Censured Official Is Chosen Head of School Board WAYNE, N.J.—Newton Miller, accused of anti-Semitism last year when he urged the defeat of two Jewish school board candidates, was elected president of the board last week. The vote was 5-3 with one abstention. When vice president of the board, Miller gained fame by urging Wayne residents to vote against Robert Kraus and Jack Mandell because "most Jewish people are liberals, especially when it comes to spending for education." Kraus and Mandell were defeated. Miller was afterwards censured for his statement by his colleagues and was asked to resign for what board members called an "appeal to bigotry." This year, Miller supported the campaign of Harold Simon, a Jew, for board candidacy. Simon was elected. Belgian Veteran Warns of Growing Neo-Nazism BRUSSELS (JTA)—A f or m er member of the Belgian resistance movement warned on the radio here of increased activities by neo- Nazi groups within Belgium. Hu- bert Halin, a member of the Union Internationale de la Resistance et de la Deportation, said his warn- ing was directed in particular to Belgian youth who might be fooled about the real nature of the Nazi groups hiding behind seemingly inoccuous front organizations. Halin said that among the neo- Nazi groups was the "Region Flandres Wallonie des Casques d'Acier" created a few years ago, which operates a "shooting club" called "The Black Rose." This club meets and trains in the heart of Brussels and is trying to recruit young people, Halin said. cat rtit Announcements Feb. 26--to Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Weisenthal (Sandra Armstrong), 2010 Coolidge, Troy, a son, Mark Lorne. • • • Feb. 22 — To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson (Nancy Milan), 19884 Cranbrook, a son, Jeffrey Scott. • • • Feb. 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Shel- don N. Klein (Arlene Gibbs), 18797 Purlingbrook, Livonia, a son, Eric William. • • • Jan. 31 — To Dr. and Mrs Rich- ard L. Sweet (Rhea Schachter). former Detroiters of Montgomery, Ala., a son, Eric Mark. • • ■ Brevities The BUSINESS EXECUTIVES MOVE for VIETNAM PEACE will host a public meeting, 11:30 a.m., PARIS (ZINS)—There is no long- guage tabloid distributed here by seas propaganda agency. Sunday, in the Studio-8 Theater, er any doubt that the Soviet fleet the Soviet Mission to the United Greenfield and W. 8-Mile. The pro- sank the Israeli submarine, Dakar, Nations, has reported that a 10th gram will include a 33-minute the pro-Egyptian newspaper, El- century manuscript of "the ancient HERB 8 MARILYNN SHAPIRO motion picture, "Vietnam: An Eye- Muhran published in Beirut, re- Hebrew Pentateuch" will be pub- Witness Report," presented by ports. PHOTOGRAPHERS lished by the Georgian Academy of David Schoenbrun. Edward Lamb, Weddings, Bar Mitzvas According to this source, the dis- science along with a detailed his- former member of the Federal High Quality - Moderate PA:* tory of the manuscript. Communications Commission and appearance of the Dakar proves 356 - 8819 The text is being prepared by industrialist, will discuss "Viet- that Soviet battleships in the Medi- nam's Impact on American Busi- terranean are there not solely for Georgi Tsereteli whom the Weekly describes as a "well-known Geor- the purpose of demnstrating their ness Men." Harold Berry, chair- FOR THE BEST IN man of the Detroit chapter of Ex- presence. It does not preclude the gian Hebrew scholar." MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT "For a long time, the manuscript ecutives for Vietnam Peace, an- possibility that one of the Egyp- was kept in West Georgia in a syn- tian rocketships assisted in the nounces that the informative ses- agogue in the village of Lailashi sion, with refreshments, is open to sinking operation. whose population speaks Hebrew," In the early days following And His Orchestra the public without charge. the paper said. "Six sheets of the • • • the disappearance of the Dakar, 1-1609 original were missing. These have Israelis belived that a violent The LETTERMEN, appearing at now been found in the possession of storm caused the catastrophe. Masonic Auditorium Sunday, 2:20 Rabbi Moshe Khakhaishvili in an- But as time passed, and the ex- p.m. March 10, boast the freshest tensive search conducted by other West Georgian town, Oni. vocal blend in today's music field. The Pentateuch is written on many ships and planes failed Their albums sell in the millions, parchment. Tsereteli dates it as to turn up any trace of her, their coast-to-coast concerts are 10th Century. He believes it was Israel mood changed. complete sellouts, their night club preserved in Georgia thanks to the appearances break records every- It is no longer assumed that the existence of a large Jewish colony where and their college dates draw tragedy "was an act of God." The there as early as the 4th Century," large crowds. weather at the time was calm, and said the Soviet Weekly. • • • up to the last minute, the Dakar's The tabloid is published for cir- FERRANT and TEICHER, com- captain maintained normal con- culation in Great Britain. Its ma- ing to the Masonic auditorium, tact with Haifa. He did not report March 23, were just one of near any trouble aboard ship. The sink- dozen two-piano teams on the con- ing appears to have been unex- — Max Schrut cert circuit a few years ago. They pected, giving the skipper no time For Good Photographs had been concertizing and record- to sound an alarm. Now Booking - - and Prompt Service ing as a team for 12 years, playing The conviction grows that the Call Me at together in unison since the age submarine ran afoul of the enemy of six, as prodigies at the Juillard and is further strengthened after School of Muse in New York City. Israelis had monitored a Moscow and His Orchestra But their wheel of fortune changed radio broadcast in Arabic which Weddings — Bar Mitzvas Good Music abruptly in 1960 with the record- attacked Greece and Turkey for We Come to Your Home for All Occasions ing of the "Theme From The having aided in the rescue mission. With Samples Apartment" for United Artists. Official Israeli quarters must UN 4-6845 LI 4 - 9278 TY 5-8805 • remain silent because of the com- Detroit Symphony Orchestra plete lack of evidence. members MISCHA MISCHAKOFF, concert-master, and ITALO BAB- Mengele Had Nazi Killed,1 INI, principal cellist, will be feat- ured soloists with the symphony ; U.S. Magazine Says AND ORCHESTRA Thursday evening, in Ford Audi- LONDON — Nazi death camp torium. Paul Paray will conduct. doctor Josef -Mengele was behind "Mariachi's" For Cocktails & Dinner • • - • the murder of Nazi war criminal "Continental Sound" For Dining & Dancing JOSE GRECO, who brings his Hubert Cukurs, according to the Spanish Ballet to Masonic Audi- American magazine "Parade." torium, 8:20 p.m. March 16, was I Cukurs. believed to have been PLUS The Authentic Latin Rythms born of Spanish Italian parentage I responsible for the death of 32,000 in the small village of Montorio Jews in Latvia during World War in the Abruzzi mountains of Italy. II, was found dead in a trunk in a in the medium of Spanish music I bungalow near Montevideo in EXPECTING OUT OF TOWN GUESTS Even as a small boy he displayed 1February 1965. FOR A WEDDING OR A BAR MITZVA? an intense interest and enthusiasm In a copyright story, the article for all Spanish culture, especially quoted a secret Uruguayan police in the medium of Spanish music report suggesting that Mengele, and dancing, to which he dedicated second on the list of most wanted iently Located at Is C himself completely at an early war criminals found out Cukurs age. was trying to deal with Jewish 20500 JAMES COUZENS • • • agents to protect himself. In re- (8 Mile & Greenfield—Across from Northland) WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY turn for his own safety and Call 342 - 3000 For the Finest Accommodations! COLLEGE District are now avail- $114.000, he had agreed to lead Try Our Barber Shop Dine at the SCOTCH & SIRLOIN RESTAURANT able at the Wayne County Inter- the agents to Mengele, hiding in mediate School District office, Paraguay. Airport Limousine Service Available Room 301 City-County Building. ; Mengele was reported to have An election will be held June 10 discovered the double-cross and made it appear to have been the in each of the seven community work of Jewish agents by sign- college districts to elect one mem- ber from each of the community , ing a note "Those who can college districts for the board of , never forget." Mengele. known as the "angel trustees to operate the Wayne County community college district. of extermination" at Auschwitz, The Jewish Institute for Brides and Grooms Nominating petitions must be filed took P aruguay an citizenship at the Wayne County intermediate several years ago under his own j invites you to attend its school district office by 4 p.m. surname with the first name SAM EMMER DI BY POPULAR DEMAND ! . ED BURG GOLDMAN Israel Goodman _ 334-4149 334-7031 and Homes: BLAIR STUDIO PANCHITO UN 1-8129 Cranbrook House Motel Jan. 9 — To Mr. and Mrs. Al- fredo Frohlich (Andrea Sherman), former Detroiters of Bogota, Co- lombia, a daughter, Jacquelyne. • • • April 23. To Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gant • • • (Sandra Glass), 19'797 Gilchrist, a HOWARD K. SMITH. who has daughter, Barbara Lynn. won every major television award. will discuss "The Challenges Fac- ing America" when he appears at REV. GOLDMAN L Detroit Town Hall Wednesday, in the Fisher Theater. • • • MOH EL A nationwide CHARITY DUP- LICATE BRIDGE GAME will be 353-5444 played at the new Metropolitan Bridge Center, 23029 Coolidge, Oak Park, March 8, it was announced Recommended by Physicians by the directors. The game will be RABBI LEO one of a large number played in every major city across the country coinciding with the same event be- Expert Mohei ing played at the National Spring Serving Hospitals and Homes Tournament. Americana Hotel, LI 1-9769 LI 2-4444 New York. Identical bands, pre- dealt but not prearranged by com- puter, will be played in each game. CERTIFIED EXPERT MOREL Money raised by this charity tour- RABBI nament will go to the American Contract Bridge League Charity Foundation. MARSHALL Friday, March 1, 1968-33 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Paper in Beirut Believes Russian Pentateuch Scroll Found in Russia UNITED NATIONS (JTA)—The terial comes from the Novosti Press Fleet Sank Dakar Soviet Weekly, an English-lan- Agency in Moscow, the Soviet oyez% GETTING MARRIED? shortened to Jose. Cleveland Federation Opposes Riot Control Bill CLEVELAND (JTA)—The Jew- ish Community Federation of Cleveland stated its strong opposi- tion Sunday to a riot control bill pending before the Ohio Legisla- ture on the grounds that it jeo- pardized such essential bulwarks of democracy as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly." The federation's porition on the bill was given by Bennett Yano- witz. chairman of the federation's community relations committee, in letters to State Senators Max Den- nis, chairman and William Taft. vice chairman of the judiciary corn- ; mittee now considering the bill. Yanowitz stressed that opposi- tion to the bill was "not based on I a lack of concern for the conse- quences of a riot," but on "our belief that we must find ways of ' preventing riots and disturbances Make a resolution to live each by other than repressive measures -day -well - and- live it usefully. - after they occur." SPRING LECTURE SERIES Tuesday ,March 5 8:30 P. M. Strains and Stresses of The Modem Marriage Mrs. Margaret Weiner, ACSW Rabbi Dr. Jack Goldman Tuesday, March 12 The Partnership of Marriage Rabbi Isaac M. Kagan 8:30 P. M. Tuesday, March 18 8:30 P. M. Marriage, Sex and Judaism Dr. Andrew Freier, OB Rabbi James Gordon Location: CONG. BNAI DAVID, Southfield Rd. SOCIAL HOUR FOLLOWS LECTURES ADMISSION FREE This space donated by: 'INTERIORS BY SAMUEL' 23117 Coolidge, who wishes Mazel Tov to the engaged couples.