3—Friday, November 3, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Attempted Sabotage in Beisan Valley Foiled by Israel Free access will be allowed northern perimeter of the settle- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) ment. A search of the kibutz, car- shortly to almost all Arab territory TEL AVIV — For the second ried out immediately afterwards, occupied by Israeli forces in the time in less than 24 hours Israeli disclosed high explosives at- Six-Day War, it was learned from border patrols clashed Tuesday in tached to the wall of a building reliable sources Wednesday. As NEW YORK (JTA) — The re- Jewish people over a period of the Beisan Valley with Arab Ma- that housed four sleeping families. soon as the defense ministry com- rauders who managed to escape An Army vehicle patroling near plet es technical arrangements, tirement of Boris Smolar after 43 nearly two decades. years with the Jewish Telegraphic He was one of the JTA team into Jordan, this time under cover- the kibutz was fired upon without travelers may enter and return Agency, the last 26 of them as which provided the world press ing machine gun fire from Jordan. casualties. Border police later from occupied zones with nothing ian positions across the river. editor-in-chief of the world-wide with its major coverage of the found the footprints of seven men more than passport and identity An army spokesman said the leading toward the Jordan River. card. Still off limits, however, are news service, was announced by 1929 Palestine riots. He covered latest clash occurred about one The terrorists were apparently sur- middle and southern Sinai. Robert II. Arnow, JTA president. pogroms in Poland and Romania. His dispatches from Moscow to kilometer east of Hadiyeh when an prised by dogs whose barking the JTA and the New York armed Arab band fired on the alerted the watchman. Widow Wishes World during a critical period in patrol, which returned the f ire. Companion To Share In another incident, a storehouse the evolution of the Soviet Revo- The Israeli border t'aits also re- Room In Miami Beach, Late lution did much to inform the turned the fire fro:n the Jordanian for fertilizer at Moshav Tel Yosef, November To May. world as to the fate of Russia's side of the river. A search of the near the banks of the Jordan, was area disclosed three anti-vehicle blown up and set afire. The ex- Jews. mines which had been hidden by plosion occurred at 10 o'clock Sun- Boris Smolar Retires as JTA Editor; News Service Celebrates 50th Year VICTOR BIENSTOCK Smolar, who is 70, will continue to write his column distributed by JTA to the American Jewish press and will carry the title, editor-in- chief emeritus. Victor M. Bienstock, who was JTA editor in 1933-35 and has been its general manager and director of operations since 1951, has as- sumed the editorial direction of the 4'agency. Arnow also announced the ap- pointment of John Kayston as busi- ness manager of the JTA. Kayston, who joined the JTA organization in 1936, has been responsible for JTA administrative affairs, circulation and production for many years. He will continue these activities in his expanded new capacity. Arnow said that Jack Seigel, di- rector of development, would also assume added responsibilities in the financial area. Smolar studied journalism at Northwestern University and was on the staff of the Chicago Daily Forward until he joined the JTA in 1924. He later became chief European correspondent for JTA and covered most of the world's major news stories involving the Why The Christian Science Monitor recommends you read your local newspaper Your local newspaper keeps you in- formed of what's happening in your area — community events, public meetings, stories about people in your vicinity. These you can't— and shouldn't — do without. HOW THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR LOCAL PAPER The Monitor specializes in analyzing and interpreting national and world news ... with exclusive dispatches from one of the largest news bu- reaus in the nation's capital and from Monitor news experts in 40 overseas countries and all 50 states. TRY THE MONITOR — IT'S A PAPER THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Please start my Monitor subscription for the period checked below. I enclose (U.S. funds). ❑ 1 YEAR $24 ❑ 6 months $12 O 3 months $6 Mame Street City State ZIP Code PB-17 Perhaps his longest and most arduous assignment was to report the growth of the Nazi movement in Germany which ultimately led to Hitler's accession to power. He was expelled from Hitler Germany in 1937. He remained on European assignment after the outbreak of the war until 1941 when he re- turned to New York and assumed the editorship of JTA. Bienstock, a native of Hartford, Conn., came to the Jewish Tele- graphic Agency after serving on the New York World. the New York Herald Tribune and the Lon- don Morning Post. He resigned as an editor of the Herald Tribune News Service in 1933 to the join the JTA staff as editor of the news service and managing editor of the Jewish Daily Bulletin. He went to Europe in 1935, with headquarters in London, as chief of foreign ser- vice, to reorganize its operations and direct its news service. In 1940, he became chief of the foreign service of the Overseas News Agency with headquarters in London and served as war cor- respondent in the Middle East and European theaters. He became for- eign editor of ONA in 1945 and general manager of JTA in 1951. American Jewish leaders and representatives of the world press joined Thursday in marking the 50th anniversary of the establish- ment of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Arnow presided at an anniver- sary luncheon at the Americana Hotel. The American Jewish Press Association presented a special award to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency at the luncheon. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency was established in 1917 in Holland by the late Jacob Landau as the Jewish Correspondence Bureau and it functioned throughout World War I. serving the press from its neutral base on both sides of the lines. It suspended activities at the close of the war but was reestab- lished in London in 1919 by Mr. Landau and the late Meir Gross- man at the urging of the late Dr. Thomas G. Masaryk, later the first president of the Czechoslovak Re- public. The agency began opera- tions in the United States in 1921 and subsequently New York be- came headquarters for the world- wide system. UN 4-8943 t h e marauders. Bloodstains on day. tracks leading toward the river indicated that one or more of the Arabs may have been hit in the exchange. 68s In the earlier clash, a watch. man was injured and one build- ing was destroyed. According to the Army spokes- man ,he watchman at Kibutz Ein Hanatziv was injured by ma- rauders who fired automatic weapons and threw hand grenades when they were surprised near the * * JOIN THE STAR-SPANGLED FREEDOM PLAN * * * Sign up for U.S. Savings Bonds New Freedom Shares See IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Larry Stern LARRY & HARRY Harry Abram NO FALSE PROMISES — JUST GOOD DEALS "WE SELL BECAUSE OF OUR REPUTATION" JOE MAY CHEVROLET 12555 GRAND RIVER near Meyers BR 2-2470 LI 8-4119 TE 4-4440 walizAktn, emnimAity. anmwd- Nanciud, Wednesday, November 29— Cobo Hall Dinner 7:00 p.m. Cocktails 6:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: a)r. gosepli JQ £oohstein Chancellor of Bar-Han University Hebrew U. Scientists Start Novel Research on Semi-Conductors JERUSALEM—A new approach to the synthesis of semi-conductors, which may prove beneficial to the electronics industry, has been ini- tiated by the department of in- organic chemistry of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Heading the study is Dr. Jacob Shamir, senior lecturer in the de- partment, who has recently re- ceived a 10,000-pound grant from the university's Robert Szold Cen- ter for Applied Science in order to complete the research. One of the main features of the project will be an attempt to form new complexes of already known chemical groups in order to obtain higher purity and simpler instrumentation and working con- ditions. The project involves various semi-conductors, some of which are used in the field of transistors and other electronic devices. Help Raise Jewry's Cultural Standards — Join the Participants in the Annual Bar-Ilan Dinner For Reservations Call DI 1-0708 or Contact Bar Ilan Office, 18033 Wyoming I