Rep. Ford Plans Action to Relieve USSR Jews' Plight; Advises Israel Hold Occupied Land Pending. Peace By MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) WASHINGTON—A breakthrough in the wavering struggle to mobil- ize the U.S. government into action I to alleviate the plight of Soviet Jewry may come from a dramatic 1 new move in Congress proposed by House Republican leader Ger- ald R. Ford. 1 Rep. Ford possesses great in- fluence in the Republican Party I and is expected to serve as chair- man of the Republican National Convention in Miami this summer. He has charged that things could have been done by the United States to help the Jews of Russia but "no such policy exists in the Johnson Administration." The Republican leader announced that "when the next measure comes before Congress involving East-West trade or a similar ap- propriate bill" he would offer an amendment, preferably with bi- partisan support, to specify that the Kremlin must "display concern for American opinion in Soviet policies afefcting the Jews." have been averted by more af- firmative action by free people of other lands at that time." Ford recalled that the President "said many times that we are in Vietnam to draw a line against Communist agression." "I cannot understand how we are keeping faith with our brave men in Viet- nam, who are holding the line, when we are so mysteriously silent about the end run the Russians are taking through the Middle East and into the Mediterranean," the Re- publican leader said. Nor could he understand "why the Johnson Ad- ministration finds so many ex- cuses for failing to aid the op- pressed Jews of Russia." "The conscience of the world was not aroused until too late when Nazi genocide liquidated over 6.000,000 Jewish people,' said Ford. "Some of the survivors of Nazism, those who reside in the Soviet Union, find themselves again subjected to discriminatory treatment because of their religi- ous faith," Ford recalled. 4- 4: 2' `Protest Seals' to Inform THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 8, 1968-15 Americans of Soviet Bias CLEVELAND (JTA) — The Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti- Semitism has announced that it will distribute "protest seals" as a Fine Custom Tailoring device to alert Americans to the and Ready to Wear. repression of Jewish religious and cultural life in the Soviet Union. — JUST ARRIVED — Acording to Dr. Abe Silverstein, Newest styles and colors in Such a settlement will have to chairman of the council, the pos- Spring Fashions include: (1) recognition of Israel, tage stamp-size seals are available Tuxedo Sales & Rentals (2) free passage for all nations in sheets of 50 to be used on per- through Suez and the Gulf of sonal and group mail. HARVARD ROW MALL Aqaba, and (3) a resolution of the 11 MILE & LASHER festering refugee problem. The great secret of life is never OPEN THURSDAY "You may be assured of my to be in the way of others.—Hali- TO 9 P.M. continuing interest and efforts in burton. connection with this complex prob- lem which I believe is more dan- PONTIACS are first in their class gerous and explosive in many re- TEMPESTS ore first in their class spects, than anything we face in FIREBIRDS are first in their class Vietnam." and MORIS HUPPERT SAUL BERCH 1 Caught, 2 Others Sought for Desecration of Rome Jewish Cemetery AT IS FIRST IN HIS CLASS PACKER PONTIAC UN 3-9300 18650 LIVERNOIS 1 block S. of 7 Mile (Direct JTA-Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) ROME — Police arrested one senior high school student and are looking for two others believed to be responsible for desecration and vandalism at the Viareggio Jewish cemetery several days ago. The Proudly Announces youths are between the ages of 18 and 20. "The Return of Catering Manager HERMAN SCHWARTZ" Jewish community leader s, meanwhile, made plans for a cere- He pointed out that "Federal This is not a western, unless you like western mony to mark the completion of laws now require that all busi- Republican Leader Tells parties and motif; it is not a thriller unless you Israel to Hold Occupied repairs at the cemetery next Sun- ness concerns trading with the want the thrill of on expertly catered event; Pending Peace Talks day. It will be conducted by Chief Areas government treat employees on neither is it sad unless you cry at weddings HEWLETT, L.I. (JTA) Congress- Rabbi Elio Toaff of Rome. Civil a nondiscriminitory basis." A authorities and Catholic church of- and receptions, nor is it funny unless you wont similar demand, he said, should man Gerald R. Ford, Republican a lot of laughs at an unusual banquet. be made of the USSR. Anti- leader in the House, warned Israel ficials will attend. The young suspects were identi- Jewish policies might be ameli- Feb. 28 to "retain territories pres- fied If you like and want any of these things in a by police from fingerprints orated if "the Kremlin comes to ently occupied and not budge until function for 100 or 1000 persons, call on a liquor bottle found in the realize that such bias is simply such time as appropriate mutual left cemetery. They scrawled swasti- HERMAN SCHWARTZ, Sheraton-Cadillac' bad business in terms of world arrangements are made in face-to- kas and anti-Jewish slogans on experienced catering manager, at WO 1 - 8000 face talks agreeable to both sides." trade and commerce." tombstones, opened graves and re- and join the very inclusive group of satisfied Recalling that Presidents Grant The Republican leader, who will moved four skulls which they af- people. and Taft used government Mild- serve as chairman for his party's fixed to the cemetery wall and ence to aid oppressed Jews abroad. forthcoming national convention, other places. Ford noted that "our government spoke at a Jewish men's club here. He warned his audience that U.S. :4•••••••••••••• -..-....- •-•■-•- •.-•-••••-•••••• ■■ ••-..---...........---..-•-••-•-•.---..--- ..--:.•-•-•.---..---••-•-••- •-•■ ••• •••••• ■ ••••••••••••••••-•-•.--,•-•-•,--'••••••••••••:.% has expressed itself on the racial 1 .277. , :wfJfw::7w7:7.717wf:71.7::*.:7‘.7.71.771.7:7.7.7:71.:7.1..:!..:Zwr7.1.: 71w:7.771 .771,77.771 .: 71 ..7•!.:Zw:Zw7■71 .7.7 ...7;74.7.Z.." policies of the Union of South poli c ies i n t he m iddle East are lI Africa and Rhodesia." He charged "wavering" and that the Adminis- that President Johnson did nothing tration may be "eager to resume in his dealings with Soviet leaders relations with Egypt, declaring that, instead, U.S. Phanthom jet to help Russian Jews. Ford said he did not understand planes should be delivered to Israel "why more cannot be done in immediately. "They should be on iltd Washington to let the rulers of the their way now, not after the elec- Soviet Union know that the gov- tions," he said, because the jets ernment of the United States cares are "vital to Israel's deterrent about what happens to the Rus- capacity and it takes time to train sians of Jewish faith." He noted pilots, technicians and mechanics that "some say that it is all too for such sophisticated equipment." Congressman Ford referred to easy for an opposition political party to oppose policies of the Ad- Arab terrorists activity against Is- iltd rael as the self-styled "Viet Cong ministration." In this instance, however, he wanted "to propose a of the Middle East" and warned policy to help Russian Jews" be- of the massive Soviet naval build- cause "no such policy exists." I up in the Mediterranean which, Administration sources have he said, could provide cover for responded that intervention in ' Arab commando raids across the the "internal affairs" of the cease-fire line. Instead of wooing USSR to help the Jews was un- Nasser by resuming aid to Egypt, desirable. They said such a move "we would do much better to might be embarassing to U.S. spend such sums for the strength- diplomacy because it would indi- ening of the Sixth Fleet," he said. THE SHERATON-CADILLAC HOTEL De FINAL CLEARANCE DE DE DE DE ON SELECT GROUP SUITS - SPORTCOATS TOPCOATS DRESS PANTS De DE De DE DE 1 2 DE DE cate to the Arabs that Washing- ton had some special concern for foreign Jewish communities. Al- so, State Department officials said, it might "generate anti- Semitism in Moscow" while giv- ing the Kremlin "ideas about protesting the treatment of Ne- groes in the United States." Ford said that regardless of ad- ministration opposition he thought his measure would pass. If not, he was "confident that a Repulican Congress would enact such an amendment." He added that "I have yet to hear our President publicly voice gratification that Israel, a free na- tion, has defeated aggression." Ford said "pressures against the Jewish people (in Russia} have been intesified follownig the defeat by Israel of the Russian-backed Arab agression. When the USSR severed diplomatic relations with Israel last June, all exit visas for Jews were. abruptly cancelled." He warned that "systematic cul- tural genocide may finally liquid- ate the once-flourishing Russian Jewish community." According to Ford, his amend- ment "would keep the faith with the 6,000,000 Jews who died dur- ing World War II. We grieve that sopae of the brutal murders could • • • Constructive Settlement Sought by Sen. Griffin De DE DE DE U. S. Senator Robert P. Griffin of Michigan, in a statement ad- illd I dressed to Louis Panush, chairman of the public affairs committee of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, reaffirmed his stand in support of constructive means of solving the Middle East problem. Sen. Griffin wrote: "It would be highly desirable to avoid another arms race in the area: however, such a goal is not attainable unless there is coopera- tion on both sides. "Under the circumstances, the free world has no choice but to make certain that Israel will be adequately equipped to defend herself. In my view, that objective is only made more difficult when additional arms are also supplied to nations which openly proclaim ill' an intention to destroy Israel. "As you may know. I have not agreed with the Johnson Adminis- tration concerning many of its policies, foreign and domestic. I believe that our State Department should be moving in a more con- structive and positive way to de- velop a workable settlement of differences in the Middle East. DE DE DE DE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS OF 50% ON THIS QUALITY MERCHANDISE ! DE De DE DE DE DE Choose from a wide selection of styles at big savings! ALL SALES FINAL ALTERATIONS AT COST 'Van. llorn's DE DE DE C M \- DE DE DE FF MEN'S WEAR Use Security Charge Your Carte Blanche Michigan Bankard NORTHLAND CENTER EASTLAND CENTER WESTLAND CENTER NORTHWOOD CENTER 444 - 4525 371 - 3838 425-6501 549 -4981 DE DE DE. DE DE