Middle-East 'Nuclear Deadline' Seen by 'Saturday Beviewe Israel, Egypt May Possess Atom Bomb Within Three Years THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30—Friday, November 10, 1967 Yael, Hussein Exchange ite MP Richard H. S. Crossman, spokesman said Wednesday the' Israel's "approaching doom" in the Smiles in Brief Encounter News) a change. The who indicated that spokesman there had UAR guaranteed "the right of Is- tense days before the Six-Day War PARIS Who was seen smiling NEW YORK—The warning that been rael to exist," embodied in the last June. He declared that, in at Mrs. Yael Dayan Sion, daugh- the world is facing a "nuclear Egyptian-Israeli armistice agree- , view of Israel's experiences, "never ter of the Israel defense minis- deadline" in the Middle East and said that C rossman's speech was ments of 1949. ter? Jordan's King Hussein, that "both Egypt andI I may a "private statement .") Israel Prime Minister Levi Esh- Dr. Mohammed H. el-Zayyat I again shall we allow ourselves to that's who. have the bomb within three years" ger and vulnerability." put in such a situation of dan- The king was holding a press was given in the current issue of kol reported to a special session of said Israel's existence and security' be The Israeli diplomat, speaking conference at the hotel where the Saturday Review, a leading the Cabinet Tuesday night on were "safeguarded" by the Arab- Egypt's request for an urgent Israeli armistice agreements of at a special Balfour Day celebra- the young authoress is staying American journal of opinion. meeting of the Security Council. s), they tion of the Zionist Federation of while preparing the scenario of An editorial signed by Norman meeting Great Britain, reiterated that Is- the Franco-Israeli film, "Six consensus was that a resolu- 190 set "and up." the UN machine' Cousins, editor of the review, called tion calling would on emerge the coon- He said Egypt does know Israel rael can depend only upon her own Days in June." Israel from to evacuate for an immediate ban on all ship- cif Mrs. Sion, who said she de- exists; "we have signed a piece of strength and ability because, in ments of arms to the Middle East. external elements cided to take a look at the king The editorial noted that a for- the territories occupied in the Six- paper (the agreement); we did not times of test, "all b e ' D ay War. Y merely out of curiosity, was not sign it with shadows." He said, of our mula to "keep the United Nations On Tuesday, the United States however , that his statement was fragile or illusory." Eban arrived asked for papers by the Jor- itself from being torn apart be- danian secret service although cause of the inability of its mem- and a three-power group composed "not a ' recognition of Israel," from New York where he is head- ' ing the Israeli delegation at the she sat in the front row. The king bers to agree" on a formula to end of India, Mali and Nigeria intro- meaning the recognition of Israel United Nations. didn't know who she was, she the Arab-Israeli war has "suc- duced separate draft resolutions as a legitimate state. Later, Eban said at a press con- said, adding: ceeded in avoiding serious clashes to the Security Council, each seek- El-Zayyat recalled that the UAR ing solution of the Israel-Arab had never denounced the agree- "He smiled at the woman, not ference, after talks with Prime or ruptures inside the United Na- tions. But it does not meet the crisis, after Egypt had formally meat, which stipulates "the right Minister Harold Wilson and For- at the general's daughter. I requested the "urgent" meeting smiled at the King, not at the of each party to its security and eign Secretary George Brown, that central problem, which is to bring freedom from fear of attack by he had received the "impression" man." about a workable, durable, and en- of the council. Israel criticized both formulas, the armed forces of the other shall that Britain wants "a new peace forceable end to the Arab-Israeli the former because it did not make be fully respected." structure and not the old struc- Classified Ads Get Quick Results war," it said. "Meanwhile,"the editorial as- it clear that there must be direct It was also reported that Egypt ture" which existed in the Middle Israel-Arab talks, and the latter ROMANTIC AFFAIRS serted, "the world is confronted was ready to resume diplomatic East before the June war. BEGIN WITH Observing that no plans had by a nuclear deadline; both because it prejudiced Israel's posi- relations with the United States. been made for a formal com- Egypt and Israel may have the tion and was drafted in close con- The conditions asked by Egypt sultation with the United Arab munique on the talks, Eban said bomb within three years. The foi acceptance of President John- AND HER GYPSIES present UN resolution notwith- Republic. that he was not authorized to son's five points were said to be Weddings,Pariles,Dances Another Japanese proposal, still nonnegotiable. standing, the current situation in reveal details but that "the talks 474-7638 in the working stage, was also re- the Middle East is just as pre- Gen. Moshe Dayan, Israel's de- were useful, particularly the ex- carious today as it was before jected. fense minister, expressed Tuesday amination of the positions. We The U.S. again emphasized the the recent outbreaks. For the UN Israel's "profound regret and dis- are not so far apart on policies has taken no action to prevent five principles on the solution of appointment over the refusal of on the Middle East as some pub- MARILYNN SHAPIRO the renewed massive shipments the Mideast crisis voiced by Presi- the UN to investigate and fix the lished comment, particularly in PHOTOGRAPHER to the belligerents of planes, dent Johnson last June, but added exact spot off the Sinai coast where Israel, seemed to imply." British Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs tanks, bombs and guns by the a request that the secretary-gen- the Israeli destroyer Elath was efforts to obtain renewal of re- High Quality - Moderate Price eral name a special representative Soviet Union and the United sunk on Oct. 21 by Soviet-made lations with Egypt were criticiz- 356-8819 States. The Soviet Union, with to "assist" both the Arabs and Is- missiles from Egyptian attack ed in Israel as being allegedly an eye on its power position in rael to achieve "a just and last- boats. based on commitments to Egypt ing peace in the area." It also call- the Middle East, is selling only Those views were relayed by to pressure Israel to withdraw to the Arabs, but the United ed for the establishment of a de- Gen. Dayan to Lt. Gen. Odd Bull, from occupied Arab territories. States, with fine impartiality, is militarized zone between Israel and head of the UN observation forces Eban said that "we do not want the hostile Arab states, and re- selling to all." the Suez area, during a meet- to negotiate" with the Arab coun- Now Booking - The editorial rejected the Ameri- quested that the shipment of arms in ing here at Gen. Dayan's office. tries "on the basis of victor and to the Mideast states be limited. can argument that the U.S. had Gen. Bull came to the office to vanquished, but as neighbors." He ; Like the American draft, the discuss been forced by the Soviet Union proposals by UN Secretary also said he hoped the "mutual; and said the American position three-power document called for General U Thant to extend the UN shock" of the June war would would be more convincing if the withdrawal of Israeli troops from observers force, both in manpower impel talks for Middle East peace. I and His Orchestra United States had made a "sus- the occupied Arab areas. Both the and transport facilities, including Ile added that the main goal of Good Music tained and major effort inside the three co-sponsors failed to men- sea and air vehicles. Israeli foreign policy was to bar for All Occasions United Nations to bring about a tion the persistent Arab demands Gen. Dayan repeated Israel's any return "to the vulnerable posi- ban on shipments of arms to the that such a withdrawal be imme- demand that the UN map a fixed tion of the pre-June period." LI 4-9278 Middle East and, indeed, to any diate, or to request that Israel cease-fire line between the Israeli other areas of the world." The pull back its troops to the pre- and Egyptian positions along the editorial warned that "The weapons June 5 armistice lines. Suez Canal, but Gen. Bull report- In regard to freedom of navi- ed that Egypt opposed such a step. sent by the United States and the Soviet Union to the Middle East gation, which both drafts empha- Gen. Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's chief will not remain idle, any more sized, the three powers stressed of staff, and foreign ministry offi- ART WEINENGER than the weapons previously sent that such navigation be conson- cials attended the meeting. Formerly of to the area were idle." And it not- ent with "international law." Israel accused Jordan Monday of ed grimly that "when the planes That phrasing obviously met encouraging incidents against Is- and tanks go into action, people Egypt's insistence that, under rael "perpetuated by persons com- international law, the Cairo gov- ing from Jordan." In a letter to will be maimed and killed." Now a Partner in The ultimate solution, the review ernment must control the pas- this month's president of the Se- asserted, was to upgrade the Unit- sage of ships through the Suez curity Council, Ambassador Gideon ed Nations to give it authority to Canal and the Strait of 'Firan. Rafael listed eight incidents which Servicing Color - Antennas - Stereo Press association reports receiv- took place between Oct. 24 and halt the arms traffic and insist on ed Tuesday from Cairo said that Nov. 5. order. 19721 W. SEVEN MILE 532-9020 Egypt called for an urgent ses- Egypt had informed the U.S. gov- "These incidents indicate be- sion of the Security Council ernment it was ready to accept yond doubt that the government Thursday to consider the "dan- President Johnson's five-point Mid- of Jordan is going further and is gerous situation" in the Middle east settlement plan put forth June giving active support and succor SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES — $10 PER DAY SINGLE East arising from "the persis- 19—but only under certain condi- to armed marauders using its 14380 W. 8 MILE, OAK PARK LI 8-1825 tence of Israel in refusing to tions. The reports were attributed territory as their base of opera- withdraw its forces from all ter- to diplomatic sources. tions," Rafael said. "The govern. One Egyptian qualification was ritory which it occupied as a re- ment of Israel views with grave sult of its aggression committed the specific requirement for Israeli concern the continuation of the REGISTER YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS AT THE BEAUTIFUL on June 5 against the United withdrawal from all territories oc- encouragement and assistance Arab Republic, Jordan and cupied in June. The other qualifi- given by the Jordanian authori- cation linked Israeli use of the ties to the perpetrators of these Syria." The Egyptian request was con- Suez Canal with a solution of the armed attacks. This is a flagrant tained in a letter from Ambassador Arab refugee problem to the satis- violation of the obligations Jor- Ideally Located th Mile From Northland Mohamed Awad el Kony, head of faction of Egypt. dan has undertaken by accepting Pool, Restaurant and All Other Modern Conveniences The Egyptian government's chief cease-fire resolutions." Rafael the Egyptian delegation, to Ambas- Airport Transportation Available sador Mamadou Boubacar Kanti reiterated, in the letter, the of Mali, who is this month's presi- Philip Klutznick Asks policy of Israel "to observe the dent of the Security Council. cease-fire resolutions on the basis UN diplomats regarded Egypt's Unity of World Jewry of complete reciprocity." move as an attempt to undercut JERUSALEM (JTA)—A distin- In describing the Sunday inci- King Hussein's representation in guished audience representing dent, Rafael charged that "Jor- Washington. According to dis- some of the leading Jewish serv- danian military forces deployed Elegant patches from Cairo, the Jordanian ice and cultural organizations of along the east bank of the River With the ROYAL Fit ruler is not speaking entirely in Europe and the western hemis- Jordan and gave covering fire to accord with President Nasser. They phere heard a call here Sunday their retreating marauders." He BAR MITZVAH also saw in the Egyptian tactic an for Israelis and world Jewry to also accused the Jordanians of effort to sabotage the initiative of strive to strengthen and preserve shelling which resulted in the SUITS the United States as represented the "spirit of oneness" that pre- wounding of one Israeli, and in by its new draft resolution on the vailed during the crisis of May severe damage to the cultural cen- TELL DAD . . . IRV Middle East, which was criticized and June. WE CAN FIT HIM TOO!! ter and the infirmary of the village SOL by Israel Foreign -Minister Abba The speaker was Philip M. of Maoz Chayim. Eban. Klutznick, former international Rafael did not ask for a Security For Men (Meanwhile, a British spokes- president of Bnai Brith and U.S. Council meeting. He requested only & Boys man at the UN said Tuesday delegate to the United Nations. He that his letter be distributed to all 6 te 60 that there was "no change in addressed the opening of the sec- Security Council members. British policy on the Middle ond annual meeting of the Heb- In London, Abba Eban, foreign 7 Mile at Evergreen—Acres of Free Parking East, particularly as regards di- rew University's Institute of Con- minister of Israel, Sunday night rect negotiations between Israel temporary Jewry, a body which denounced the "levity and impu- Charge Accounts Invited and the Arabs. He was referring he helped found a year ago in dence" with which the United Na- KE 3-4310 to a speech in London by Labor- London. tions Security Council discussed (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish — JOCELYN BY POPULAR DEMAND ! ED BURG . ANNOUNCING! ART'S TV SHOP-ON-WHEELS L & W TELEVISION SERVICE HAVING A WEDDING or BAR MITIVA! EMBASSY MOTEL PRINCETON IMP