Jordanian Provocations Create New Dangers who frequently reflects the ad- ed and two were wounded in a Izvestia called Israel's warnings ministration said that under clash with an Israeli patrol north that the clearance agreement did I I a negotiated view, settlement, ''perhaps of the Dead Sea as other raiders not cover the northern sector a neither side will achieve its maxi- fired bazooka shells into the Ro- "maneuver aimed at misleading mum demands." He said that mema quarter in northwest Jent- the world public." Ignoring the "time is not on the side of agree- salem. confirmation by UN Secretary Gen- ment" and warned that passage of eral U Thant that the agreement (The Syrian-based El Fatah ter- time was causing a hardening of rorist organization claimed that it covered only the southern canal attitude on both sides. He told the has set up secret bases and arms sector, the government newspaper House that "a real attempt at caches in Israel-occupied territory declared that Egyptian clearing negotiation under the auspices of and inside Israel itself from which boats were fired on when they set the UN, and with its results pro- it intends to wage an intensified out for the northern sector "under , tected by UN sanctions, should campaign of sabotage and terror- an agreed timetable of work." bring a more acceptable arrange- ism. The El Fatah announcement Skulskaya Zhizn, official publica- ' ment than has previously existed appeared in the Lebanese Post of tion of the central committee of and one which will have less Beirut.) the Soviet Communist Party, as- potential for future trouble." * * * sailed the "double-faced adventur- ist policy of the present rulers of Egyptians Cooperating With Jordanian Pleas Israel." Skulskaya Zhizn's com- for Tanks and Guns Jarring, Pravda Says mentator, Andrei Baturin, charged in New Blast at Israel Get Results in U.S. that Gen. Moshe Dayan, Israel's LONDON (JTA) — Ambassador WASHINGTON — Resumption of de tense minister, "openly supports arms sales by the U. S. to Jordan, the scheme of accelerated prep- Gunnar Jarring, the special United announced in Washington Wednes- arations for a new war against the Nations envoy in the Middle East, left Cairo Tuesday for his head- day, is aggravating an explosive Arab countries." quarters in Nicosia and visited situation and increases the ten- Washington government legal Amman Wednesday. sions affecting the Middle East situation. It was revealed that the experts have under study the pos- According to Pravda, the official arms in question involved not mere- sible effect of three amendments Soviet Communist Party organ, ly spare parts but replacement of to the foreign aid bill that would, Ambassador Jarring has been re- Patton M-48 tanks and artillery de- with the exception of certain ceiving full cooperation from specified countries, bar aid to Egypt. The paper said that for stroyed or captured by Israel dur- ing the Six-Day War. states using their own resources more than a month, Ambassador Congressional sources disclosed to buy arms. The amendments, Jarring has been shuttling between that Jordan had also asked the two by Rep. Silvio Conte, Mass. Middle East capitals and "serious United States for the supersonic Rep., and one by Sen. Stuart talks are being held with him in "Hawk" anti-aircraft missiles of Symington, Mo. Dem., would pre- Ca" the type provided by this country vent United States aid benefi- Contrasted to this, the Soviet to Israel and was trying to hire ciaries from using American organ asserted, is "the entirely military technicians in Franc e. funds, either directly or indirect- different attitude" being shown The State Department refused to ly, to finance unnecessary arms him in Tel Aviv where it said, the discuss the reported application on purchases. Israelis refuse to abide "by the grounds that military sales were The Conte amendments would main demand of this (the Security confidential. Details are released exempt Israel, Greece, Turkey, Council) resolution — the with- only through mutual agreement of Iran, Korea, the Philippines and drawal of the occupation forces the nations involved in such trans- Nationalist China. Aid could be from the Arab lands." actions, it was said. continued to other countries if (President Tito of Yugoslavia is A State Department source indi- the President justified to Congress seeking to bring together a "broad- cated doubts as to whether the that continuing aid to arms buyers ly-based" international conference Jordanian military establishment was "vital to the national security of nonaligned and other "inde- possessed the technical know-how of the United States." The Sym- pendent" states to find peaceful to operate Hawks. It was pointed ington amendment would oblige solutions for the Far East and out that intensive training of the President to sever aid to any Middle East, the Christian Science Israeli missile experts was re- country which used either Ameri- Monitor reported from Cairo. quired before the Hawks sold to can aid or its own resources in France, Pakistan and Romania military purchases that "materially might be invited to this conference, Israel became operational. the native quarters of every Arab short distance to the south. Again The State Department was de- interfere witht development." It the paper said, in addition to the town from Casablanca to Baghdad. the Jordanian fire was quickly picted as concerned lest Jordan, provided for no exemptions. states attending the nonaligned The nature of the casbah makes silenced by Israeli guns. In both m desperation because of short- Rep. John S. Monagan, Conn. conferences in Belgrade in 1961 it a natural hiding place for ter- attacks. Israeli units returned the ages accentuated by recent border Dem., warned the House that the and Cairo in 1964. The Cairo rorists and fugitives of all kinds. fire too swiftly for the Jordanians , friction, accept Soviet munitions United Nations mission of Gun- , daily. Al Ahram, quoted by the As a search went on, Israeli patrols to zero in on settlement buildings.' offers. The status of King Hussein nar Jarring in the Middle East ' Monitor, said that Tito had also with loudspeakers ordered all Their shells landed harmlessly was said to be at stake as pres- "has accomplished little" and decided to start an "intensified male residents to the central outside the settlement perimeters. sures from the Jordanian Army that the Arab-Israeli situation diplomatic campaign" to put the plaza of Nablus for an identifica- Sunday afternoon the Jor- were intensified. A view was ex- had reached an "impasse." He Middle East crisis back into the tion check. danians shifted the fire to the pressed here that the recent firing urged that the United States United Nations Security Council.) r . 18 Israeli Fatalities Noted central section near the Damiyah across cease-fire lines was a way government "forcibly assert" to (King Hassan II of Morocco said Bridge. After the fire was re- of putting King Hussein "on the Israel and the Arab States that Since Cease Fire in Effect turned, the Jordanians shifted spot" because of the anxiety of "negotiations are vital for world in an interview published in Paris (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Match Tuesday that he "does not fire to the Allenby and Abdallah Jordanian officers for new peace and that the parties should to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Defense Minis- Bridges near Jericho. Firing sub- weapons. Some State Department set about re-examining their deny that Israel has a right to exist." The North African ruler ter Moshe Dayan disclosed in the sided late in the afternoon at officials are of the opinion that positions." added, "I simply think that the Knesset Tuesday night that 18 Is- Gesher but the shooting con- cover-fire for the El Fatah terror- The Congressman, a member of state of Israel was established in raelis have been killed and 68 tinued in the central and south- ists would be intensified and the wounded in clashes or acts of ern river sectors. cease-fire line deteriorated into a the Foreign Affairs Committee a very sensitive area.") sabotage along the Israel-Jordan The Israeli strategy was to "DMZ" (Demilitarized Zone) like demarcation line since last June's match weapon for weapon, using that separating the two Vietnams cease-fire agreement went into ef- tanks and artillery when the if the United States continues to feet. Three of the Israeli fatalities Jordanians put such arms into desist from shipping arms. Should and six of the wounded were action. One Jordanian tank was the Russians fill Jordan's muni- civilians, he said. The Jordanians. knocked off the Abdallah Bridge tions demands, the situation would on their part. suffered more than by Israeli gunners. Initial reports become even worse for Israel, of- 200 killed and more than 700 said that two Israeli soldiers had ficials said. wounded, he declared. been sliightly wounded. There The current study involved the Gen. Dayan made the figures were no later reports on casualties. Central Intelligence Agency a n d public in the course of a report In earlier clashes with Arab ter- the departments of State and De- on the security situation in which rorists. Israeli patrols killed eight fense. Officials were so preoccu- he accused the Jordanian authori- of the intruders. One patrol killed pied with Korea and Vietnam for ties of repeated flagrant violations three terrorists Saturday morning the last fortnight that the Jordan of the cease fire. aiding and abet- four hours after the guerrillas at- issue was deferred. It was revived ting sabotage against Israel and tacked Kibutz Yad Hanna with Monday because of "feverish" com- hampering the repatriation of mortar and bazooka shells. Two of munications from Amman and the That's what this father said. That's what you'll say, too West Bank residents under Is- the dead intruders were known to eruptions along the cease-fire line. rael's family reunion plan. have taken part in previous El The Soviet press, led by Izvestia, Every Friday's issue of The Jewish News brings you Gen. Dayan said that since Fatah attacks. In a previous clash, the government organ, and Pravda, complete coverage of all local, national and inter- the cease fire last June, the an Israeli patrol fought with a the publication of the Soviet Com- Jordanians initiated artillery fire group of seven terrorists north of munist Part y , is charging Israel national events. $6.00 a year (foreign, $7.00) across the demarcation line 41 Jericho, killing five. One Israeli with aggression in the recent fight- assures you of weekly delivery to your door. Mail times. There had been 13 cases soldier was killed and three ing in the Suez Canal which this coupon today! of sabotage, 12 mining incidents wounded in the encounter. brought to a halt plans for freeing Three Israeli field workers were 15 stranded foreign merchant ships and 24 attempts at sabotage that killed and two were injured on were foiled, completely Egypt's He said that Israel treated Jor- Feb. 8 when the tractor trailer and backing that Israel has no rights on dan as a neighboring country and they were riding in struck a mine claim the canal. would brook no Jordanian inter- near Kibutz Ashdod Yaacov in Pravda asserted that no agree- 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit, Mich. 48235 ference in the internal matters of the Beisan Valley. The incident, the West Bank. But the . Jordanians which occurred shortly past noon, ment exists under which Israel Please arrange home delivery for me of The Jewish News. has the right to supervise every- I enclose $6.00 (Foreign, $7.00) have prevented former Nest coincided with the Jordanian artil- Bankers from returning to their lery attack on Israeli forces along thing that is going on in the Suez Name homes under both the refugee the West Bank near Damiya Canal and Egypt was right in re- scheme and the family reunion Bridge. The attack touched off an jecting the "irrelevant claims of Address Israel." It charged that Israel plan which they deliberately j artillery and small arms duel. stopped by opening fire on Israeli ; Four Arab marauders were kill- "continues deliberately to aggra- I City State 'Zip Code vate the situation in the Middle THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS East." 36—Friday, February 16, 196$ soldiers and international Red (Continued from Page 1) Abba Eban to continue his talks' Cross personnel on the Allenby with Ambassador Jarring and to Bridge earlier this month. An Israeli offer to resume the encourage him to bring both sides together for direct peace negoti- reunion plan without the presence of the Red Cross was rejected by ations. Comment i ng on su ggestions a d Jordan, although Jordan's failure ' in Egyptian and Lebanese news- to guarantee the safety of IRC papers that the Middle East dis- personnel was responsible for its pute should he taken back to the suspension. Gen. Dayan said that Security Council which established Israel was doing everything in its Ambassador Jarring's mission by power to maintain normal life in its resolution of Nov. 22, 1967. the occupied areas. He noted, for Eban proposed that Israel should example. that West Bank residents dissociate itself from such a plan are permitted to visit Arab coun- should Jarring raise the question. tries and West Bankers and resi- The Cabinet concurred. Eban re- dents of the Gaza Strip can cross ported to the Cabinet on the talks the line for seasonal employment. between French President de Gaulle and President Abdul Aref Beisan Valley Settlements of Iraq in Paris last week. His re- See Third Day of Clashes port was not made public, but it TEL AVIV (JTA) — Artillery was believed that Eban sharply and mortar duels erupted Monday criticized the joint communique for the third successive day along issued by de Gaulle and Aref on the Israel-Jordan cease-fire line. the latter's departure from France The latest action was concentrated Saturday which stressed only one around the Beisan Valley settle- point of the Security Council's ments of Maoz Chaim and Kfar Nov. 22 resolution — that Israel Ruppin where pre-dawn shelling withdraw from occupied territories. from the east bank of the Jordan This was an imbalanced interpre- forced settlers into shelters. No tation of the resolution and a mis- damage was reported and Israeli leading formulation of its inten- guns quickly silenced the attackers tion, Eban is reported to have at both settlements. The latest outbreak of fighting stated. Jarring met with Eban for the began Saturday night when Jor- second time in 24 hours on Monday danian artillery provided covering and the frequency of their meet- fire for terrorists active in the ings indicated the increasing Beisan Valley. Israeli units re- gravity of the existing situation. turned the fire as usual. But the After Monday's meeting with Jordanians. apparently following a Eban, Jarring returned to his pre-arranged pattern, shifted their headquarters in Cyprus and attacks to other sectors along the planned additional meetings in cease-fire line. By nightfall Sun- Cairo and Amman. day, artillery, mortar and tank A JTA report from Tel Aviv duels were reported all along the states that Israeli security forces Jordan River, from Kibutz Gesher clamped a curfew on part of the. in the north to the Dead Sea in the West Bank town of Nablus as south. patrols conducted a house-to-house The Jordanians continued the search to flush out El Fatah ter- same pattern and hit Maoz Chaim rorists and their arsenal. The cur- with mortars. Israel return - fire few applied only to the casbah. was prompt and effective. But an the maze of narrow winding streets hour later, the attack was renewed, and dark alleys that characterize this time against Kfar Ruppin, a More Than I Expected ! • THE JEWISH NEWS: I