Flint Mobilizes Forces For Annual UJA. Drive Three Detroit Art Festivals Army Intelligence Chief Of Israel Due on Feb. 7 The Flint Jewish community began formation of a eampaign organization for the 1968 drive for the United Jewish Appeal . .. Gilbert J. Rubenstein was chosen gen- eral chairman of the campaign . . . Michael A. Pelavin has been named associate chairman. The Jewish Community Center, Sholem Aleichem Institute and Cong. Shaarey Zedek are planning exten- sive art festivals this month. Detailed Stories, Page 11 Detailed Stories, Pages 13, 20 Brig. Gen. Aharon Yariv, chief of intelligence of the Israel army, will address a black tie pre-campaign dinner of contributors of $1,000 and over to the Allied Jewish Cam- paign-Israel Emergency Fund, Feb. 7, at the Statler-Hilton Hotel. Various campaign divisions have mobilized their forces for the double-barreled drive and will hold sectional meetings during the coming two weeks. Pope Paul's New Scheme on Jerusalem's Internationalization • Prophets of Doom in Our Society Editorials Page 4 Vol. LI I, No. 19 Detailed Stories, Page 10 THE JEWISH NEWS DETROI T A Weekly Review 1 Tribute to NAIc1-1IG,.. 2k. Paul Schutzer of Jewish Events Commentary Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle X 27 Revival of Autopsy Issue • 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit — VE 8-9364 —January 26, 1968 Page 2 $6.00 Per Year, This Issue 20c Israel Aims to Retain French Friendship; Alliance Official Predicts End of Arms Embargo LBJ Pressure to Influence Jewry on Vietnam Through Eshkol Denied in Washington WASHINGTON, D.C. (JTA)—Israeli officials described "as absurd" newspaper reports that Prime Minister Levi Eshkol had attempted to influence American Jewish leaders, or that he did so, on Vietnam at the request of President Johnson. The .Israeli officials stated that "it is inconceivable that the Israel government would handle matters of vital importance to the security of its people on such a basis. The prime minister would clearly limit himself to an exposition of Israel's own prob- lems and policies in any audience he would address." The Israeli officials stated that "the Israeli position has always been one of resistance to aggression wherever it occurs and insisting on the right of every country to lead its own life free of subversion and threats. This has been stated by official Israeli spokesmen in recent years at the United Nations and else- where. Similarly, Israel has invariably advocated that all situa- tions of conflict be resolved by direct negotiations." The Republican Congressional Committee, in an official ex- pression of party opinion, criticized President Johnson for defer- (Continued on Page 3) JERUSALEM (JTA)—Foreign Minister Abba Eban said Israel would not easily surren- der its friendship with France and will strive to protect and enrich it. He told a delegation of the United Israel Appeal of France, headed by Baron Elie de Rothschild, that the Franco- Israeli relationship had developed to a point where both peoples had recognized its in- trinsic value and he noted that French leaders had given many proofs of their friendship. The foreign minister said that the embargo on sale of French arms to Israel, coupled with the withdrawal of French political support, had been a double blow for Israel. He pointed out that since 1955 French arms for Israel had served to offset the Soviet deliveries of weapons to Egypt, and he stressed that the Franco-Israel understanding had long been re- garded by both governments as a major factor in the avoidance of war. He expressed the belief- that peace would provide the framework in which all other problems could be resolved. French Military Delegation Weighs Sale of Mirage Jets to Iraq PARIS, (JTA)—A French military delegation, now in Iraq, is studying the possibility of selling Mirage III and Mirage V jets to that country. it was reliably reported here. But the Iraqi government is insisting, as a pre- condition of such a sale, that France continue its embargo on the sale of Mirage jets to Israel. Salomon Siderich, an official of the Franco-Israel Alliance, a group of Jewish and non-Jewish personalities interested in furthering relations between France and Israel. said he had reason to believe the embargo on arms shipments to Israel would be lifted soon. He made this statement after conferring with members - of the French cabinet, including M. Schumann, minister of scientific research, and with members of the Gaullist party center. (President de Gaulle will lift the French arms embargo against Israel, probably (Continued on Page 5) Allenby Bridge Becomes an International Border Post; Nablus Mayor Urges Arabs Come to Terms With Israel; Tito Wants Withdrawal; India's President Urges Security NEW DELHI—The president of India and Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia both called for a political solution of the Middle East crisis. But Tito maintained that while the Arab states were ready for such a solu- tion, Israel was delaying it by continued occupation of Arab terri- tories. These views on the Middle East were voiced at a ban- quet given Monday night by President Zakir Hussain for Marshal Tito. who is visiting India for talks with Prime Minister Indira Ghandi. Tito and Mrs. Ghandi will be joined on Jan. 26 by Premier Alexei Kosygin of the USSR. President Hussain said Tito that "while we adhere strict- ly to the principle that the spoils of agr- gression must be given up, we also adhere to the principle that every state has the right to live in peace and security with its neighbors." He said he welcomed the cur- rent efforts of the United Nations to find a peaceful solution in the Middle East. Marshal Tito, on the other hand, said "we of course cannot be satisfied with What has been achieved in the U.S. so far in the search for a solution to the crisis crossings where the two-way traffic flows. Apparently in line with maintenance of the fiction, Israeli military government sources acknowledged the visits of the Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News Jordanian businessmen but said the visits in the Middle East and there exist condi- links the occupied West Bank with Jordan were "private." is becoming a regular international border tions for further constructive action." The Knesset was urged Monday night • • • post through which people and goods move to reconsider the exemption of yeshiva with relative freedom. Forty-one former students from military service. Represen- JERUSALEM — The mayor of Nablus West Bankers crossed the bridge from Jor- tatives of the independent Liberal Party advised fellow Arabs Tuesday to come to terms with Israel's presence on the West dan Monday, returning under the family re- faction said it was intolerable for thousands Bank because Israel shows every intention union scheme approved by Israel some of students to be exempt while tens of of staying there and cannot be destroyed. months ago. The ministry of interior mean- thousands of other young men serve as con- while has recommended that police take scripts for as long as three years. , Mayor Hamdi Kanaan, who was elected * over the job of checking travelers' docu- before last June's war, said that was the opinion of all West Bank mayors. ments, a duty handled up to now by Israeli LONDON — Foreign Secretary George army units. BroWn told the House of Commons Monday Mayor Kanaan spoke to correspondents Several Jordanian businessmen are that he had "very great hopes" that British of Agence France Presse and an Israeli now visiting the West Bank and East Jeru- ships trapped in the Great Bitter Lake near news service. He said that the "conquest salem. presumably in connection with ex- the southern end of the Suez Canal since of Palestine by Israel" in 1948 was the panding the brisk two-way trade between last June "will be out in the reasonably "greatest disaster of the century" and that the occupied areas and Jordan. which both near future." Brown said the government Israel should have been "annihilated" a Israel and Jordan continue officially to is "in constant touch with United Arab Re- year or two after its establishment. -but ignore. now it's too late." lie cited, as evidence public authorities" on the matter and that The trade continues to grow, and both the ambassador in Cairo had been given a of Israel's intention to remain in the West Bank territories, various projects such as countries avoid hampering it because it is time-table of the survey work necessary to to the benefit of both; but again this week clearing the southern end of the canal. A- road building and offers of loans to West Bank schools. He noted that Israeli occupy- a Jordanian Foreign Ministry spokesman total of 15 merchant ships of various na- ing forces in Nablus "try to be pleasant" claimed the flourishing commercial - ex- tionalities, among them four tinder the changes were "unofficial" and stemming British flag, have been stranded in the but are met with "glances of venomous hatred" from the citizens. from the ability of Jordanian drivers to Great Bitter Lake since Egypt shut down Unobtrusively, the Allenby Bridge that "bribe" Israeli guards at the Jordan River the canal during the Six-Day War. Variety of News Items Affecting Israel Indicates Continuity of Tensions, Search for Peace in M.E.