Eshkol Reviews Problems at Testimonial Fete (Continued from page 1) impressive occasion at which was echoed the tremendous role that Detroit Jewry has played in the establishment and the advancement of the university. (Fisher is honor- ary chairman of the local Bar-Ilan dinner to take place Nov. 29 at Cobo Hall.) The Detroit delegation that par- ticipated in the UJA Mission at- tended the ceremonies and partici- pated in the dedication of the Gus- tave Wurzweiler Library at which ; the principal addresses were deliv- ered by Professor Moshe Jammer, president of the university, and by Dr. Max Gruenewald of the Wurz- weiler Foundation. Chief Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman gave the invocation. Professor Y e h u d a Schechter presented Fisher as the candidate for the academic award of the honorary degree. The occasion was highlighted by an ex- hibit of historic documents of the city of Ilebron. The testimonal dinner in honor of Max Fisher emerged as an event of great importance because of the opportunity that was taken by Prime Minister Eshkol to review the existing problematic conditions affecting Israel. He was frank to state: "I am not at all certain that the war is only behind us and not ahead of us. too." The prime minister emphatically declared that the UJA and Israel Bonds: Are the two pillars on which our building rests." "We need the skills of the spe- cialists who will come here and share their experience with us, and will live — together with us — the problems of production and of mar- keting abroad. Fisher, in his response to the presentation of the glass vessels which was made on behalf of the government of Israel and the Jew- ish Agency by Louis Pincus, stated in addressing himself to Israel's prime minister: "We who have traveled with you through the war will travel with you to final vic- tory, will work with you to make Israel economizally independent and to strive for an Israel at peace." Replying to the call for continu- ation of the Emergency Campaign, Fisher stated emphatically: "You have said the emergency continues. "Our answer is the Emergency Fund will also continue. "I say this not only for myself but also for this great audience and the com- munities they represent." • Fisher declared that on all three issues posed by Eshkol there would ' be a positive response from Amer- ican Jewry, and he pledged assist- ance to Israel in a spirit of confi- dence that the state soon will reach a population of 5,000,000. The events at Bar-Ilan University were marked by recognition of the vast services that were rendered to the university in its founding and its development by the Stollman family—especially Phillip Stollman, I the national chairman of American Friends of Bar-Ilan University, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Stollman. The Detroit delegation is con- tinuing its sessions here and its survey of conditions in Israel for another week. Fisher's response to the prime minister moved Eshkol so deeply that he rose with the audience in honor of the national UJA leader and kissed him. The members of the Detroit mission to Israel, in addition to Messrs. and Mesdames Max Fisher, Max Stollman, Walter Field, and Max Shaye and Phillip Stollman, included Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Miller, George Orley, Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Moskowitz, Al Borman, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Picas, Dr. and Mrs. Raphael Altman, Mrs. Celia Baruch, Mr. and Mrs. David Berris, Dr. and Mrs. Eli Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Herman J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellias, Mrs. Edith Frank, Ben Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Goldman, Dr. and Mrs. Julius J. Greenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hinderstein, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Jackier, Dr. and Samuel Krohn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malamud, Dr. and Mrs. Hyman S. Mellen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milan, Dr. and Mrs. Sid- ney Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Milford Nemer, Mr. and Mrs. George Parzen, Mr. and Mrs. Law- Fisher Acclaimed With Degree wisdom and greater understand- gentle, warm, loving and lovable. By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ ing. To this day you have retained Together with your dear Margie RAMAT GAN. Israel — Sunday a ravenous appetite for culture and you are fast becoming the most was an historic event for Detroit- ers. Bar-Ilan University had chosen to confer its first honorary degree upon the eminent Detroiter leader, Max M. Fisher, and the occasion —the opening of the university's 13th academic year with a student body of 3,500—actually turned into He declared that there are three a "Detroit Day in Israel." issues that primarily affect Israel— In addition to the honor of Fish- the security problem, the economic er, the psychological clinic in mem- future and the need to "attract im- ory of the late Sol Kanat of De- migrants from the free world to troit was dedicated in the presence participate with us in assuring the of his family visiting here, and high development of the Jewish state." honors were accorded to Phillip, Commenting on the attitude of Frieda and Max Stollman for their the hostile Arab world, Eshkol share in helping in the advance- stated: "The Arab rulers have dem- ment of Bar-Ilan. onstrated often enough, and may, In the presence of President demonstrate again, that their ac- Shneour Zalman Shazar, of Israel. tions are not guided by reason who cut the ribbon marking the opening of the Wurzweiler Library alone. "But even if there will be no on the Bar-Ilan campus, the award to Fisher was presented major war, this does not mean that by Dr. Joseph Lookstein, chancel- we may expect a period of tran- lor of the university, who read this quility on our borders. citation: Six-Day end of the "Since the Max M. Fisher. your life story War, we have had about 100 border is one of the fascinating sagas of incidents. some of them involving American opportunity. loss of life. You grew up amidst humble sur- "The various I attempts at sabo- roundings in the modest but warm tage within the country have not home of immigrant parents. You succeeded. thanks to the alertness I were no stranger to adversity, and of our army. our border police, our hardship was the normal climate regular police forces, our intelli- of your adolescent years. gence service and the general pub- But to a superior spirit adver- lic. But we have no guarantee that sity is never an obstacle. Great we will be uniformly successful, in character blossoms in log cabins the future, too, in repelling or pre- more often than in sumptuous man- venting such attacks." : sions. This is in keeping with the In his outline of the need for ex- American pattern. This, too, is the panded immigration, Eshkol em- tradition of our people whose sages phasized: "We need people who taught: "Be mindful of the chil- will come here and who will bring dren of the poor, for from them with them necessary resources for shall issue forth learning." investment in Israel's export indus- You wrested an education out tries. of the very clutches of a hard des- "We need people with profes- tiny. You graduated with honors sional and technical knowhow, with from Ohio State University, work- commercial experience, with inter- ing your way through school and national contacts; people who know college. No task was too menial, what should be bought, when. and I no labor too exacting as long as I the end reward would be increased under what conditions. an unquenchable thirst for intel- lectual enrichment. You can still consume books by the dozen. You have achieved material suc- cess and have acquired substance and affluence, Yet those who know you are aware that your real wealth lies beneath your hat and your true fortune is not in your purse but in your heart. Blessed, indeed, is the man who possesses wealth. but is not possessed by it. Today you are an acknowledged leader of men whose generalship and generosity transcend all bar- riers of creed, color and nation- ality. In your native State of Mich- igan, indeed throughout the dem- ocracy that is America. you are the friend of governors, the coun- sellor of statesmen, the champion of all righteous causes and the advocate of every progressive movement. To our people and to its ances- tral homeland you have become a tower of strength and a sturdy pillar of support. You have inspired others to serve and to give by the example of your own supreme service and by the magnificence of your personal benevolence. You have in truth become a symbol of the multitudes of our people every- where who are prepared to bring their talents, energies and sub- stance as offerings upon the altar of Israel's statehood. Yet you remain serene, kindly. I adored couple in the Jewish com- munity. As the academic hood of our university is draped over your broad 'shoulders it will symbolize a people embracing affectionately one of its most favorite sons. By virtue of the authority in me vested as Chancellor of Bar-Ilan University, by the Board of Regents of the State of New York, I am pleased to confer upon you, sir, the degree of Doctor of Humane Let- ters. honoris causa. As a visible symbol thereof, I cause to be placed over your shoulders the academic hood of our university, and I hand you this diploma. "May God bless you out of Zion, and may you see the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life." Deeply moved by the honor he received. Dr. Fisher, in a brief address of acknowledgement, spoke of his deep interest in Israel and emphasized the need for cultural and spiritual survival and the nec- essity to emphasize learning as much as economic aid to Israel. In his speech, Fisher paid high honor to his dear friends the Stoll- mans for having guided him to- wards a deep interest in Bar-Ilan. Phillip Stollman presided at a luncheon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and the distinguished guests at the convocation. Among the speakers was Kaddish Luz, speaker of the Knesset. rence Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pilhashy, Harold S. Podolsky, Louis Redstone, Dr. and Mrs. Abraham S. Rogoff, Mrs. Dora Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Satovsky, Mr. and Mrs. Max Sheldon, Dr. and Mrs. Peter G. Shifrin, Dr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Shoskes, Mrs. Michael Tanzer, Mr. and Mrs. Julian S. Tobias, Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Victor. Flint members of the UJA mis- sion included Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kasel, Morris Pelavin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaprow and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Megdell. 'Symptoms of Revival' of Nazism in Germany Warned by Delegation (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) ROME—A delegation of West Germans representing that coun- try's anti-Nazi movement dating from the pre-World War II pe- riod, warmed at a press conference in Turin Tuesday that "there are alarming symptoms of a Nazi revival in Germany today." One member of the delegation is Werner Krunune, president of the Coordinating Committee of the Organizations of Political and Racial Persecutees in Bavaria, who holds Israel's "Medal of the Just." Krumme's Jewish wife was mur- dered at Auschwitz where he too had been interned for anti-Nazi activities. Meanwhile, in Washington, ef- forts to free Rudolph Hess, once Adolf Hitler's deputy and No. 2 man in the Nazi heirarchy, now serving a life sentence in the Spandau international war crimes prison in Berlin, were vigorously opposed by Samuel Samuels, na- tional commander of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States. In a statement Samuels said that Hess, one of the original storm troopers, had "gone beyond the realm wherein a claim for com- passion could be made." He is the only war criminal left there. Moves to free Hess have been supported by former United States Attorney General Francis Biddle who had himself passed judgment on the Nazi at the Nuremberg war crimes trials in 1946. Biddle said recently that he thought Hess, who defected to Britain in 1941, had served long enough and that Lord Oaksey, presiding member of the Nuremberg court, agreed. Samuels noted that Hess was given a life term and "would have been executed with other ex- tremely brutal Nazis had a ques- tion not been raised about his sanity." To free Hess, he said. "would mock the sacrifices of all those who opposed Nazism." Balfour Anniversary, Tribute to Weizmann Marked in Rehovot at Week's Ceremonies By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ cert together with the Kol Israel Dr. Weizmann and there were evaluative reviews of Israel's cur- Symphony Orchestra directed by REHOVOT, Israel — With world Mendi Rodan. Jewish figures and Israel's most Participating also was the Zedi- distinguished leaders joining in kov Choir conducted by Laszlo most impressive observances of the 50th anniversary of the Balfour Roth. It was an historic event of great Declaration, a series of events, held at the Weizmann Institute of Sci- significance at which the parti- ence here• marked the historic oc- cipating notables reviewed the his- casion of the promulgation of in- tory of the Jewish national move- ternational recognition of Jewish ment that led to statehood, the development of science in Israel, rights to statehood. The celebrations began on Mon- especially through the efforts of day and continued for the entire week, climaxed by a tremendous Suez Closure Costly demonstration held Thursday at LONDON (JTA) — The con- which President Zalman Shazar presented his Presidential Pro- tinued shut down of the Suez Canal clamation for the anniversary. Lord is costing Britain an average of Rothschild, who presided, delivered $56,000,000 a month, or more than one of the principal addresses, and $200,000,000 since the Six-Day the speakers included Dr. Nahum War last June. This information Goldmann. Prof. Amos de-Shalit, was given to Parliament by Prime Meyer W. Weisgal, Lord Sieff, Gen. Minister Harold Wilson whose gov- Ezer Weizmann and Prof. Michael ernment is planning new relations with Egypt after a three-year Feldman. Max M. Fisher, general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, The occasion was linked with hiatus. receives a tribute from the Israel government and the Jewish Most of the money has been the memorial to Dr. Chaim Weiz- Agency for his three years of service as UJA head. In the picture mann, first president of Israel, spent in precious hard currency are (from left) Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, executive vice chair- on the occasion of the 15th an- for oil to replace Middle Eastern man of UJA; Louis A. Pincus, chairman of the Jewish Agency; niversary of his passing. The El supplies, contributing to Britain's Fisher; and Israel Prime Minister Levi Eshkol. Maki Rahamim was chanted by already precarious balance of pay- Jan Peerce who also gave a con- ments situation, it was disclosed. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 40 — Friday, November 3, 1967 rent status and the outlook for the future. • A ceremony marking the unveil- ing of "The Rock of Testimony" honoring members of the British and Irish Joint Festival Appeal featured a commencing program on Monday. Members of the international board of the Weizmann Institute were in session the entire week. and eminent leaders from many lands, including a U. S. delegation headed by Dewey Stone, were among the participants. The celebrations will continue through the weekend and on Fri- day there will be a dedication cere- mony, in the presence of Lord and Lady Rothschild, of the "Animal Breeding Center"—a new Weiz- mann Institute project. Leaders gathered here are pay- ing honor to Meyer W. Weisgal, chairman of Yad Chaim Weizmann, as the architect of the great struc- tures in which scientific research is being conducted and the insti- tute's historic achievements which have won for it international ac- claim.