women's Clui• activities BETH AARON SISTERHOOD will meet noon Monday in the soc- ial hall of the synagogue. Speaker will be Jay Masserman, senior at Wayne State University and a graduate of the Midrasha, College of Jewish Studies. Masserman is a youth leader at Adas Shalom Syn- agogue and a part-time teacher with the United Hebrew Schools. He spent his junior year at the Hebrew University in Israel on a scholarship. While he was in Is- rael, the war broke out, and he subsequently offered his services as a volunteer. Masserman, who plans to go into medicine upon graduation from Wayne, will speak of his experiences during his 14- month stay. The prdgram has been arranged by Mrs. Bernard Gas- pas, program vice president. Re- freshments will be served. The public is invited. • • • NORTHWEST DETROIT CHAP- TER, CARIH, will hold a Hanuka party at its next meeting 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Harold Strauss, 14261 W. Lincoln, Oak Park. There will be games, an exchange of small gifts and tra- ditional foods. For information, call hospitality chairman, Mrs. Al- bert Dunn. LI 8-7864, or Mrs. Strauss, LI 6-4926. • • • MASADA CHAPTER Pioneer Women, will give a Hanuka latke party 7 p.m. Monday at the home of President Nettie Turner, 26358 Dundee, Huntington Woods, LI 6- 0941. With nominal donations in- vited, a "linen shower for Israel" is the objective. Guests will be welcome. • • • KINNERET CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will celebrate its 18th (Hai) birthday noon Wednesday at the Labor Zionist Institute. After a short business meeting, there will be a program and refreshments.1 Hostesses will be Kate Goldberg and Sonia Goldberg. • • • DAVID - IIORODOKER W 0 M - EN'S ORGANIZATION will meet noon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Julius Zemmol. 25430 Karen, Oak Park. Recently a contribution to Magen David Adorn, Israel's red cross, was made in honor of Mrs. Ralph Remar, named "woman of the year" by David-Horodoker for her untiring efforts on behalf of the service organization. CLUB ONE, Pioneer Women. will meet noon Tuesday at the Labor Zionist Institute. The recent donor event will be discussed. Louis Levine, who has just re- turned from Israel, will give his impressions of the country. Petite luncheon will be served by host- esses Hannah Jacobs and Ida Ber- man. Guests are welcome. • • • AVODAH, DIMONA, BRAN- DEIS and HANITA Chapters. Pio- neer Women, will hold a com- bined meeting 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Labor Zionist Institute. Mrs. Philip Gentile, active for many years with the United Nations, will speak on "You and Your United Nations." Refreshments will be served. Friends are welcome. 74-feeee HANDBAGS • • • and Mrs. Marvin Sheplow. A book 'ills. Rice Again Heads Cmpaig - n in It omen s Division; Aides Selected • , - Ii4 N * CalTh 2 ch..icol. SEAL OUT DIRT CIA 3p AND 0 WEAR ,,,, • OPIAN AN cessful and the division raised $732,521 from 9,600 contributors. Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich and Mrs . al Oz '0 CLEAN)* Z Henry Wineman are honorary chairmen of the division. Mrs. Max Stollman, who served .... Mt *, Clearance sale up 1/2 off to and more on many. items! Walking Suits • Cocktail Gowns Coat & Dress Costumes • Long Gowns Imported Knit Dresses • Daytime Dresses Winter Coats • Car Coats Slacks • Slack Sets Asst. Sportswear ALL SALES FINAL Open every nice till 9 till Xmas in the 1967 campaign as pre-cam- paign chairman, is women's div- ision vice-president in charge of fund-raising. SPOTS ili AND 0 STAINS REMOVED N BY EXPERT • CHEMISTS 1.1 ' well Jospey, co-chairman, of the campaign, and Mrs. I. Jerome Hauser, president of the Women's Division of the Jewish Welfare Fed- eration. Mrs. Rice will serve as head of the division for the third year, after two successful fund-raising efforts. In 1966, the division raised more money than any other wo- men's division in the country. Last year her efforts were equally suc- • STAYS LUGGAGE gall and (Vitae, WHEN zc WE 4.. CLEAN .." YOUR CARPET 0 Z .11/1/, DIAMONDS Art, ad ' ,011 160PIRN 6$0441 a 3 ROBINSON'S LEATHER SHOP Women, will feature a candle light- 1 f ing ceremony in celebration of Hanuka 9 p.m. Dec. 23 at the • Labor Zionist Institute. There will be a white elephant sale, for Mrs. Arthur H. Rice has been which each member is donating several surprise gifts. Refresh- renamed chairman of the Women's Division of the 1968 Allied Jewish ments will be served at the party, to which husbands are invited. Fo - r Campaign — Israel Emergency information and reservations call Fund. The announcement of the ap- Eileen Kertes, 358-3489, or Judy pointment was made by Alfred Men, 358-3165. L. Deutsch, chairman, and Max- IT TAKES A GENI...US For Calorie Counters— Borden's Neufchatel Neufchatel cheese is now avail- MAIMONIDES MEDICAL SOCI ETY WOMEN'S AUXILIARY wil able in thrifty 3-ounce and gener- ous 8-ounce sizes. It is a soft hold an open board meeting noon Monday at the home of Mrs. Morris cheese which looks, tastes and SAVE1 .7" SAVE! Starkman, 1260 Stuyvessant, Bir- spreads like ordinary cream BUY DIRECT mingham. Four speakers represent- cheese, yet it has 30 per cent less FROM THE IMPORTER ing some of the auxiliary's charita- fat than cream cheese. It can be ble projects, will present short used in practically every recipe talks. They are Samuel Greenberg, which calls for cream cheese. Neufchatel thinned with a little chairman of the committee on Jew- ish scholarship service of the Jew- skim milk and flavored with onion ish Welfare Federation; Max Hear- makes a fine dip for Hanukah IMPORTERS AND CUTTERS shen, regional director of the Amer- company. For a quick, easy, hot OF FINE DIAMONDS ican Friends of the Hebrew Uni- vegetable for luncheon or din- 15738 LIVERNOIS Neufchatel versity:. Mrs. Edith Kirk, super- ner, add softened DI. 1-5515 visor of classes for the blind in cheese to a can of pickled beets Detroit Public Schools; and Dr. and heat at a low or medium level. Homer F. Weir, medical superin- tendent, Plymouth State Home and Training School. Mrs. Starkman will be assisted by Mesdames Arnold Axelrod, Alfred A. Klein, Post Office Pressure Sander Klein, Louis Leipsitz, Mau- All Leather Wings rice Silverman, Max Steiner, Floyd The holiday rush is on. The Cut Velvet Tukel. Marvin Weckstein and Is- Skyway Jewish News advises all those rael Weiner. Bead Bags York submitting copy to mail early, • • • or hand deliver, as the post Reptiles Daisy CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, office is processing a record Lizard will meet noon Wednesday at the Soft Side volume of mail. Copy received Labor Zionist Institute. Louis Le- Alligator Light Weight after deadline is too late for vine will discuss his trip to Israel, (Name Brand,) publication. according to cultural chairman REPAIRING Blanche Rose. • • • OAKLAND HILLS CHAPTER. Women's American ORT, will meet BETH IIILLEL SISTERHOOD 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home will meet noon Wednesday at the (New Location) of Mrs. Louis Schneider, 10401 temple. A Hanuka luncheon will be Oneida. Oak Park. A Chinese auc- prepared, followed by an Israel 25250 CREENFIELD 548-5590 tion for the benefit of ORT schools film, "Sand Curtain." For infor- At 10 Mile, Oak Pork overseas will highlight the meet- mation. call Mrs. Alfred Heil- OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL 9 P.M. ing. A petite luncheon will precede bronner, UN 4-2655. • • • the meeting. Hostesses are Mrs. Fred Alpern, Mrs. Allen Charnes. AHAVAS ACHIM SISTERHOOD. Mrs. Morton Jacobs, Mrs. Mark will hold its annual donor luncheon Seller and Mrs. Henry Segal. noon Jan. 10 in the synagogue Guests invited. social hall. The program will fea- • • • ture the sisterhood choral group in FANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER, a musical variety show. Co-chair- Mizrachi Women, will hold a Han- man of the luncheon are Mrs. Bert uka party 12:30 p.m. Monday at Heller and Mrs. Max Lumelsky. Cong. Beth Hillel. Proceeds will The program chairman is Mrs. Ben be sent to Mizrachi Women's pro- Simons. For information and tic- jects in Israel. A special program kets, call Mrs. Isadore Leeman, is planned. Hostesses will be Mes- BR 3-6318, or Mrs. Tony Partovich, dames Nathan Wolok, Leon Wo- LI 6-4452. Mrs. Glazier is president. lock. Sol Wolack, Raymond Rosen- • • • 11 berg, I. M. Becker and Hyman TOWN AND COUNTRY CHAP- Snyder. Mrs. Harry Portnoy, pres- TER, Women's American ORT, ident, together with a committee will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the of three, represented the chapter at the 42nd national convention home of Mrs. Jerome Weiss, 25686 of Mizrachi Women this week at Grand Concourse, Southfield. Co- Grossinger's. New York. • hostesses are Mrs. Leo Schoenfeld DETROIT JUNIOR CHAPTER. review wit be presented by Mrs . Ruth Miriam Cassel. CARIH, will hold its annual paid- • • • up membership luncheon 12:15 DETROIT LADIES OF AMER- p.m. Wednesday at the home of • * • Mrs. Seymour Levine, 1287 Char- ICAN MEDICAL CENTER AT GOLDA MEIR CHAPTER. Pion- rington, Birmingham. The program DENVER will hold a Hanuka lun- eer Women. wil have a Hanuka will feature a speaker from the cheon noon Tuesday at the Jewish luncheon noon Tuesday at the Detroit Free Press who will dis- Center, Room 374, Friends are in- home of Vice-President Mrs. Sam cuss and show a movie on "Action vited. Mrs. Paul Shapiro is pres- Lupovich, 24071 Berkley, Oak Line." For information, call Mrs. ident. Park. There will be a donor report Alfred Dangovian. 353-8473. (More Clubs Page 25) • • • and social. Guests invited. • DEGA NI A CHAPTER, Pioneer THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS Friday, December 15, 1967-19 aS0'‘‘ MRS. ARTHUR H. RICE The executive officers named to aid Mrs. Rice consist of Mesdames Harry E. August, Lewis B. Daniels, Seymour J. Frank, L Jerome Haus- er, John C. Hopp, Benjamin Jones, Harry L. Jones, Sidney J. Karbel and Philip R. Marcuse, 17. IXesfrir6 1.>