Hussein Seen 'Modifying' Position; Terrorism From Jordan Goes On WASHINGTON (JTA) — On the eve of his conference with Presi- dent Johnson at the White House Wednesday, Jordan's King Hussein told the National Press Club that a new Israeli-Arab relationship could not be established until Is- rael returned all occupied land, restored Arab refugees to their original homes and agreed to a Jerusalem arrangement acceptable to the Arabs. Hussein suggested that the Israeli position was softening. He said that "despite the fact that the Israelis have taken the official position that they would do nothing until the Arabs sat down with them around a conference table, I am now hope- ful that, just as we have modified our position toward accepting a political settlement, they will modify their view on insisting on direct negotiations." Stating that he spoke with the authority of all Arabs, Hussein threatened that, unless Israel makes terms acceptable to the Arabs now, the struggle will con- tinue "until either the Arab world is subjugated by a Zionist empire or until Arabs might eventually destroy the State of Israel." He said that, if Jew and Arab are to co-exist, "the alien quality of Israel must cease" and "Europe-origin Israelis must leave the area." He claimed it was "under the Arabs that the Jews produced their great- est literature," and called for "as- similation" of Jews as "free citi- zens" in the Arab society. He warned that the Arab resistance movement was already beginning on the west bank of the Jordan River "as in occupied Europe dur- ing the war." Speaking of a settlement, Hus- sein likened Israel to a thief who robs a bank and then asks to open a lawful account with the loot. He said the Arab position is for the thief (Israel) "to give back the money first and then we will talk about opening an account." Hinting that Jordan would turn to Russia for arms unless the United States provided equip- ment, Hussein said Jordan required military equipment whether or not a peaceful settle- ment developed. He apologized for the Arab accusation that U.S. military planes aided Israel to win the Six-Day War. He said "we regret that mistake. We have admitted it to be a mis- take." He stressed that he was speaking not only for Jordan but for all Arab peoples represented at the recent Arab summit con- ference at Khartoum. Earlier Hussein indicated to newsmen, following a lengthy luncheon meeting with Secretary of State Dean Rusk, that Jordan would recognize the right of every state to exist. It was phrased in such manner as to suggest that Israel was included. He revealed that his visit might include nego- tiations jointly for himself and the Nasser regime. He stressed that he was in "extremely close touch" with the current position of Egypt on Israel, and referred to the con- ference at Khartoum as a "turning point." He pointed out that the Soviet Union was interested in Jordanian efforts at she United Nations. Hussein declined to comment di- rectly on his talks with Rusk. He stated only that he was afforded an opportunity to present the Arab position. While referring repeatedly to "chances for a just peace." Hussein made clear that he thought in terms of Israeli troop with- drawal and negotiations through intermediaries, rather than direct negotiations. Asked point-blank if Jordan would enter direct talks with Israel, Hussein said that "at the moment and for the time being, the position is that we will not." When asked whether he was simultaneously speaking for Nasser, Hussein said that "at the moment we are very close." He added "there are no differences" between himself and 18 FrIday,November 10, 1967 — The district attorney's office re- ceived the dossiers of 32 El Fatah suspects from the West Bank and Jerusalem. They were charged with complicity in the attempt to bomb the Zion Cinema in down- town Jerusalem last month and with other attempts and acts of sabotage against the Fast Hotel, the Beersheba Railroad and the Jerusalem power station. The dos- siers of 15 more suspects will be passed on to the district attorney shortly. While incidents of Arab ter- rorism, inside Israel and on its borders, especially the frontiers of Jordan and Syria, Increased in the last few days, Jerusalem police announced the arrest of Faisal Al Hussein', one of the top leaders of the Palestine Lib- eration Organization and a kins- man of the former Grand Mufti, who was notorious during World War H as a collaborator of Adolf Hitler. The man's father, the late Abdul Kadar Al Hussein', was also a staunch fighter against Israel, who was killed during the War for Independence in 1948. Al Husseini's arrest brings to more than 30 the number of terrorists apprehended since the unsuccessful effort to blow up the cinema. The arrested man was a major in the army of Syria, where the PLO has been training many of the saboteurs that have created, or tried to wreak, havoc in Israel for a long time. Meanwhile, the following incidents have taken place: (1) At a prisoner-of-war camp for Egyptians, in Israel, the Egyp- tians staged a riot, suppressed after efforts at pacification, by Israel military police. One prisoner of war was killed, two others were wounded, and several Israeli mili- tary policemen suffered slight in- juries. The action took place Oct. 30, but was announced by the Israeli Army spokesman only Sun- day. Israel had promptly notified the International Red Cross of the incident. (2) An artillery duel between Israeli and Jordanian forces in the early hours Sunday morning cli- maxed a night of attempted sabo- tage by Arab terrorists in and around settlements of the Beisan valley. In Kibutz Maoz Chaim, which was struck by 10 shells, one person was wounded and the cul- tural house and clinic were wrecked. According to the Army spokesman, explosive charges were set off shortly after 2 a.m. at a silo and grain storage building at Kibutz Sdeh Eliyahu. Two hours later, Israeli forces encountered a band of saboteurs retreating toward the Jordan River, south of Kfar Ruppin. Jor- danian forces across the river opened fire to cover the withdraw- al, and were answered by Israeli fire. Some time later, Jordanian artillery commenced firing and Israeli artillery replied. The foot- prints of eight persons, presum- ably saboteurs, were found at Sdeh Eliyahu. (3) Several Israeli soldiers were slightly injured Sunday morning when their patrol clashed with a Syrian unit that had penetrated into Israeli-held territory in the Boutmiyeh area. The fire exchange lasted several minutes. The Syrians were intercepted west of the cease- fire lines. (4) An Arab terrorist was killed by four Israeli youths after he opened fire on them on an un- paved road near Hebron, last weekend. The youths, all from Kibutz Iftah, were traveling on the road when they were sud- denly attacked by shots fired by the terrorist. The youths, who were armed, returned the fire and were soon joined by rein- forcements. A subsequent search of the area found the body of the Arab terrorist holding in his hands a still hot Russian sub- machinegun. He also had four unused magazines. Israeli police arrested Sunday THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS several • Arab youngsters in the Nasser. He said the Arab case was "an extremely reasonable one" and would gain acceptance. While he could not discuss details of the Arab willingness to compromise, he said he could state that "we are willing to give a great deal." Hussein said the Israel problem was "born" in the United Nations and that that is where discussions would be held and—he hoped—a solution acceptable to the Arabs would be found. An unusually large crowd greeted the Jordanian king as he came to the State Department for his noon-hour meeting with Rusk. The greeter s, in the department building diplomatic lobby, included diplomats and departmental desk officers, as well as secretaries and other government employes. United States officials said after the Hussein-Rusk talks that the administration was encouraged by Hussein's "moderation." In Jerusalem, a shocking record of destruction and desecration of Jewish holy places in and around Old Jerusalem during 19 years of Jordanian rule was documented in the report of an inter-ministerial committee that was appointed after the Six-Day War to determine the state of Jewish shrines in Jordan-held territory. The findings of the committee were summarized by Zerach War- haftig, „minister of religious af- fairs, at a press conference here. As examples of the wanton disre- gard of the religious rights of others, Warhaftig noted the de- struction of all but two of the 58 synagogues in the Jewish quarter of the Old City and the almost total destruction of the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives which has been in continuous use for more than 2,000 years. The cemetery was one of the Jewish holy places to which access was promised by the Jordanians in the 1949 armistice agreements although the promise was never observed. Tombstones were car- ried away for purposes ranging from fortifying mortar positions to building lavatories, and the re- port says, documentary evidence and eye witnesses "make it clear beyond doubt that the desecration of the cemetery was carried out by Jordanian authorities for offi- cial purposes." The Jordanian government. according to the report, had placed a special guard at the cemetery, but only to prevent tombstones from being pilfered by private persons. Their use was authorized for building mili- tary camps, fortifications, path- ways and other installations and the walls of the building that housed the army commanders. Part of the road to the Inter- continental Hotel was paved with tombstones, the report said. And the Jordanians never bothered to remove the remains of the dead. In the Old City of Jerusa- lem, the report went on, only the synagogue of the Cabad Hasidim and the Torat Chayim yeshiva were left standing. Dr. Warhaftig said that there was only one known instance of a clergyman protesting against the desecration and he was told by the Jordanian authorities to mind his own business. Moslem digni- taries whom Dr. Warhaftig ques- tion-ed about the outrages dis- claimed all knowledge. Beirut newspapers reported that Arab sabotage and terrorist groups were consolidated recently under the command of Ahmed Shukairy's Palestine Liberation Front. They will be known henceforth as "Jataf." The new organization supercedes El Fatah and other terrorist bands. The Jerusalem district attorney said Wednesday he would announce a decision soon on whether mem- bers of El Fatah terrorist gangs rounded up by police in recent weeks will be tried by a military or a civilian court. . Gaza Strip suspected of throwing hand grenades last week in pro- test against the 50th anniversary celebration of the Balfour Declara- tion. Four Gaza residents were injured in the explosions. Another expression of Arab re- sentment was an almost totati boy- cott of Gaza schools. The teachers arrived on schedule but, when very few pupils appeared, the Israeli authorities cancelled all classes. Schools in Arab refugee camps functioned normally. Strengthened army and police units patrolled the streets of Gaza, Khan Yunis and other Gaza Strip townships, but there were no incidents other than the grenade tossings. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin met Sunday with Northern front and local Israeli commanders in the Beisan Valley, site of recent infiltrations from Jordan, to dis- cuss ways to intensify Israel's counter-saboteur operations. It was learned at the same time that Jordan has been 'strengthen- ing troop positions in the Jordanian section across the Jordan River from the Beisan Valley. Israeli officials speculated that either the Jordanians feared some Israeli reaction to the sabotage raids or that they had decided to take firm action against use of Jordanian territory as bases for raids across the river into Israeli-held territory. The defense minister and Gen. Rabin were accompanied by senior staff officials. (President Shazar of Israel paid a visit to the Golan Heights Tues- day accompinied by Gen. Moshe Dayan, Israel's defense minister, and Gen. Yitzhak Rabin, chief of staff. (The president, entertained at a lunch in the former Syrian officers club in Kuneitra, told the Israeli army officers that this was not his first visit to the Golan Heights area. He said that, in 1911, Berl Katznelson, the Zionist pioneer, and he crossed Lake Tiberias and ascended the heights area in search of sites for Jewish settle- ments.) High government circles warned Tuesday that Jordan will have to bear the consequences of continued depredations by El Fatah terrorist gangs using her territory as a base for their in- cursions into Israel. The PLO has repeatedly said it was con- tinuing its "war of liberation" against Israel. In that case, ac- cording to authoritative sources, any country supporting the guer- rillas must be regarded as par- ticipating in this war regardless of moderate speeches by their leaders abroad. It was reported Wednesday that if West Bank families have to wait until next year for reunions with their relatives who fled into Jor- dan during the Six-Day War, the responsibility rests on Jordanian authorities who, up to now, have refused to meet directly with Israeli authorities on the matter. Several hundred West Back and East Jerusalem families have filed applications for the repatriation of relatives in Jordan under an Israeli plan permitting the reuni- fication of families. Several hundred Welt Bank and East Jerusalem families have filed applications for the repatriation of relatives in Jordan under an Is- raeli plan permitting the reunifi- cation of families. * • * Israel Amnesty Makes Innocence a Problem JERUSALEM — A general am- nesty granted in Israel directly after the Six-Day War has created a bizarre situation in which scores of business firms and individuals are trying to prove that they acquired large shares of their tax- able assets by illegal means. The amnesty protects them from heavy fines and possible imprison- ment if the alleged illegalities were committed prior to June 5, 1967, but they only pay a flat 25 per cent tax on such gains instead of the 50 to 85 per cent tax levied on legally acquired income. In these circumstances, Israelis are engag- ing lawyers to- prove them guilty of violations of the law, while the government, in its own interests, is trying to prove they were inno- cent. "Greater Israel" Implications... Inevitability of Area Retention By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ RAMALLAH, Israel, former Jor- dan—It is from this spot that one must ponder over the predictions made by noted dereographers that Greater Jerusalem will, in the year 2,000, have a population of 850,000. The figures are well worth studying for an understanding of the true state of affairs vis-a-vis the discussions regarding the fu- ture of areas now held by Israel. The New City of Jerusalem which alone was in Israel's hands prior to June 5, has a population of 150,000. In the Old or East Jeru- salem which was held by Jordan for more than 19 years, there are 66,000 Arabs. The neighboring cities to Jerusalem and their popu- lations are: Nablus (ancient Bibli- cal Shkhem), 44,000; Hebron, 34,000; Ramallah, 25,000, and Bethlehem, whose population has not been made known but which certainly has a population of more than 12,000. This presently approx- imates a total of 325,000. Since the Old City of Jerusalem, the citadel of King David, can no longer be spoken of as separate from the former New Jerusalem, and - because of the proximity of the other communities to Jerusa- lem, one wonders whether the Greater Jerusalem will not in fact include all the mentioned areas 30 years from now. Many elements relate to this is- sue. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol's statement of a few days ago about "Greater Israel" attests to the de- termined will of the Israelis and their government not to yield any of the major territories. There is more to the issue than just this. On the very first day of Israel's triumph over Jordan, on June 6, Hebron capitulated with- out a shot. The Jewish community in Hebron was destroyed in 1929, the year of the massacres by Arabs of all the students in the Hebron Yeshiva, the theological schooL Fearing vengeance, every Hebron building hoisted a white flag on June 6 and all its residents were spared and are now doing a thriving business with Israelis. There was a similar situation in Bethlehem. The white flags ap- peared on all buildings on June 6 and there was not a shot in this city that is so holy to Christians as the birthplace of Jesus. Now it is contended that Beth- lehem has no way out but to ask to be included as a part of Great- er Jerusalem. If Bethlehem ever were to be abandoned by Israel the city would be separated from the Holy City of Peace—Jerusa- lem—and tourism would be ruined. Christian tourists link the two, Jerusalem with Bethlehem, and their proximity — it's a 15-minute ride between the two cities—makes the two spots inseparably valuable as a tourists' religious haven. The Status of territories held by Israel is speculative. Peace it- self is remote and speculative. But the question of a Greater Jerusalem appears to be nearing clarification. There seems to be a certainty that Israel will become firmly established in a closely linked expanded Jerusalem long before the contending parties be- gin to debate the status of areas acquired by Israel in the Six-Day War. •