, JTA Inc.) Why is the Sabbath before Purim called "Parshat Zahor" (occuring this year on Satur- day, March 9)? This is because a special passage from the Bible is added to the usual reading for this Sabbath. The passage from the Bpro- of Deuter- onomy (25:17-19) begins with the word "Zahor" ("Ter1—'1)er") and spells out the biblical command- ment to constantly remember the fiendish deed of the Amalekites who struck Israel from the rear during their travels through the wilderness. This practice is already mentioned in the Tanaitic literature and it is assumed that this practice was instituted about the same time the practice was instituted to cele- brate the festival of Purim, or cer- tainly soon thereafter. The Palis- tinian Talmud (Megila 3:4) bases this practice on the verse in the Book of Esther (9:28) which re- lates that: "These days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, etc." It therefore becomes not only necessary to keep the observance of the festival of Purim but to also have some means of rememberance in ad- vance of the festival. This remem- brance was made in the form of reading the passage asking us to remember the infamous deed of Amalek, which in turn brings to mind the story of Purim with the infamy of Haman, a descendant of Amalek. Rashi (Megila 29a) explains that this practice was ins- tituted so as to bring together the biblical command to "wipe out . . . Amalek" with our practice of "erasing the memory of Ham- an" by drowning the mention of his name with noisemakers while reading the Megilla, or by rub- bing of his name from the stones which have been inscribed with it. Stamping out Haman's name on Purim with noise or with rubbing thus becomes a means of observ- ing the biblical commandment to erase the name of Amalek. Why is the day before Purim referred to as the "Fast of Esther?" Jewish tradition calls for a fast day to be observed a day before Purim. This fast day is actually not mentioned in either biblical or talmudic literature. It was first ordained as such in the Gaonic period. The Sheiltot (VaYakhel 66) explains that this fast day com- memorated the assemblies of the Jews which took place on the thir- teenth of Adar mentioned in the Book of Esther (9:2). These as- semblies were fast days. Some say that this fast day is called the Fast of Esther because Esther had asked the Jews to fast for three days (Esther 4:16). Those three days actually were dated after the date of Purim (actually they occur during Passover). For this reason some Jewish communi- ties observe three days of fasting, some time after Purim to com- memorate these three days. The Day before Purim thus is a special fast day instituted by the Gaonic authorities. Should the Name Hamantashen Be Changed? By DAVID SCHWARTZ What is wrong with hamantashen is their name. Jews say of an anti- Semite, "Yemach Shemo," "May his name be erased," but instead of that, we call these delicious Purim cakes by name of the man who sought our destruction. During the First World War, many Americans urged that the name of saurkraut be changed to Liberty Cabbage and some sug- gested that when a person sneezed, we should not say Gesundheit, which is German, but Liberty. She invited the king and Haman to dinner and arranged for the kitchen to be open when they ar- rived, so the smell of the food would penetrate their nostrils. As they came in, Haman said jok- ingly, "What's cooking?" "Your goose, I hope," said Esther laughing right back at him. So they sat down and began eat- ing. When they finished, and the king loosened his belt, he ate so much, Esther asked, "Did you en- joy it?" "It was scrumptious," said the king. "Well, I am Hadassah," said Esther, "and you know there is no Hadassah meeting, without a speech, but I'll make it brief." "0 that's all right," said the Xing. "Give us the whole Megilla." Then Esther told all about Ha- man's .plottings. Why can't we call hamantashen Liberty tashen or maybe Esther tashen or Hadassah tashen after the name of the lady who frus- trated his nefarious s c h e rn e. Esther's Hebrew name was Hades- sah, meaning myrtle, and the Hadassah organization is named after her, although few seem effective, we could have hope aware of his. .Hadassah- was or- After the Philadelphia conven- ganized by Miss Henrietta Szold on tion had formulated the articles THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purim of 1912. of the Constitution, they were sub- mitted to the various states for ratification and there was very vig- orous opposition. In Massachusetts, one of the delegates to the state convention, a preacher, said he would not support ratification, be- cause the Constitution had no men- tion of God. Another delegate retorted that by the same argument, one should not accept one of the books of the Bible. If you can show me a book of the Bible which does not mention God," said the preacher, "then I will vote for the Constitution." So the Book of Esther was brought in and the preacher had to keep his promise and vote for ratification. If the Book of Esther does not mentipn the name of God, it is very revealing of man. What could be more revealing than this story of the susceptibility of the human spirit .to -prejudice .and -the -ills to which this inevitably leads.