— which could not have ruled to con- i the crucifixion, the charges against Many biographies of Jesus have' of the Qumran community." Bap-; or on the orders of Mary of Beth- appeared through the centuries. In tism, although its sacrament was any and her family, or at the corn- the past half century there were of later origin, and John's role mand of the Sanhedrin or of the notable works, by Renan, by Prof. in Jesus' preparation for preaching former brethren of Jesus, the Es- Joseph Klausner a n d scores of land his escape from the Nazarenes senes." others. Few of the works are as when they objected to his likening ' Attribution of guilt for Jesus' challenging as "The Life of Jesus" himself to Elijah and Elisha are death to the Sanhedrin is basis for by Marcello Craved, ably trans- accounted for in relation to the review of the Sanhedrin's role. lated from the Italian by Charles Synoptic Gospels. "Various scholars," Craved Lam Markmann, published by The historic events, the Ro- points out, "including the his- Grove Press. man rule, the Herodian era are torian of the Church Lietzmann, thorougt* reviewed here, lead- This stirring account of Jesus ing up to Jesus' execution. Cra- Omodeo, and Salvador, maintain and his times, of the Roman rulers that the whole Synoptic account and their domination and of the veri asserts in his reference to of the proceedings before the Jews who revolted, of Jesus and Judas Iscariot: "Some students, Sanhedrin is untrue, and that such as Charles Guignebert, out the Gospels, does not follow the Jesus was condemned by the no credence in the betrayal by usual routines. It accepts many Romans alone. Others, such as - inven Judas but consider it an Jewish interpretations, such as the Lion designed to make the arrest Loisy, Cullman, and Goguel, are term "young woman" in Isaiah, in- inclined to concede that the San- of Jesus more believable and to stead of the Christological "vir- hedrin tried to hold some infor- gin" which is rejected in Jewish justify the tradition that Jews must have betrayed the Naza- mal proceedings, a simple inter- translations. rene. Hence he believes that the rogatory intended to furnish The author Of this impressive very name Judas was expressly enough evidence to enable it to work does not accept the preach- chosen as a synonym for Jew. ; lodge charges against Jesus with ments of Paul, Christianity's archi- the Roman authorities, who That this is its etymology is in- tect. and speaks of the Pauline alone had the power to condemn Epistles as "twisted, ungrammati- dubitable; but there is also the him. T h e traditionalists, how- fact that Judas was a very com- cal, full of repetition, disjunctions. ever, impute to the hearing be- mon name in Palestine." contradictions," a n d states that all the char- Craved insists that "the indeci- fore the of Sanhedrin they reveal "a disordered mind a full and formal trial and a chaotic culture and a hardly siveness ascribed to Pilate, his in- acters leaders, ' that required only formal ratifi- personality: while dulgence of the Jewish sym pathetic cation by the Romans." Paul was angry and arrogant in and, at the same time, his good his letters, when face to face with- , will toward Jesus are all equally There are references to some his opponents he lacked the cour- without historical foundation." irregularities and fabrications. On age to state his own ideas." "They are the products," he the score of the Sanhedrin Craved Jesus in the Craved account ; declares, "of an opportunistic also states with reference to the distortion of truth perpetrated claims of "the traditionalists:" did not wish to be considered by the Christians, as their re- a Messiah and only accepted a "Even if this were so, the proce- role of teaching the word of God. ; ligion spread over the empire, dure that was followed, to judge by in order to exculpate the Ro- what the Gospels report, was al- It was "the political and social mans of all responsibility for together irregular. The sanhedrin, decadence of Palestine" under Ro - the death of Jesus. This rehabili- presided over by the high priest man rule, in the era of the Hero- dian cruelties, that Jesus com - tation of Pilate (down to the under the title of nasi ('prince') proverbial gesture of washing his and composed of 71 members menced h i s teachings. "Jesus." hands) has resulted in the im- drawn from priestly families and Craveri writes, "could not have of position of the entire guilt on the from those lay families most not- been unmoved by the events Jewish people, who for centuries, able for their wealth and racial his time: Sepphoris was only two consequently, have undeservedly purity, held its sessions in a part leagues from Nazareth, and the suffered exercration by the of whole of Galilee had traditionally the Temple called Gazith, near , Christian world under the in- the Court of Israel. Its day was been a hotbed of fierce national- famous charge that they are limited to the hours between the ism. It is incredible that the young Jesus did not share the fears and 'the nation that murdered God.' " two ritual sacrifices of the morn-1 The vastly informative work by ing (about the ninth hour) and the the hopes of the people among whom he lived. But, even if later Craved points to the Roman resort evening (about the sixteenth hour). some Zealots were drawn to the to crucifixion and he explains the An interval of 24 hours was re- ranks of his disciples, it is per- various methods of punishment: quired between the conclusion of , haps rash to suppose, as does Os- "The Romans employed various testimony and the rendering of a ; car Cullman (in 'Deo e Cesare'). forms of capital punishment: de- verdict. Deliberations could con- that Jesus himself was a member capitatio or capitis obtruncatio tinue into the night only when the of this bloodthirsty sect. He was ('decapitation'), which was the judges found it impossible to agree much more inclined for an attitude most merciful and the noblest, in- at once on the guilt or innocence of hope for better times, based on • asmuch as it meant instant death; of the accused. This was the pro- his faith in divine providence. Dur• damnatio ad bestias ('condemned cedure prior to the Roman oc- ing his youth, he had probably to be eaten by the beasts') which cupation, which, however, ac-' subjected himself frequently, as a was more painful; combustio at cording to the Gospels, was not means of mortifications, to t h e the stake: and the crux. The last observed in the trial of Jesus. Nazirite oath, which, as we know, was the most shameful form of Furthermore, the Sanhedrin never consisted of a vow of fasting, ab- execution, reserved for slaves and sat on the Sabbath or on religious foreigners. Cicero calls it 'crudel- holidays, still less during Pass- stitence and chastity." The author explores the era that issimum teterrimumque supplici- over. involves Essenes' activities with um'; Tacitus, 'supplicium servile.' "A keen analysis by the eminent which Jesus was associated but Instances of the crucifixion of he points out that "Jesus was ini- men who had led social revolts scholar Nicola Jaeger emphasizes • tiated into his public life not by were well known in Roman his- the trial's many procedural flaws and deviations from the rules of the Essenes but by a preacher. tory." Jewish law: the taking of testi- himself a leader of a community In his account of the crucifixion. mony at night, the immediate pro- destined to outlive that of the Es- Craven states: nouncement of sentence in defi- senes: John the Baptist. Neverthe- "The whole story of the death ance of the prescribed interval of many students believe that less, of Jesus is a theological-ritual 24 hours, the lack of a minimum of John himself had been a member dramatization. The details (the two witnesses whose testimony two thieves, the vinegar, the divi- was absolutely identical, the credi- sion of his garments, the arbitrary given to state- spectator's insults, the darkness, bility ments by the accused that had the rent veil, the earthquake, the elicited by the prosecutor's Every year we fail last words of Jesus) are all ful- been to educate thousands fillments of prophecies of edify- tricks, etc." (In his scholarly work on the lying symbols. of potentially "The reality was simpler and trial of Jesus, Prof. Solomon successful citizens more tragic. Jesus was tried and Zeitlin indicated there were two executed as a political criminal, Sanhedrins, one under Roman because they're died in agony, forsaken by domination but not the recognized he mentally retarded. And we're supposed be so smart. to 1).....,;;;,;thil;;_!. A fc.,1,—;:let . you can help. :.;;; y;;:; r ■ '.ers•, D C :C:201 Name Address State all, even by God (in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus had con- fidently declared that God could have sent a band of angels to rescue him), and his suffering would have no other witnesses than his executioners." Craved states that "the whole story of the Resurrection and the apparitions belongs to the category of miracle inventions," that "an- cient and modern students of Christianity agree that the belief of the Resurrection is founded on the hallucinations of a female vis- ionary, Mary Magdalene, or on a 1.; Ccde L P,Ibbsht-cl ;r7CCCP- featiOn n•;!, in° A5.e7tis-r5 Courocit. collective hallucination, and they believe variously that in actuality the body was removed from the tomb by the gardener of Joseph of Arimathea, or by Joseph himself, THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS 16. Friday, December 22, 1967 Cra' errs =Life of Jesus' Exposes Deicide Libel, Shows Irregularities in Reference to Sanhedrin vict Jesus as charged in - the the Jews and especially in present- ; ing an iluminating portrayal of Gospels). The author of "The Life the historic events in Jesus' time. of Jesus," Marcello Craved, was born in Turin in 1914, earned a doctorate in arts and philosophy at the University of Turin in 1940, I was called upon for military serv- CALL ice and during the war was pun- ished for refusing to cooperate with the Germans. He aided the American forces when they landed in Sicily. He became a newspaper editor after the war and is now a teacher of Latin literature and 15751 W. 101/2 Mile Italian. His "Life of Jesus" is a distinct 353-6750 or 862-0963 contribution to research and serves to present the true facts regarding —TRAVELING--- YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH wlw Cdn person-to-person? 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