MOVIE GUIDE 6. Greenfield 9 MI. 78 AMERICANA RETURN TO ELEGANCE FOR ALL MOVIEGOERS The New FRANK SINATRA FILM "bony rome" Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. open 6:00. "tony rome" shown 6:25, 8:20, 10:20. Wed., Sat., Sun. open 1:00. "tony rome" shown 1:35, 3:55, 6:05, 8:20, 10:30. 12 Mlle-Coolidge BERKLEY ADAMS WO 1-8525 Exclusive Showing Eliz. Taylor & Richard Burton "THE COMEDIANS" Daily & Sun. 11:35, 2:25, 5:20, 8:10, 10:55. FOX "SUBURBAN ROULETTE" LI 2-0330 Plus "THE KILLERS" in color with Lee Marvin LATE SHOW Friday and Saturday For Schedule Information Call WO 1-7917 WED. LADIES DAY 50c "DON'T MAKE WAVES" "THE DIRTY DOZEN" GRAND CIRCUS Partr0 Open 10:45 The New Frank Sinatra Film FRI., MON., TUES. 8:35 only. SAT. EVE. 6:25, 10:35 SUN. 12:25, 4:30, 8:35. SAT. MATINEE OPEN 1:00 starts 1:20 over 4:40. "tony rome" Fri., Sat., Sun. 11:30, 1:30, 4:10, 6:30, 8:50, 11:10. Mon., thru Thurs. 11:15, 1:35, 3:45, 5:55, 8:05, 10:15. WED. LADIES DAY 50c 540 Warre 3 a t Miller Road 81 -0 Special Selective Engagement of and Hammerstein's Rodgers CAMELO1 W. 2211 Woodward—WO 1-9494 Held Over 2nd Big Week The wildest party game of them all Held Over 2nd Week Tony Curtis & Claudia Cardinale FRI., MON., TUES. open 6:45 shown 7:00, 11:00 SAT. EVE. RE-open 6:15 shown 9:00 only SUN. open 12:15 shown 2:55, 7:00, 11:00. Lee Marvin In Grand Circus Park OPEN 11:00 A.M. Danger of Decline of Jewish Populace Is Feared in Italy Plymouth Rd. at Farmington Rd. GA 7-0400 & KE 4-6400 Steve McQueen in MAI KAI "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer WEEKDAYS Doors open 7:00 Shown at 8 p.m. WED.: Matinee 1:30, Eve. 8:00. SAT.: 2:00, 5:20, 8:40. SUN.: 1:30, 4:45, 8:05. "THE SAND PEBBLES" Week Days open 6:15 shown 6:45, 9:55. Sat., Sun. open 12:30 shown 12:45, 3:45, 7:05, 10:15. Fri. 7:30 9:30 Saturday 6:00 8:00 10:00 The Mm radiates • healthy. happy attitude towards sex V' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners and display classified ads accepted from re- sponsible firms or individuals by telephone up to noon Wednesday. For rates and information . . . ROME (JTA) — Italy's small Jewish community, which today numbers only 33,000, is in danger of demographic extinction as a result of a declining birth rate, migration and the effects of Nazi and Fascist persecution of 25 years ago. 10-A—ROOMS WANTED This conclusion was drawn from 10—ROOMS FOR RENT LADY WISHES room in apartment. a statistical study just completed ROOM for working woman. All privi- Privileges. Greenfield-Southfield area by two Italian Jewish graduate stu- leges. Very reasonable. 345-5336, call or West 7 Mile. 864-8863. dents, Sergio Pergola, and Franco mornings or evenings. Sabatello. They found that there PLEASANT ROOM for woman. Kitchen 11—TO SHARE LIVING QUARTERS is a natural decrease of 4.7 per privileges. LI 5-0067. my 2 bedroom cent among Italian Jewry, com- ROOM for working person. Privileges. GENTLEMAN to share Park. LI 82196, apartment s Deluxe pared to an annual increase of 8.7 UN 2-0263. EMPLOYED LADY or mother and child per cent for the Italian population WOMAN or girl to share home in Oak to share my home. 532-6685. as a whole. The average age of the Park. Pleasant and clean room. LI 7-0848 WANTED — Woman to share my apart- Jewish population is 41 years, or 353.8411. ment in Southfield. Call mornings, compared to an average of 34 for woman. 356-3065. NICE furnished room years for the general population. Northwest section. UN 4-7452. YOUNG MAN wanted to share my 2 During World War II, the bedroom furnished apartment. Oak FURNISHED ROOM. Oak Park. Near Park. 398-2926. Fascist regime and, later, the shopping, transportation. LI 7-0791. Nazis deported about 8,300 Ital- OAK PARK. Beautifully furnished com- ian Jews. About 5,000 Jews lady in 12—EXTERMINATOR fortable room for working abandoned the Jewish commun- home of 2 adults. Privileges. Near LI 2-2104 Northland and transportation. ity, and a considerable number INSECTS TAX after 6. of Jewish youths emigrated from ROOM, Employed lady, Apartment incomes. For Italy. The increase in the Jew- ATTRACTIVE nurse. Privileges. TransPortation. Use ish population is especially of washing machine. 864-3739, DI 1-5804. more information consult noticeable in small and medium NICE ROOM for working gentleman. TO 5-7900 ERADICO size communities from which Kentucky near 7. Privileges. Sunday there has been a steady internal call UN 2-7393, Saturday call LI 5-6233. migration to larger cities. The EVERGREEN-SEVEN. Clean home for 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS working woman. KE 1-7883 Evenings, largests Jewish centers in Italy Weekends. NEWLY DECORATED today are Rome with 13,000 apartment, including OAK PARK. Nice room. Single home. Jews and Milan with 8,500. bedroom 1 - 6394. 547 Kitchen privileges. heat, light and gas, $72.50. Beauti- The study by Pergola and Sab- fully maintained elevator building. BEAUTIFUL ROOM. Woman. Kitchen Close to ahoprang and transporta- atello shows that 36 per cent of privileges. Greenfield-6. 273-5663. tion. • Italy's Jews are actively employed. for rent. Woman or girl. Call CALL 933-7806 Of these, 60 per cent are indepen- ROOM after 7. EL 6-2633. dent, and 40 per cent are employes. 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fifty-seven per cent of all actively 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS employed Jews are in commerce, 16 per cent are professionals, and 14 per cent are workers and tech- nicians. The ultimate in Deluxe comfort and gracious living, for those who want something EXTRA, at no extra cost. CALL VErmont 8-9364 SHERWOOD HEIGHTS APARTMENTS —9016.6. Ti-•0 Anti-Jewish Bias? S JERUSALEM (Z1NS)—To pre- vent chaos and overcrowding at the Christian holy places in Bethle- hem on Christmas night, the Israel government decreed that only resi- dents and tourists of the Christian faith be permitted to enter into the city on that night. Jews, Moslems and Druzes will be allowed to visit Bethlehem the next day, after the Christian ob- servances will have been ended. It is expected that some Jews with a "compulsion" to visit the Christmas festivities will lodge a strong protest against the decision with the charge that the Israel government is practicing discrimi- nation against Jews. FIRST TIME AT REGULAR PRICES! ULYSSES Based on James Jo ce's Controversial Book COMPLETE AND UNCUT NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED STUDIO-1El Greenfield at 8 Mile • LI. 2-8827 ESQUIRE 15311 E. Jefferson • VA. 2-2870. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 26—Friday, November 17, 1967 FRI: STUDIO 8: 8:00, 10:15; ESQUIRE: 7:00, 9:15 111411 11 1111 ■ --- C "POSSIBLY THE FUNNIEST PICTURE IN THE LAST 25 YEARS!" . One and Two Bedroom Apartments (Some with 2 Baths and Stall Showers) • Air Conditioned • Individual apt. heat control • Swimming Pool • Large Rooms • Large walk-in closets • All electric kitchen • Covered Parking Plus Many Other Features Rentals Now Available Apply at 8805 Kingswood or 19460 Cranbrook Wyoming, off Outer Drive UN 4-9115 T E LA PST I BA AIN TdWN in apartment living There's more to your monthly rental than meets the eye! Do you pay extra for electricity? Parking? Did you install your own carpeting? Now add the cost of these items to the rental you're paying and you're in for a jolt. At 1514 Washington Boulevard your rental includes ALL UTILITIES, PARKING, AND CAR- PETING. You'll find you can afford these luxurious apartments • . . they're a bargain! Joseph E. Levine Presents ZEUC in Mel MOSTEIL Brooks' "TI- 1E IDUCIDUCEIVS 99 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS FROM $275/MONTH A Sidney Glazier Production co-starring Gene Wilder. Dick Shawn • In Color • Prints by Path• NOW! Another Exclusive Hit Attraction at the new Towne! as L.S.D Written and Directed by Mel Brooks Produced by Sidney Glazier 39 11%9 ,0 1,0••r• Or 10 1, 11.99c01.9 C•.11.9 39116600 An &A way Pictures Poke» vol STUDIOS FROM $150:MONTH Open everyday 11-7 p.m. Sunday 12 noon-6 p.m. Call 963-8448 or 965-2131 SrearetTb 114410/P Nit/ati - APARTMENTS