Allied Jewish Campaign Women's Division Prepares for Its Phonogift Solicitations; Numerous .Divisions Hold Drive Functions The women's division will launch its fourth annual Phonogift cam- paign March 10, in an attempt to contact by telephone 10,000 women donors of the Jewish community regarding their individual contri- butions to the Allied Jewish Cam- paign-Israel Emergency Fund. Intensive efforts to make tele- phone contacts will continue through March 18. Eight hundred volunteers are needed for making telephone re- quests to prospective contributors, Mrs. Ben Mossman, Phonogift chairman, said. There will be work periods of Iniques of telephone soliciting, two Medicine, Yeshiva University. 'briefing sessions will be conducted The speakers' first-hand narra- by the women's division. Both tive will emphasize Israel's post- training sessions will be held at war condition and needs. Phonogift headquarters in the The seventh annual luncheon of Zionist Cultural Center, 18451 W.I the attorneys' section of the pro- Ten Mile, Southfield, at 9:30 a.m. fessional division will be held at Feb. 28, and March 6. the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, Campaign committee meetings, Michigan and Washington Blvd., luncheons, dinners and cocktail 11:45 a.m. Thursday. Zvi Kolitz, author, theatrical co-' parties, which precede the offi- cial launching of the Allied producer of Broadway's first Bibli-! Jewish Campaign-Israel Emer- cal musical comedy, "In Someone gency Fund, are well under way. Else's Sandals" and motion picture, Sponsors of February campaign co-producer of Israel's first major events are the professional, services film, "Hill 24 Doesn't Answer," will be guest speaker. and junior divisions. three shifts daily, except Satur- Attorneys' section chairman is A cocktail-dinner party of the days, and two shifts Sundays. medical physicians' section of the Joseph H. Jackier and co-chair- Women may volunteer by calling professional division will be held men are Joel G. Jacob and Nathan Mrs. Celia Baruch, Jewish Wel- in Raleigh House. Southfield, 6 L. Milstein. fare Federation, Women's Divi- p.m. Wednesday, Dr. Stanley H. The 1968 Junior Division Men's sion, WO 5-3939, extension 87, or Levy, section chairman and Drs. Special Gifts cocktail party at the Mrs. Mossman, UN 4-0273. Ned Ira Chalat and Stuart Ham- Downtown Howard Johnson Motor Volunteers will be assisting Mrs. burger, co-chairmen, announced. Lodge, 8 p.m. Thursday, also will Mossman, Mrs. Signey S. Hertz, Guest speaker will be husband be addressed by Kolitz. the executive chairman, and the Officers of junior • men's special and wife, Major Shulamit Legum advisors, Mrs. Morris Brandwine of Israel's Women's Army Corps gifts are the chairman, Paul D. and Mrs. Milton A. Weiss, as well and Dr. Cyril Legum. Dr. Le- Borman; co-chairman, Lawrence as other officers and committee gum, known as the parachuting K. Snider; and associate chairmen, members. doctor, is pediatrician and fel- Ira J. Jaffe, Stuart Kaufman. Spen- To acquaint workers with tech- low at Albert Einstein College of cer Patrich, Michael Scheinker and Harry Wineman Jr. The services division pacesetters dinner will be at the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel Monday. Addressing the group will be Leighton A. Ro- NEW DELHI (JTA) — Israel, meet the threat of famine in senthal, president of Work Wear Corporation, Cleveland. Co-chair- is trying to woo a reluctant India! underdeveloped parts of the men of the Services Division are into accepting trade relations and world. Leonard J. Bonin and Robert A. technical assistance of a kind that Horowitz spoke before the third Steinberg. Israel has provided to other Asian, committee of the United Nations and African nations in the past. Conference on Trade and Develop- An intense courtship is being - ment, which is taking up the prob- conducted by Israeli delegates to lem of increased public and pri- the United Nations Conference on vate capital to underdeveloped Trade and Development which nations. opened here a week ago to develop The Israeli economist, in his a global strategy to help under.' maiden speech before the inter- developed nations in the areas of national gathering, said that "the commerce and industry. two main problems, the danger of India, so far, has been demon- famine and incomes below subsis- strably cool to the idea of trade tence level, can be solved by a with or technical aid from Israel.' rapid and tremendous rise in ag- New Delhi is anxious to maintain ricultural output and accelerated its good relations with the Arab industrialization in developing states which she has consistently countries." supported on the political level "The problem of capital supply is since last June's Middle East war, I though purportedly anxious at the a crucial one for those parts of the world that are still in the pro- same time, to steer clear of in- volvement in that region's disputes. cess of developing," he said. By1 Detroit's Allied Jewish Cam- transferring capital to underdeve-• The Israelis insist however, that loped areas, particularly in periods paign-Israel Emergency Fund drive despite India's warm relationship of recession, the industrialized na- nears the $5,000,000 mark. At the with their Arab foes, nothing bars tions would help those areas and pre-campaign dinner held Feb. 7 at them from providing technical as- at the same time ease their own' the Statler Hilton, the sum of sistance to private firms in India , sometimes violent fluctuations be- $4,730,000 was announced. Guest! or purchasing Indian goods. As a'' tween boom and depression. Horo- speaker at the dinner (shown in ' means of influencing New Delhi,1 witz noted that at the moment photo) was Rabbi Herbert Fried- the Israeli delegation has publish.' sonic $10,000,000,000 potential is man (left), executive vice-presi- ed a 40-page booklet containing a stagnating which, he said, is tan-. dent of the United Jewish Appeal, pictorial history of Israel's develop- tamount to retrogression. He urged major beneficiary of the Detroit ment in various fields and her the industrialized nations to exer- drive, who is shown being greeted technical cooperation with under.' cise "imagination and the political by guests at the dinner, Dr. and developed nations. will to meet the challenge" and Mrs. William Haber of Ann Arbor. The Israeli delegation to to return to the "spirit that fired UNCTAD, headed by Minister of the world after the Second World Commerce and Industry Zeev War when the Bretton Woods Con- Sharef and chaired by Ambas- ference took place. a spirit which sador Michael Comay, political has been dulled by the affluent adviser to the foreign ministry j society." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 16, 1968-5 French Jews Hike Gifts to Israel Twenty-Fold PARIS (JTA) — Contributions of French Jewry to Israel during 1967 totalled $12,000,000, roughly 20 times as much as in previous years, Baron Elie de Rothschild, the French-Jewish communal lead- er, reported. Among the 94,000 who contrib- uted to the record total were non- Jews totalling seven per cent of the givers. MURRY KOBLIN IS MOVING TO 8440 W. 9 MILE • 548-5600 '68s IMMEDIATE DELIVERY See Larry Stern LARRY & HARRY LARRY Abram NO FALSE PROMISES — JUST GOOD DEALS "WE SELL BECAUSE OF OUR REPUTATION" JOE MAY CHEVROLET 12555 GRAND RIVER near Meyers BR 2-2470 LI 8 4119 TE 4-4440 - LAST 3 DAYS Israel Seeks Trade, Aid Pacts With Reluctant India at Parley Campaign Nears $5 Million Mark SUBURBAN COATS WINTER JACKETS SPORT COATS ITALIAN KNIT SHIRTS SWEATERS - SPORT SHIRTS • • • LARGE SELECTION OF TURTLE-NECK SHIRTS • • • FORMAL WEAR AND RENTALS — COMPLETE ACCESSORIES • • • OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. SATURDAY 'TIL 8 P.M. — SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. MR. ROBERTS APPAREL FOR GENTLEMEN & YOUNG MEN 25246 Greenfield North of 10 Mile Rd. Greenfield Center 542-8636 • Security Charge • Michigan Bankard • Diners Club HARBINGER OF DOOM! in Jerusalem, brought up an- other big gun in the person of David Horowitz. governor of the JTA Wires Obstructed Bank of Israel. Horowitz arriv- by Cable Problems ed here to take up a leadership' (Direct JTA Teletype Wire post with the delegation. to The Jewish News) NEW YORK—News transmission The Kenya delegation to UN- CTAD has demanded a retraction between the London and New York offices of the Jewish Telegraphic and apology from Indian news- papers which reported that Kenya Agency continued under great dif- had been among the Asian, Afri- ficulties Wednesday as a result of can and Communist bloc nations the failure of two trans-Atlantic that walked out of the chamber cables. JTA communications be- When Sharef delivered his first tween the two offices are carried on leased cable circuits. speech last Nteek. Alternative transmission using The acting head of the Kenyan delegation told the Jewish Tele- the telecommunications satellites graphic Agency that there was no was put into effect Monday, but the walk-out by his delegation and in JTA transmissions were received fact there were two representa- with a considerable amount of tives of Kenya in the chamber garbling, delaying distribution of when Sharef spoke. He said that news until corrections could be re- , Kenya wants to steer clear of in- ceived. At the same time, seasonal at-1 volvement in the Arab-Israeli dis- mosphereic conditions affected the pute. Horowitz called here Wednes- JTA radioprinter leased circuits day for a global economic policy from New York to Tel Aviv, inter- aimed at the rapid expansion of fering with transmission of news farming and food production to from New York to Israel. REMEMBER FEB. 25TH Don't let the sunny weather trap you! The biggest snow storm to "PERILIZE" the Detroit area happened on Feb. 25. Thousands of cars could not move! SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR 40% DISCOUNT DUNLOP SNOW TIRE SALE (Four Seasons Wear) FREE INSTALLATION UNION TIRE CO. WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS See the Boys — AL STUTZ and JOE STAMELL 3140 Grand River (Next to Corl's Detroit — Chop House) Phone 321-1234