JPS Publishes Dr. Morris Epstein's English Jarring Postponing Mission Translation of Medieval Wicked Tales Until After Arab Summit A medieval romance so full of humor about the wiles of women that it has been described as "the Jewish Boccaccio," has been translated from Hebrew into Eng- lish for the first time. The work's publication by the Jewish Publication Society of America under the title "Tales of Sendebar" marks the culmination of an unusually fruitful search for unknown Hebrew manuscripts by a Yeshiva University scholar who found some of them in such far- apart places as the Saitykov- Schedrin Public Library in Lenin- grad and the Vatican Library in Rome. Translator, editor, and com- mentator on the romance, the first critical edition based on hitherto unknown manuscripts, is Dr. Morris Epstein, professor of English and chairman of the English Department at Yeshiva University's Stern College for Women and an editor of World Over Jewish youth magazine published by the Jewish Educa- tion Committee of New York. The stories in Hebrew, known as "Mishle Sendebar," are derived from a collection of tales believed to have originated in India in the 5th Century before the Common Era. Highly popular for centuries, they were translated and reshaped into many Eastern and Western languages. In the Western ver- sions, the romance is best known under the title "The Seven Sages of Rome." In his research, Dr. Epstein found single manuscripts of the work in such Eastern languages as Greek, Syriac, Old Spanish, Persian and Arabic, but a re- markable total of 18' in Hebrew, several previously unknown. Even more' interesting is the fact that the Hebrew was the intermediary between Oriental and Occidental versions. "It seems likely," Dr. Epstein said, "that the tales were car- ried from East to West by Jew- j ish merchants known as Ra- d anites. This is historically significant as another instance of how medieval Jewry conveyed the fruit of Eastern culture to , the Western world for the bene- fit of mankind." Jewish Orientation of Children Seen as Major Concern of American Jewry WASHINGTON, D.C. (JTA) — A two-year old study by 30 Bnai Brith task forces, working inde- pendantly of one another, took a look at the future of Jewish life in America and agreed that the major and priority concern of American Jews in the 1910's will be the Jewish orientation — or lack of it — of their children. The results of the study, which involved '700 persons, were re- ported here by Dr William A. Wexler of Savannah, president of Bnai Brith, at the opening of the annual meeting of its board of govenors. The study indicated that the strengthening of the cultural loyalties and Jewish identifications of qoungsters, and means to cope with "impoverishments in Jewish education" are already the domi- nant concerns of the Jewish com- munity. The problems of anti-Semitism and related issues arising from the civil rights movement and racial conflicts, church-state disputes and political extremism, rank second in frequency among major issues likely to claim the attention of American Jews during the next decade, the task force studies showed. American Jewery's relationship with Israel ranked third, but, it The romance is set in a story- within-a-story framework similar in form to "The Canterbury Tales" and "The Decameron." With the wickedness and wiles of women as its central motif, the romance tells of a young prince who is tempted to indiscretion by one of his father's wives. The queen, rebuffed, accuses the prince of attempted rape. In all versions but the Hebrew, the queen is ulti- mately killed despite the efforts of seven wise men who delay the verdict by competing with the queen in a kind of thousand and one nights storytelling marathon. The "Sendebar" of the title is the chief sage. In the Hebrew version, first printed in a Constantinople edition in 1516 but extant in manuscripts dating back to the 12th cent the queen is spared when the prince exhorts his father to ob- serve HMO's Golden Rule—"do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you." In the course of his search for manuscripts, begun more than a decade ago, Dr. Epstein bartered four books for pho- tographs of a manuscript in a deal with the library in Lenin- grad. Another manuscript, pre- viously unknown, was culled from the Vatican Library in Rome. In still another, belong- ing to the Jewish Theological Seminary of Hungary, "Mishle Sendebar" is written In tiny script in the margins of an essay on Hebrew grammar. "This particular manuscript," Dr. Epstein remarks, "attests to the wide interest of the romance to medieval Jewry—a surprisingly strong interest, one might say, in a work of secular fiction, even if the authors did place a strong religious overlay on the stories." was pointed out, this subject was investigated prior to last June's Six-Day War. Dr. Wexler said the study showed that "more affirmative activities in organized Jewish life" are required to keep Jewish youth from "drifting away from Jewish moorings toward a more humanistic society." He urged Jewish federations and welfare funds to give greater emphasis in their allocations to Jewish educational institutions and pro- grams, since medical and social He added with a smile that the welfare services "are increas- script in the margins might also ingly subsidized by public "attest to a shortage of paper." grants." A page from this manuscript was The task forces listed the follow- recently on display as part of an ing areas of concern which, they exhibition on "Jewish Folklore: forecast, will increase in intensity radition and Transformation" on in the next decade: The loss among the second floor gallery of the New Jewish youth of involvement wit,york Public Library. authentic Jewish expression, open- Dr. Epstein based his English ing paths toward assimilation; the translation on two previously un- domineering influence of Christian published manuscripts in Oxford culture over Jewish experience of University's Bodleian Library. One family life; the estrangement of Is dated 1325, the other somewhat Jewish intellectuals from Jewish earlier. They include three tales communal life; the present lack of not found elsewhere. "contemporary relevance" in Jew- Describing the romance as ish education; and a "floating by "sometimes bawdy, frequently Jewish college youth" into a new amusing and always fascinat- kind of Jewish identification ing," Dr. Epstein said he regards without religious emphasis. it not only as a source book for students of literature, but as a source of delight for every reader. Presented in parallel Hebrew and English texts, it includes foot- notes and critical and historical appendices. Dr. Epstein has been with Yes- hiva University's Stern College for Women since 1955 and editor of World Over since 1947. Refugee Shelter Overcrowded UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) — Reports circulated here that Ambassador Gunnar Jarring is considering a postponement of his mission to the Middle East until after the Arab summit conference, which is scheduled to open in Ra- bat. Morocco, Dec. 9. According to reliable sources, Ambassador Jarring, Secretary- General Thant's special represen- tative to the Middle - East, will stress the need for more time to study the problem a UN head- quarters here. Ambassador Jarring met with the representatives of the United States, Britain and France. In another development, Thant summoned the Syrian representa- tive, presumably to discuss Am- British Premier Expected in D.C. for Mid-East Talks (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) bassador Jarring's mission to the Middle East. Syria rejected the Security Council's resolution under which Jarring was appointed. Israel introduced a new formula- tion in presenting the question of freedom of navigation that is de- signed to counter the threat by the leaders of the newly indepen- dent South Arabian Federation (Aden) to close the entrance to the Red Sea to Israeli shipping. In discussing the threat which was raised in the General Assem- bly's committee on trusteeship matters, the Israel delegate, Arieh Ilan, stressed the need for "free navigation for all shipping in all waterways leading to and from the Red Sea." Previously Israel's de- mand for guaranteed freedom of navigation referred only to the Straits of Tiran and the Suez Canal - WASHINGTON—Prime Minister Harold Wilson of Great Britain is expected to visit Washington next month for talks with President Johnson that will cover the reopen- ing of the Suez Canal, an Arab- Israeli settlement and other issues. Talks have opened on the agenda and the date of the meeting. It is now lexpected that the Wilson visit will occur about mid-January. WHY WORRY I I Leave Everything to Us THE 'DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 8, 1967-35 MUSIC (Just Great) MAURY LITTLE AND THE TOWNSMEN KE 4-5980 MARILYNN SHAPIRO PHOTOGRAPHER Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs High Quality - Moderate Price 356-8819 WYN sad HAROLD LANDIS HOME CATERING Phone EL 6-8411 • STYLE • ELEGANCE • BEAUTY WYN-HAROLD CATERING BETTER THAN EVER! THE MARTIN-DAVID ORCHESTRA MARTY KOSINS Office: 626-9680 Res.: 626-9662 WE RENT AND SELL A COMPLETE LINE OF FORMAL WEAR Including the New Double Breasted Tuxedo ALSO FEATURING A FINE SELECTION OF MEN'S CLOTHING ' "AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN" HAN DELSMAN 7651 W. McNICHOLS at Santa Barbara UN 4-7408 CAMP SEA-GULL is sponsoring a unique trip to Europe for Boys and Girls — Summer 1968 Itinerary Includes Six (6) Weeks in: The Day and Night Shelter is Paris is tee small for all the new refugees now coming into Paris from North Africa. Above, two early arrivals survey their new quarters at the recently-opened second shelter in the Rothschild Hospice, where they will be cared for by French welfare agencies supported by the Joint Distribution Com- mittee with United Jewish Appeal funds, until they find suitable homes. The plight of the new refugees, dislocated as a result of the Six-Day War in June, will be one of the topics to come before the 53rd annual JDC meeting at the New York Hilton Hotel, Wednesday. ENGLAND SWITZERLAND SPAIN FRANCE All inclusive and limited to boys and girls who will be entering or leaving the 12th grade in September, 1968. . - Call EL 7-1134 for information