30—Friday, March 1, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS JWV Activities Merle Benjamin to Wed Cantata 'Sorrows of David' Dedicated Allan Gould in Toronto to Memory of Rabbi Adler by Friend Marking the second anniversary "discovered" him was Sadie of the death of Rabbi Morris Adler Braver. of Cong. Shaarey Zedek, the Oak In New York, he studied compo- BLOCH ROSE AUXILIARY will Wednesday and heard Samuels Park Symphony Society has com- sition, attended the Jewish Theo- meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Oak declare that Israel holds the line missioned composer Louis Wein- logical Seminary and Columbia Park Community Center. There for democracy in the Middle East, garden to write an original cantata University and appeared as com- will be election of officers, fol- just as the United States is holding dedicated to his memory. poser, conductor and violist on a lowed by a social hour. Plans are the line in Southeast Asia. The The first performance of Wein- New York program, "New Voices being made to package parcels for meeting will be addressed by Pres- garden's Cantata, "Sorrows of Da- in the Creative Arts." He has been the boys in Vietnam. Those with ident Shazar and Prime Minister vid," will be featured at the fourth commissioned to compose choral names of servicemen are asked to Eshkol. concert of the Oak Park Symphony compositions for several institu- Samuels, who recently returned submit their addresses to Gerry Orchestra under the direction of tions in New York. from a tour of the battle zone in Feldman, 398-8955. Dr. Robert Klotman, 8:15 p.m. R e c i p i e n t of the Elizabeth • • • Vietnam, said that the enemy there March 12 at Ferndale High School. Sprague Coolidge Prize in chamber SOL YETZ-MORRIS COHEN and the enemy facing Israel, the Weingarden, a native of Detroit, ber music and the Richard Rodg- POST and AUXILIARY will hold hostile Arab states, are one and the studied music here and was the ers Fellowship, he was recently a joint meeting 9 p.m. Thursday, same. Both North Vietnam and the recipient of a scholarship from the recommended for the famous Prix at the Oak Park Community Cen- Arab states are supplied by Soviet Music Study Club. The teacher who de Rome. ter. Jack Baroff will speak on Russia with modern, sophisticated Weingarden was the choice of the weapons, he pointed out, adding "Youth Guidance." Friends are Oak Park Symphony Society be- invited. Refreshments will be that the democracies confronted cause of his reputation and be- by the North Vietnamese and by MISS MERLE BENJAMIN served. cause of his closeners to Rabbi • the Arab states are in actuality Mrs. Rose Benjamin of Toronto Adler, whom he knew intimately SGT. MORTON A. SILVERMAN confronted by Soviet imperialism. announces the engagement of her Sam F. Test, social security dis- and for whom he had great love POST presented an American flag 1 Samuels said he supported Is- daughter Merle to Allan Mendel trict Manager in the Detroit-North- and admiration. to Young Israel of Greenfield, with ' rael's determination to secure free Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl , west office, telling what the Social The choral part will be per- Commander Leonard Schreiber passage for its shipping through Gould of Santa Rosa Dr. Miss Ben- !security amendments of 1967 formed by the Kenneth Jewell making the presptation. It was- the Suez Canal and praised Israel jamin is the daughter of the late mean, stated this week: Chorale. accepted in behalf of the syna.! for its willingness to permit the 1 "The amount of money a person gogue by president Sanford Eisen-I freeing of 15 merchant ships, Mr. Harry Benjamin. Miss Benjamin received her BA can earn in a year and still draw I among them several American yes- berg. all his social security benefits has in English language and literature 1 sels, that have been stranded in * • • MUSIC BALE POST, which led in the the canal since the June war. He from the University of Toronto been raised. Beginning with 1968, (Just Great) a person who makes as much as and has completed an education purchase of Israel Bonds and con- said the ships remain trapped be- MAURY LITTLE degree at the Hebrew University $1,680 can still collect all of his tributions to the Israel Emergency cause of Egyptian sabotage. AND THE TOWNSMEN of Jerusalem. She is presently social security benefits. Even if * • * Fund during the Six-Day War, KE 4-5980 teaching Hebrew studies in the he earns considerably more than Tuesday night voted unanimously New York area. Mr. Gould re- that, he may still draw some bene- to give $1,000 out of the post JWV Names Berman ceived his bachelor of philosophy fits. The old law had set that limit treasury to the Emergency Fund. Its 'Man of the Year' degree from Wayne State Univer- 1 at $1,500, through 1967. * • * MILES OF SOUND "Here's hhow it now works. If Jack Berman, chief of staff of sity's Monteith College and re- Distinctive Styling for his MA degree in modern you are working regularly and do c! the Jewish War Veterans Depart- ceived LBJ Takes Notice Dining and Dancing theater at New York University. I not earn more than $1,680 a year ment of Mich Featuring Hammond Organ A May 30 wedding in Toronto is 1 in wages, you will receive all of of JWV Israel Parley 1 gan, was honor ed Call your social security benefits each WASHINGTON—President Lyn- as "Man of the planned. JEFF DEMBS 356 - 8547 month. Year" at a ban- don B .nson Jo h to k personal as a en If you are working regularly notice of the forthcoming convoca-lquet held by the Deutsch Announces and make more than $1,680 a year, tion in Israel of the national exe- JWV Bowling MUSIC BY 1 League recently. Merger With PanOhio $1 will be withheld from your cutive committee of the benefits for each $2 you make over Past depart- War Veterans of the U.S.A. and Citizens Mortgage Corp. of De- $1,680, and up to $2,880. If you asked National Commander Sam- ment comman- troit has entered into an agree- make more than $2,880, $1 will be uel Samuels to convey greetings to der, Berman was AND HIS ORCHESTRA ment with PanOhio Mortgages, deducted from your benefits for Berman Israel Prime Minister Levi Eshkol cited for his "de- Inc., of Columbus, 0., which pro- each $1 you make above that LI 1-2563 votion loyalty and service to the vides for the purchase of all out- and other Israeli leaders. amount." In a note to Commander Sam- JWV. In his 20th year with the standing stock of PanOhio by Citi- uels from the White House, the JWV, Berman is a member of zens. President indicated interest in the Bloch-Rose Post. Announcement for the purchase BETTER THAN EVER! contact between the United States * * * agreement was made in Detroit veterans and Israeli authorities. Ex-Detroiter Holds Post and Columbus by Alfred L. rime Minister Eshkol was the Deutsch and Harold N. Finney, guest of President Johnson last in Tucson Veterans Group board chairmen and president re- month at the LBJ ranch in Texas. Joseph Simons, former Detroit- 1 spectively of Citizens, and Samuel The JWV convocation in Israel, of Tucson, has been elected com- J. Caldwell and Thomas Klingner, MARTY KOSINS attracting more than 1,000 strong, mander of the Friedman-P a u 1 board chairman and president of the organization's first such meet- Post, Jewish War Veterans, in PanOhio. Office: 626-9680 Res.: 626-9662 ing outside of the United States, Tucson. Speaking for the senior officers will discuss new steps for Israel- Simons, a member of the JWV of the two firms, Deutsch said the American cooperation in preserv- since 1946, was an officer of the transaction meant that the Citizens ing peace and meeting -threats to Department of Michigan when he servicing portfolio, with the ad- free world security. lived in Detroit, and in Tucson he dition of PanOhio's $160,000,000 The Pr e s i d e n t asked that is a chairman at the Tucson Vet- servicing portfolio, would be in ex- Sets the Pace "warmest greetings" be conveyed erans Administration Hospital and cess of $720,000,000. For a number in not only to "mutual friends" in the a national deputy recruiting offi- of years, Citizens has been among Israeli government but also to the cer, as well as chief of staff of the the top mortgages banking firms JWV's national and state officers. Department of the Southwest, in the United States. The JWV national executive which includes the states of Ari- Besides its home office in Co- by "Diamond" committee opened its conference zona, Nevada and Texas. lumbus, PanOhio has branch of- To be Knitted or Crocheted. Finest Imported Silk, fices in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Dayton. Headquarters of Citizens Rayon Ribbons. Choose from Latest Spring Colors is at 600 Woodward, Detroit, and BY HENRY LEONARD its branches are in Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Toledo, Dayton and Now Canton. The parallel operations in reg. to 3.50 Cleveland and D a y ton will be merged into a single office in each city. PanOhio will be operated as a division of Citizens Mortgage Cor- The latest in bulky yams. poration, said Deutsch. The Ohio 100% wool, ideal to work on large needles. concern will keep its present Imported from Sweden, 50 grams. name, and all of its senior officers will be seniors officers of Citizens. Social Security's New Advantages SAM BARNETI THE MARTIN-DAVID ORCHESTRA "CHARLOTTE'S" Ribbon Fashions DAYENU 1 •49 Num Copr. 1 968, Day enu Product ions "Top 10" Yarn "No, Irving's not pulling a 'Ben Gurion'. He feels the world makes more sense to him that way." Now I Men's Clubs I SHAAREY ZEDEK MEN'S CLUB will meet 9 a.m. Sunday. Dr. Norman Drachler, superin- tendent of the Detroit Public School System, will speak on "The Challenge of Education in Large Cities—Whose Concern?" • • • BETH ABRAHAM MEN'S CLUB will hold its final breakfast forum of the current series 10 a.m. Sun- day in the social hall. Speaker will be Dr. Robert L. Potts, member of the New Detroit Committee and executive director of the Citizens Committee for Equal Opportunity, who will discuss "Civil Disorder: 1 09 . reg. 1.98 FINEST IMPORTED YARNS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. I CHOOSE FROM 1000's OF HANDBAGS Priced from $3 to $135 S CO O 1 °) KNIT SHOPS Use Your Security Charge or Michigan Bankard °Pe a Mon., Thum , Fri. Dates 'Til 8:30 Daily -ru 5:30 NINE MILE AT COOLIDGE, OAK PARK