GOP Chieftains Defy M.E. Policy By MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright 1967, JTA Inc - ) WASHINGTON — The adminis- tration is troubled by the increas- ing attacks from Republican lead- ers who charge that the United States has failed to support Israel adequately against Soviet-Arab collusion. Faced with an election year and an unpopular war in Vietnam, President Johnson is confronted by a dilemma in the Middle East. The Soviet Union is exploiting American preoccupation in Viet- nam to penetrate the Middle East and the Mediterranean region. Mos- cow is using the Arab-Israel con- flict to advance its own ends. U.S. authorities are aware that the Kremlin demanded that the U.S. Sixth Fleet leave the Medi- terranean, and began building up Soviet naval strength there imme- diately before Egypt's Nasser mov- ed against Israel. Russian ambi- tions are apparent to men like Sen. Stuart Symington, Missouri Demo- crat, who is former U.S. Air Force Secretary and now serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee. Sen. Symington feels that American interests face greater peril in the Middle East than in Southeast Asia. The State Department policy has been to publicly ignore the Soviet role in the Middle East. Secretary of State Dean Rusk wants to avoid a confrontation there that might detract from his emphasis on North Vietnam and China. Ameri- can diplomats who are regarded as experts on the Middle East con- tinue to counsel non-involvement on the side of Israel in hopes of bidding against Russia for Arab friendship. A State Department official was recently asked if the "Domino Theory" under which we are fight- ing to prevent the fall of South Vietnam does not also apply to Israel. He replied—off the record —that "Israel is a domino that we can spare. Israel is costing us the Arab world and is not worth a nuc- lear war between America and Russia." Such views are not shared by many in Washington. The ad- ministration position in the Middle East, based on President Johnson's "five points" last June, is said to represent the very minimum at the United Nations. A principal cri- ticism in Washington is that the Arab refusal to make peace is en- couraged by Soviet strategists who want to continue exploiting ten- sions. The sinking of the Israeli des- makers are eager to restore rela- troyer Elath by a Russian-supplied tions with the Arabs." missile was seen here as a dan- Wilson warned that "the lack gerous precedent to which the Ad- of American firmness in the Middle ministration provided no answer. East may cause that region to State Department spokesmen re- erupt again into a war less easy to fused to "point a finger" at the stop than the Six-Day conflict." guilty party. This evasion was im- He said the administration's res- mediately noted by the Republi- ponse to the Soviet-Arab buildup can leadership in Congress. in recent months "was confined to Rep. Bob Wilson, of California, a belief that only Vietnam and is chairman of the Republican Con- China were a real threat to our gressional campaign committee and security." The GOP campaign an important member of the House chairman said that "before it is Armed Services Committee. Wilson too late, we must serve notice on commented that "the Israeli Gov- the Russians that there are limits ernment seems to have suffered to their manipulations and escala- even more provocation than (the tions in the Middle East." United States) in the North Viet- House Republican leader Gerald namese naval attack on our des- troyers in 1964 that led to our R. Ford commented on the Soviet role in the sinking of the Elath. Gulf of Tonkin resolution. Here we have the case of an extreme The minority leader voiced belief escalation in which the Soviet that "the Administration has not Union has provided and possibly appreciated sufficiently that the actually fired a surface-to-surface Mideast crisis is another confron- tation between Communist nations naval missile to sink a ship." Wilson maintained that the Rus- and the free world." He said "the Soviet Union is moving military sians might have instigated the supplies into the Mideast and it sinking of the Elath to test the might be well for us to treat Israel American reaction. Moscow might as we have some other nations in be thinking of providing such mis- the past by lending naval vessels siles to North Vietnam to sink U.S. to them. Israel has done a good job to help bail the United States ships. out in the Mideast." The California Congressman, Such a stand by the Republican who is close to leading admirals and generals, said the Soviets may leader of the House and the chair- have chosen an Israeli ship as the man of the party's Congressional test victim "because of a belief campaign committee are noted by that the United States would seek the rank and file of the Republi- to avoid a confrontation because of the administration's ' ambiguous can Party. It is also noted by the and vague commitments to Israel. White House, the Democratic Par- Moscow knows that our policy- ty, and the general public. * * * Rusk Is Challenged on His M.E. Role WASHINGTON — Members of Congress are on the verge of at- tacking Secretary of State Dean Rusk for over-emphasis on South- east Asia while the Soviet menace to the Middle East is debunked. Sen. Stuart Symington, Missouri Democrat, former U.S. Air Force Secretary, speaking as the ranking member of the Senate Prepared- ness Subcommittee, voiced concern over Rusk's preoccupation with China and Vietnam while an even more ominous storm is brewing in the Middle East. Legislators have learned that the Soviet Union has continued its rearmament of the Arab states without interruption. Much of the new arms and equipment is even more modern than material lost in Try and Stop Me By BENNETT CERF NEWLYWED came home with a string of sausage and suggested that his bride prepare them for breakfast. "How do you cook sausages?" asked the bride (a Sarah Lawrence graduate). "Fry them like fish," sug- gested her husband (a Harvard graduate). The next morning Friend Wife brought them to the table steaming hot, remarking apologetically, "I do hope you enjoy your sausages, dear—but there really wasn't much left of them after I cleaned the insides out." • • • The great trial lawyer, Clarence Darrow, always pointed out that the really wise attorney was the one who knew when to stop badgering a witness for the opposition. He recalled, for instance, a time he was defending a vile-tempered client accused of biting off a business competitor's ear. Cross-examining the main witness A for the prosecution, Darrow cleverly cornered him into ad- mitting his head was turned when the alleged attack took place. "Ho, ho," chortled Darrow, "then you admit you actually did not SEE the defendant bite off that ear?" "You've got me there," admitted the witness angrily, then brightened and added, • - "But I DID see him spit it out!" • • • Two classmates—Princeton '38—met on a plane. "How's your wife?" asked one. 'I'm not married," answered the other. "Not married!" gasped the first one. "WHAT DO YOU DO FOR AGGRAVATION?" Q 1967, by Bennett Cert. Distributed by King Features Syndicate the Six-Day War last June. There is good reason to believe that Russia has increased advisory teams of Soviet personnel in Syria and Egypt. The most sophisticated ground radar, range-finding, and electronic equipment was rushed from Russia and installed on the wetern bank of the Suez Canal. The possibility of Soviet instructors be- coming involved in action against Israel is considerable. Ground-to-ground Russian rockets of the latest design have been rushed to Egypt. The Egyptians have now been re- supplied with 80 per cent of the jet combat planes at their disposal be- fore the June war. Newer and bet- ter models have been provided. Be- tween 55 and 60 Sukhoi-7 jets, a lethal aircraft, were sent to re- place the 12 destroyed by Israel. The MIG-15, MIG-17, and MIG-19 aircraft destroyed were replaced by the latest MIG-21s. New Ilyushin-28 jet bombers have arrived in Egypt. On June 5 the Egyptian armored forces possessed more and better tanks that did Hitler's total Panzer forces at the outbreak of World War II. About half of Egypt's 1,200 tanks were destroyed or cap- tured by Israel. More than 200 heavy tanks, accompanied by skilled Soviet training missions, have arrived in Egypt since the cease-fire. Syria has been resupplied with even more than the number of planes and tanks lost. Newer Soviet models were provided. Soviet military officers have ar- rived with the new equipment. Iraq received 24 more Soviet military jets than the total num- ber lost. Arab air forces are undergoing intensified training. Few Arab pi- lots were killed in the war be- cause most of the Arab planes were destroyed on the ground. The Soviet Union is methodical• ly penetrating South Arabia. Egypt's Nasser, forced to pull out of Yemen, has arranged for the USSR to relieve him in supplying the Nasserite stooges in Sana. Twenty-four Russian jets are known to have arrived in Yemen. Soviet technicians are perfecting the only port in Yemen as a Soviet base capable of dominating the eastern approaches to the Red Sea. Friday, November 3, 1967-29 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Two Nazi War Criminals Sentenced in Germany BONN (JTA) — Two SS offi- cers were sentenced Monday for their role in the murder of victims during World War II in the Mau- thausen concentration camp. Former SS lieutenant Anton Streitweise, 50, received a life sen- tence. At the end of World War II he deserted from his post to escape capture, wearing a U.S. uniform. Karl Schulze, 65, received a sen- tence of 15 years. He headed the political department of the concen- tration capm. He was arrested in 1945, but was freed by Americans who did not know his true identity. Meanwhile, the Yugoslav gov- ernment has apologized to the Dutch Ambassador in Belgrade for the failure to apprehend the Nazi war criminal, Erich Raja- kovic, who fled to his native Austria from Yugoslavia to avoid extradition to Holland, Rajakovic is wanted in the Netherlands for his role in the deportation of 100,000 Dutch Jews to Nazi con- centration camps. The Netherlands government ex- onerated the Yugoslav government of blame for Rajakovic's flight which the Yugoslav authorities at- tributed to carelessness on the part of their police. The government said in a statement to Parliament that the Yugoslavian authorities from the start had extended full co- operation to meet Holland's request BY POPULAR DEMAND ! Now Booking - - for temporary detention of Raja- kovic. As an Austrian national, Rajakovic is protected by law which forbids the extradition by Austria of its own nationals. He went to Yugoslavia on a brief vacation visit. 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