Conservative Delegates Urge UN to Encourage Arab-Israel Talks KIAMESHA LAKE, N.Y. (JTA)- An appeal for action to bring about direct peace talks between Israel and the Arab countries, and a warning to the United Nations against trying to force upon the parties concerned a formula for such talks, was approved by 3,000 delegates at the biennial convert ; tion here of the United Synagogue of America. Henry N. Rapaport, of Scarsdale, N.Y., who was elected at the clos- ing session to a second two-year term as president, told the resolu- tions session that there should be no consideration of Israeli with- drawal from any of the occupied Arab territories until "direct de- liberations" were in effect between the Arab and Israeli leaders. In another resolution, the dele- gates, representing Conservative congregations throughout t h e United States and Canada, urged that Jews and other men of good will join in efforts "to dramatize and demonstrate" their concern for the fate of Soviet Jewry, "until our brethren in the Soviet Union receive their full cultural and religious rights." The delegates said that the need for dialogue between Jews and Christians "has become especially apparent as a result of the recent Arab-Israeli conflict and the mis- understanding" among Christians "with respect to the Israeli posi- tion on Jerusalem"; voiced "dis- tress" over the fact that some con- gregations confine Jewish educa- tion for children to one-day-a-week schools; and urged affiliated con- gregations to improve salaries and working conditions for qualified Jewish teachers. Christian Leader Agrees with Attack on Church's Failure to SUpport Israel vice president of the Synagogue Council, noted that its statement reflected "our astonishment and puzzlement at the failure of the and other youthful protest move- NEW YORK (JTA) — The Rev. response to a statement issued by ments. The speakers said that the churches to speak out clearly when rebelling Jewish youth believe that David R. Hunter, deputy general the Synagogue Council of Amer- a group of states announced pub- parents are dishonest and fail to secretary of the National Council ica, which charged that Christian licly that they were mobilizing to communicate with their children of Churches. said here that the leaders had been morally lax in liquidate another nation state." and that the synagogue is totally Jewish community was "quite right their failure to condemn the Arab divorced from the real problems in denouncing Christian Churches threats. HOW YOU CAN MAKE A YOUNG of their lives. The Synagogue Council, repre- COUPLE HAPPY AND for silence during the threats of CONCURRENTLY EARN Rabbi Harold Schulweis of Oak- genocide" against Israel by the senting Conservative, Reform and A GOOD DEED land, Calif., estimated that 20 to Arab states prior to last June's Orthodox rabbinic and lay bodies, Tell them what you know about the Amber Flatlets. Suggest they 25 percent of the hippies in the Six-Day War. come to our Rental Rendezvous warned that such a position "in- nearby Haight-Ashbury district in Sunday afternoon, at 3807 Crooks He added, however, that he evitably serves to abet the possi- Road, Royal Oak, at 13i:, Mile San Francisco, were Jewish. Other thought the churches were justified bility of mass murder." It called Road, (alias Chester.) speakers said that the figure in not urging the U.S. government "on the moral leadership of the Your gesture would constitute a good deed in the grand old might be nearer 50 per cent and to do more than it did in defense Western world to help create an tradition. that not only members but leaders of Israel because "we and they atmosphere within which such Of course, you must first think in the protest movements were had to seek a proper balance in threats of war and destruction are well of us before we deserve your benefaction. So phone 549- Jewish. Rabbi Saul Teplitz of the area." no longer tolerated." 4045 and ask for our propaganda Woodmere, N.Y. criticized "in- packet. Rev. Hunter's remarks were in Rabbi Henry Siegman, executive P.S. Tell the mothers of the nocuous activities" of synagogues war babies of WW H about us. which repel Jewish youth. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 24, 1967-15 Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rauf, director of the Islamic Center of New York. participating in an unprecedented Moslem - Jewish dialogue at the convention as- serted that Moslems "fully sym- pathized" with Jewish suffer. ings, and expressed the hope that his Jewish audience "will sympathize with ours." Both he and the other participant, Rabbi Henry Siegman, executive vice president of the Synagogue Council of America, stressed the common elements of the two faiths. The Jewish and Moslem leader appeared at one of the closing ses- sions of the convention on the understanding that neither would refer to the Arab-Israeli conflict. But Dr. Rauf remarked that Mos- lems were not responsible for the "bitter experiences and suffering" of Jews through the ages. He ap- pealed to the Conservative Jewish leaders "to extend your sympathy to all those who stiffer." The delegates were warned by two rabbis that Jewish youngsters were deserting traditional Jewish life to join the ranks of hippies Israel's Modernity Evidenced in New Country Club Special to the Jewish News TEL AVIV — Israel's mod- ernity is fully expressed in all the latest fashions, the improved restau- rant service, the availability of a golf course in Caesarea—and the fully equipped country club. Tel Aviv Country Club, estab- lished by a group of Mexican Jews, is as modern as any American institution of its kind. Within walking distance of the Mediterranean, the large swim- ming pool offers a choice for swim- mers and bathers. Appended are barber and beauty shops, a shopping area, restaurant service and all imaginable facilities for children as well as men and women. A football field, tennis courts. basketball and badminton facilities. saunas with massage services — there is Mlle missing from this attractive area. Memberships are only $15 a year — and tourists, by showing their passports, are admitted for a nominal fee. I do, every day! Allen Charnes Vice president Granted, when I call my son Jerry Stein we talk family. We talk about the children. But now, we Can .talk about Jerry's new business . . . Jerry Stein Oldsmobile in Grosse Pointe. Proud? Of course I am. Jerry, and his general manager Allen Charnes, make up the youngest management team of any Oldsmo- bile dealership in the midwest. And I'm proud that Jerry and Allen have pledged to "do it right the first time" in both new car sales and in service. Proud because Jerry and Allen have given their dealership an imaginative approach. Proud because a trip to Jerry Stein Oldsmobile will probably save you money. And for service, well, Jerry Stein customers can have free pick up and delivery in this area. So call Jerry Stein Oldsmobile. if you get a busy signal, keep trying. It's probably just his proud mother asking about her grandchildren. JERRY STEIN OLDSMOBILE 15205 East Jefferson. Grosse Pointe, Just East of City LinlitS VA 1.: ■ 111111 • linen Thlirmlav • ( I-t;