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January 26, 1968 - Image 26

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1968-01-26

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Detroiters Attend Samuel S. Greenberg Cited in N.Y.;
Farewell Dinner Heads Occupational Council Division
Dr. Howe to Discuss Yiddish
Samuel S. Greenberg, Detroit at- and other overseas countries.
at Sholem Aleichem Institute for Envoy Harman torney
At the present time, 25 Jewish
and communal ea r, was

26—Friday, January 26, 1968

Sholem Aleichem Institute will
present Prof. Irving Howe, critic,
writer, and editor, lecturing on
"Yiddish Poetry in Translation" 1
p.m. Saturday.
At a recent symposium on Jew-
ish culture. Howe predicted the
continued decline of Yiddish as a
living language in everyday life.
but emphasized the importance of
translating the great works of Yid-
dish prose and poetry so that we
may preserve their beauty and val-
Howe is working on two books
in this spirit; one is the story of
the Yiddish subculture created
in American Jewish life, the sec-
ond a translation of Yiddish poet-
ry with Eliezer Greenberg with
whom he edited "A Treasury of
Yiddish Stories."
Howe, editor of Dissent magazine
and contributor to the New York
Review of Books, Commentary, and
Partisan Review. His latest work is
"Steady Work: Essays in the Poli-
tics of Democratic Radicalism,
1953 - 1966.'•
A severe critic of American soc-

All Must File
for Income Tax

Everyone under 65 years old,
whether single or married, who is
a citizen or resident of the United
States and had gross income of
$600 or more during the year must
file a federal income tax return.
If you are 65 or older on the last
day of your tax year, no return is
required unless gross income was
$1,200 or more. If your income is
under the above figures, you
should file a return to obtain any
refund due you of income tax with-
held from salaries or wages.
Minor children are subject to
the same filing requirements as
all other taxpayers. A person
under 21 years as,age must file
an income tax return if his gross
income fur the year amounted to
$600 or more.
Businessmen, farmers and other
self-employed persons must file a
return if net earnings from self-
employment were $400 or more.
Document No. 5107, which fur-
nishes more detailed information
on this subject, may be obtained
by dropping a postcard to District
Director, Internal Revenue Service,
Detroit 48226.

New Rules in Effect
for Medicare Claims



iety since depression days, Howe
' refers to himself as a Democratic

The lecture is open to the public
at a nominal admission charge. Re-
freshments will be served.


Christian Correspondent
Criticizes Anti-Israel View
Editor, The Jewish News:
I was surprised to read that the
general secretary on ecumenical
commissions of the United Presby-
terian Church, could not "condone
by silence" Israel's "territorial ex-
pansion by armed force." How can
Dr. John Coventry Smith be a
Presbyterian. unless he closes his
eyes to all the blood shed by Gene-
va Popery Calvinized? If John Cal-
vin, the founder of Presbyterian,
could burn his opponent, Michael
Servetus at the stake for a differ-
ence of opinion, why condemn Is-
rael for defending herself from an-
nihilation? And does not history
reveal that during the 16th and
17th Centuries, Presbyterianism
was founded and baptized in human
Furthermore, is it not clearly
prophesied in the Bible that the
Jewish people will return to the
land of their fathers, with none
to make them afraid? God gave
all the land of Canaan to Abraham
and his seed—through Isaac not
through Ishmael. The land included
the territory from the Euphrates
to the Nile rivers (Genesis 15:18).
Hundreds of years later, Jermiah
revealed that though they were
about to go into captivity, at some
later date God would give to the
people of Israel their land. "There
is hope for your future, says the
I Lord, and your children shall come
(31:17). I suggest that our Pres-
byterian doctor should acquaint
himself with the Bible and his own
church history, before attempting to
debate Israel's right of conquest
by force when surrounded by de-
stroying armies.
Sincerely yours,
22636 Tireman

British Auto Co. Merger
`Won't Affect Israel'

(Direct JTA Teletype Wire
to The Jewish News)

At the Israel Bond board of gov-
ernors farewell dinner for Ambas-
sador Avraham Harman, held in
New York, last week, (from left),
Ambasador Harman, who is leav-
ing his post as Israel Ambassador
to the United States; Mrs. Morris
L. Schaver, chairman of the De-
troit Israel Bond women's division,
and Joseph Holtzman, vice chair-
man, Detroit Israel Bond Commit-
A farewell luncheon to Ambas-
sador Harman and his wife Zena
was given by the Jewish Agency-
American Section Tuesday in New

Men's Clubs

presents its annual games night 8
p.m. Saturday, in the social hall.
Duplicate bridge and other games
will be offered. Refreshments, a
late snack and prizes for tourna-
ment winners will be featured.
Admission is free to paid-up mem-
bers, a nominal charge for guests.
Reservations may be made
through the temple office, UN 3-
* * *
TION MEN'S CLUB will meet
8 p.m. Feb. 8, in the synagogue
social hall. The group meets the
second Thursday of each month.
* * *
ladies auxiliary, American Legion,
will charter a bus to take 55 girls
of the Beth Jacobs School to the
Shrine Circus 11:30 a.m. Feb. 6
at the State Fair Grounds. The
arrangements committee to accom-
pany the children includes Joe
Shapiro, past commander, David
Pessman, Louis Bogrow, Abe
Cohen, Esther Raminick, presi-
dent, and Fay Bogrow.

LONDON — The merger of the
Layland Motor Corp. with the
British Motor Holdings Co. Last
When medicare first started on week will in no way affect the for-
July 1. 1966, there were two ways mer company's operations in Is-

for older people to get their doctor rael, Sir Donald Stokes, chief ex-
bills paid under the program, the ecutive of the new corporation
formed a drama
doctor's agreeing to claim the 80 told the Financial Times Tuesday.
group which will hold its next
per cent payment direct from medi-
The Leyland Motor Corp. is a meeting 8 p.m. Wednesday, at the
care, by filling out an application
form. or by the beneficiary first 50 per cent partner in Leyland home of Doris Sandler, 13320
paying the bill and then apply for Ashdod Ltd. which assembles buses Woodvale, Oak Park. Director is
the medicare payment, with or and trucks in Israel and has a 25 Edith Hoffman, and music and
per cent share in autocars, a Haifa lyrics by Jay Schwartz. All aux-
withoJt the help of the doctor.
firm that manufacturers passen- iliaries are asked to participate.
Di s trict manager Sam F. Test
For information, call Dorothy
ger automobiles.
of the Social Security Administra-
Goldberg, UN 2-6610.
Sir Donald spoke in denial of
tion calls attention to Congress
• * *
having changed this to eliminate press reports in Israel that Ley-
BALE POST will meet for dinner
the necessity for the beneficiary's land's operations in that country and entertainment 7 p.m. Monday
paying the bill first, in cases where might serously embarrass its new at Carleton House.
the doctor decides not to make the merger partner, which has been
claim himself. Now all the bene- trying to penetrate the Arab mar-
ficiary needs is an itemized bill ket. He said "We have an arrange- Yad Vashem Honors MD
—not an itemized, receipted bill ment (in Israel) that is going Who Saved Jewish Child
ahead perfectly satisfactorily and
as in the past.
OTTAWA (JTA) — In a short
Test states that the assignment- we do not envisage any change but moving ceremony at the Em-
bassy of Israel Tuesday, Ambassa-
to-the-doctor method is still the at all."
dor Arieh Eshel presented a cer-
simplest method for all concerned.
It requires the use of only the Aliens Face Deadline
tificate of honor issued by the Is-
rael Commemorative Institute of
"Request for Paymerits" form,
W e dnesd a y i the deadline for Martyrs and Heroes (Yad Vashem)
with no attachments or enclosures filing address report forms as re-
that might become separated from quired under provisions of the to Dr. Zbigniew Gorecki, now of
the claims form and delay a pay- 1952 Immigration and Nationality Cornwall, Ont., who as a young
ment. Under this method, the doc- Act. Aliens who have not yet filed doctor in Poland in 1942 saved the
tor agrees to accept the "reason- their address reports must do so life of a Jewish child by smuggling
able charge" determined by the no later than Jan. 31 at the nearest her out to safety under the noses
carrier, as his full charge, and post office or immigration and of the Gestapo.
Her parents had decided to com-
the basis of the 80 per cent pay- Naturalization Service office.
mit suicide rather than be killed
ment made to him. The patient is
A total of 141,376 aliens filed ad- by the Nazis, and before their
responsible for the other 20 per
cent, or any part of the $50 annual dress reports in Michigan last death had entrusted their 8-year-
deductible that might be remain- ' year. Reports for 1968 are ex- old daughter to Dr. Gorecki in the
hope that be could save her.
I petted to total 144,000.


appointed chairman of the ,newly
established international division
of the Jewish Occupational Council
at its annual board of directors
meeting in New York, Jan. 19.
The following evening, a testi-
monial dinner was accorded
Greenberg in recognition of his
many years of service to the coun-
cil. Among the Detroiters who at-
tended this meeting were mem-
bers of his family, Messrs. and
Mesdames Ronald Greenberg,
Jules Schaffer and James Pollack.
Also attending were Harry Platt,
Samuel Cohen, assistant director
of the Jewish Welfare Federation,
and Albert Cohen, executive direc-
tor of the Jewish Vocational Ser-
In paying tribute to Greenberg,
Maxwell M. Luchs of the Ameri-
can Jewish Congress pointed to
his crucial role in developing the
agency from a small, little-
known organization to its current
position of prominence in the
Jewish community, nationally
and overseas. Also emphasized
were Greenberg's successes in
attracting outstanding leaders in
the American Jewish community
to the ranks of the JOC.
His son, Ronald announced the
establishment by his family and
friends of a special scholarship
within the Jewish Welfare Federa-
tion of Detroit, as a living tritbute
to his father's name, on the occa-
sion of his 65th birthday.
The international division will in-
clude representatives from the
ministries of labor, social welfare,
education, social security and the
national insurance institute of
Israel, among others. This division
will seek to extend the programs
and scope of the council in Israel

vocational service agencies are
members of the council, including
the Detroit Jewish Vocational
Service and Community Workshop.
Elected to the chairmanship of
the board of the JOC was Benjamin
S. Loewenstein of Philadelphia.


(Just Great)



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Greenberg Shul Opens
Registrations for Spring

The Hayim Greenberg Hebrew-
Yiddish Shul will open enrollment
for the spring semester Thursday
for classes in the lower afternoon
grade school and in the nursery.
The shul offers a Jewish back-
ground in Hebrew, Yiddish, Jewish
history, Bible, tradition, current
events, songs and holidays. Trans- I
portation is provided.
For registration and information,
call the school, UN 4-6319.

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The Regency has facilities for 100,
but patrons are requested to limit their guest lists
to 75 as the art of preparing and serving food graciously
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Ask for. Gary Marcus

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