LBJ Challenger Sen. McCarthy Gets Friendship Award; Senators for Israel GROSSENGERS, N.Y. (JTA) — of a five-point program recom- itation of arms for the Middle Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy of Min- mended by him in his first major East; new vigor in solution of nesota, who is challenging Presi- speech on the Middle East since the Arab refugee problem and dent Johnson in the coming announcing h i s candidacy. He international cooperation a n d primary elections, called Sunday pointed out that "the problem of guarfantees of borders to both night for U.S. support of "t h e an enduring peace in the Middle Israel and the Arab states. border adjustments necessary to East can be solved only in the House Republican Leader Gerald assure to Israel the security to context of a positive United States which that nation has the right." foreign policy that aims at the R. Ford, in a message to the con- vention, said that he was "dis- Sen. McCarthy also asked that reduction of tensions with the couraged by the grudging and very the U.S. give assurance and stabil- , Soviet Union." slow movement of the administra- ity "to those Arab nations that "He described the present U.S. tion to ship promised and vitally- have shown an interest in peace policy in the Middle East as "a required a r m s, especially j e t and order." grave risk, not only to Israel, but planes, to Israel, to balance the He addressed the 42nd annual to American security." massive resupply by the Commu- convention of the Mizrachi Women's The Senator's five-point pro- nists of some Arab nations." Organization of America, which gram called for recognition of The Michigan Republican presented him with the 1967 1 Israel and its right to exist; charged that "this vague and weak "A merica -Israel Friendship affirmation of the international response to Israel's life-or-death Award" voted to him last June character of the Gulf of Aqaba needs can only encourage Arab by the 81 woman national board and the Strait of Tiran and the truculence and further Communist of the organization. I right of all nations to use the I penetration. More than the fate of The Senator's proposal was part i Suez Canal; a moratorium or lim- Israel is at stake. The national security interests of o u r United States are directly involved." Federation Project Aids Cleveland Negro Children In Philadelphia Sen. Joseph S. CLEVELAND (JTA)—A long- proposal which aimed at creating Clark, (D.-Pa.) called on the John- range program of educational help "a visible Jewish presence which son administration to offer arms to culturally deprived Negro chil- I would attract volunteers unaffili- to Israel to deter Nasser from a dren in a Cleveland suburb is the ated with existing programs and new attack. He told a meeting in answer of the Cleveland Jewish provide a rallying point for our Montgomery County that "this is Community Federation to the ques- youth, many of whom wondered the only honorable course for us, tion of what the Jewish commun- aloud and critically why the or- and it is the only sensible course ity can most effectively contribute ganized Jewish community was as well. We must not repeat the to the war on poverty in American absent from inner city work." mistakes of the past and permit cities. Israel's enemies to force upon her The program is one In which a LA School Head Cautions a peace settlement which is only a prelude to the next war." wide range of volunteers from Jew- I Staffs on Holiday Settings The senator declared that ish welfare organizations in Cleve- LOS ANGELES (JTA) — The "Israel's security will not be bar- land have been brought into spe - gained away for a cheap and easy superintendent of Los Angeles cific projects for the children. The background, planning, rationale public schools has issued a bulletin peace. The right to recognition of and initial results of the three-year instructing school and college ad- the state of Israel as a full-fledged program—now in its second year , ministrators here to avoid "highly member of the world community —were described by Rabbi Daniel ' sectarian scene s, music and of nations is not negotiable." Sen. John 0. Pastore (D.-R.I.) Jeremy Silver, chairman of the tableaux" in planning Christmas said that Egypt's President Nas- public welfare committee of the programs and classroom decora- ser had learned "in only six short Cleveland Federation, at the 36th tions for the forthcoming holiday days" that the story of Israel general assembly of the Council season. The bulletin advised them could not "be demolished by a of Jewish Federations and Welfare to "take into consideration the diverse religious faiths represented mad power—or at the hands of Funds. in the community, student body a despot." He reported that the effort be- and faculty." I Speaking at the annual Hanuka gan in 1964 when the federation, on the basis that it should be part of the efforts to deal with "prob- lems of the central city," initiated discussions on means by which it could share "its experience, knowledge and human resources" in the educational phase of the war on poverty. By the fall of 1965, he reported, Histadrut Pledges to Keep ELECTRIC HANUKA MENORA Basic Wages Until 1970 (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) TEL AVIV—A pledge that there will be no demands for an increase in basic wages in any branch of Israel's economy until 1970 was made here by the trade union department of Histadrut, Israel's labor federation, in a resolution adopted Tuesday night. The pledge is intended to help stabilize the nation's economy in the wake of last month's devalua- tion of the Israel pound, but is contingent on the finance min- ister's promise that there will be no increase in the prices of essen- tial commodities. Histadrut will, however, demand a cost of living allowance increase should t h e index rise more than three points in a year. Home of Jewish School Bought by Minneapolis MINNEAPOLIS (JTA) — The George J. Gordon Memorial Build- ing in north Minneapolis, which since 1951 has housed a Jewish school, has been sold to the Min- neapolis public school system which will operate it as the George J. Gordon Educational' Center. It will house the library of the Willard primary public school. physical education classes, a par- ents' room for special reading classes, a federally-financed hu- man relations and adult education program and a city schools proj- ect for coordinating 13 north side schools' curricula and programs. Classified Ads Get Quick Results Friday, December 15, 1967-5 dinner of Yeshiva University, Sen. Pastore added praise of Jewish contributions to science, declaring "it is no empty platitude to say that the zeal and skill of the Jewish scientists has been the light - of life to our own age." LONDON (JTA) — Liberal parties and liberal political leaders in all countries were urged to sup- port Israel's stand for direct nego- tiations with the Arabs as the only way to achieve peace in the Mid- dle East. The call was issued by E. H. Toxopeus of Holland, chairman of the executive of the Liberal Inter- national, following an address to that body by Joseph Saphir, min- ister without portfolio in Israel's Cabinet, representing t h e Israel Liberal Party. Toxopeus warned that without direct negotiations leading to a settlement, the situa- tion in the Middle East would worsen. * PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE * YOUR HEART IS IN AMERICA * * * ■ ••0 ■ 1.411=1.1M111.11111 ■■•■■•■ ••10=0.3 Sign up for U.S. Savings Bonds New Freedom Shares ”Ma ■ MINEW ■ 1.. 1=11■01■0■1110 THIS HANUKA . . Give HIM a Gift That's Sure to Please ! Choose from our fine selection of nationally advertised Sweaters, Turtle Neck Shirts, Knit Wear, Sport Coats and Toiletries. Visit our gift bar for the unusual! 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