Friday, December 22, 1967-33 >. Sheri Berman Engaged Moshe Rivlin, UN Jo-Anne Lynne Shaye ' THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS to Michael Biederman Correspondent, to BrideofHowardDobrick Ravitz to Address Delegate Assembly Delegates will review a report The Midwinter Delegate Assem- Address Histadrut by Council Executive Director Wal- MISS SHERI BERMAN Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berman of Old Franklin Rd., Farmington, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Sheri Beth to Michael Allen Biederman, son of Mr. and Mrs. David W. Biederman of Tele- graph Rd. Miss Berman is a graduate of the University of Michigan, and will receive her masters degree in education from Wayne State Uni- versity in June. Mr. Biederman, a graduate of Michigan State Uni- versity, is attending Kansas City College of Osteopathy. The wed- ding will be in June. Ford's Bugas, Gets National ADL Award Moshe Rivlin, United Nations correspondent of the Jewish Day- Morning Journal, will be guest at a special Histadrut event 8 p.m. Dec. 28 at the Labor Zionist Insti- tute. Since the merger of the famous Yiddish dailies, the Jewish Day and the Morning Journal. Rivlin's main assignment has been to cover the United Nations proceedings. He has been the United States correspondent of the Hebrew daily Davar for many years and con- tributes to the columns of Hayom and the Jerusalem Post. Rivlin has been active in the Zionist movement and Farband for many years. He has recently re- turned from a three-month stay in Israel where he made a thorough study of social and economic con- ditions. This Histadrut event will be of special interest to those who un- derstand the Yiddish language. The event is part of a series of functions sponsored by the Detroit Israel Histadrut Campaign. Admis- sion is free, and refreshments will be served. • • • Scholarship Fluid Established for Late Jacob Glaser A perpetual Histadrut scholar- ship fund in memory of Jacob Glaser is being established by Brenner - Truman Branch of the Farband Labor Zionist Order, which held a memorial meeting re- cently to pay tribute to Mr. Glaser. Mr. Glaser was a founding mem- John S. Bugas of Detroit, a vice ber of Brenner-Truman branch and president of the Ford Motor Com- had been active in every phase of pany, was presented Dec. 13 with its work. Devoted to the work of the Anti:Defamation League's Hu- man Relations Award "for a life- time of service in the field of hu- man rights." The award was made by Max Fisher in New York. Sen. Walter F. Mondale, Minne- s o t a Democrat, was one of the speakers at an ADL dinner for the benefit of the League's appeal, which is engaged in a nationwide campaign to raise $5,523,900 to sup- port the league's 10-point program of research, edu- cation, communi- ty relations and Bugas civil rights. Dore Schary, national chairman LATE JACOB GLASER of the Bnai Brith ADL, presided; and Armund Schoen, of Chicago, Histadrut and interested in Jewish was chairman of dinner arrange- education, Mr. Glaser combined ments. Co-chairmen were Marvin both interests in his activity for Slomack, president of the Ford the Amal Trade Schools in Israel. The Histadrut Scholarship Fund Dealers Association of New York; will make it possible for deserv- and Alfred A. May of Detroit. ing youngsters in Israel to attend an Amal Trade School, which will provide the technical educa- tion necessary to enable them to Leave Everything to Us make a meaningful contribution to the upbullding of their coun- try. Histadrut director Al Michaels said $2,500 is needed to establish the perpetual fund, which will be administered by Histadrut in Is- rael. Nearly half of the necessary funds were raised at the meeting. Mrs. Bessie Berris is president of Brenner-Truman. ! ! WHY WORRY ! ! WYN sad HAROLD LANDIS HOME CATERING Phone EL 6-8411 • STYLE • ELEGANCE • BEAUTY WYN-HAROLD CATERING MRS. HOWARD DOBRICK The marriage of Jo-Anne Lynne Shaye, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Shaye of Canterbury Rd. to Gordon Dobrick, took place at Franklin Hills Country Club, with Rabbi Richard C. Hertz officiat- ing. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dobrick of Chicago. The bride's attendants were Mrs. Warren Menaker, matron of honor; Karen Fink, maid of honor; Rosanne Kotzer, bridesmaid; and Judy and Susan Menaker, flower girls. Best man was the brother of the bride, Marc Kenneth Shaye. Ushers were Richard Davis Shaye, brother of the bride, Richard Rob- erts, Warren Menaker and Howard Dubner. . The bride wore a satin wedding gown embellished with seed pearls, and heirloom Belgian lace was at- tached to a coronet with tulle veil.1 She carried a nosegay of roses and Stephanotis. After the wedding trip to the Laurentian Mountains, the couple will live in Chicago. UHS Teachers to Hold Institute United Hebrew Schools teachers will meet for their biannual insti- tute Sunday and Monday from 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the auditor- him of the Esther Berman Build- ing. Topic of discussion Sunday will be "The Use of Audio-Visual Ma- terials in Classroom Teaching " J. M. Mathis, director of audio- visual education, will discuss the "Theoretical Foundations of Audio- Visual Learning," and UHS staff m embers Batia Eizikovic, Rae Goodman, Bea Kriechman, Use Ro- berg and Rabbi Nissim Hayward will participate in a demonstration of audio-visual media. This will be followed by a presentation of re- centy developed -audio-visual aids in Hebrew reading instruction by Associate Superintendent Benja- min L. Yapko. (A beginners course in such "instructional technology" will be taught by Mathis. For in- formation, call him at the UHS, DI 1-3407. On Monday, UHS high school in- structor Solomon Schimmel will discuss "Obstacles to be Overcome in Bible Study." In a related pres- entation, Dr. Naphtali Wiesner, educational consultant, will give practical examples of how the bib- lical commentaries, both classical and modern, can be used in the elementary grades to answer ques- tions which arise in the study of the Bible. Superintendent Albert Elazar, who was in Israel last spring, will discuss "The Study of the Tanakh in the Light of the Six-Day War." `Brivele der Mamen' Slides will be shown of the histori- to Be Shown Here cal places in the recently incor- "A Brivele der Mamen" (A Let- porated areas in the state of Israel. ter to Mother), a Yiddish film with, The two-day institute it open to English subtitles, will be shown by all teachers in he community. the Young Hagana 8 p.m. Saturday KIVIE KAPLAN, noted leader at Cong. Beth Tefilo Emanuel Tik- in the fields of civil rights and va. Starring Edmund Zayenda and Reform Judaism, and Dr. ISAAC Misha Gehrman, the film tells a FEIN, curator of the Jewish His- sentimental tale of a European torical Society of Maryland, are the family torn apart by war and cus- newly elected members of the board of directors of the American tom, and their eventual reunion. Tickets will be available at the Friends of Religious Freedom in Israel. door. bly of the Jewish Community Coun- cil will convene Jan. 10, 8:30 p.m. at the Jewish Center, presidents and delegates of affiliated organi- zations were notified by Council President Dr. Samuel Krohn. The program, developed by the assembly planning committee un- der the chairmanship of Mrs. Sam- ' uel Linden and Sidney Shevitz. will feature a talk by Councilman Mel Ravitz on "Rebuilding Detroit." The topic continues a theme de- veloped at the season's opening delegate meeting: "Riots—Race- atid the Urban Crisis." Delegates have been encouraged to present the views of their respective or- ganizations during the open discus- sion period which follows. PEC DIVIDEND Directors of PEC Israel Eco- nomic Corporation, New York, Tuesday declared a cash dividend on its common stock of 60 cents per share, payable Feb. 15, to stock- holders of record as of Jan. 31. This compares with a dividend of 80 cents paid for the preceding year. ter E. Klein on current council ac- tivities. Hostesses for the social hour which concludes the assembly pro- gram will be provided by the Amer ican Jewish Congress. MUSIC (Just Great) MAURY LITTLE AND THE TOWNSMEN KE 4-5980 BRIDES — BAR MITZVAS Treasure Those Moments Forever COLOR MOVIES HOWARD TRI EST Call 542-7874 MUSIC BY SAM BARNETT AND HIS ORCHESTRA LI 1-2563 Mut-Rim& Year End Clearance UP TO 1 /2 OFF DAYTIME DRESSES, COCKTAIL GOWNS and LONG GOWNS (MAURICE AND IRENE BATCHKO) HOURS 10 to 5 DAILY, SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT PRIVATE PARKING IN REAR (Security Charge) 4 Doors So. 17592 WYOMING U N 3-7477 of Thatcher UN 3-4545 1 Large selection of china in many designs and colors. Bridesmaid and thiver Gifts STERLING SILVER Save 25% ea Seth Fitl*Olt$ SAVE 25% Brands • Gerham • lead II Barton • Wallace • International • Lunt • Heirloom ALL VIM*. MST