10 Friday, February 2, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Boris Smolar's 'Between You . . and Me (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) DEMONSTRATION OF AFFECTION: American Jewry is demon- strating its affection and high esteem for Avraham Harman, Israel's ambassador to the United States . . . Harman, who is beloved by all elements of American Jewry, is returning to Israel after having served for close to nine years as the chief diplomatic representative of the State of Israel in Washington . . The mark he left on the American Jewish community—not to speak of his achievements on the dinlomatic scene in Washington—can be seen best from the un- precedented number of functions given in his honor by national Jewish organizations as well as by organized Jewish communities in the larger cities . . . There is an atmosphere of sincere love in these "farewell" functions, whether in Chicago, Los Angeles, or other com- munities . . . There is a feeling of admiration for Harmon whether at the dinner tendered for him by the American Jewish groups . . . There is an aura of veneration whether the leave-taking party is arranged by the top leaders of the National United Jewish Appeals, or the Israel Bond Organization, or the American Section of the Jewish Agency. • • • DIPLOMAT IN ACTION: Successful as he was in his quiet dip- lomatic efforts in Washington during the term of his service—when Israel faced many trying times—and greatly admired by the Jews in this country, Ambassador Harman carried himsef with dignified modesty because modesty is part of his nature . . . This is what makes him so likeable by the people who know him . . . He is essen- tially a man of the people and for the peonle. and is known as such, both in Israel and in this country . . Here, in the United States, Jewish leaders always addressed him affectionately as "Abe" . . . He never stood on formalities, except when the rules of diplomatic eti- rviette demanded it . When he appeared at public gatherings, he snoke from the . heart and not from a prepared address . . . His sneeche were never issued to the press in advance . . . His main concern was the audience before whom he spoke . . . He inspired his audi-nces and was inspired by them while talking to them . . He could never tell in advance what would be the high points of his sneech. even if he gave thought to the general idea of his address ',et-ore he started it . . Yet, he never made any "slips" in the multitude of his public speeches, because he is generally a well- reasoniny and tactful person . . . American Jewish leadership admired him way hack in 1953 when he came to New York as Israel's consul general . . He held this post for two years and then returned to Israel to hieh posts there . . . Jewish leaders hoped that one day he would return to the United States . . . They were elated when he was anpointed in 1959 to the post of Israel's ambassador to Wash- ington. * WOMAN OF VALOR: Just as American Jewry came to love Ambassador Harman. so it has developed a strong affection also for his wife Zena. who is an important personality in her own rights ... A charming person and an excellent speaker, she plays a leading role in the United Nations as Israel's representative on matters dealing with social, cultural and humanitarian affairs . . . In fact, she is the chairman of the executive board of the UNICEF, the arm of the United Nations that brings aid to children in many countries. . . . She has been one of the pillars of UNICEF for the last 17 years and has established for herself quite a reputation in the field of international humanitarian work . . . A graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science, she settled with her husband in Palestine in 1940—when the country was involved in the war with Nazi Germany—and lost no time in becoming active in Youth Aliya work . . . Soon after the establishment of the State of Israel, she was named by the Israel Government as member of its delegation to the United Nations . . . It took her only one year and she was chosen a rapporteur of the UN Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Com- mittee—one of the major UN committees . . . She also was a member of the UN Commission on the Status of Women . . . With her excellent record in social and humanitarian work, she became- vice president of the International Council of Women, a member of the executive of the International Conference of Social Work, and a leading figure in other international organizations engaged in humanitarian pro- grams . . Busy in all these activities, she nevertheless found the time to bring up three children in the spirit of a Jewish mother, in Jewish tradition, and in strong love for Israel . . . To her and to Ambassador Harman American Jewry says now "L-hitraot"—"To See You Again" in the United States. Now Possible To Shrink Hemorrhoids And Promptly Stop Itching, Relieve Pain In Most Cases. Science has found a medication with the ability, in most cases— to relieve pain, itching and shrink hemorrhoids. In case after case doctors proved, while gently re- lieving pain, actual reduction took place. The secret is Preparation Hs. It also soothes irritated tis- sues and helps prevent further infection. Just ask for Prepara- tion H Ointment or Suppositories. Adv. sl Zionist Congress Definitely June 9 Dr. Viktor Frankl Relates Personal WWII Experiences In the interview he gave to the current issue of Psychology Today, the world famous Viennese psychi- atrist, Dr. Viktor Frankl told of his experience in Auschwitz. He was interviewed by the managing editor of Psychology Today, Mary Harrington Hall, and explained many vital issues relating to psy- chiatry, the last war, the Freudian explorations, his correspondence with Freud and the Nazi attitudes. Dr. Frankl told the editor of the magazine, which reports on all as- pects of psychology, society and the human conditions related to general interests, that he could have left Austria on a U.S. visa but stayed on on account of his parents. He told of a brief encounter with Dr. Sigmund Freud, of the confis- cation by the Nazis of "case his- tories written by the young Freud when he was at the same clinic in Vienna where I worked." Of special interest in the inter- view is the following excerpt: HALL: I'd like to ask you more about the unhappy days when you were in charge of the department of neurology under the Nazis. Were you able to save any patients who c . might h a ve g as and 7' w /T/1 : erg FRANKL: S te i7d, FnC help of a member of the Nazi party! , My beloved teacher Poetzl, was a Nazi. Once I had a patient suffering from a brain tumor who needed surgery. I lifted the receiver and called the Nazi Poetzl. He rushed to a taxi, left all his responsibilities, and came to the Jewish Hospital, to help me diagnose a Jew's ailment." He, in turn, telephoned the greatest brain surgeon and said, "I have for ad- mitted y ho ou sinri a l i i g After r hte they h: e ;all/ the day after tomorrow, he added, "In- he is Jewish." By then the bififnita"Yr' su g eon could not withdraw his consent. The Nazis were using euthana- sia, you know, and patient who was regardedasld every each a was sent to the gas chamber. Even the relatives, mothers-in-law, t forth v of high-ranking party fun ctio naries gassed. And Poetzl could not help them. The only people he rescued we / re Jewish psychotics , because ed th e y be sent to a Jewish Home for the Aged. Whenever such a case occurred, ex- ample, a schizophrenic was diagnosed by me as a case c;Lti lthyasia. After all, might eg lose faci lity to speak after a stroke. And a case of suicidal depres- sion was diagnosed as a delirium from a feverish infection. Poetzl was the man who made it possible. This way Jewis h sax under. stand why I say that if one was a Nazi, it does not necessarily mean that one was guilty. There are only two races of people, the decent ones and the indecent ones, and they cross bio- logical races and political parties. What matters is the man. HALL: I have known only a few concentration-camp survivors. Those I do know seem always to be in need of justifying their existence. It is as though they constantly question their right of survival. FRANKL: That is true. Let us take the case of a transport which prisoners knew was to take them to the gas chamber. There was neither time nor desire on the part of prisoners to con- sider moral or tehical issues. Every man was controlled by one thought only —to keep himself alive . . . and to save his friends. With no hesitation, there- fore, he would arrange for another prisoner to take his place. On the aver- VS,I 2 Philly Firms Give High Posts to Jews PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — Two corporations with headquarters in Philadelphia recently advanced or appointed Jewish personnel to high posts in management, the manage- ment consulting service of the Am- erian Jewish Committee and the Jewish Employment and Vocational Service reported. Scott Paper Co. promoted an ex- ecutive to assistant general counsel and named a chemist as a scientific specialist in its research division. The Fidelity Mutual Life Insur- ance Co. advanced three of its Jew- JERUSALEM (JTA)—June 9 has ish officials to higher management been confirmed by members of posts, one of them to a vice presi- the Zionist General Council as the dency. The AJC-JEVS service was es- opening date of the next W or Id tablished with a grant from the Zionist Congress to be held in Leon C. Sunstein Foundation in Jerusalem, council chairman Yaa- 1966 to assist and encourage em- chov Tzur announced here. Coun- cil members were asked to con- firm the date in a questionnaire circulated among them. The coun- cil praesidium decided not to con- vene the council in March because the date is too close to the con- gress opening. ployers in industry and finance to recruit qualified Jews for execu- tive and management posts and to urge qualed Jews to take advan- tage of expanding opportunities in such positions with large corpora- tions, fields in which Jews tradi- tionally have been barred. OSS REALTY Co. age, only those survived who, after years of trekking from camp to camp, lost all scruples in their fight for existence. They were prepared to use every means, honest and otherwise, in order to save themselves. The best of us did not return. My wife and I were married in Vi- enna in 1941. She died at Bergen-Belsen and I still do not know the date of her death. HALL: How did you survive? FRANKL: I was lucky. And I survived better as a person because I had a rich intellectual background, an inner life on which to draw. And I had a mission, WHEN YOU c to counsel other inmates. Do you know what my fantasy and finally compulsion became in those years? I wanted to live to go mountain-climbing again. — A COCKTAIL c a d ffy 1,1 , f 0 BAInDS • CE1NOtt MORIS HUPPERT Fine Custom Tailoring and Ready to Wear. Full line of Haberdashery, Tuxedo Sales and Rentals HARVARD ROW MALL 11 MILE & LASHER • t: PRODS OPEN THURSDAY TO 9 P.M. ATTN: IMPORTANT MESSAGE . . . 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Every new tree in the Jerusalem Heroes Forest represents, first — the desire of some man, woman or child, perhaps thousands of miles away, to see Jerusalem united, Israel reborn. MAKE YOUR LINK WITH ISRAEL MORE MEANINGFUL JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 2.2100 Greenfield Rd., Oak Park, Mich. 48237 Phone: 399-0820 Office Hours: Mon. thru Thurs., 9 to 5; Friday, 9 4; Sunday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Trees are $2.50 each (tax deductable) - "Smartest Move You'll Ever Make" 17350 LIVERNOIS DI 2-1300