28—Friday, November 24, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Chaplaincy Program Seeks to Meet Needs of Nursing Home Residents People Make News The appointment of Mrs. KAYE I. FERGUSON as public education assistant was announced by Judge Ira G. Kaufman, president of the beard of trustees of the Metropoli- tan Society for the Blind, a Torch Drive Agency. • * • WILLIAM MOONEY will be making his Detroit debut when he brings his one-man show of fron- tier humor, "Half Horse, Half Alligator," to Detroit Town Hall, Wednesday. • • • Mrs. David M. Levitt of Great Neck, N.Y. was • elected president of the National Federation o f Temple Sister- hoods, for a term of two years, at its 26th biennial assembly in Montreal. She succeeds Mrs. Merryle S. Rukey- • The committee on chaplaincy of the Council of Orthodox Rabbis, ser of New Ro- Mrs. Levitt which visits the aged and infirm confined to hospitals and nursing chelle, N.Y. Mrs. Marshall Mil-1 homes, includes (from left) standing: Rabbis Samuel Prero, Leo ler, Huntington Woods, was elected Y. Goldman and Israel Notis; and seated: Joshua Sperka, Leizer one of the vice-presidents. Levin and Chaskel Grubner. Rabbi Sperka was appointed by the • • • council as chaplain to the homes where aged persons reside. HAROLD E. JOSEHART has been appointed chief of the Bureau In "a report to the Jewish com- The Jewish Home for the Aged of Health Facilities, a newly reor- munity" on the needs of aged resi- on Petoskey has some 300 residents ganized bureau in the Illinois De- dents in nursing homes, Rabbi and Borman Hall-Jewish Home for partment of Public Health. Jose- Joshua S. Sperka noted there are Aged has 200, a total of 500 added hart was formerly assistant direc- tor, Butterworth Hospital, Grand anywhere from 1 to 40 Jewish resi- to the 300 in nursing homes. dents in 22 homes in this area— Exce:pts from his report fol- Rapids. • • • a total of 300 persons. low. Mrs. LOUIS L. PERLMAN of Rabbi Sperka, who was appointed "Coming to a nursing or con- Highland Park, Ill., has been chaplain for the aged by the Coun- valescent Home may solve some- named chairman of the Bnai Brith cil of Orthodox Rabbis, pointed to what the problems or conflicts Women's triennial convention to the problems of dependent aged, suffered at home, but it creates be held March 24 - 27, at the Shore- whether they live with their fam- new problems of confinement, ham Hotel, Washington. ilies or in commercial nursing • • • isolation and loneliness. Most homes. EMANUEL SPUNT, son of Mrs. residents complain that their In general, he said, the problem Amelia M. Spunt of Third Ave., family, friends or children do has been named location analyst in is "not so much financial. It is not visit them often enough. rather a need for sensitive under- "The Jewish patients until now the industrial development depart- standing and a sympathetic ap- have been deprived- of religious ment in Baltimore for the affiliated proach for their status. You find services and religious needs. They Chesapeake and Ohio and Balti- old feeble, solitary, blind and dis- would watch their fellow room- more and Ohio railroads. Born in abled people who need a word of mates being visited by representa- Tel Aviv, S'punt, 32, is a graduate comfort and a visit of companion- tives of their respective faiths. of the University of Denver and ship." Rabbis would seldom visit nurs- recently has been in government ing homes. The Vaad Harabonim geographic research. Spunt will as- (Council of Orthodox Rabbis of sist in the preparation of aerial Detroit) felt that this urgent need photomaps, industrial and com- g3trtA must be filled. The Rabbinical munity surveys and general site Council, therefore, assigned this mapping. •• • nd tinceni en ts task to me and appointed me as King Baudouin has conferred the Nov. 16—To Mr. and Mrs. David chaplain to our aged homes. high award of Commander of the "On my visits, I speak to the Order of Leopold on MAX GOTT- Rothman (Phyliss Levenstein of Detroit) of Los Angeles, a daugh- individuals and then gather in a SCHALK, one of the country's religious service for those who are outstanding sociologists and a lead- ter, Sharon Donna. • • • able to leave their rooms. It was er of the Belgian Jewish commu Nov. 14—To Mr. and Mrs. Mar- an inspiration to me to witness the nity. The decoration, citing Gott- tin I. Silverman (Ann Shapiro), enthusiasm and spiritual hunger schalk for his services rendered 21611 Stratford, Oak Park, a of those patients at our religious the field of social progress, was service. Some of the women wept presented to him by P. Servais, daughter, Andrea Lynn. • • • as they recited in unison a prayer minister of labor. Dr. Gottschalk is Oct. 31 — To Mr. and Mrs. Barry best remembered from their child- a research professor at the In- L. Bernstein, 21889 Glenmorra, hood like "Modeh Anee," "Shema" stitute of Sociology of Brussels Southfield, a daughter, Stacy Eliza- or prayer for health "Refooay-noo." University, honorary president of beth. "Before Rosh Hashana there the International Organization for • • • were a few who were well enough Social Progress and founder and Oct. 31—To Mr. and Mrs. Joshua to join families and arranged to chairman of the National Center Geller (Rose Frank), 20539 Black- be at a synagogue service. But most for Higher Jewish Studies. • • • patients had to remain in their stone, a son, Gary Scott. • • • respective nursing home. I. there- The Jewish Theological Semi- fore, conducted Rosh Hashana Oct. 15—To Mr. and Mrs. Mi- nary of America presented its chael Berke, 14151 W. Nine Mile, services to prepare them for the national Community Service Award Oak Park, a daughter, Amy Lnn. oncoming Yom-Tov. I blew shofar to five community leaders and a for them and those who could not philanthropic organization. It also leave their bed; we would go to installed Senator ABRAHAM A. REV. GOLDMAN L their room in order to bring to RIBICOFF of Connecticut as vice- them the impact and inspiration chairman of the seminary's board that they would gain from these of overseers. services. MOH EL "I found some patients very much 353-5444 distressed, grieved and unhappy because they would not eat non- kosher food. I met with the owners ASHER-GREVE: A. Larry Ash- Recommended by Physicians or administrators in these in- er, son of Mrs. Al Sonnenstrahl of RABBI LEO stances, and I found them respon- Stratford Rd., Oak Park, and the sive and co-operative. To date, six late Mr. Henry Asher, and Julia homes have promised to supply Greve, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. kosher TV dinners to those who Otto Greve of Germany and Expert Mohel will request it. The family of an Switzerland, were married Nov. 18 Serving Hospitals and Homes aged patient must make a request in Switzerland. The couple will re- LI 2 - 4444 LI 1 - 9769 for kosher food and it will be sup- side in Jerusalem, where Mr. plied. Families may call the Vaad Asher will teach at Hebrew Uni- Harabonim, 342-6260. The nursing versity. CERTIFIED EXPERT MOHEL home chaplain will aid them in any RABBI problem and especially in any reli- Alpha Nu Parents Club, Alpha gious problem they may have." Omega Fraternity, will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Howard Johnson's Learning for which a man spends Restaurant, W. 10 Mile and North- 334-7031 334-4149 money will be remembered longer western Hwy. Dr. Marvin Davis Serving In Hospitals and Homes by him. will be guest speaker. Farband Offers Courses in Tanakh and Agada Joseph Katz, president, and David Sislin, cultural chairman, of the Farband City Committee, an- nounce two week- , ly, one-hour courses for adults are plan- ned at the Labor Zionist Institute, one in Tanakh- T o r a, prophets and writings — and the other in Agada, the ex- planation of Tora and Talmud by Katz legends, fables and proverbs. F o r registration information, call the Farband office, 864-6608. The Hayim Greenberg Hebrew- Yiddish Shule will hold an open house for all parents and nursery 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the school headquarters at the Labor Zionist Institute. Parents will be able to acquaint themselves with the school curri- culum, meet each teacher and pur- chase gifts and decorations at a "Hanuka Shop." Friends are in- vited. Refreshments will be served ROMANTIC AFFAIRZ BEGIN WITH JOCELYN AND HER GYPSIES Weddings,Parties, Dances 474-7638 Classified Ads Get Quick Results BETTER THAN EVER! 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