THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 5, 1968-5 Toynbee's Mantle as Professional Agitator Against Jews Records Indicate Work of Pioneer in Birth Control by the Arab dignitaries and (Continued from Page 1) British ambassador, Sir Harold Hitler and Toynbee shook }Seeley; his one-time assistant, hands at the beginning and end was also present. In 1961, Toyn- of their conversation, and Toyn- bee said to the Arabs: "Why bee adds that he had studied Palestine as the Land of the the "beautiful" hands of Hitler, Popular belief notwithstanding, with their "eloquent" and "grace- Jews?" The Jews should acquire birth control and the importance ful" gestures. His voice was some other territory somewhere of pediatric medicine are not prod- "agreeably human" and it was in Europe. Arab unity was es- ucts of 20th Century Ameri- -sential, so that the Arab refugees only when he mentioned the ca. Strangely enough, they ap- could return "under a Palestin- word "Russia" that it became peared on the American scene as a "raucous" and he "genuinely ian government." Cairo exulted result in large part of the unsuc- went crazy". just as Berlin had dime, and the cessful German Revolution of 1848. Arab League was as pleased as Toynbee has published 10 or the Nazi Ministry of Foreign Af- Sources available at the Ameri- more books denouncing several fairs had once been. can Jewish Archives on the campus countries. Major G. Melas, in his of the Hebrew Union College— book, "Answer to a Libel" (1922) Isaiah Berlin, in his- essay on Toynbee is consumed by his Sidney Webb (Lord Passfield) and his wife, Beatrice, were "inhuman" Jewish psychosis. He 'seems to have donned the mantle of a pro- or not, but Lord Passfield's "in- human" White Paper is not re- fessional agitator against Jews, Judaism, Zionism and the State of called. In "Trial and Error," Weiz- mann gives us Lady Passfield's re- Israel. He is not alone in wield- markable words: "I can't under- ing his pen in order to spread stand why the Jews make such a hatred against the Jews. Unfor- fuss over a few of their people tunately, we have always had— killed in Palestine. As many are and still have—thousands of such killed every week in London in writers. The Jews have managed traffic accidents, and no one pays to survive them all and will, no attention." H. G. Wells said her doubt, continue to do so in the "soul" was "bony" and someone future. else said to her, "You are a wom- Common sense and determina- an without a soul." From the moment they met, tion will take you a long way in Jewish Institute of Religion in Cin- writes: " . . . Toynbee who, with L. B. Namier, declares that "the Toynbee was attracted to Lewis any line of endeavor. cinnati, indicate the effects of that unsatiated hatred for the Greelai men who opposed Zionism were Namier, the "foreigner" and "East revolutionary upheaval on Dr. Ab- continues to publish violent ar- the same as those who were Galician stranger," and has kind raham Jacobi and his medical ca- titles against the country whose against Churchill", ,among them things to say about Namier, the veer. His letters and memoirs make history he teaches . . . " Now his Toynbee. And he adds: "Pro-Ger- historian. But, when he writes of it possible to reconstruct Dr. Ja- hatred is concentrated against mans (Nazis) and pro-Arabs were Namier the Zionist, he describes him as "vehement," "vindictive" cobi's career and contribution to Zionism. He besmirches Zionism one gang". American medicine. by comparing it with Nazism. His In "Acquaintances," Toynbee and "even venomous." Toynbee Graduated with a medical degree response to protests is: "I devoted describes members of his family was editor of the Chatham House from the University of Bonn in 60 pages to the persecution of the and other personalities, from Survey and used his position to 1851, Abraham Jacobi found him- Jews." His 60 pages about the Uncle "Harry" to "Lord Samuel." present the history of Palestine self the victim of the post-revolu- Nazi criminals cannot conceal his His portraits are incomplete and under the British Mandate from tionary witch hunt and spent his deadly sins against Zionism. At a often distorted. He admires Prof. an anti-Zionist angle. For this rea- son, Namier broke off his friend- first two years after college in meeting in Montreal a student S, D. Margoliouth, whom he some- re- prison, accused of subversive ac- asked him whether he was an anti- times accompanied on walks in ship with him, though Toynbee later they met by tivities. Escaping in 1853, he at- Semite. "No," he replied, "some , Oxford, as a Syriac scholar. Mar- calls that in years the street and became tempted unsuccessfully to establish of my best friends in England are goliouth, who was "also a clergy- chance himself first in England and then Jews." How frequently similar man of the Church of England," reconciled. I sentiments were expressed in pre- disliked everything "oriental," says in Boston. His third attempt, in the tene- war Berlin and Vienna! L. B. one critic. Toynbee does not men- meat section of New York City, Namier once said: "When a non- tion that his father, Ezekiel Margo- was the real beginning of his illus- Jew starts, `I have many friends liouth, was a converted Jew who among the Jews," the Jew knows became a missionary. Toynbee trious career. that this is not a preface to corn- ' seems to have become infected By 1857, Jacobi had become so IMMEDIATE pliments: that a 'but' will inevi- with Margoliouth's missionary zeal. well known as a pediatrist that Toynbee expresses his gratitude DELIVERY tably follow, leading up to anti- he was appointed lecturer on the for the "generous" payments he See pathology of infancy and child- Semiti remarks." editor Scott, As was to be expected, Toyn- received from C. P. hood at the College of Physicians bee has made a pilgrimage to of the Manchester Guardian, for Harry and Surgeons in New York City. Larry Stern Cairo. He was warmly welcomed his contributions to that paper, Less than 10 years after his grad- NO FALSE PROMISES — JUST GOOD DEALS but omits to mention that C.P.S. uation from the University of "WE SELL BECAUSE OF OUR REPUTATION" has won a place in the history of Bonn, Dr Jacobi became the first New York YM-YWHA Zionism for his services to the American professor of the dis- Zionist cause. Aids Parents of Retarded eases of children, at the New NEW YORK (JTA)—A $120,000 In the chapter on "Lord 12555 GRAND RIVER near Meyers York Medical College. three-year pilot education project Bryce," Toynbee tells us that A prolific writer, Jacobi helped to help parents of mildly mentally under the direction of Lord BR 2-2470 establish the "American Journal retarded adolescents and young Bryce, he wrote a "Blue Book" TE 4-4440 LI 8-4119 of Obstetrics" in 1862. He also con- adults to deal with the social and about the persecution of the Ar- tributed to the "New York Medi- sexual behavior of their children menians by Turkey. It could be cal Journal" and published several , has been started by the Associated that his anti-Zionism stems from books and articles on the diseases' YM-YWHAs of Greater New York. the fact that the Zionists were of children and women. He was The project is being carried out given the Balfour Declaration honored with the presidency of - at two Ys. and not the Armenians as well. numerous medical societies, among One is the East Flatbush-Rugby Incidentally, the Balfour Decla- them the American Medical, Asso- YM-YWHA in Brooklyn, where 90 ration was not issued after the elation, the American Pediatric I per cent of the retarded children capture of Jerusalem by Allen- (By Famous Makers) Society and the New York Acad- served by the Y are Jewish. The by, but weeks beforehand. emy of Medicine. Many years later, other is the Samuel Field YM- From the time of his visit to '68s LARRY & HARRY JOE MAY CHEVROLET YEAR-END SALE! SUBURBAN COATS • JACKETS the Jacobi Hospital in The Bronx YWIIA in Little Neck, Queens, would perpetuate his name. where 60 per cent are Jewish. To- Palestine, in 1914, Lord Bryce was a friend of Zionism—a fact which Toynbee overlooks—and he warmly welcomed the Balfour Declaration. Lord Cecil, at the festive meeting held at the Lon- don Opera House on Dec. 2, 1917, expressed his pleasure at the presence of Arab and Arme- nian representatives to welcome the Balfour Declaration, saying: "Our wish is that Arabian coun- tries shall be for the Arabs, Ar- menia for the Armenians and Judea for the Jews." In his chapters on "Field-Afar- Dr. Jacobi, active in the Civil gether the two Ys serve more than Service Reform Association, con- 110 educable mentally retarded tinually stressed the importance of youth in winter programs and scientific methods and progress, about 140 in summer programs. and was not afraid to express un- The project, which is being car- popular views. He opposed prohi- vied out with a U.S. Public Health bition, whose negative impact on Service grant and in cooperation American society he foresaw, and with the Child Study Association of he advocated birth control after America, is resigned to fill a major assessing the unfortunate effects gap in education programs for par- of frequent births on women and c ots whose retarded child is grow- the resulting diminishment of at- 1 .,„ up, according to Dr. Douglas " ' ' Imes, project director and di- tention given the children of large Ho families. rector of the Associated Ys re- He practiced medicine in New search department. shal Smuts", "Cplonel T. E. Law- I York for nearly 66 years. His prac- rence" and "Sir Alfred Zimmern." tice was never limited to children, there is again not a word about i and his waiting rooms were always Stollman Receives their pro-Zionist attitude or work. crowded with people of all ages His portrayal of "the Webbs" is / seeking his medical advice. Dr. the Churgin Award amusing; he discusses whether Jacobi died on July 10, 1919, after a long and highly distinguished career. TEL AVIV (ZINS) — At the 4 time Israel was established, the postage, 10 times; meat and poul- try, four times; fish, five times; milk, six times; cheese, five times; Potatoes, ten times; bread, six times and interurban bus trans- portation, seven times. The sum total increase of the cost of living today in Israel is five times that of 1948. OPEN THURS. & FRI. 'TILL 9 P.M. SAT. 'TILL 8 P.M. I FORMAL WEAR & RENTALS. COMPLETE ACCESSORIES. TURTLE NECK SHIRTS NOW IN STOCK APPAREL FOR GENTLEMEN AND YOUNG MEN 25246 GREENFIELD, N. of 10 MILE Phone: 142-8636 (Greenfield Center) SECURITY CHARGE, MICHIGAN BANKARD and DINERS CLUB REPEATED BY POPULAR DEMAND AT Cost of Living in Israel 5 Times That of 1948 Israeli pound had the same value as the English pound sterling: $4.03. Today its rate is $0.285. Twenty years ago the Israeli pound was worth 14 times its pres- ent rate. Since the founding of the state, the price of a telephone call rose 40 times over what it was then; ITALIAN KNIT SHIRTS SHOP EARLY FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS SPITZER'S "BETWEEN PARENT AND CHILD" By Dr. Haim C. Ginott Phillip Stollman, (right) chair- man of the board of trustees of Bar-Ban University of Ramat Gan, Israel, is shown here re- ceiving the Churgin Award from Dr. Joseph Lookstein, chancellor of the university, at the dinner given at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York. ,• $395 Reg. $4.95 ihip SPITZER'S HEBREW BOOK & GIFT CENTER 542-7520-1 24900 Coolidge Corner 10 Mile, Oak Park IN THE DEXTER DAVISON SHOPPING CENTER # OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT — ALL DAY SUNDAY