Miss Alexander to Wed Steven B. Kay Dec. 29 MISS ANITA ALEXANDER Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Alex- ander of Moritz Ave., Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Anita Joyce to Steven Bruce Kay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Kay of Harden Circle E., Southfield. The bride-elect is attending the college of education at Wayne State University. The prospective bridegroom is in the United States Mr Force. A Dec. 29 wedding is planned. W4)lany „ACCENTS PALL MON - tarn `Timm - )orrsston DESICIIIE115 Ruth Schwartz, N.S.I.D. WHERE ELSE would you find such selection and distinction in WALL DECOR Sconces Mirrors Lavabo Plaques Paintings Brackets Prints Tree Murals Wall Clocks Floor Clocks Wall Baskets Wall Shelves Curio Cabinets Tapestries We're NEW! Only a few months young! Yet In that time COLONY AGENTS has already become known as one of the fore- most stores of its kind. We show not just a few but hundreds wall decor of dis- tinction and indivldualitl because most pieces ore one of a kind personally selectec by Ruth Schwartz. Our tal- ented Interior Designer Counsel Service can heir you decide. We gift wrap. Colony Accents - Lincoln Cen- ter - Oak Park Greenfield at Lincoln (101/2 MI) Mon., Thur., Fri., 9:30 to 9:00. Phone 39849811-9. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 23, 1968-23 Women's eluibs 0-W Sisterhood Plans to Fete 'Bar-Mitzva' BRANDEIS CHAPTER, Pioneer BIRMINGHAM - F R A NK L IN Young Israel Center of Oak- GROUP, Hadassah, will meet 8 Women, will hold its annual stamp- Woods Sisterhood will celebrate its p.m. Thursday at the Michigan book luncheon meeting noon Mon- "Bar Mitzva Year" will a donor Bell Telephone Co. on Northwest- day at the home of Mrs. Irving luncheon 12:30 p.m. March 6 in the ern Hwy. The program includes Weiner, 27310 Fairfax, Southfield. social hall. two short films, "The Goal Is Mrs. Morris Buch, program chair- Mrs. Jerome Kaenaw, donor Peace" and "Upward Road." An man, will introduce C. William chairman, announces her commit- original musical comedy skit writ- Garrett, attorney, who will speak tee: Mesdames Jack Light, ticket ten by Mrs. Wilbert Roberts, "The on "Libel and Slander." Admission chairman; Sol Mandelbaum, darling La Dolce" (Vaeter), will be pre- is by stamp book, or its equivalent. chairman; Monica Fraezer, pro- sented with Hadassah players Mes- Friends and relatives are invited. gram book; Beril Bloom, publicity; dames Sheldon Greenberg, Haskell Co-hostess with Mrs. Weiner will Gertrude Schwartz, prize chairman Greenfield, Jerome Kaufman, Irv- be Mrs. Celia Altman. and Elsie Todd, table decorations. • • • ing Ross, Wilbert Roberts and Mrs. Meyer Mandelbaum, pro- CLUB ONE, Pioneer Women, Milton Greenwald. Cake and cof- gram chairman, will present the fee will follow, as well as a song will meet 12:30 p.m. Tuesday in "Belle Canto Choral Group," di- from Mrs. Alfred Newman, presi- the Labor Zionist Institute to bid rected by Cantor Simon Bermanis. farewell to members who are leav- dent. • • • ing for Israel on the Beit Nehama CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, Dedication Tour March 4. A cul- will hold a membership tea noon tural program will follow. Re- served. Wednesday at the Labor Zionist freshments will be • * • Institute. Membership chairmen NORTHWEST NSHEI HABAD are Rose Krashin and Bessie Zarankin. The program will cele- STUD GROUP will meet 2:30 p.m. brate Jewish Music Month, ac- Saturday at the home of Mrs. El- 17330 Kentucky. cording to President Mrs. Mar- imelech Posner, liner.. • • • • garet Lom. Jeanette Seeing and WFVF UPPER NORTHWEST NSHEI SAVE ! Sonia Zabladofsky will perform. SAVE Guests and prospective members STUDY GROUP will meet 3 p.m. BUY DIRECT Saturday at the home of Mrs. Alex FROM THE IMPORTER are welcome. • • • Ungar, 19944 Stansbury.. UNITED ORDER TRUE SIS- TERS will meet noon Tuesday at NCJW Panel to Tackle Vr4"432f1 Northland Center Auditorium. A teacher of visually handicapped Community Problems IMPORTERS AND CUTTERS children will address the lodge at at Luncheon Session OF FINE DIAMONDS 2. Mrs. Miles Mazer is in charge dis- A petite luncheon and panel 15738 LIVERNOIS of the visual aid workshop, mem- cussion under the auspices of the Dl.:1-551 5 bers of which meet semimonthly National Council of Jewish Women to cut out pictures, enlarge num- p.m. March bers and letters as aids to visually will be held at 12:15 4 at Cong. Beth handicapped children. Guests are Shalom. invited. Problems which • • • confront the corn- NORTHWEST DETROIT CHAP- munity will be TER, CARIH, will hold its annual discussed by paid up membership dinner 6:30 panel members p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Geraldine Mrs. Harry Raf, 15221 Park, Oak M. Ellington, dis- Park. Entertainment is planned. trict director of New members are welcome. For the Emergency reservations, call Mrs. Sol Mandel, Counseling Serv- membership chairman, LI -8-1095, Huegli ice; Mrs. L. Hud- or Mrs. Albert Dunn, hospitality son Rosenthal, assistant project di- chairman, LI 8-7864. rector of Women in Community • • • Service, a council project; Mrs. LADIES OF YESHIVATH BETH Leo Dworkin, Head Start teacher YEHUDAH and WOMEN'S SAB- in Southfield; Mrs. Joy Lewis, BATH LEAGUE will hold a special Birmingham resident and Aid to luncheon sponsored by the officers Dependent Children (ADC) re- in honor of life members noon cipient; and Mrs. Julian Scott, a Tuesday at Cong. Beth Tefilo Ema- council volunteer worker. nuel Tikva. Mrs. Milton Winston, Richard Huegli, managing direc- president, announced that Mrs. tor of United Community Services, Leo Laufer is chairman of the day, will moderate the discussion, called and the invocation will be de- "Face to Face." There is no livered by Mrs. Julius Spielberg. charge, and guests are welcome. The social committee, headed by For reservations, call the council Mrs. Walter Epstein, will include office, UN. 3-5427. Mesdames Rose Bielewich, Arthur Cutler, Harold Kaplan and Aaron Farmington Woman 2nd Sandweiss. Guests invited. that in Seder Sweepstakes comes true • • • in this Little Mrs. Gerald Avrin, 27689 Doreen, ACHIEZER will meet 8:45 p.m. Jacket dress always so hard Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Sunny Farmington, placed second in the to find with this youthful Segal, 18232 Indiana. Co-hostess is Miami Margarine Company's na- look Mrs. Barbara Mandelbaum. A tionise Mar-Pary Seder Sweepstakes 6 to 16 taupe & Beige film strip from the "rumor clinic" launched last month. Her prize was Saniaz. Chitfinat FINAL CLEARANCE ONE WEEK ONLY Remaining Stock of SUITS • DRESSES UP TO !raw_ °. 401 OFF M 1 16007 W. 8 MILE Corner Rutherford 272.2522 Parking in Rear ! ! WHY WORRY Leave Everything to Us DIAMONDS WYN and HAROLD LANDIS HOME CATERING Phone EL 6-8411 • STYLE • ELEGANCE • BEAUTY WYN-HAROLD CATERING A SPRINGTIME DREAM will be shown. • • • UNIVERSITY NORTH GROUP, Hadassah, will hold a luncheon and games party 12:30 p.m. Wednes- day at Knob in the Woods Club- house. There will be prizes. Nomi- nal donation. • • • D IM 0 N A CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a luncheon 12:15 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Henry Solomon, 23610 Church, Oak Park. Susan Wittmore, from the League of Women Voters of De- troit, will speak on "How Do You Know, You Know, What You know?" Friends are welcome. • • • OAK PARK NSHEI HABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Wolf Marasow, 14030 W. 10 Mile, Oak Park. • • • CITY OF HOPE CANCER FIGHT- ERS will meet noon Monday at Bnai David Synagogue. Alice Hehn, po- licewoman, will speak on self-de- fense for women. A spring sale of merchandise will take place, ac- cording to Mrs. Harold Kozloff, president. a decorated Spode ceremonial seder plate in its own presentation case. First prize winner was Mrs. Coral & Bone Isaac Wainer of Cincinnati, who received a 40-piece Spode china service and a decorated seder plate and case. Additional first and second prizes will be awarded each month. All users of Mar-Pary are eligible to enter as many times as they wish during the month, sending in the margarine illustration from the carton or hand-printing the words "Mar-Pary Kosher Parve Margar- ine" on a 3 x 5 sheet of paper. En- tries may be mailed to Mar-Pary Margarine Seder Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 17095, Cincinnati 45217. Mrs. ROSE KAUFMAN, national president of Pioneer Women, left for Israel to attend special con- sultative and planning meetings for the forthcoming World Zionist Con- gress.The meetings have called for Feb. 25-27 in Jerusalem, by L. A. Pincus, chairman of the executive of the Jewish Agency. She will be one of 30 international Zionist leaders invited to formulate plans for the June world parley. Marti-K Bankard 8 Security :-Thurs. 8 Fri. Hite 'til 9 p.m. ' Doily 'til 6 HRH, MILE AT COOLIDGE -OAK