Mapam Leader Justifies Argentine Leader Warns Polish Jews Reported Still Suffering Govt. Bias THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Soviet Policy in M.E. Friday, December 8, 1967-15 WASHINGTON (JTA) — The after-effects of the Six-Day War of Neo-Nazi Resurgence TEL AVIV (ZINS) — Jacob Riftin, leader of the extreme left- ist Mapam Party, in an interview published in the publication Hot- am, organ of Mapam's younger generation, justified Soviet Rus- sia's penetration into the Middle East "for reasons of elementary self-defense." Riftin emphasized that "not only the economic and political penetra- tions are jusified, but also, plainly speaking, the military foothold of the Soviet in this part of the world In the end all of us will realize the historic importance of Soviet arms in this area." Rumors have been circulated that Riftin is in hot water as a re- sult of these statements and that he has been removed from all party boards. These rumors were promptly denied by the central committee of the party. BUENOS AIRES (JTA) — The president of DAIA, the central organization of Argentine Jewry, warned here of a probable inten- sification of Arab League propa- ganda activities in Argentina, backed by heavy financial outlays and a resurgence of Nazi like na- tionalist groups in the country. But. generally, according to Dr. Isaac Goldenberg, addressing the organization's plenary session, "the year, highlighted by Israel's vic- tory in the June war, has been, happily, relatively quiet for Argen- tine Jews." The highest numbered house in the world is No. 51,202 on N. 170th St. W. in Lancaster, Calif. Washington Evening Star said were still being felt by the Jews Tuesday in an editorial that the of Poland, and "anti-Semitism is Liberals Rap Severance likely to remain the order of the in Poland as long as the men of Zionist from Agency Foster Family Workshop day TEL AVIV (ZINS)—A majority of the Kremlin deem it helpful to Established by Yeshiva U. their ambitions in the Middle of the central committee of the Independent Liberal party has re- East." NEW YORK (JTA) — A non- solved to oppose the plan for the The editorial said that, despite sectarian Foster Family Workshop severance of the World Zionist Or- has been established by Yeshiva intraparty strains caused by his ganization from the Jewish Agency. policy, Gotnulka, the Polish Com- University's Wurzweiler School of The prevailing opinion is that such Social Work to train children's munist chief, appeared to be in a plan would not serve to increase agency supervisors and provide firm control of the situation. The aliya, but will merely tend to courses for foster parents on how newspaper commented that "reli- weaken even further the Zionist to care for children in their charge able reports leave little doubt that movement, leading to its ultimate The workshop, financed by a the Warsaw regime—as distinct liquidation. grant from the U.S. Children's Bur- from the popular masses—has been The plan for the separation of eau, will stress the special prob- following an anti-Semitic policy the agency from the Zionist Organ- lems of fo s te hild ren cause db r c by ever since the war's end." ization has been endorsed by Dr. their previously unhappy environ- Nahum Goldmann and some of the ment. Classified Ads Get Quick Results , Mapai leadership. Rafi Seeks Representation at World Zionist Congress JERUSALEM (ZINS) — The central committee of Rafi has pre- sented a request to the executive of the Jewish Agency for recogni- tion of Rafi's representation at the forthcoming World Zionist Con- gress, it is announced here. Although the request has been endorsed by Dr. Nahum Goldmann and Louis Pincus, strong opposi- tion was manifested on the part of Mapai. Commenting on Mapai's attitude, the leaders of Rafi an- nounced their intention of submit- ting this matter to the Congress Court. 300 U.S. TV Men Apply for Employment in Israel JERUSALEM (ZINS) — Three hundred Jewish technicians and other personnel engaged in various television stations in the United States have expressed their read- iness to migrate to Israel and have applied for employment in the pro- jected Israeli television station. according to a report published here. The Americans have agreed to work in Israeli salary scales, al- though these are considerably low- er than the salaries they receive in the United States. - Herb Brin's 'Justice' Features New Poems Herb Brin is both poet and phil- osopher in his interpretation of numerous themes incorporated in his new volume, "Poems Reflect- ing the Measure of Man — Justicci. Justice," published by Jonathan David (131 E. 23rd, NY 10). Unusually fine woodcuts by Eric Ray. art director of University of Judaism. Los Angeles, supplement this work. Brin's "Psalm," "Chelm" and "Challenge" are especially note- worthy in this new volume. Ahdut Avoda Votes for Merger with Mapai JERUSALEM (JTA) — A move toward the creation of a single unified labor party in Israel was made when the council of Ahdut Avoda voted 218 to 45 in favor of merging with Mapai and urged the Mapam Party either . to join or align itself with the united party. Ahdut Avoda is presently assoc- iated with Mapai in a parliamen- tary alliance known as the Align- ment. A convention of the new party is planned for mid-December AMERICA NEEDS YOUR HELP- l[. BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS No, my son Jerry has 10 1968 Oldsmobile Cutlasses My Jerry's not playing hard to get. 1-Ie's got 10 new 1968 Oldsmobile Cutlasses ready for immediEue delivery. You can pick from most Cutlass models, styles and colors and drive your new Cutlass, home with you. So hurry on out, Jerry and Allen want you to have first crack at these sporty, hard to get cars. Allen Charnes Vice president JERRY STEIN OLDSMOBILE 15205 East Jefferson, at Lakepointe, Just East of City Limits VA 1-5000 Open 9-9 Monday S.: Thursday 9-6 Daily