Israeli. Victory Viewed as Crime by Her Enemies were the warnings that Israel has (Continued from Page 1) turned into a "two-nation" state— danian ruler, the mini-king as he composed of Orientals who predom- is viewed here, is gaining wherever inate and Occidenals. This has been he goes. What people here find negated during the war by such difficult to understand is how the a strong unity, by cooperation world at large can tolerate the on so vast a scale, that no one defeated king's equating Zionism dares say again that Israel is not with Nazism, following the Soviet a single nation comprised of Jews Russian line, seeking to arouse who recognized the common dan- hatred under the guise of desir- ger and the need for absolute ing peace. unity. • • * The fact is that while Israel won Israelis supplement the vast there is now the ludicrous a war, commentary that Israelis must hordes who are touring the new shout "forgive me for winning." areas and are visiting the Arab A victory is being viewed as a markets and the communities of crime. But what the enemies of Nablus (Shekhem), Jericho, Ram- Israel do not recognize is that there allah, Hebron, R a g a z a, Khan are too many here from Auschwitz Yunis, Bethlehem, Rafah, El-Arish, and Buchenwald and they will not as well as the Golan Heights. In the markets, Arabs marvel at tolerate the repetition of the Holo- caust; and that those who go into the hordes and one merchant ask- ed an Israeli: How many Jews are Rhan Yunis past Gaza and witness the display of paintings engineered there in Israel? When he was told by Nasser and Shukairy, calling there were 2,400,000, he said: you, for the extermination of the Is- like the others, lie; judging by the raelis, will not yield an inch of numbers who come here there ground that becomes vital to the must he 10,000,000. In the Golan Heights there is defense of Israel. cause for amazement that the for- Now there is an awareness of a tified hills could have been taken new situation: all of the world's by a handful of Israeli soldiers. anti-Semitic instigations seem to be Detroiters visiting this area have emanating from Arab quarters. It occasion to witness the redeemed is in Cairo that the stupidities in- Gonen and Gadot kibutzim. The corporated in the Protocols of the latter was partially destroyed and Elders of Zion are being repub- has already been rebuilt. There lished for widest distribution. It is are many new songs and among from Arab quarters that there are them is this one about Gadot, the being renewed accusations of the area which has had assistance atrocious ritual murder libel. It is from the Detroit JNF ladies: from Nasser's and Hussein's prop- yihye od aganda machines that there are dis- Horim Bakirot- tributed leaflets charging that the yihyu od Lo Talmud condones the raping of Bahurim bashmirot, children by Jews! A military vic- BeGadot. tory has not interrupted the spread of the vilest type of abuse against There shall be no more Jews generally, and there is every Holes in the walls— indication that the new campaign There shall be no more against Jews, stemming from Cairo Lads on guard and Amman and Baghdad, being In Gadot. the equivalent of the vilest of the Holes are still visible in the Black Hundreds propaganda that walls, but they are being rapidly has been inherited by the Russian Communist and has not been repu- repaired. It is in the hills whence the Syrians had fired on Dan, on diated by the Kremlin, now serves as a combined warning to world Gadot, on Gonen, that Russian Jewry of a renewed anti-Semitic tanks with Russian inscriptions are campaign conducted by the suc- in evidence, where there still are cessors to Czarism and the Moslem hand grenades and rounds of am- munition, where in the numerous Semitic cousins of the Jews. destroyed bunkers there are ruined In addition to the realism of beds and chairs, remnants of General Dayan and others who Syrian soldiers' clothing, proof of have joined with him in acknowl- how the enemies of Israel were edging the true dangers to the fortified, ready to destroy Medinat "Greater Israel," it is essential Israel and whence they fled after that a warning by Ben-Gurion a decisive defeat. Against the should be heeded. E.G has made small contingent of Israelis were important proposals. He urges the massed, in the Syrian heights settlement of Jews in newly-ac- which strategically were poised to quired areas, especially in the destroy Israel, 65,000 Syrian sol- Golan Heights and on the out- diers, 500 tanks and 120 planes: skirts of Old Jerusalem. This is the result is now a historical fact, vital to Israel's existence. Already and Hussein has apologized for a Nahal settlement has been estab- having been a party to the lie, with lished by Israeli military youth Nasser, that Britain and the U. S. near Banias, which was one of the had shared in the victory. most dangerous spots for the Jew • • • ish settlers on the Syrian border. It was natural for Israelis to be Jews are rebuilding their syna- infuriated over the latest occurren- gogues in Old Jerusalem. The set- ces at the UN. It was another ele- tlements close to the borders some ment of "guilt" for having suc- distance from Jerusalem and near ceeded in resisting threats of de- Hebron are being rebuilt. It is a struction. Added to the insults at matter of security—of life or death the Security Council and to the —for the state. front presented by Hussein in his Ben-Gurion made another im- clever plea for compassion while portant comment: that a higher admitting that he was an acces- Jewish birth rate must be encour- sory to the Nasser accusations aged. This plea, addressed to the leveled at the U. S., were the Jor- Jewish Agency, is mingled with danian raids on Israeli territory. an element of despair—of admis- That's where stupidity again was sion that the Jews in Western on a rampage. Israelis did not and countries are not responding to will not condone renewed infiltra- the urgent request for more set- tions and threats to life and prop- tlers. Therefore there is this de- erty. Gen. Odd Bull knew it and sire that there be an increase in he made several trips to Amman the Jewish birth rate. This is a in an effort to forestall retaliations. symbol of what is transpiring here. There is no doubt that a tense The decline in births among Jews situation will remain uncertain and as contrasted with the large fam- threatening as long as there is a ilies among Arabs has been used challenge to Israel's security. • • • as an argument of an impending A matter of gravest concern to danger—that Israel is threatened with Levantinism — that it may Israelis is the site of the Mount turn into a state dominated by of Olives. There were more than 50,000 graves on this sacred mount, Orientals. most of them have been des- The latter fear has been reduced and by the war. There is that old cliche ecrated by Jordanians. It has already been revealed that that where there are two Jews there are three opinions. There tombstones had been used for 32 Friday, November 17, 1967 — I d e voted sup po rters of the Jewish building material. Tourists now see of the insurgents against Israel. portions of tombstones all over the Few truly intellectual Arabs have state. Before June 5 there was frequent provided proper cooperation with mount. The Intercontenial Hotel talk about an antagonism between was built on the mount and there Israel and Israelis. Israel and American youth, that Yet it would be wrong to mini- are charges that the road leading there were misunderstandings be- up to it was paved over the graves. mize Arab shrewdness and their tween Israelis and the Jews of The hotel's parking lot has been leaders' ability to inspire the re- the Diaspora. These animosities closed because it has been estab- volt against Israel and against have vanished. Just as there is lished that it is over many graves. Jewry. There are exaggerations Many tombstones have been found and lies and foxy methods of deal- only one people in Israel, regard- in private gardens, in churchyards ing with the situation. But the less of whether they come from the and monasteries, and the entire menacing role of Arab leadership East or the West, whether they are Ashkenazi or Sephardi, so also situation approaches the scandal- is a real factor in a sad situation, and it must not be overlooked. It is there a new union in Jewry. ous. And it is this unity that must pre- must be treated with considerable Some graves remain intact. The Heyman Family, former Detroit- respect and with the vigilance that vail if Israel is to be secure. A variety of missions have come ers, for example, found the grave Israel is so well conscious of. * • • to Israel. There was a large one and tombstone of their mother in from Detroit headed by Walter L. All Israelis now are admirably good order. But others now are frantically trying to locate graves pro-U. S. The United States is Field and Max Shaye. There were looked upon as Israel's chief pro- advance pledges to the Allied Jew- of relatives. • • • tector and the only reliable friend. ish Campaign. Men and women When, if that is at all possible, There is no longer the delusion that spoke up to express their deep and how will Israelis and Arabs France will be helpful and Britain concern and their devotion. Field get together? This is the most is always under suspicion, espe- himself described how, 35 years speculative of all the posed ques- cially when a labor government is ago, he was able to make his first pledge to the late Sidney Alexan- tions. There are two civilizations in power. But one truth is predominant: der, in the amount of $25 and now in conflict and it is nigh impos- sible to predict whether the pro- that Israel's greatest ally is the is blessed to aid reborn Israel with gressive Jewish faction can come Jewish people. Without Jewry a gift 1,000-fold the original. Others very close to the backward Arab Israel could be lost. And there is spoke up similarly. This is the population. An Arab is an intel- a new strength of kinship that loyalty that spells unity. This is lectual when he has -aequired a makes this devotion more effec- high school education. When he tive. It is the recognition on the has attained a university educa- part of Israel and its youth that tion heusually becomes the leader the kinsmen from America are the Israel's front line defense. This is an assurance of a prevailing unity which is synonymous with the Eternity of Israel. Spanish Jewish Community Thrives, Shows Deep Interest in Israel Despite Franco Government's Avowed 'Pro-Arab Position By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ MADRID — Spanish Jewry is emerging as a new factor in European Jewry. It is a revived community. It is beginning to show signs of progress. Christians seem to take delight in taking tourists to any area where there might be a "synagoga." It is sort of a lucra- tive way of conducting tourism since a Hebrew inscription of a church wall is such a good sign of the great progress of a past age that included the "Golden Period" in Spanish Jewish history as well as a symbol of current good will and sincerity in encour- aging the return of Jews to Spain. There was a "herem" on Spain —the "excommunication" against the land—in Jewish ranks. There was the proscription of Jewish as- sociations with the land of the Inquisition, with the country of Torquemada, with the people who enforced mass conversions, driv- ing Jews to become Marranos, and who confiscated the great wealth of a prosperous Jewish community from homes that were theirs after many centuries of their families' residence in Spain. Now the church is tolerant, the people are in the main friendly, the government speaks of coopera- tion. 1 There is, however, a major cause for discord—an on this score Spain emerges an antagon- ist to Jewish interests. It is the government's strong pro-Arab position which places Spain in the ranks of the enemies of Is- rael. Franco Spain has diplomatic re- lations with Egypt (UAR), Lebanon, Libya and Morocco. It is aligned against Israel. There is a total ban on trade with Israel. But while Generalissimo Fran. eisco Franco backs the Arabs on all fronts, while he gave encour- agement to the anti-Israel cause during the Six-Day War, the peo- ple of Spain are pro-Israel. Talk to the average taxi driver, or waiter, or any merchant, and you'll hear the refrain: "Eighty per cent of us are for Israel. It's a great little country and its anta- gonists are 300 years behind the times." Benefiting greatly from tourism, Spaniards probably would love to have closer relations with Israel. Tourism is the country's major gain from Israelis and from Jews from many lands who had made THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Spain a stop-over on tours. The and women's sections. Dr. David deSola Pool's Hebrew-English pray- erbooks are used, and the huma. shim (Bible) for Tora readings are from Casablanca. The Shamash in Madrid is Solo- mon Mafoda Merciano. He takes pride in showing visitors the Mo- roccan old kitre Tora—the Crowns of the Tora—and the Tora scrolls from Israel, Morocco and Turkey, the latter encased in silver con- tainers more than 400 years old. The tablet in the hallway of Pizzaro 19 reads: "Synagoga de la Comunadad Israelita de Madrid" and in the telephone directory it is listed as "Synagoga Betzion." diplomatic relations by Spain with There is an historic note to Israel. Ya's editorial stated: the Toledoan Transito Synagogue. "When a country is born and It is next to the historic museum becomes firmly established, to —the Casa y Museo del Greco. ignore it and to avoid dealing It was built by Samuel Levi, with it on equal terms is, in our finance minister of Pedro I the opinion, unwise. This is the case Cruel, in the 14th Century. There of Spain as regards Israel. No is, adjoining the synagogue, one can say that Israel is not street named for Samuel Levi, a state in fact or de jure. The Calla de Samuel Levi. truth is, Israel is more solidly The walls of that synagogue are established and has a broader juridical base as a state than littered with quotations from Psalms 83 to 99. There are in- many others with which we main- scriptions that make references tain diplomatic relations." Nevertheless, the chances of at- to Pedro I the Cruel and to Don taining a Spanish-Israeli accord Samuel Levi—all in Hebrew. The fine colored marble columns are as slim as are the hopes of the coundry ridding itself of a dic- of this synagogue, the cornice with the Hebrew inscriptions, the lace- tatorship. Meanwhile the Jews of Spain, mirk designs, the filigree of the whose formal resettlement com- arches and especially the Moorish menced only about a decade ago, windows and the magnificent ceil- now number about 8,000. The Jews ing—all attest to superb architec- of Barcelona, who numbered less tural efforts in the era when Jews than 2,500 some six years ago, are built synagogues in the land in now more than half of Spain's Jew- which they shared freedoms with ish population. There are about the Moors and later were the ob- 2,500 Jews in Madrid but there jects of Catholic hatreds and In- are no Jews at all in Toledo which quisitional persecutions. One wonders, upon seeing the has an attraction for tourists of all faiths because of the 14th Cen- many churches, how many of them tury Transito Synagogue and the might have had Jewish origins — nearby Chief Jewish Synagogue, some as synagogues; whether the as Spaniards refer to it, which had clergy, even as high as cardinals, did not stem from Jews; whether been converted into a church. There are 100 Jews in Malaga. the Marranos still had many des- Seville has about 30 Jews and cendants and how many of the there are about 15 or thereabouts names among Spaniards really stemmed from Jewish origins. in Valenica. It is certain: Spain had a Jew- Louis H. A. Blitz and Benjamin Anavi are the leaders of the Bar- ish influence; the country was un- celona Jewish community. Max der Jewish ban—the herem that is Mazin, president of the Jewish now obviated by the thousands of community of Madrid, presently Jewish tourists and the new com- is in Israel. The Madrid synagogue munity of Jews to which is being is located at Pizarro 19, in a third accorded a measure of freedom floor loft. Plans for a permanent on a par with non-Catholic Chris- synagogue structure are displayed tian communities in Spain that are in the lobby approaching the house beginning to benefit from an ecu- of worship which seats about 200. menism that could mark an end to There is a mehitza diving the men's bigotry. almost total decline in such tour- ist traffic during the Six-Day War convinced Spaniards about the vitality of Israel as an element in world trade. Perhaps the public attitude on the Israel-Arab question reflects the inner feelings about Franco himself. He has lost favor but peo- ple will not commit themselves. Nevertheless, the press, completely muzzled by Franco, has expressed sympathies for Israel. The best example of pro-Israel feelings is the statement that ap- peared recently in the Roman Cath- olic organ, Ya, which went so far as to suggest the establishment of